Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The Fox and The Hound (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Breaking the SEAL Book 1)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The Fox and The Hound (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Breaking the SEAL Book 1) Page 2

by Wren Michaels

  The Black Keys blared from an iPod docking station sitting on a picnic table in the shade. Bottlenecks peeked out between cubes of ice sitting in a chest next to it. Under a shady green umbrella, a flock of the wives hid from the sun, full of smiles and probably wine.

  Noah spied Wolf doting on Caroline and made his way over. “Wolf, what's up, man?” He extended his hand, and Wolf gripped his palm with a tight squeeze.

  “Hound, you remember my amazing wife, Caroline?” Wolf planted a kiss on his wife's cheek.

  “Absolutely. Can't forget the legendary Ice. Good to see you again, ma'am.” Noah slid off his sunglasses and extended his hand. He'd heard all the stories of Caroline helping to fight an attempted hijacking, earning her the nickname, Ice.

  “I can't believe you just ma'am'd me, Noah,” Caroline said, blinking wide in surprise.

  “Sorry, it's just who I am. I ma'am pretty much everyone.” Noah shrugged, fighting the blush hitting his cheeks. He hoped he didn't offend her, but his manners came second nature no matter who he talked to. Raised by a single dad who had to play the role of two parents, manners had been ingrained in him. It was hard to let go.

  Wolf clamped a hand on Noah's shoulder. “Come on, Hound. Let's get you a beer.”

  Noah followed him to the cooler.

  “Hey Hound!” The familiar voice sounded like Malik 'Steel' Thompson, his team leader.

  Noah turned around, but instead of finding Malik, he bounced off a short brunette in pony-tails.

  Her hands braced against his chest as their bodies collided. “Whoa, dude, two people cannot occupy the same space at the same time, no matter how hard you try.”

  Noah shook his head dazed and confused, locking onto a pair of eyes so ice-blue they chilled him to the bone and sucked all the air from his lungs. “Huh?” he said in more of a grunt than an actual word.

  “I'm sorry, my bad. I didn't realize you were hearing impaired,” the woman said louder. “I said, watch where you're walking. Per-son-al Bub-ble.” She drew a circle in the air with two black and red polished finger-nails. Stark candy-apple lips beamed the brightest smile he'd ever seen. She gave him a pat on his shoulder and nudged him to the side, continuing on her path to the ladies at the picnic table.

  Noah spun around again, this time watching the petite woman stride away. Long black hair hung down her back, swaying in rhythm with her hips. Two thin pony-tails dangled from each side of her head, accented with streaks of hot pink. Though short in height, she had legs for days hidden beneath black tights. Noah squinted, trying to make out what looked like dinosaurs on her thighs, peeking out from under her mini skirt. He blinked himself out of his stare as she popped a top off a micro-brew and chugged straight from the bottle.

  Who the hell was that?

  The breath that hitched in his throat whooshed from his lips. He clutched Wolf's shoulder. “Wolf, man, who's that girl. The one with the—”

  Wolf cut him off. “That's Jayla.”

  He jerked back, arching his brow. “How did you know which one I was talking about?”

  A hearty chuckle burst from Wolf. “Because Jayla has that effect on everyone.”

  Jayla. Cool name. Odd girl. Yet something about her intrigued him. He tossed another glance at her from over his shoulder. She sat on the edge of the picnic table, bouncing her foot in a wicked pair of Doc Martens.

  “I can introduce you,” Wolf said, distracting Noah from his stare once again.

  Noah shook his head. “Naw. Totally not my type. I mean, we just literally bumped into each other.” He tried not to look over at the picnic table again, but he couldn't help himself. Her sheer black top blurred a set of tattoos on each of her forearms, and a small one partially covered by the strap of the tank top she wore underneath.

  “Keep staring and she'll come over and be mean to you.” Chuckling, Wolf winked and walked back toward Caroline, leaving Noah alone and scrambling not to look like a loser.

  Someone slapped his shoulder and he all but leaped into the air. “What's piqued your interest?”

  Noah's heart jumped to his throat. “Jesus, Steel, don't freak a guy out like that.”

