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Royal Romance_An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

Page 6

by Flora Ferrari

  Leave now.

  My mom’s not here to talk any sense into my dad, and even if she was I don’t know if I have the time or worry to care about it.

  I’ve got the woman I’ve always dreamed of and I’m going to live my own life now. Nothing anyone says or does can stop me.

  I walk into the room feeling better already.

  Is she under the covers?

  I get closer to the bed and realize she’s not there.

  “Faith. Are you in the bathroom?”

  The door is open so I step inside.

  Not there either.

  I quickly look around the room to make sure she’s not hiding or something. Maybe she wants to jump out and scare me as a joke.

  She’s definitely not here.

  That’s weird.

  I walk down to the kitchen and ask around. Nobody’s seen her.

  This doesn’t make any sense.

  I run outside, not even bothering to put a jacket on. I head straight to the kennels and Peaches and Cream are gone!

  Now this is full blown emergency mode.

  I run up to the gate.

  “Have you seen Faith?”

  “She wasn’t feeling well.”

  “What? Where did she go?”

  “I’m not sure. Some gentleman picked her up.”

  “A man picked her up?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “How old. What did he look like?”

  “He didn’t get out of the car so I didn’t get a good look at him. Maybe…twenty-five?”

  “Did he look like he could be a family member? A cousin maybe?”

  “Unlikely they were blood related. He seemed to be a completely different nationality than Miss Faith.”

  “Do you have a picture of them on the security tapes?”

  “We do.”

  “I need to see them.”

  I know she wouldn’t just leave like that with a stranger, but I’m going to at least run the plate and see who took her from me.

  This doesn’t make any sense.

  If my dad’s behind this I will never forgive him for as long as I live.



  Three days later

  It’s been three days since I left the palace in a tizzy. Three days that feel like a lifetime.

  I saw a help wanted sign at the grocery store today when I went to pick up some vegetables. I’ll have to head back tomorrow and apply for work.

  At some point I need to figure out how to return this ring. I’m still wearing it for now. I tell myself because the safest place to have it is on my person, but I know it’s because I just can’t let him go.

  Why did his dad have to be that way? Why did I have to hear it?

  I guess it’s better now than later.

  Time to move on. I just wonder if FedEx offers a insurance on a few million dollars. It’s going to take a lot of scanning groceries to pay for that shipping bill.

  I pour some dog food in the bowls for Peaches and Cream and sit down to go over the help wanted ads online. This apartment was as cheap as I could find out here in the sticks. It’s not like I had too many options.

  After arriving at the train station I immediately took the Uber right to my old apartment. It was furnished and I don’t have much. I just put what I needed into duffle bags and suitcases and packed them into the same Uber and we headed right back to the train station. I took the first train that went out of town…far out of town. On the drive I called my landlord and let them know I was moving out. I’m sure my address is on my employment record with the palace. I don’t want to bother Alistair anymore. I need to go somewhere where he can’t find me.

  From there I negotiated with an elderly lady at the station for a flat she was advertising by holding up a cardboard sign with magic marker on it.

  I’m not complaining. It works and she even waived the fee for my dogs. No complaints there.

  I check over a few listings, but they don’t look too promising. I need to get something here and now before I start moving around to a bigger city. I at least need to save up for a month or two so I have some money for the next place. Fortunately here I can pay daily since the owner lives in the same building.

  Talk about falling on hard times.

  There’s a knock on the door.

  Who could that be?

  I stand and go to answer it, but someone’s got their finger over the peephole.


  I open the door slightly and see a familiar face.

  “Mrs. Bortles. Good morning.”

  “Will you be staying another day?”

  “I will. Let me get you the money.”

  I run to get my purse and then run back to the door.

  “Here it is,” I say handing the money through the crack that the sliding chain lock allows.

  “Thanks, but you can keep it.”

  My head shoots up instantly and there he is.


  “What are you doing here?” I ask. “How did you find me?”

  “If you open the door and let me in I’ll tell you.”



  It took some persuading but she finally opened the door.

