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Senseless Attraction

Page 7

by Lila Rose

  “Um.” I looked to Kane for any kind of help, but he didn’t say anything, and just sat there smiling smugly. So I asked., “What is this thing Saturday night?”

  “Just a dinner and dance thing my parents are hosting. It’s going to be really boring.”

  “But you’ll come, yeah?” Dommy asked.

  “Uh—I really…is it formal?” They both nodded. Great, I’d have to wear something ordinary. Was I actually thinking about going? “Yeah, I guess.” I sighed. “But what about Donna; won’t she be going?”

  “We’re on a break, remember?”

  “Right—so, you just need a fill in. I can do that. I think.” That meant it wasn’t a date. Kane just needed someone there to hang off his arm. That made me feel a little better. Besides, it wasn’t actually him who asked; I was doing this for Dommy. Right?

  “My, my, Skylar James, you actually look scared,” my Momma piped in from the doorway. “Don’t worry, Kane and Dommy, I will have her there on time and looking wonderful. And you can forget that God-awful makeup. Can’t have you scaring off the wealthy.”

  Kane and Dommy laughed. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

  What was I getting myself into?

  The rest of the week flew by; it always did when you really weren’t looking forward to something on the weekend. By Friday, I was ready to chew off my own arm, or knock myself out, just so I had an excuse not to attend Kane’s posh affair. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to injure myself, which was why I was standing in my room late Saturday afternoon, looking at myself in my mirror and not believing what I saw. Momma and Jessie stood beside me telling me how fantastic I looked. I laughed when Jessie added at the end, “Even if it isn’t Goth-looking.”

  Of course, I’d rang Jessie Monday night after Dommy and Kane had left. And that was after dinner, finishing our assignment, and watching one of Dommy’s movies that she had brought with her called Tangled. It was a take-off of Rapunzel. I found myself actually liking it; I loved the horse Maximus.

  Once I told Jessie where I was headed Saturday night, I had to hold the phone away as she squealed her lungs out. This ended up causing Jessie’s mom to yell at her to get off the phone. So Jessie ended the conversation with, “Oh, my God, tell me everything tomorrow, and I mean everything that was said. Oh, babe, your first date with a rich guy.” I told her it wasn’t a date and that I was a ‘fill in’, but she didn’t seem to hear that.

  Kane didn’t show up for school on Tuesday either. He was there for the rest of the week, only he didn’t ride the bus. I heard he caught a lift from a friend. Was that because he didn’t want to see Donna on the bus?

  Or me? Maybe.

  I was told by Jessie and Mitch that he didn’t sit next to her in the other classes they had together, and at lunch, I witnessed he spent most of the time talking to his football friends. This gave Donna time, without Kane noticing, to shoot me daggers. I kind of understood that she blamed me for their break; it was because of me that Kane got into the fight in the first place.

  Javis had been walking past him Wednesday morning when he overheard some of the other guys asking him what had happened to get bruised up like he had. Kane had laughed it off and told them he was saving a damsel in distress, which didn’t go down well for Donna, thus why the break in their relationship. I’d been thinking that Donna hadn’t told any of her friends who that said damsel was because none of them had given me crap. She was probably embarrassed about the fact that it was me—some lame Goth girl.

  I needed to have a word with Kane about the damsel stuff. I was not, and never would be, a damsel. He knew this, and I knew that he knew that I knew—if that made sense—why had he made the whole damn damsel story up in the first place? It was obvious he didn’t want anyone to know who he had saved. He’d receive too much hell from his mates because it had been me—the loser freak.

  Kane and I didn’t have the chance to talk during the rest of the week; of course neither of us would approach each other during school hours, and I knew he was busy afterwards with football and whatever other jock sport he played.

  Another reason why I was regretting accepting the invitation—not because he played sports after school, but because we hadn’t spoken—so I was unsure if he still wanted me to be there.

  This isn’t me, I thought as I looked at myself for the last time. My hair was all pinned up with a few strands floating down around my face. I had on a long elegant black, backless dress—thanking God for once that my boobs weren’t that big, so I didn’t have to wear any of that clear tape that held boobs up.

