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The Pits of Passion

Page 9

by Amber Flame

  “This pheasant is absolutely delicious,” she heard Christine say.

  “Yes, it is,” Elizabeth murmured.

  “I don’t see why it’s called foul. I think it’s very good.”

  Elizabeth heard the servant girl giggle, but refused to look up. “Are we going shopping tomorrow, Christine?” she asked quickly.

  “Of course!” the younger girl replied. “I can’t wait. You know, I was thinking, since you don’t have any clothes and you and Benjamin haven’t been married very long, why don’t we shop for a trousseau for you? You simply can’t start out being married with no clothes.”

  “No, you can’t, can you?” Elizabeth agreed with a frown. And yet since her marriage and involvement with the Elliotts, she was without clothes more often than not.

  On impulse, she glanced up at her husband and found him talking softly with the serving girl as she poured him more wine. A black rage came over her, but she quickly stifled it and looked away, but not before she saw Benjamin glance at her. He seemed to smirk at her, as if he would flaunt his infidelity, and she pushed her plate away in

  annoyance. Suddenly she was no longer hungry. The idea of that girl being so bold and familiar with her husband was enough to make her sick.

  Driven to the point of action, Elizabeth stood up and almost toppled her chair over backwards. Three pair of eyes swiveled toward her and she flushed angrily, sorry now that she had called attention to herself.

  “I, uh, I’m not hungry,” she managed, looking over Christine’s head at the wall. “I’m going to turn in now. Goodnight.”

  She took hold of herself by the arm and walked proudly toward the door. No one spoke until she had turned the handle. Then she heard Christine say, “What is she going to turn into?”

  With the door of her room closed and locked behind her, she gave vent to her anger. At first she tried to control it, but it quickly grew beyond her limits, and she allowed it to overtake her. In a mad, violent rage, she began to stamp her feet and cry. Her anger grew even as she expressed it, and her tantrum expanded until finally, in one last explosive effort, she spit in the diamond-encrusted chamber pot. Then, spent at last, she collapsed on the bed in tears.

  It wasn’t until quite a bit later that she awoke, still exhausted from her tirade. Then she realized that what woke her was a small tapping on her chamber door.

  “Just the wind and nothing more,” she said to herself. But the tapping continued and became more insistent so she got out of bed and went to the door.

  “Who is it?” she asked, not daring to unlock the door.

  “It’s me,” Benjamin said. “Let me in.”

  Elizabeth hesitated. He didn’t sound mad or drunk, but she remembered what happened the last time she locked a door against him. She didn’t know if he would make a scene like that in the Paris Hotel. Then she remembered the shameless way he had encouraged that serving girl all through dinner, almost caressing those flaunting breasts right in front of her, and she grew angry again. Her decision was made.

  “No,” she said shortly. “Go away.”

  “Let me in,” Benjamin said again. Elizabeth thought he was almost pleading.

  “Go find your little whoring servant girl,” she said hotly, “and leave me alone!”

  There was a silence outside the door, making her a little uneasy. What would he do now? But finally she thought she heard his bootfalls moving down the carpeted hall.

  Relieved but somehow disappointed, too, she climbed back into bed and fell asleep.


  When the morning sun streamed through a slit in the draperies and fell across her face, Elizabeth stirred lazily. Feeling refreshed from her comfortable night’s sleep and excited by the idea of her first whole day in Paris, she got up and went through her toilet, although it was a tight fit. As she dressed, she wondered if she would have to go find

  the others or if they would come for her. Curiously, there was a knock on the door just then.

  “Come in,” she said from her vanity.

  There was a tremendous crash against the door and the sound of silver falling.

  “Oh my!” Elizabeth said. She jumped up and opened the door and found Trevor standing with a half upset breakfast tray, cream splattered all over his jacket and the carpet.

  “Oh my!” she said again.

  “The door was locked, madam,” Trevor said with a hint of disgust.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Trevor! Just bring the tray in and set it down. Let me get a wet cloth and get that cream off your jacket.”

