Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The Fox and The Hound (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Breaking the SEAL Book 1)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The Fox and The Hound (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Breaking the SEAL Book 1) Page 1

by Wren Michaels

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Text copyright ©2016 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Stoker Aces Production, LLC. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Special Forces: Operation Alpha remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Stoker Aces Production, LLC, or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds: http://www.amazon.com/kindleworlds

  The Fox and The Hound

  Breaking the Seal Series

  Wren Michaels


  Title Page

  About the book:



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Other Books by Wren Michaels

  By, Wren Michaels

  A Special Forces: Operation Alpha and Breaking the SEAL Crossover Novella

  Cover Art by LeTeisha Newton with Boundless Tales Designs

  About the book:

  Jayla “Fox” McFadden MacGyvered her way through college and right onto the radar of the CIA. Instead of getting busted, she got offered a job. She's a chemist by day, but moonlights on special missions utilizing her unique talents when needed, everything from bomb building to booby traps. She's fought tooth and black-polished nail to make her way in the world and prove she's more than a set of tits. From her thick, black eyeliner to her Doc Martens with leather mini-skirts, she stands out, and likes it that way.

  Noah “Hound” Kendrick is the best tracker on his SEAL team. Haunted by the fact that he got his mother killed, he put his body, mind, and soul into the SEALs in retribution, trying to make the world a better place. They are his duty and family now, nothing gets in the way. Especially love, as he refuses to open up his heart and lose someone at his expense ever again.

  Jayla's latest mission is to retrieve a list of buyers from an arms dealer. She's teamed with the SEALs who must take out a bunker hidden offshore near the dealer's private island. But a squall line from an impending hurricane throws off their plans as Jayla and Noah get separated from the team, washing up on a deserted air force base in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Now the Fox and the Hound must survive the elements and each other, as they ride out the physical and emotional storm heading their way.

  First, I'd like to say a huge thank you to Susan Stoker for giving me the opportunity to not only use her characters, but fall in love with each and every one of them. For her sincere caring about other authors and her devotion to her fans. She sets a high bar for those who follow in her footsteps. She's nothing short of amazing. Secondly, to the other author others in this Kindle World who have become friends and cheerleaders. Thank you for your support and advice. And a huge shout out to my critique partners and beta readers who took time out of their lives to dive into my story and help make it the best it could be. I love you all forever and ever. To my writing buddy, agent, and friend, Margaret, who keeps me sane on a daily basis, you mean more to me than you'll ever know. To Nicole Flockton, who has saved me in a pinch on a number of occasions. I’m blessed to call you friend. To the fans who read this, thank you for taking a chance on my words, my characters, the voices in my head. I hope you enjoy them!

  To all who wear the uniform, words cannot express the feelings of my heart knowing the sacrifice you give on a daily basis so we can live. May God bless you and keep you, and a very big thank you to your families for their sacrifice in sharing you with the world who may not always appreciate you. There are those that do, and may you always remember that.

  Chapter One

  Someone once told Jayla McFadden that girls didn't make good soldiers, scientists, or spies. After removing her Doc Marten from his ass, she straightened her midnight-blue ponytails and promptly set out to become all three. She really hoped that high-school guidance counselor learned a lesson for future generations.

  Ten years and several bumps in the road later, she still had those ass-kicking Doc Martens along with a degree in applied chemistry, specializing in forensic toxicology. Though her ponytails changed colors over the years, most recently black with streaks of electric pink, her motto hadn't—girls could do anything boys could do, even better.

  The mystery meat of the day jiggled on her plate as Jayla grabbed her lunch tray from the cafeteria line. She made her way to her usual table with her co-workers, Melinda Emerson and Caroline Steel.

  “Why don't we ever go out someplace fun for lunch?” Jayla whined, plunking into the chair between the ladies.

  “Because we're lucky if we get to eat lunch, period?” Melinda replied.

  Caroline's soft chuckle echoed through the empty lunchroom as she glanced around. “We're pretty much the only ones dedicated to our work.”

  “I'm dedicated to my cat, too, but I don't eat his food.” Jayla poked at what was supposed to be meatloaf, before letting the fork slip through her fingers and clank against the plate. With a sigh, she folded her arms and bounced her foot buried in her lace-up Doc Martens. She stopped long enough to flick away a speck of mud crusted to one of the red-leather roses, remnants from one of her special ops with the CIA last week.

  While she liked her work as a toxicologist at Triada Labs, her real love was applied sciences, using her knowledge in real-world situations. She'd always tinkered with things as a kid, trying to put odd items together for unexpected results. The fascination led to troubles when she got out of the Army and went to college. People used to call her MacGyver instead of McFadden for her penchant of creating the extraordinary out of the ordinary, some of which landed her in custody, and on the radar of the CIA.

  Instead of prison time, she got a job, working off her debt to society by doing special ops at their beck and call. Jayla accepted the mission, one—because she was too pretty for prison, and two—because … bucket list. Becoming a spy got checked off a little sooner than she expected, earning her the code-name “Fox”.

