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Royal Romance_An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

Page 2

by Flora Ferrari

  Sure, imagining what it feels like to be inside her would be the ultimate…but I’m not going to do it. I want the real thing or nothing, and I know I’m not going to wind up with nothing.

  I just need to come up with a plan, but I can’t keep repeating that over and over in my head. I need to do it.

  It’s just so hard when every moment I’m obsessed with her and thoughts of her. It’s kind of ironic that she pervades my thoughts so much that I can’t concentrate on how I’m actually going to turn my thoughts into a reality.

  I shake my head and try and bring my thoughts back into the room.

  It’s hard to think when your balls ache and your mind is so focused on one thing.

  I get up out of the bed and walk into the shower.

  I turn the knob all the way over to the cold setting and let the water flow down over me.

  I close my eyes and count down from sixty.


  Still hard as a rock.

  I repeat the same countdown exercise and get the exact same results.

  I turn off the water and pick up a phone in the bathroom that rings to our butlers.

  “Could I please get a small bucket of ice up to my room, Matthew?”

  “Certainly, sir.”

  By the time I’m toweled off and out there’s already a bucket sitting outside my door.

  I do my best to pull it into the room in privacy, not that I should worry anyways. I have this wing of the palace all to myself.

  I do a half walk half waddle back into the bathroom with the bucket of ice and step back into the shower, but I don’t turn the water on.

  I scoop up a handful of ice and bring it underneath my cock. I pause remembering to wet it quickly and then return it to the same position.

  I take in a deep breath and raise it up to the bottom of my shaft.


  My lust for this girl is insatiable. What am I going to do with myself?

  And then a few seconds later human biology takes over and my erection starts to subside…some.

  I should be freezing to death, but my blood is running warm because of the thoughts I’m continuously having for her.

  No way I’m falling asleep anytime soon. Neither my mind, nor my body, is going to allow it.



  I put a stack of books on my bed, close to the headboard and lay my iPad against them.

  I get on the bed and get situated, bringing the iPad and the stack of books just to the side of my body where my elbow rests.

  I tap on the browser and do a Google images search for Prince Alistair.

  They’re all so sexy how can I choose?

  I settle on the third one. It’s an easy choice and a hard one all at the same time.

  It’s from a few years ago when he visited an orphanage in what looks to be Africa. I like that the photo seems to be snapped by a local and not some cameraman down there on a PR op.

  Local with a mobile phone or not, the picture’s hot. Maybe even hotter because it seems so real.

  Prince Alistair has been sweating, as has everyone in the photo. It looks like it’s well north of forty degrees Celsius down there…well over one hundred degrees in Fahrenheit.

  He’s wearing a white linen button down.

  “White. Of course,” I say quietly. “As royalty does.”

  But the linen is thin and it’s become too hot. The shirt is hugging that body of his and it’s practically transparent.

  His chest is absolutely ripped. He looks so much bigger than everyone else, and so much meatier too. He must be about 6’6” and 220 pounds of pure muscle.

  He could do things to me I probably couldn’t even dream of. Not that I haven’t tried.

  My mind immediately flips to why I set up this little “research lab” in my bed and Googled him in the first place.

  I need to get off. I need to imagine what he feels like when he takes me for the first time.

  I slide my right hand around the waist of my pants and down the front. My first two fingers immediately find my spot and I move them in rhythm as I anticipate sliding them deep inside trying to image it’s his cock.

  Then suddenly I stop.

  This isn’t right.

  My fingers could never compare to his size. He’s huge, and I’m nowhere near as big as him. He’s got a foot in height on me easily.

  But more importantly this isn’t the way to go about this. As much as I want this fantasy and this feeling I don’t want to become the girl who just comes home every night after working at the palace and pleasures myself to thoughts of him. That would make me the female equivalent of the guy who lives in his parent’s basement and masturbates to who knows what on the Internet.

  I laugh. Okay, maybe not that bad, but the point is still the same.

  I want the real thing. Him and only him.

  But how is that ever going to happen if he doesn’t even know I exist?

  I’m practically right under his nose but to him I might as well be halfway around the world. He wouldn’t know the difference.



  My torso springs forward from my sleep. I’m in a cold sweat and I collect my thoughts quickly.