  “You're off your game, Hound. Better not happen on the mission or we'll have words.” Steel gave him the double eye-point 'I'm watching you' warning before a Cheshire grin replaced his glare.

  Shit. Today was supposed to be relaxing. Not a tactical failure. Noah reached into the ice chest and pulled out a cold long-neck as two more of his SEAL team members arrived.

  “Yo, Hound.” Zane 'Digger' Evans pulled him into a half-hug with one arm, exchanging a manly hand grip with the other, following suit with his buddy Braxton 'Brawn' O'Brien.

  “What's up, man?” Noah returned a smack on the back to each of them.

  They were a relatively new team, only having been out on a couple of ops together. But they made a well-oiled machine between all their specialties. Steel was their team lead, aptly named for his use of a blade, whether knife or dagger. Digger's underwater skills made him one of the best swimmers in the entire SEAL division, right up there with Cookie on Wolf's team. And Brawn was just that, the muscle.

  “Where's Shadow and Jinx?” Noah asked, looking around for the two remaining members of his team who seemed to be missing.

  “Not coming. Jinx had something else going on. Church or a gathering of some sort. No idea. And I think Shadow went with him.” Brawn reached for a beer, pulling two out and handing one of them to Digger. “You know Shadow's not a big drinker.”

  “Let's get this party started. Where's the babes?” Digger shook the ice residue from his bottle and slicked the wet hand through his hair as he sauntered his way toward the picnic table. Noah and Brawn followed.

  Shit. Digger headed straight for Jayla.

  “What's up, ladies?” Digger wedged his way between several women, sitting opposite from Caroline. The move launched Jayla right off the table and into Noah's arms.

  A squeak popped from her red lips as she gripped Noah's shirt to keep from toppling over. He slung an arm around her waist, curling his fingers into her softness, while holding his other hand out to avoid spraying her with beer. The scent of her heady perfume, a mix of amber and musk, spiked adrenaline through his body.

  Those icy-blue eyes widened, the edges contoured with thick black liner. “Dude, we've got to stop meeting like this. People are going to start talking,” she said. “Oh, right, you're the deaf one. I said—”

  Noah cut her off. “Listen, I'm not deaf.”

  “Oh.” Stepping back from his hold, she swatted him across the chest before shoving her hands to her hips. “Then why the hell did you let me think you were?”

  He held his hands up in confusion. “I don't know … I mean, you're the one who assumed it and walked off.”

  Pursing her lips, she jutted one hip to the side and folded her arms.

  Noah looked around and cocked a brow. “What?”

  “I'm waiting.” She tapped one of her Doc Martens in the grass.

  He shrugged and shook his head. He had no idea where she was going with this. “For … the crazy train?”

  “For an apology.” She curled her fingers into her palm and looked at her nails.

  “What did I do? I thought I just saved you from falling off the table.” Noah couldn't believe this conservation was even happening. The girl had to be bat-shit crazy.

  “For running into me earlier.” Her hands returned to her hips as she huffed. “Dude, that was très rude.”

  He let out a frustrated sigh. “Okay, fine. I'll own that one. Sorry, Steel distracted me.” He thumbed over his shoulder. “I didn't see you coming.”

  “Oh, hunny, if I was coming, you'd see and hear it.” She grabbed his beer and dangled it in front of him before chugging it as she walked off across the yard.

  “Burn, dude.” Brawn tossed back the rest of his beer. “I like her. If you don't want her, I'll have a crack at her.”

  Noah glared, short of curling his fist. Pr
oblem was, he didn't know if he was riled up at Brawn's shitty comment or because of Jayla. She worked him like a pawn in a chess game.

  “Fuck you, man.” Noah punched him in the arm. Brawn laughed, his face scrunching into a wince.

  Jayla reached into the cooler and grabbed two more long-necks, handing one to Noah as he caught up to her. He accepted it with a sour smile and a grunt.

  “Why so glum, cupcake?” Jayla tilted her head as she clinked the bottom of her bottle against his.

