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Dark Demands 4 - Bound to Him (Dark Demands Series)

Page 6

by Nell Henderson

  Gina felt a bit like a fly caught in a web. This was going to be good and bad but mostly it would be very, very difficult – difficult but exciting. But should she be doing this at all – what about James? He wouldn’t sleep all the time and he could be very demanding – how would Matthew react to that?

  Matthew met her at the large, imposing front doors and welcomed her with a chaste kiss on the cheek then he lifted James out of his seat and carried him inside. He looked wonderful. Being at home he wasn’t dressed in one of his usual dark, work suits instead he was wearing tight fitting jeans and a snug white tee. His hair too looked different. It had grown some since she’d seen him last and it suited him – jet black and slightly messy looking.

  “There’s someone I want you to meet,” he told her leading the way down the hallway and into a sitting room.

  The room was full of new baby equipment – there was a cot and a pram plus a whole host of toys.

  “This is Mrs Dean, Mary Dean” he said introducing a middle aged smiling woman who immediately took James from him.

  “Hello Gina,” she smiled. “I know we haven’t met before but I do know Matthew. I used to run the nursery his sister, Katarina worked in,” she explained. “Since I left there and moved back to London I’ve worked for these people,” she said handing Gina a business card.

  Gina took it and printed on it saw the name of one of the most prestigious Nanny Agencies in the city.

  “So you see I have a wealth of experience and I’m sure James and I will soon be friends.”

  Gina looked at Matthew – she felt uncomfortable with this – she really didn’t want to relinquish James to a complete stranger no matter how well qualified.

  “I anticipated your reluctance,” he told her softly and called out to someone in the adjoining room.

  “Luisa,” Gina gasped seeing Matthew’s step mother and went to hug the woman. “It’s lovely to see you,” she laughed and felt the older woman running affectionate fingers over her cheek.

  “A quick visit – that’s all - to see Matthew’s new house and it’s such a wonderful surprise to meet your son,” she enthused looking wide eyed at James who was sat in a chair playing with his fluffy bear. “Do you mind if Mary and I look after him for a little while,” she asked in her rich Italian accent. “It’ll be such a treat for me and we’d both love to get to know him better and we’ll take great care of him - love him as if he was our own – you know that,” she added smiling at Mrs Dean.

  Gina knew Luisa would be fine with James and nodded her agreement.

  He’d planned this – he knew you wouldn’t want to leave James with a stranger. So now he has you to himself and you know what he’ll do to you, a little voice warned.

  “Good – we’ll leave you ladies too it – come on Gina we’ve got stuff to sort out,” he said taking her hand and leading her away.

  “He’ll be fine,” he reassured as he led the way up the grand staircase. “I wouldn’t leave him with just anyone either – so you can relax,” he advised.

  What did he mean – he wouldn’t leave him with just anyone either - why would he care? Why had he gone to all this trouble – Luisa being here and all.

  “I’ll show you around later,” he smiled watching her big, curious eyes scan every room as they passed by. “But for now we need to talk and I want you in my bed,” he said tugging her towards the staircase.

  What does he want to talk about? But he still wants you – wants your body. Could it be that he wanted her back in his life like before?

  Gina knew how difficult that would be. She couldn’t be the sort of woman Matthew needed anymore – she had James now and she’d changed.

  “Gosh this place is huge,” she exclaimed as they walked up the stairs and along the large open landing. And what a master bedroom – it was spectacular with large glass doors that opened out onto a railed terrace complete with patio furniture. Of course there was the king sized bed with black silk bedding and the walls seemed to be covered in floor to ceiling mirrored robes. She peeped into two other adjoining rooms – one a beautiful bathroom and the other a large fitted dressing room. She smiled at her reflection in a full length mirror and twirled around thinking to herself that this really was some place Matthew had bought. But what she couldn’t figure was why. What use was a place like this to him – a man who travelled such a lot and mostly lived alone?

  “A spanking stool,” he informed her matter of factly as she made to return to the main bedroom and ran a hand over the low slung, smooth curved leather seat of something she didn’t understand. She looked again and saw the metal rings down the legs for restraining wayward arms and legs and shivered. But was it fear or excitement that snaked a fiery trail down her spine?

  “Nice isn’t it,” his deep Scottish voice intoned as he reached for his crop. “But do we use it or not? Perhaps we should be a little less adventurous now? What do you think” he asked with that dark, emotionless look on his face?”