  Once we got inside her dogs came right up to me and licked me on the hands. She tried not to but she couldn’t. She hugged me tight and I hugged her back just as tight. I came here to make sure she was always safe and in my arms forever and I wasn’t about to leave here without her.

  “Why did you run out like that?”

  “I heard your father.”

  “I thought about it these last few days. That’s what I thought might have happened.”

  “I’m not right for you, Alistair.”

  “You’re right. You’re not right for me. You’re perfect for me.”

  “Stop it! It’s not fair.”

  “What’s not fair. That we were not only made for each other, but we basically are each other. We’re two halves that make a whole. What I told you that night was real. You’re mine now. I’m never letting you go.”

  “But it can’t work out between us. I heard what your dad said.”

  “Who cares what my dad says. I’m my own man. I do what I want. Family heritage or not.”

  “It doesn’t work like that!”

  “It does. Life is short. I have to go for exactly what I want. And what I want is you.”

  “No. You can’t have me. I mean we can’t have each other. I won’t be the one who comes between you and your family, let alone the the entire country.”

  “You said you heard my father, right?”

  “Of course. It’s why I got out of there as quickly as I could. What he said makes sense.”

  “But you didn’t hear what he said after my mother and I sat down and talked some sense into him.”

  “What sense is there to talk him into? He’s right. He’s put everything into being the figurehead for the country. One day your older brother will take his place and you’ll be a permanent fixture there as well.”

  “Did you notice there weren’t any camera crews out there that day when you left?”

  “Come to think of it. You’re right. But what does that have to do with anything?”

  “The media doesn’t care about me. They care about the throne. The royalty game. That means nothing to me. They were out that morning chasing after my brother. See how easily we could live if we just got out of here?”

  “But I don’t want to be on the run. I love my country. I mean your country,” she says before she starts to laugh.

  “We don’t have to go anywhere. I’m just saying it’s not as complicated as it sounds. And the most important thing, to get back on track, is that you heard what my dad said but you didn’t hear what my family said as a whole.”

  “I can’t imagine they’d say anything that could change my mind, no matter how much I want to.”

  “Faith, my dad is old. It’s a different time and place than what he’s u
sed to. It’s a different time and place than what I’m used it! Your generation grew up on computers and gadgets and all that good stuff. I remember when someone gave you a stick and said ‘go play.’ To me those were the days. To you that would be incomprehensible. Well, then again you’re a bit of an old soul which is why we work so well together.”

  “We don’t even know each other yet.”

  “But we will. And you’ll get to know my family and that includes my father.”

  “Your father. I think I know all about him that I need to know.”

  “He may be old, but he is reasonable. We explained to him that things change. Okay, my mother has more of his ear than I do, but she was with me on this one 100%. It’s a new world we live in. Once where we embrace everything that comes out of love and respect and people being free to choose what they want, not what others want from them.”

  “Comes out of love?”

  “That’s what I said.”

  A moment passes between us and it seems like time stands still. I stare into her eyes and realize I never told her the most important thing.

  “Faith. We got in a hurry a few days ago. A hurry to get where we knew we were going. I don’t regret a second of it and I still look forward to making you my wife.”


  “Hear me out. Please. In my hurry there was one thing that I didn’t tell you. I don’t know how I forgot, but I was just so truly lost in the moment and in finally being with you that somehow… well…I make no excuses. But now I’m here to tell you one thing that will stand the test of time forever. Faith…I love you more than anything in this world.”

  She says nothing and a tear falls from her cheek.

  “You mean it?”


  Suddenly she both starts sobbing and throws herself into my arms. I catch her again, but this time I know for sure she’s never, ever getting away, because I’ll never ever let her go.

  She’s mine and I am hers. Forever.



  Three years later

  “Look, honey! She’s walking!”

  “I see. She’s coming right toward me. Come here…woah!”

  I dive forward and catch our youngest, Emma.

  “Got ya!”

  She giggles as I tickle her all over.

  “Let me go check on Edward. I’ll be right back,” my wife says.