  Trevor stepped inside and set the tray on the vanity. Elizabeth went to wet a cloth so she could sponge the cream off his jacket, but he stopped her.

  “I’ll go and order a new tray and change my jacket at the same time.” And he left.

  Elizabeth mopped up the spilled cream and righted the toast that was upside down in a puddle of tea. She thought Trevor must be having a bad day.

  “Good morning,” Benjamin said from behind her.

  “Oh!” Elizabeth said. She whirled around to find her husband leaning against the doorjamb, his arms folded across his chest and a mocking smile on his face.

  “Well, it looks like someone is not having a good morning,” he said. “Either that or you eat breakfast rather sloppily.”

  “Trevor had an accident,” she sniffed, piqued by his tone of voice.

  “I would have thought he’d have outgrown that years ago.” Benjamin sauntered into the room and Elizabeth noticed the graceful way his muscled body moved. Mostly forward.

  “But I didn’t come here to talk about Trevor,” he said, “ I came to talk about you.”


  “Yes, you. I don’t like the way you’ve been sniveling around lately. Now I know you’ve had a rough time of it, but you’ve got to snap out of it. I don’t want to see you moping about anymore. I want to see you a little more cheerful and I don’t want to see you throwing any more tantrums.”

  Elizabeth began to puff up with indignation and took in a gulp of air, ready to set Benjamin back on his heels.

  “Before you open your pretty little mouth,” he went on, “ I want you to remember that I am your legal wedded husband and you are sworn to obey me. And if you think you can avoid me, just remember that last tavern we stayed in.”

  Elizabeth remembered, and the breath went out of her.

  “And also remember that it was your doing that brought me to your wedding bed when I was only minding my own business. So now,” he paused and looked at her sternly, “if you still think you want to behave childishly, you have been warned and you will be treated accordingly.”

  Elizabeth stared at her husband a little incredulously, but his tone was too serious not to be recognized. Benjamin stood watching her, almost as if he waited to see what she would do, but finally she turned and resumed mopping up the cream.

  Benjamin raised an eyebrow in surprise. He had actually expected her to explode like an enraged cat, so her docile resignation made him suspicious. He watched her as she cleaned, wondering what she was thinking.

  “Ahem,” Trevor said from the doorway. The pair turned to face him and found him holding another tray and wearing a dark purple jacket with rhinestones sewn all along the lapel.

  “Trevor,” Elizabeth said, “where did you get that jacket?” She pushed the old tray aside so he had room for the new one.

  “It’s my lounging jacket,” Trevor sniffed. “It was the only one I had clean.”

  “Thank you, Trevor,” Benjamin said. “After you tidy up my room why don’t you have your things cleaned.”

  “Yes, sir,” Trevor said and left.

  Elizabeth stared at the tray a moment in indecision, then decided to go ahead and eat something. Her day was already for shit and not eating would only make it worse. Timidly, she nibbled on a piece of toast.

  To her surprise, Benjamin leaned toward her and poured her a cup of tea. She did not risk looking at him, but instead accepted the tea with a po
lite murmur. Benjamin propped himself up against the vanity and watched with arms crossed as she ate.

  When she had had her fill and washed it down with the fragrant French tea, she still avoided her husband’s eyes, fearful of another confrontation. Benjamin seemed to wait for a moment, then finally lifted her chin with a finger.

  “Now that we understand each other, I want you to go shopping with Christine.”

  Elizabeth nodded, thinking how depressing to watch her sister-in-law buy expensive clothes when she had nothing, but she had no thoughts of rebelling. After all, she had no cause.

  “And I want you to buy yourself a suitable wardrobe for an importer’s wife.”

  She looked up at him, blinking in surprise. “What?” she asked. Benjamin’s handsome mouth twitched in a smile.

  “I said I want you to buy yourself a complete wardrobe. Trevor wants his gowns back and you must have clothes. Get yourself everything you need--day dresses, evening gowns, slippers, gloves, underthings, catsuits, whatever you want.”