  Gina shrugged – a spanking stool the idea of Matthew binding her to it while he did that thing with his crop suddenly made her flush. But what was it he’d just said – less adventurous?

  “Well, he asked again. “Don’t you agree,” he slapped the crop hard against the stool watching her wince at the noise it made. “Don’t you think the time has come for me to stop punishing you with these things just to slake some dark, sexual thirst of mine?”

  “I don’t know,” Gina whispered confused. She’d no idea what was going on – she’d never seen him like this before.

  “But you’d miss it – wouldn’t you,” he said accusingly.

  Then he picked up the stool and flung it across the room making Gina jump with fright as it bounced off the corner of the bed. “And I blame myself - it’s my fault you’re like this. I’ve awakened a monster in you – a monster with appetites that I encouraged, appetites I forced on you – and I’m sorry,” he admitted watching as puzzlement washed over her face.

  “No you didn’t,” she admitted guiltily. “Those appetites as you call them must have been there – somewhere inside me all the time. But I really don’t need you to do those things to me, Matthew,” Gina almost whispered. “Particularly when you very nearly go too far – when you almost cross the line,” she brushed a hand over her cheek – she was blushing again. She felt so foolish – like a young inexperienced girl but at least she’d told him and he appeared to have listened to.

  “Come here,” he ordered flinging the crop after the stool his deep voice sending a shiver of need down her spine.

  She hesitated. “But I don’t understand – you aren’t yourself - what’s happened to you,” she asked with concern.

  “You happened, Gina,” he told her simply.

  “Yes but that was ages ago now so why suddenly are you so – so different?” Gina went to his side and threw her arms around his neck holding his broad frame close. “Where is all this coming from? Why do you want to change things between us?” She suddenly dropped her eyes from his – God this was awful – he wanted things to change because he’d gone off her was the thought running through her head.

  He stroked her hair gently and kissed her cheek. “I’ve treated you very badly,” his voice reassured. “Since I found you again I’ve been a beast and you’ve not complained you’ve just put up with all my rawness – my pain,” he admitted. “I was hurting – I just couldn’t get over the fact that you left me for Hastings – that you slept with him – even contemplated marriage for God’s sake - and I wanted to punish you for that. Punish you so hard and make you sorry.”

  “All that with Kyle was a mistake, Matthew,” she explained. “I was confused - I imagined that getting involved with Kyle was the right thing to do – stupid idea. It never would have worked.”

  “The right thing to do,” he repeated. “So it wasn’t about love or anything serious like that,” he asked with amusement.

  “There’s something I should tell you, Matthew.” She responded serious
ly gnawing on her lip – this could spoil everything but she he had to know.

  “You see Gina every woman I’ve met has always wanted something from me. Money, prestige – with Lisa it was all about the information she could get about my organisation for her brother.” He paused and smiled down at her. “And with you, my sweet – it was that damned job – and, of course, retribution. So to begin with I treated you the same way that I treat all women – as objects to be controlled - used for my own pleasure. So, as you no doubt remember, I took what I wanted from you and I didn’t give a damn how you felt about it.” He kissed her mouth lightly. “I’m sorry for that – I really am.”

  “I only got involved with Kyle because I was on the rebound from you and because …,” this was so difficult. “Because I was pregnant,” she said watching him stiffen. “I didn’t want you to know – I was frightened that you’d interfere – do something. And I thought that if I was married and had a child then you were sure to stay away.”

  “So you wanted a complete break? But that didn’t happen - did it and that night in my penthouse you didn’t behave like a woman who didn’t want to see me again? Even though you were pregnant you came to my bed and you enjoyed it if I remember,” he teased.

  “When you came back - and after that night - I knew what I wanted and that I couldn’t marry Kyle. I knew then that sooner or later I had to tell you the truth but then I began to worry you wouldn’t believe me.”

  “Believe what, Gina?”

  “James – my son,” she paused watching his handsome face break into one of his half smiles. “He’s your son too, Matthew,” she closed her eyes against the look she imagined he’d give her and waited for his response.

  “Yes – I know,” he replied simply.

  “You know! But how can you – did you guess?”

  “I don’t do guessing, Gina. I generally go for something more substantial,” he emphasised dryly. “No, I’m afraid I took this,” he said handing back James’s teething ring. “I had it tested – you know DNA. So I know he’s mine. And he’s the reason things have got to change now.”