  I’m not dreaming. This could work.

  I remember seeing her leave one day. She had two stickers on the back of her car. One was her university sticker and the other was one of those white ovals with the abbreviation for the area she lives in. I know that area. It’s where that same university is.

  And more importantly there’s a big dog park there. I remember reading about it when they opened it a few years back.

  If she loves animals, and specifically dogs, as much as i think she does and she lives in that part of town then it’s almost a given that she’s got a dog or two of her own and she takes them to that park.

  She probably gets stuck in traffic on the way home to that part of town. Plus that area isn’t the best to be in late at night, but in the mornings it’s fine.

  I reach for the table lamp and flick it on before looking up at the clock on the wall. Four thirty a.m. That park opens at five. I bet the people who have a big commute get there right when it opens. Surely at least a few do, and I bet she’s one of them.

  I jump up out of bed and shower as quickly as I can.

  I’m dressed and down the stairs and it’s barely four forty.

  “Douglas, can I borrow your car?” I ask our night shift butler.

  “Certainly, sir.”

  “You can say no if you want. I don’t want it to seem like I’m pressuring you.”

  “Not at all sir. I’m here until change over at ten. As long as it’s back before then everything will be splendid.”

  “Deal,” I say.

  I’ve practically got the keys out of his hand before he’s got them out of his pocket.

  “I’ll fill up the tank,” I yell over my shoulder as I hurry through the front door and out into the early morning.

  This is it!

  The perfect plan.

  I fire up Douglas’ car and do as best I can to let it warm up a little, but I’m in a hurry.

  No one’s going to expect me leaving the palace at this hour in a regular car. As I approach the front gate I can see the guards move toward the car smiling. Suddenly they snap to attention when they see me. I really wish they wouldn’t do that. I want them to treat me like everybody else. Just for once in my life. Especially now, because I need to blend in now more than ever.

  “Oh yeah,” I say to myself. I reach into my back pocket and pull out a driver’s cap. I situate it on my head and then pull it forward, just as the gate opens.

  I pull out of the gate and look in the rear view. The paparazzi barely register my existence.


  But that’s the irony. It’s barely worth existing like this if I don’t have the right woman to share it with. And the right woman can only be one.


ER 6


  I cross my arms and jog inside the dog park. I’m doing everything I can to stay warm, but it’s just not working. It’s too early for this, but I wouldn’t deny my babies this time for anything.

  Every morning we’re here right when they open up. Sometimes we get the entire place to ourselves for a good twenty minutes. Not today though. There are a few other people with their dogs and they look almost as tired as I do.

  But dogs never seem to be tired, especially when they have other dogs around.

  And that’s my dilemma. I wish I had a man here with me to enjoy mornings like this with. But not just any man. The man.


  We could run around in the park just like our dogs. If we got cold we could hug and share the heat from each other’s bodies.

  Or even better we could share that heat on cold mornings like today inside in my bed.

  The dogs would wake us each morning with playful licks on our cheeks. We’d take them outside in our pajamas and just enjoy the quiet of the morning before the world woke up.

  Just the two of us.

  Wouldn’t that be nice?

  But I guess the only way for that to happen would be if I lived in the palace with Prince Alistair. I giggle so quickly I inhale a little too much air resulting in a snort.

  Peaches turns around and looks back at me as if to ask, “What in the world was that?”

  But before I can give her the palms to the sky and scrunched shoulders showing her I don’t know, she’s running off chasing after Cream.

  I don’t know what got into me the day I picked them up. I guess it’s obvious now that I was hungry and even had my shopping list for the supermarket in my pocket. Peaches and Cream. I can’t deny it though…I do like how they go together.

  I wish I was one half of the perfect pairing myself.

  Oh well. If that day never comes I’ve always got my four legged friends who shower me with affection and provide me great companionship and lots of laughs.

  I just hope I don’t become some bitter old lady one day who decides to replace real human interaction with pet interaction. No matter how much I love spending time with animals I have to remind myself I need people in my life too. And the heroes in my books don’t count.

  I extend my neck a bit and squint as I strain to look all the way down to the other end of the dog park.

  “What in the?”

  Has someone jumped the fence and….

  “No! Stop! Put her down!”