  “But Benjamin,” she said, “ I can’t do that! That will be very expensive.”

  “So? It’s my money and you are my wife. I want to see you dressed in a way that shows off your beauty.” He came close to her and put his hands on her shoulders. “You are much too beautiful to cover up.”

  He came close to her and for a moment Elizabeth thought he was going to kiss her. She felt his hot breath on her cheek and it sent tingles down her spine, and she would have gladly yielded to his kiss, but he drew away from her and left her trembling.

  “So,” Benjamin said, “Trevor will go with you and keep the accounts in order, so all I want you to concern yourself with is picking out things. I want you to enjoy yourself.”

  “Just buy whatever I want?” she asked incredulously.

  “Yes, whatever you want.” He smiled at her surprise. She reminded him of a little girl who’d been told she was going to the circus. Except her throbbing breasts didn’t remind him of a little girl. Taking hold of himself, he turned brusquely for the door.

  “Benjamin,” she asked, “why did you take hold of yourself like that and turn brusquely for the door?”

  “Never mind,” he said. He let go of himself and turned back with his hand on the doorknob. “You go ahead and go shopping. Trevor will be back shortly.” And he left.

  Feeling lighter than she had in days, she combed her hair and made ready to go. Maybe Benjamin did have some feeling for her after all, she thought. Maybe her marriage wasn’t a sham. Maybe her life would not end in misery. She hummed happily as she waited for Trevor.

  The three of them made their way down the busy streets of Paris, Christine leading Elizabeth impatiently and Trevor bringing up the rear, trying very hard not to look as though he belonged to them. Elizabeth could not help stopping periodically to stare at the wonders around her. She thought Paris the most beautiful city in the world.

  Christine led the trio into shop after shop and the two women scrambled like children through the clothes. They tried on taffetas and velvets and silks and satins, each more scrumptious than the last. Laughing and giggling, they complimented one another and each chose several gowns. By noon, Trevor had had to order a carriage to drive along side with all their boxes in it.

  They stopped at an open-air cafe for lunch while Trevor excused himself to take the packages back to the hotel. Elizabeth was extremely happy.

  “Isn’t it wonderful that Benjamin let us do this?” she gushed. Christine looked at Elizabeth closely, noting her sister-in-law’s bright eyes.

  “You love my brother very much, don’t you?” she asked.

  Elizabeth’s smile faded. Love Benjamin? Did she? She wasn’t sure. But of course all Christine could see was a happily wedded couple.

  “Yes,” she murmured, and dove hungrily into her lunch. Luckily Christine noticed her embarrassment and did not pursue the subject.

  After lunch they continued on their excursions and before the afternoon was out had outfitted Elizabeth with everything she would need. They bought gowns and slippers and gloves and corsets and chemises and plunging bras and crotchless panties. For all her wealthy upbringing, she had never felt so fully pampered.

  As they rode home in the chartered carriage, tired and spent, Elizabeth had time to reflect. It was difficult without a mirror handy, but she did anyway. She asked herself again if she could really be in love with her own husband. Had she fallen under the spell of his piercing eyes and probing hands and not even known it? Almost instantly her body responded to her mind’s thoughts, and she felt a flush over her body. Wiping the drops off, she glanced quickly at Christine to see if the younger girl had noticed her quickened breathing, but luckily she had not. Elizabeth forced herself to be calm.

  She quickly came to a decision. She did love Benjamin, and she would tell him--and show him--tonight! She ran through the items she had bought quickly in her mind, trying to decide what to wear. Tonight she would not only show Benjamin how she loved him, but she would drive him insane with desire for her. Tonight her marriage would begin as it should have weeks ago.

  Smiling secretly to herself, she followed Trevor up the stairs to her room at the hotel. He had packages piled high above his head and could not see where he was going, and he mumbled and cursed continually. When he had kicked open the door of her room and dumped the boxes unceremoniously on her bed, he threw one last disgusting look and walked out. Elizabeth hoped that one day he would find true love, too.