  “I still don’t understand – how change?”

  “You and me – I once said that I was going to re-boot our relationship – remember. Well the time has come to do that again. We need to do things differently because of James.”

  “I’ll let you see him, there won’t be any problems on that score,” she told him.

  “Oh I think I want to do a lot more than just ‘see’ him as you put it, Gina.”

  Her eyes shot up to his – surely he wouldn’t take him from her – keep him for himself? The thought burned through her mind sending waves of panic straight to her tummy and making her feel sick.

  “I won’t let you have him – you can’t want to take him off me?”

  “No – of course not – what sort of man do you think I am, Gina?” He exclaimed. “All I want is for things to be different so that we can try and raise him together.”

  Together – what a wonderful word she thought as it echoed round her mind.

  “They’ll be no more cuffs or ropes - trust me where you’re concerned I’m done with all that stuff.”

  “But I don't mind, Matthew - it's not what you do or the things you use - its well - the mood you're in when you use them. It’s the way you sometimes seem to need to hurt me - punish me for something. It's that I don't like. Frankly - all the other stuff - done with care and dare I say – done with love - is just such a huge turn on for me.”

  He raised his eyebrows in amusement and cleared his throat. “OK – we’ll modify things then. No more punishments and I’m sorry for that. But just recently I have wanted to punish you – punish you hard. I hated the thought of you and Hastings together - of you in his bed and him putting his hands on you.”

  He gripped her tight and lifted her face so that she had no choice but to look up into his dark eyes. “And then there was Lisa dripping poison at every opportunity - making sure I was kept informed of every detail - probably all lies – but the whole thing just grew in my head until I had to do something.”

  “So you came back – you were jealous Matthew so you must care for me after all,” Gina smiled.

  “Care for you and more,” he said squeezing her too him. “But despite your dalliance with Hastings I do know I can trust you. You above any other woman I’ve ever gotten involved with had every reason to come after me – take me for a fortune to keep our son. But you didn’t.”

  “I wouldn’t do that, Matthew.” She was appalled that he could think such a thing of her but she could well understand that that’s exactly what most other women would have done. “But the only reason I didn’t tell you is because I thought you’d hate the idea. I thought you’d go off me and disappear for good.”

  “Well you were wrong - I don’t hate the idea – not at all. But what I do hate is you living a lie – going to bed with Kyle Hastings and wanting another man to raise my son as his own.”

  “In the end I couldn’t do it. I just didn’t love him,” she affirmed. “I never did.” She smiled up at him – an honest, wistful little smile. “I love you, Matthew. And I’m sorry if you can’t cope with that but that’s how it is.”

  “I know you do and I am going to try very hard to make you happy – you and James.”

  He bent down and kissed her hard on the mouth then picking her up he laid her gently on his bed.

  “I bought this house for you and James to live in – me too when I’m in town.”

  “That’s a lot of money to spend, Matthew,” she told him warily.

  “I transferred ownership of the house to James – so it belongs to him not me. So you can make it your home independent of Matthew Dark,” he added before she could refuse.

  “So you’ll only be here sometimes, not always then?”

  “Well we’ll work on that. You know better than most how complicated I am. There is no one else and I don’t anticipate there being anyone but please – you’ll have to be patient with me.”

  “No one, Matthew – not even a brunette in New York,” Gina batted her lashes as she put this too him. “I saw the picture in the press – she was very attractive.”

  “She was gorgeous – that’s what you mean. But I didn’t even get to know her name,” he laughed and lifted up her chin with his hand. “My jealous little love – I’m flattered but you have no cause to worry – we were put together purely for the photo shoot – nothing else.”

  “I couldn’t blame you – not after what I did with Kyle.”

  “Forget it Gina– forget it all. Now we’re going to cement our new relationship - the new us. I’m going to make love to you,” he smiled. “Straight forward, vanilla sex – so lets give it go and see how we both feel about it afterwards.”

  He unzipped the back of her dress and took it from her shoulders kissing down her neck and unhooking her bra. He pulled her dress down her legs followed by her panties then stretched out her body on his bed and gazed at her.

  “God you’re so lovely,” he said spreading her legs.

  Gina moaned her thanks as she raised her knees, grabbed his dark head and pushed it between her open thighs squealing her pleasure loudly as his tongue hit its mark.


  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9




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