  I take off in a sprint after the man in a black hoodie and sweats. He’s scooped up Peaches and he’s running with her towards the edge of the fence.

  It’s only about four feet high.

  “Stop! Help!” I look and see another figure on the other side of the fence waiting on the handoff.

  “No! No!”

  I’m running as fast as I can but I can’t cover the distance that quickly. They’re going to kidnap my Peaches and no one’s lifting a finger to help me.

  I feel the tears streaming down my cheeks as I sprint across the cold hard morning ground ignoring the stiffness in my knees and ankles from exerting myself so aggressively at such an early hour. With each step I drive hard off the ground like a sprinter shooting out of the blocks. I pump my arms and lean forward trying to generate maximum speed.

  I’m not going to make it!

  Suddenly I feel a gust of wind next to me and another body blasts past me. I feel the gust shake me a bit, but I continue.

  Are there three of them? I don’t stand a chance, but I don’t care. I’m going to fight for her.

  If they want to take one of mine I’m going to take one of theirs.

  I’ll bite their head off.

  The first man hands Peaches over the fence to the second man.

  The third man is huge, running faster than I’ve ever seen anyone run.

  He runs right past the first man scaling the fence like it’s nothing more than a high hurdle.

  But wait! He’s…



  I’ve got the pedal to the medal, but Douglas’ car isn’t exactly built for speed.

  I lost a full ten minutes circling back to grab Daisy from the kennel.

  What was I thinking? Going to the dog park without a dog? How weird am I trying to look? Talk about a bad first impression.

  The best part is I remember that Daisy’s in heat. She’s been making it pretty obvious recently so I’m going to use it to my advantage. If Faith is there, and I think she will be, then Daisy should pull her dogs right over. Then I’ll have a chance to meet Faith one-on-one. To see her from closer than just off in the distance.

  Instead of just observing her through the window, I can watch her eyes as she sees me. If she knows who I am, or how I look in real life, I want her to see I’m not what the media makes me out to be.

  I’m just a product of my circumstances, but it doesn’t have to be that way all the time. I want to be able to get away from it all, just like I am now and show her I’m just a normal guy when it comes down to it.

  I have the same desires and thoughts as most guys…except there’s on big difference. Mine are always about her.

  Since the day she started I can’t stop thinking about her and less than an hour ago the plan came to me in my sleep. My subconscious figured it out and now I just need to figure out how she’s going to react. I want to be prepared for anything so I can overcome any doubts she might have about me being genuine.

  I need to make a good impression. I have to make a good impression.

  I pull up next to the fence and throw the car in park.

  There she is. I spot her instantly.

  That perfect body of hers. That curvy bubble butt that I’ve had so many thoughts about already.

  I turn and look in the back seat.


  I lean back and see she’s on the floorboard, just chillin.

  “What are you doing back there girl?”

  I turn back to see what Faith is doing. I don’t want to lose sight of her. It looks like some fog might roll in any second now.

  Wait a second. What in the…?

  Faith is running as hard as she can.

  What’s going on?

  I spring from the car and throw my body over the fence.

  I don’t know what’s happening, but something’s wrong. Faith is in some sort of trouble and I’m going to make whoever’s causing this problem for her pay.

  I sprint as fast as I can closing the distance between me and her. Then I look past her.

  Someone’s stealing a dog?

  Her dog!

  I dig down deep and move my legs even faster. Faster than I ever have before.

  I zoom right past her making a beeline right for the fence.

  They’re handing the dog over the fence!

  I don’t even think. Fight or flight just takes over and I’m definitely in fight mode.

  As I approach the fence I keep my speed and jump, hurdling the fence just barely and coming down on the other side.

  I tackle the jerk and as he goes to break his fall he lets go of Faith’s dog.

  The dog rights itself in the air and lands safely. Quickly running back towards the fence to be closer to Faith.

  And I roll this guy over and get on top of him preparing to show him just what happens when you mess with animals in my family’s kingdom!



  The man who ran past me jumps over the fence and chases after the other man.

  I carefully get over the fence and reunite with Peaches. I hug her.

  “I’m so thankful I didn’t lose you girl.”

  I look at the man a few feet from me. He’s out cold. The hero raised his fist to hit him, but then he puts him in a wrestling hold until he passed out.


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