  “Well, at least it's Friday, ladies,” Jayla said, shaking herself from her trail of thoughts. “Who's got exciting plans?” She'd hoped to have a little fun before shipping out on her latest mission on Monday.

  Caroline pushed her plate away with a frown. “I'm not one who really gets into exciting plans. I'm more of a homebody. Since my kidnapping and almost 'not' wedding, for me at least, exciting isn't all it's cracked up to be.”

  “But you're married to a SEAL, around all those hot guys all the time. That's definitely gotta get the juices flowing,” Jayla said.

  Having their lab in such short proximity to the San Diego Naval Base had its advantages, and on more than one occasion Jayla enjoyed the eye candy that visited Caroline at work. But she made sure to keep a safe distance from them with her heart.

  Caroline's wide eyes filled wi
th awkward embarrassment. “The only one who gets my juices flowing is Matthew.”

  Fresh off her honeymoon with her new husband, Matthew “Wolf” Steel, Caroline still had googly eyes only for him. It was cute, in a ball and chain sort of way. Why she tied herself down with a military man, Jayla couldn't understand. In her opinion, they were easy on the eyes, but hard on the heart.

  “Surely, you're with me on this one, Melinda.” Jayla leaned over the table, gripping the edges as she pleaded her case. “Just because someone's married, doesn't mean they can't appreciate another male form.”

  Melinda snorted. “I don't know. Never been married. But I'll take the opportunity to appreciate the male form, should one present itself.”

  Jayla smirked.

  “Just wait, ladies. You'll understand what I'm talking about when you find your soul-mate. The world seems to vanish, and you only notice him. There's no need to look elsewhere, because everything you need is right in front of you.” Caroline let out a soft sigh as she traced a line in her mashed potatoes that spelled out Wolf. “I could introduce you to some of the other SEALs.”

  Jayla quirked a brow. “Isn't everyone on Wolf's team like married or involved or something? Every time one of them stops in here you pinch me and tell me 'that one's taken'.”

  “There's more SEALs than just Wolf's team, you know. They have friends.” Caroline's lips pulled into a half-smile.

  Jayla shrugged. “Meh. In the end, they're too much work. They're pretty to look at, but I've seen them in action at those SEAL bars, trolling for one-nighters. And those female SEAL groupies, Frog Hogs, who spread themselves wide open with a bat of an eye. I'm not into all that.” Her words didn't match the thoughts in her head. One day she'd love to have a guy look at her like those SEALs did at the Hogs. She just didn't want it to be with a SEAL, per se.

  She'd always been her own person, had her own style and gave no shits about what other people thought. Yet, that never made it easy when it came to dating, as most men wanted a damsel in distress. Jayla was more of a damsel that caused distress.

  “Well, if you change your mind, Matthew's having some guys over tomorrow for a BBQ kind of thing. If you ladies want to come … I mean, I know we've never really hung out or anything, outside of work. Some of the other wives and significant others of his team will be there, and I know he's got some new guys coming over. So if you wanted to maybe drop by, I'd like it.” Caroline inched back in her seat, letting her hands fall to her lap.

  “Well, I did have eating cereal and binge-watching The Vampire Diaries on my schedule. But I could be convinced to move things around.” Jayla folded her arms on the table and smirked. “You in, Melinda?”

  “I thought you were going on vacation?” Melinda asked, emphasizing the word vacation. As her BFF, Melinda knew about her covert CIA jobs. Not enough to get her killed, but enough to know that if she didn't come home, Melinda would have to take care of her cat, Mal.

  “Not 'til Monday. I'm still home this weekend.” Jayla checked her phone. She had to be at the airport by six Monday morning for her flight to Hawaii, then hop a chopper to the aircraft carrier, USS Gerald Ford, floating somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Some vacation. When she dreamed about going to Hawaii and getting laid, she didn't mean the dainty flower necklace they give out at the airport. But for this trip, that's about all she'd get.

  “You know, you sure do get a lot of vacation time,” Caroline said.

  Jayla shrugged. “I have a lot of commitments and family emergencies that pop up. It was worked into my contract here at the lab.” She cleared her throat. “So, about this little soiree, when and where?”

  “Really? You'll come?” Caroline had strength and tenacity in her work, an independence Jayla identified with and appreciated. But Caroline wasn't much of a social butterfly, and Jayla latched on to her, hoping to bring her out of her shell, along with Melinda.

  Jayla cocked a brow. “Yeah. Why wouldn't we? We're your friends.”

  “Well, I didn't want to assume. I don't have much in the way of friends, outside of the military wives club.” Caroline tucked a lock of her dark hair behind her ear. “Thank you. I'm really looking forward to it.”

  “I'd like to hang out with you, Caroline, but I don't deal well with large groups of people. Or, small groups of people. Or, pretty much people in general. This is why I work in a lab. Plus, I'd stick out like a sore thumb,” Melinda said.