  Nothing feels better than to call her my wife. It sounds almost as perfect as when Edward calls us mom and dad, and when Emma says momma and poppa. But it’s not a competition. All those words are the best words in the entire English language.

  And our kids are going to be able to have a normal childhood, when it comes to education.

  We’ve decided to spend part of the year back in our home country and part of the year on the road. As a married couple and homebodies and hikers and campers we’re way too boring for the media. Thank god!

  Instead they’re more interested in celebrities and my poor brother and his family. I guess the good part is that it allows us to fly under the radar.

  Sure there was a lot of hoopla surrounding the wedding, but we somehow managed to trick most of the press with the wrong date and location. By the time they figured it out we had already married.

  Those white vans we rented and then stuck “Tom’s Landscaping” signs on worked perfectly for sneaking our guests inside. We sure pulled one over on everybody.

  And we certainly enjoyed playing pranks, and not just on the news crews.

  Our entire family was a bunch of jokers. Edward was already doing funny impressions of my dad, which made him laugh non-stop.

  And dad and Faith had become best of friends. My dad was always over spending time with his grandkids. Once he saw how genuine and authentic Faith was I think he fell in love with her almost as much as I did.

  I say almost because no one could lover her as much as me.

  I may have been born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but nothing was better nor more important to me than time spent doing things like spoon feeding my kids baby food.

  I may have been born rich, but I knew you could have all the money in the world but if you didn’t have anyone to spoil with it and enjoy it with it wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on.

  I may have had a lot of things in life, but nothing was more important than my family.

  Fortunately the money we had meant we didn’t have to work, but we were far from lazy. We spent all our time together exploring new places, foods, and enjoying adventures…whether they were trips abroad or trips to the supermarket.

  I always knew I’d love the simple life and I do. But the real reason I love it is because of her.

  Because of us.

  “Edward’s still taking a nap,” Faith says. “Maybe we should put Emma down for awhile to.”

  “She’ll probably fall asleep really fast. I think we wore her out.”

  “But she didn’t wear us out, did she?” Faith blinks.

  “She didn’t at all, but I definitely think we should take a nap of our own.”

  “An…adult nap?”

  “You read my mind.”

  “Last time we took an adult nap we wound up with a second child.”

  “You’re onto my plan,” I say.

  “More kids?”

  “With you there’s never enough.”

  “At some point you’re not going to want to sleep with me. After five or ten kids at least.”

  “Are you kidding me? Being my wife and the mother of my children only makes me want you more.”

  “Is that even possible?” she says, pointing down at my already growing erection.

  “I tell no lies, nor does my little guy.”

  “Believe me, he’s not little.”

  “Not for you, he’s not. He’s always happy to see you, isn’t he?”

  I flex my pubic bone and my dick moves up and down as if it’s nodding.

  “Oh my god, Alistair. I’m not sure if I should laugh or be turned on by that.”

  “Once we get into the bedroom you’ll know exactly how to respond.”

  “Thanks to you it always comes naturally. My animal instincts that is,” she says.

  “And my instincts for you are about to bring out the wolf in me. Hurry up,” I say, as I slap her on the ass as she carries Emma off to her crib.

  I watch her walk away. Damn, she’s still got it and she always will. Just watching her walk gets my testosterone pumping.

  I lay down on the floor and put my hands behind my head as I stare at the ceiling.

  “How did I get so lucky,” I say.

  Suddenly all five of our dogs are licking my face.

  “I’m being attacked,” I say, as I roll over.

  “Shhh, you’re going to wake the baby.”

  “She’s out already? You’re back already?”

  “She was already asleep before we got to her room. And I saw the way you were looking at me. I’ve got needs of my own you know.”

  She winks.

  “Well I’m here to fill those needs, just like you fill each and every one of mine.”

  “Shall we,” she says, offering her hand for me to hold.

  “Ohhh!” she says when I scoop her up instead and carry her off to the bedroom.

  “Forever my hero I see.”

  “Forever and always.” Just like my love for her and our ever-growing family.

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