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Saturna and the Battle for Zard

Page 39

by DP Scott

  Chapter Twenty

  Saturna barely had time to get her gas mask on when she heard the hissing sound, coming from the opening of the valves on the gas containers. She also heard and saw the purple light of the laser. “Please don’t let Hete be hurt,” she said, trembling as she felt her way towards the passageway. She could see nothing, had no idea where anyone else was, and felt herself becoming more and more anxious. There was very little time to get to the barracks and open the cells.

  “My Queen, let me guide you,” said Maize through her auri. Touching Saturna’s outstretched arm, Maize began to lead Saturna quickly forward. Even with her aging Urite eyes, Maize could see perfectly in the dark. When the castle lights had been extinguished, Maize sensing Saturna’s panic had left the kitchen to find her. Through her auri, she had realized the Queen needed help to get through the totally black tunnel. Completely trusting Maize, Saturna ran through the blackness clutching the tiny creature’s hand.

  When they stepped through the doorway at the end of the passageway they found themselves outside. It was dusk and although the exterior lights were out where they were standing, Saturna noticed the lights were still on in the barracks. Peep had created a blackout in the castle, but had she been able to break into and override the prison’s computer? Saturna didn’t know. If the lights were on, it meant the cells were locked and the alarm still activated. She would use her ring, but it would be impossible to open five hundred cells in ten minutes without Peep’s help.

  Saturna and Maize arrived at the barracks at the exact same time as the Urite kitchen servants. The twenty Urites looking so tiny and helpless made Saturna cautious in her direction. Peaceful seeking Urites were no match for the angry, volatile Veectoreze.

  “Thank you all for your loyalty. We must act quickly. As I begin to release the prisoners please assist anyone who needs aid and then leave the castle grounds. I don’t want any of you in the middle of the fighting. Has anyone seen Peep?” asked Saturna as she hastily made her way towards the prison entrance.

  “Your Majesty, I’m here,” said Peep, calling from the pocket of one of the Urites. “I’ll begin the computer analysis and link it to the program I developed on the castle’s computer. If you start opening the cells manually, I should be able to take over in three to four minutes.”

  Yelling an affirmative reply, Saturna ran into the barracks and immediately went to cell number four. Placing her ring against the translucent lock, she watched as the insides turned, disengaging. When the door opened, she looked into the smoky gray eyes of Anton. They said no words to one another, for there was no time, but their minds linked for a brief second and Saturna’s energy was renewed.

  The moment Anton exited, the alarm sounded, deafening everyone inside the prison. Ignoring the noise, Saturna ran back to cell number one and placing her ring upon the lock, found Yuko when the door slid away. Again, there was no communication between them, time was of the essence. Proceeding from cell to cell, Saturna moved as quickly as she was able, unlocking one door at a time. As each inhabitant left the enclosure, an alarm triggered adding to the noise, which was becoming so intense the building seemed to vibrate.

  It wasn’t until Saturna open cell number fourteen that she paused. There was no one to meet her at the door. She could see a body lying on a small bed near the window. As she stepped into the room triggering the alarm, she felt Gondee’s auri. Running to the cot, she knelt, tears instantly filling her dark eyes.

  “I’m here Gondee. I’m here to help you,” she said softly in his ear.

  As she looked for signs of life, the incredibly loud alarms suddenly ceased, and were replaced by a constant clicking noise which echoed down the long hallway. She gave thanks knowing Peep had overridden the barrack’s computer and was opening the cells from the main control station.

  “My little one, I knew no harm had come of you,” whispered Gondee, turning his head slowly towards her.

  Many footsteps thundered past the doorway and the shouting of orders could now be heard in the distance. Ignoring the noise, Saturna gently began to stroke Gondee’s arm.

  “I was so frightened when I thought I had lost you. We must get out of the barracks because there may be fighting. If you can lean on me, I will take you to a safe place,” said Saturna tenderly, as she tried to lift him off the bed.

  “No My Queen, you must leave me. Have I failed you in my teachings of your duty to the crown?” asked Gondee with some difficulty.

  “You were more than a great teacher, you were like a father to me and you’re more important to me than my kingdom.”

  “Although you may feel that way you must remember, I am but one of your inhabitants. You must regain your kingdom for all in the Solar System to protect them from Detis and the Veectoreze.”

  “My dear Gondee, have no fear. Detis will not usurp my kingdom. You have taught me well.”

  Standing up Saturna called to Maize through her auri. Appearing almost instantly with three other Urites, Saturna bade them to assist the weakened Gondee and to remove him from the barracks. Knowing Gondee was in good hands Saturna turned to leave the cell, more determined than ever to take back what belonged to her.


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