  My Momma actually went out and bought the dress for me. Yet another reason I couldn’t back out, because it must have cost a bit, and when I had told her I didn’t need it, she refused to take it back. Of course, then she bought me strappy black high heels to go with it. I told her it was too much just for one night, but she laughed and told me not to worry, that I’d be wearing it to my graduation party, my wedding, the birth of my first child and her funeral. I rolled my eyes, but gave her a big hug and kiss and thanked her. It was really pretty—something that I wouldn’t have ever bought—meaning it was perfect for tonight.

  Jessie bounced up and down beside the car. Momma was going to work late so she could drive me there…another thing to appreciate my Momma for. I found myself thinking that I didn’t tell her enough, or that I didn’t show her. I needed to change that.

  “Oh, oh please don’t forget to call me when you get home. Don’t worry about my mom. I’ll have the phone beside me so I’ll pick it up straight away and she won’t even hear it,” Jesse said.

  “But will you?” I knew Jessie could sleep through a chainsaw going off.

  “Of course. Just call me or I will hurt you.”

  “Now that you have threatened my daughter, we must be off, Jessie. Are you sure you don’t want a lift home?” Momma asked, leaning over me to do so.

  “Thanks, Mrs J, but I’ll be all right. Mitch should be here soon to pick me up.”

  “Now that is something you need to tell me about,” I hissed and pointed in her face.

  “There’s nothing much to tell; it’s not like we’re going out or anything. We’re takin’ it slow—”

  “What the hell for? It’s not like you don’t know each other already.”

  “Come on, girls. You’ve had all week to talk about this, but now we have to go or she’ll be late and then turn into a pumpkin if she leaves past midnight tonight,” Momma said.

  Jessie laughed. I smiled and went to wipe my sweaty, shaking hands on my dress. Until Momma smacked my hand and passed me a handtowel that she’d had hanging over her shoulder. I thought she’d just forgotten it was there, but she must have known I’d need it.

  “Have fun, Princess, and talk to ya later.” Jessie winked and then waved once we started to drive off.


  “Now don’t worry, Skylar. You walk in there with your head held high, like you belong. Remember, you are there for Kane and Dommy; they need and want you there and that’s all that matters. And please make sure you have fun. I’ll see you in the morning, sweetheart. Love you, baby.” She gave me a kiss on the cheek, leaned over me to open the door, and shoved me out. She didn’t want to drive me up to the house because of the way our car looked; it was only a little run-down with a bit of rust. But when I really looked at all the cars driving up the long driveway, I understood—most of them were limousines.

  Everything in me was saying to run, get back home, that I didn’t need to do this.

  Yeah, I felt really out of my comfort zone. Still, I took a deep breath, lifted my dress up a little, and started forward.

  Once at the door, a large body builder guy with a deep gravelly voice barked, “Name?”

  “Uh—Skylar James.”

  He looked down his list, and for a moment there, I thought Kane had forgotten to put my damn name down on a list I didn’t even know I needed to be on. I mean, come on, we weren’t going into an exclusive nightclub or anything.<
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  In the end, he gave me a small nod for me to enter. I gulped and walked through. The house looked exactly the same; the only difference was there were a lot of older people dressed in their best clothing, walking around with their noses up to the ceiling.

  Nearing the stairs, I heard my name being bellowed, “Sky!” In the next second, I was nearly knocked to the ground. I looked down to find Dommy hugging me close. She looked up and smiled. “You look really beautiful.”

  “Thanks, kiddo. You brush up well too.” And she did; she looked like a little princess would, in a long, pink, frilly dress, topped off with a tiara. “Where’s your pain-in-the-butt brother?” He was the one who got me into this mess; the least he could do was be here.

  “I heard that.” I turned to find Kane standing there smiling. He was dressed in a black tuxedo. As he took my outfit in from head to toe with an appreciative gleam in his eyes, I gazed over him.

  “Penguin suit? Wow.” He did actually look really double damn fine. Fine enough to get my heart rate up.