  Before she had a chance to unpack it all and hang up the gowns, a knock sounded on the door.

  “Who is it?” she called.

  “Me,” Benjamin said. “May I come in?”

  “Oh!” she said, looking about. She made sure the gown she planned to wear tonight was not out so he could see it. “Yes, come in.”

  She became suddenly shy when her husband walked in, and she knew she was blushing like a schoolgirl. Luckily Benjamin didn’t seem to notice, but glanced instead at the boxes and packages scattered all over the bed.

  “So,” he said, “it looks like you found a few things that pleased you.” Elizabeth heard the pleased note in his voice.

  “Oh, yes!” she said. Suddenly wanting to show him her new wardrobe, she began to tear through the packages, holding up articles for him to see.

  “I got these gloves and this gown and this hat and this gown....” She held up one thing after another before Benjamin had a chance to see and he laughed at her pleasure.

  “Whoa!” he said. “I’m sure I will see it all in due time, love.” Feeling embarrassed, she stopped waving clothes around and walked slowly over to Benjamin.

  “Benjamin,” she said, “I’m sorry for all the terrible things I’ve done. You’ve been so nice to me and I’ve acted so awful. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.” She waved a hand to indicate the clothes.

  “Yes, you have been a disagreeable little bitch,” he said. Elizabeth’s face fell. “But pick your face up, I forgive you.” He circled her with his arms and pulled her over to him. She felt his breath warm on her face. “I hoped that if I treated you more like a wife you would act more like a wife. It seems I was right.” Elizabeth blushed again and Benjamin leaned down to kiss her. His lips were gentle on hers, and softly insistent. She felt a trembling warmth spread through her body and she would have willingly succumbed to him right then before dinner. It startled her when he put her away from him.

  “I think perhaps it’s time to get ready for dinner,” he said. “Although I think I would much rather eat in tonight, I’ve arranged for us to go out. Can you be ready in thirty minutes?”

  “Yes,” she said dutifully.

  “Good. I’ll stop by to collect you then.” He looked as though he would like to kiss her again, but instead just smiled and walked to the door.

  In a glow of happiness, Elizabeth made herself ready for dinner. She powdered and perfumed her body and dressed her hair so her golden curls gleamed. Finally she took out the dress s
he had bought and put it on.

  She stared critically at her image in the mirror, turning this way and that. The dress was a dark sea green, but of a fabric that shone and seemed to change color like a living thing. It had a low rounded neckline that barely veiled her voluptuous charms and framed her soft throat in a dazzling display. The rest of the gown fit snugly against the curves of her body, showing off her ripening womanhood. The narrow straps of the gown rode off her shoulders, hinting at the ease with which she might be persuaded to remove the gown altogether. She decided she presented a suitably desirable picture for Benjamin’s eyes and hoped it would have the right effect.

  When Benjamin knocked again, she decided not to invite him in but let him wait for a moment outside the door. Finally she draped a loose knit shawl of a matching color over her shoulders and opened the door.

  It had the desired effect. Benjamin’s eyes fell out of his head. When he put them back in, he regained his composure enough to offer his arm to her.

  “You look, uh, lovely,” he said. His eyes swept meaningfully over her swelling curves, and Elizabeth knew he would not be leaving her side tonight. She wondered if his arm was actually trembling or if that was her own shaking.

  “Thank you,” she said coyly, as if she were not aware of the fact. She could feel Benjamin’s hot breath on her cheek and she knew his eyes were glued to her bodice. Luckily they didn’t have epoxy back then.

  Together the pair walked down the hall to knock at Christine’s door.

  “Just a minute,” she called. They waited for several minutes, Benjamin drinking in the sight of Elizabeth’s tender flesh and Elizabeth trying to control her breathing lest she erupt from her gown.

  Finally Christine’s door opened. “I’m ready,” she said happily. She flowed out in a flurry of pink taffeta and mountains of petticoats, looking charmingly girlish next to Elizabeth. The two girls smiled at each other.


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