  “The name's Noah, not cupcake.” Everything about her grated his nerves, yet she had an undeniable allure. Something out of the ordinary drew him to her, from her quirky confidence to her unique, yet oddly sexy fashion sense. Or the fact that she could match any of the SEALs there beer for beer. He glanced back at the other ladies giggling over wine before returning his attention back to Jayla, caressing her bottle-neck in a way he almost wished it was his—

  “Fine.” She leaned in with a smirk teetering on her full lips. “Noah. But, don't you all have code names or something?” She folded one arm across her chest, resting the hand holding her beer on top of it. It took a conscious effort to pull his attention off her breasts and back to the conversation.

  Clearing his throat to rid his thoughts, he said, “Well, nicknames, yeah. I'm Hound.” He slunk one hand into his pocket and took a long pull of the cold beer, enjoying the crispness running over his tongue and down his throat.

  Jayla covered her mouth and snickered.

  “What?” Noah stared at her, losing himself once again in her incredible blue eyes. “It doesn't mean what you think it means.”

  She laughed even louder. “Oh, enlighten me. Tell me what I think it means.”

  “Hound Dog. But it doesn't. I got the nickname because I'm the best tracker on the team.” Pride swelled in his voice. He earned that name through grueling attention to detail, focus, and hard work. He proved himself when no one else thought he could get the job done.

  “Well, Hound, can you track us down some more beer?” She tipped her bottle over and the last droplet slicked the rim and fell to the grass.

  As he bent over to the cooler, he caught her checking out his ass. A smirk pulled at his lips. “Do I get your name, or should I just call you crazy?”

  “You call me crazy and I'll beat your ass with your own fist. Plus, you already know my name.” She clinked her bottle neck to his again. “Cheers.”

  Noah shook his head with a laugh. This girl was nothing short of a pistol. How someone could be equal parts annoying and alluring at the same time had him stumped. “Just how do you know that?”

  “Because I can read lips.” She wiggled her brows. “And I'm clever as shit.”

  Shit indeed. Deep shit. He was about to do something really stupid.

  Ask her out.

  Chapter Three

  Jayla gripped her beer so hard her knuckles turned white. She fully intended on flirting for some fun at the party, but she didn't expect anything to come of it. While SEALs were pretty to look at, they had a notorious rep for quick romps and even quicker exits. She refused to be a notch on a bedpost.

  But her plans nosedived the minute she laid eyes on that Hound guy. Her head screamed at her to run far, far away. Her vadge yelled louder, forcing her to picture him with a lot less clothing involved. Damn his taunting forearm porn. Sinewy muscles flexed every time he took a drink of his beer. She ached to lick the plump lips framed by his stark jawline, with a chin that stuck out just a hair too far, yet it seemed a perfect fit on his asymmetrical face. Add in his big, broody forehead and she was done for.

  His deep brown eyes locked onto her own, holding her in a staring match. The intensity in them freaked her out a little. A sure fire sign that when this guy wanted something, he'd let nothing get in his way. She broke their gaze and focused her attention on his short, dark-brown hair, finding a pair of fancy-ass sunglasses sitting on top like some hot-shot movie star.

  Find something annoying about him, Jayla, it'll be easier to diffuse the situation and walk away. And make it quick before you do something really stupid, like give him a lap dance on the cooler.

  She glanced at some movement behind him only to find another SEAL headed her way, wearing a shit-eating grin with fuck-me eyes. Definite womanizing material. A pretty boy, with the bed count to match probably. Shit.

  She focused back on Noah as she summed up her options. Plan A—exit the party early. Or Plan B...which was still a work in progress. Since Melinda drove them both to the party, she was stuck. Plan B it would have to be. Regret already toiled in her gut at the thought.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered, not believing the words actually made it out of her head.

  Noah blinked. “Say what?”

  “Are you sure you're not deaf?” She sucked in a deep breath and launched herself at his lips.

  He stumbled backward before wrapping one arm around her waist, keeping their balance. Jayla dropped her bottle behind him and slid her hands along his neck, taut with muscle and sun-kissed warmth. A twinge of excitement hit her belly as their lips met. For a shocked moment his mouth froze, before his lips slanted and welcomed her.