  He smirked. “Tell me about it; this is another reason why we both hate these types of gigs. Alas, we have to put up with it for our parents.”

  “And you dragged me into one.” I glared.

  “Thanks to Dommy.” He grinned, crossing his arms over his chest, looking very pleased with himself.

  What? No way could a five-year-old play me. I looked down to question said little demon-angel, but she was nowhere to be seen.

  “Do you mean to tell me that I’ve been played by a five-year-old to get me here?” I said through clenched teeth.

  “She is a great actress.” He took a step forward and placed his arms down to his sides. “Come on, Skylar, I knew you wouldn’t come if I had just asked. So I asked for Dommy’s help. She was more than willing; she loves having you around. And…I thought…look, I knew it wouldn’t be so boring if I had you here.”

  What the hell? Was he actually blushing? Yes, there it was. Damn, how could I stay mad at that?

  “Damn you and your evil sidekick.” I glared. But not being able to hide my twitching mouth.

  “Are you cranky now Sky?” Dommy asked from a few feet away. You would think that I wouldn’t be able to hear her from the house being so full with people, but those said people were in their own private hushed conversations. Even the soft classical music being played in the background didn’t stop the monster from being heard.

  “No.” I smiled. “But I think I’m going to have to keep a close eye on you from now on though.”

  “So you’re not mad?”

  “No, how could I stay mad at you? Now your brother is another matter,” I said, glancing at Kane, who gave me an innocent face.

  “Great, as long as you’re not mad at me.” Dommy grinned.

  “Thanks, squirt.” Kane chuckled. “Now, let’s go dance.”

  “What? Wait, no one said anything about dancing.” New nerves kicked in.

  “Don’t worry, Sky. I’ll help you,” Dommy said, taking my hand in hers and leading me into a room opposite their library, which turned out to be a large hall. At least a room like that came in handy for those types of events. Though, I could never see myself wanting a house with a room like that in it. I just knew that when it wasn’t being used, it would feel—well, empty and cold.

  Still, it took my breath away. People danced on the dance floor; there were tables to the far right side full of food, and to the other end was the band playing their music. I stifled my laugh because they looked really bored with the music they were playing. Straight across were tables and chairs for people to sit at when eating.

  It only took me a couple of seconds to take all that in. The next hour or so I spent dancing with Kane and Dommy.

  If only my Momma could’ve seen me. She wouldn’t believe it, and even though I was the one dancing around holding onto a hand of Kane’s and a small hand of Dommy’s, I couldn’t comprehend how much fun I was having. Dommy loved to dance, and even though it was light classical music being played, she threw in some rock, ballet, and hip-hop dance moves. I had never laughed so much.

  Of course, we received a few odd looks from people, but if Kane didn’t care, then I didn’t let it get to me. I already thought my heart was beating enough from all the dancing, but when Dommy said that she was going to get a drink and Kane took me into his arms for a slow dance, I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

  He pulled me close, one hand still in mine and the other went to my waist. Just that one touch of his fingers on my bare back sent shivers throughout my body. I clamped my mouth closed to hold in my moan.

  “Are you cold?” Kane whispered. He was so close to my ear that I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

  Being so close only means he won’t have to speak so loud.

  I gulped, which I think he heard because the next second, he chuckled.

  “No—I, um, I’m fine,” I stuttered like a fool.

  “You, um, look really beautiful tonight,” Kane uttered into my ear. I wanted to move back to look into his eyes, but I was afraid of what I would find in them. Instead, I nodded into his shoulder.

  He moved me around the dance floor like a pro. This guy had to have had dance lessons, or he was just one of those people who had natural rhythm. Unlike myself, who was lucky that Kane was great at leading.

  I was enjoying his touch too much; I needed some air and soon. Thankfully, Dommy gave me the chance to make a break.

  “I think someone is ready for bed,” I said to Kane, gesturing with my head to look to the left where Dommy sat on a chair, which she was nearly falling off with her eyes half-closed.

  Kane laughed. “I think you may be right. I’ll go and get Rosita; she’s always in the kitchen on these kind of nights.”