  Jayla's eyes widened. “Have you seen me?” She shot up from her chair and spun around like a drag queen. Her white lab coat billowed to her sides, revealing her black leather mini-skirt over black tights covered in jolly rogers. A skull and crossbones t-shirt molded to her chest, accentuating the slope of her breasts. She adjusted the long pony-tails that fell well past her shoulders before sitting back down, drumming her black-tipped fingernails on the table as she mock-glared at Melinda. “Trust me, you blend.”

  “Well, yeah. But you go out of your way to be different.” Melinda let out a sigh.

  “No. I go out of my way to be me. Why try to force myself into a mold to please others when I'm the one that has to live with me? Until Paddy McSEAL becomes my sugar-daddy and pays all my bills, no one has a say in who I am or how I look.” Jayla sat back in her chair with a huff.

  “Nice motto, but does it keep your bed warm at night?” Melinda asked with a laugh.

  Jayla snorted. “I have a cat for that. I'd rather have spontaneous sex against a wall, on the kitchen counter, by the pool...”

  “Okay, we get it.” Melinda laughed. “You're still not dragging me to this BBQ.”

  “I'll dress you up just like me. You could use a little eye-liner in your life, Nerd.” Jayla batted her long lash extensions that shaded her crystal-blue eyes. “It'll be fuhhh-un. I promise.” She whipped out her black gel liner and waved it in front of Melinda's face.

  “Fine, I'll go. But don't you dare come at me with that clown makeup again, Punk.” Melinda's lips twitched to a smile. Once the pet names came out, she had Melinda in her pocket.

  “Oh, hunny, this is so not your color anyway. Really, I'm just jealous you can get away with wearing no makeup at all.” Jayla winked and grabbed her lunch tray. “Pick me up at noon tomorrow.” She spun back around as a thought popped in her head. “Oh, and I'm totally wearing my dino tights.”

  “Dear God, no. Please...” Melinda shook her head.

  Jayla wrinkled her nose. Her second favorite thing in the world was to annoy the shit out of her best friend Melinda. “You secretly love them. I know it.” Being right, was her first. Nothing satiated her soul more than the adrenaline rush of doing the impossible, especially when it involved someone who had the balls to tell her she couldn't do something.

  “You're twenty-eight years old. I think you've long passed the tights stage in your life,” Melinda said.

  “I'm totally ignoring that remark. Oh, since there'll be SEALs there maybe I should go with my white baby seal ones? Or my stars and stripes?” No, she better save those for her op on Monday. Must impress her new team.

  Normally she did solo gigs or worked alongside another CIA operative. But this latest mission, from the little she'd been told so far, would consist of a SEAL team and herself. They'd be working an op in the same place, while she had her own objective. But details would only be disclosed once she had her briefing on the ship.

  Maybe she should save both the seals and the flag tights for good measure. Never know what you'll need for an op. Definitely dinos for the party then.

  Caroline's laugh pulled her from her thoughts. “I can't wait to see what you come up with.”

  “See, Caroline knows good fashion sense. I'll break down your walls yet, Melinda. Just give me time.”

  Pfft. Who didn't love a fun pair of tights? Besides, they were handy to hide packets of cyanide in.

  Chapter Two

  Noah slid on his aviator sunglasses and walked to the back patio of his buddy Wolf's house. He never pictured Wolf as the domesticated type,
but he'd often heard that when love hits you it spins your world on its axis. Noah “Hound” Kendrick liked his world just fine, and he didn't plan on spinning anything other than a HALO jump from 28,000 feet.

  He rolled the sleeves of his button-down to his elbows, enjoying the warm California sunshine on his skin. One of the advantages of being stationed on the west coast was the weather. It beat the cold, snowy winters of Wisconsin. On an early October day like this back home he'd be in a jacket, not out in the yard downing beers with his buddies, absorbing the seventy-five-degree heat into his tanned arms. Yet, he missed the colors of the fall.

  Wolf put together a little pre-mission send-off for Noah's crew heading out for their latest mission. SEALs stuck together, no matter what. They may not all be on the same team, but they shared a unique bond, a special club not many could enter. The grueling years of training took them from good to great, from soldier to weapon. But, not everyone who left on a mission returned. So the sendoffs turned into something more than a little R&R. They were a possible final good-bye.

  Not to mention, the more SEALs that got to know the 'military wives club' the better, Wolf would say. Since marrying Caroline, he'd made it known that if something should happen while he was on a mission, she was to be taken care of. So the more SEALs who got to know the significant others, the better network they had to protect their loved ones.

  Noah understood that, to an extent. He'd never really put that kind of thought into it. Sure he had his share of women, but nothing long-term enough to have life plans in place. At twenty-nine, he hadn't even thought about the prospect of marriage. Noah was married to the Navy, and he liked it that way. No baggage. No distractions on his missions. No feelings getting hurt.


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