  He went to walk off, but I grabbed his sleeve quickly. “No, do you mind if I do it?”

  “Really?” He seemed surprised.

  “Yeah.” I nodded. He took hold of my hand and led me over to Dommy. She didn’t even take any notice of us standing in front of her.

  I went to pick her up until I felt movement to the side of me. I stood up straight and turned around. Standing there were the older versions of Kane and Dommy.

  “Kane, who do we have here?” Mrs Stanley asked.

  “This is a friend of mine from school, Skylar James.”

  “Oh, you’re the one who is doing the history paper with our son.” Mr Stanley smiled.

  “Yes, sir. It’s so nice to meet you both, and thank you for having me in your beautiful home.” Momma did actually teach me manners.

  “Thank you, dear,” Mrs. Stanley said, looking anywhere but at me. “Kane, where is your girlfriend, Donna tonight?”

  Now that was a slap in the face if I ever heard one before. I could feel Kane stiffen beside me.

  “Mommy, I want to go to bed.” Saved once again by Dommy.

  “All right, sweetheart, I’ll call Rosita.”

  “It’s fine, Mom. I was going to take her.”

  Mrs Stanley rolled her eyes and sighed. “Fine, if that is what you want to do. But when you come back down, Kane, I wish for you to mingle.”

  Oh, oh, who was the boss in the house? Why, it was Evil Mom.

  It was pretty obvious that I would not be welcomed back again.

  “Sure, Mom.” Kane frowned. He scooped up Dommy in his arms, and she held on around his neck as he strode off. I quickly followed behind.

  “Sorry about that,” Kane uttered once we got Dommy changed and into bed. I pulled the blankets up over her as she snuggled down tighter.

  “Don’t worry about it,” I whispered. I bent over and gave Dommy a quick kiss on the cheek; she stirred and looked up with tired eyes, saying, “Sky, I had so much fun tonight; thank you for coming. Pleeeease say you’ll be back.”

  I smiled down at her. “Of course, hon, nothing can keep me away from another Ruby Gloom fan. Now, go to sleep.”

  “Night, Kane.”

  “Night, squirt.” />
  We left the room, and Kane silently closed the door behind us while I leaned against the wall. Kane took my hand and led me back down the stairs. I was reluctant to go back into the hall. I grinned when he headed towards the library. He opened the door, and closed it once we were inside; the thick door blocked out most of the sound. I was starting to feel tired myself; dancing sure did take a lot out of you.

  Would Kane be able to hear my heart beating wildly from where he stood near the door? I kept walking over to the window to look out at the night’s sky. The stars were shining brightly; it didn’t seem windy out there, and I hoped it would stay like that because I didn’t bring a jacket to wear home. Momma had given me some money for a taxi home that I stuffed in my sweaty shoe.

  Um, gross. Sorry, taxi driver, whoever you would be.

  I turned to see what Kane was doing, and jumped when I found him right behind me. Kane stepped closer as a small smile played at the corner of his lips. We both stared at each other. Then he reached out with one hand to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. His touch was warm and inviting, causing me to close my eyes and enjoy the feel of it.

  “This is the only reason I had second thoughts of asking you here,” he whispered.

  I opened my eyes, looking at him sceptically. He laughed, but then stopped when he ran his hand from my face down to cup the back of my neck. He continued, “Whenever I’m around you, Skylar James, I can’t think straight and I always want to touch you.”

  Again, I gulped, and then cleared my throat to say, “Well, I think it could be a bad idea bringing me into a room alone.”

  He chuckled, and then sobered to ask, “Do you want me to step back?”


  A knock at the door saved me from answering. Kane walked over to answer it, and I decided to follow him. I think it would have been a great idea if we left the room, because if we stayed there alone and he asked me that question again, I wouldn’t be able to say yes.

  Kane opened the door and Rosita quickly squeezed her way in, pushing Kane back in the process. She didn’t seem surprised to see me in here with him; she gave me a wave and a smiled, then said to Kane with a disappointed look, “Miss Donna is here looking for you.”


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