  His cologne hit her nose, sending another frisson of adrenaline through her. He curled his fingers into her back. “What are you doing?” he mouthed against the kiss.

  “Just go with it, okay?” she whispered back, still pressed to his mouth.

  “Fine.” His lips twitched into a smile and his other arm snaked around her, dipping her backwards as he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue past her lips.

  Jayla's heart plunged to her stomach, an impressive feat considering she now hung upside down in Noah's arms. His tongue swept away all thoughts as he explored her mouth with the fervor of a hormonal teenager, but far better technique. Her hands that once held the warmth of his neck now clung to his thick biceps for dear life, curling her nails into his skin. That was going to leave a mark.

  “What are you doing?” she groaned into the kiss.

  His lips vibrated against hers as he chuckled. “Going with it.”

  The world spun around her as he whisked her back to standing. Sliding her bottom lip between his teeth, he grazed her skin as he pulled back from the kiss, making sure she experienced every spine-tingling second of it.

  Their gazes locked in a fiery intensity, her hands still stuck to his biceps and his to her waist.

  “Well, looks like I'm out of luck.” The blond-haired surfer-looking SEAL slapped a hand on Noah's shoulder. “You got to her before I did. Well done, Hound.”

  Noah blinked, staring into Jayla's eyes. He nodded, acknowledging his buddy, but his attention remained on her, flooding her with adrenaline overload. Everything inside her shouted to run, to grab Melinda and hit the road. But her feet refused the calling, remaining planted in place. She'd barely be upright if it weren't for his hands still holding tight to her hips.

  “Um … I need to go,” Jayla said, forcing her lips to forget the feel of him and use them for words. He halted her step by grabbing her wrist. She glanced down at his hand, warm and slightly calloused.

  “You're leaving?” Noah hooked her by the elbow. “What was that?”

  Jayla tossed a nod at the blond guy swaggering his way back to the table of ladies.

  Noah released a frustrated sigh. “Yeah, Digger's not a bad guy, just a notorious lady's man.” He nodded and pursed his lips. “I get it. Better to kiss me than to succumb to his come-ons.” Sliding his hands into his jeans. “Got it.”

  “Look, it wasn't bad.” Her hands shot up in defense. “I mean it was good.” She diverted her gaze to her Docs, unable to look him square in the eyes or tell him how amazeballs the kiss actually had been. “But, I'm not looking for anything. You were just there, and it happened. It didn't mean anything.” She made the mistake of looking back into his eyes. The confusion in them held her captive, and in a moment of insanity, she debated whether or not to say fuck it and kiss him again. Instead, she swallowed hard, suc
ked in a deep breath, and forced herself to leave. “I'm gonna go find Melinda. Laters.”

  Could you have been any more stupid, Jayla? She could have kicked her own ass.

  She side-stepped him and marched herself straight into the house looking for an escape, somewhere, anywhere where Noah wasn't. He clouded her thoughts and made her body tingle in all the right places. Spots that hadn't been tingled in a long time.

  Why did he have to be a stupid SEAL?

  Guilt sucker-punched her every thought. He seemed like a decent enough guy, and she hated to dis him like that. But if she'd stayed there, she didn't know where the kiss would lead. More so, she did. And needed to prevent it.

  She found the bathroom off a hallway and plunked herself down on the toilet to think. And hide. Maybe not the best place, as someone would inevitably think she was in there for other reasons due to the length of time she'd been hiding from everyone. But she didn't care.

  Well, maybe a little.

  After fifteen minutes of self-damnation filled with regret, she decided to find Melinda and head out, or call a cab. As she reached for the door handle it turned in her hand. The door thrust open and she landed smack dab against Noah's chest. Jayla's back hit the sink, throwing her hands behind her on the counter for support.

  “Shit, I didn't know anyone was in here. Wait, Jayla?” His eyes shot open in surprise. “Is this where you disappeared to?”

  She closed her eyes, wishing and hoping that somewhere in the universe there was a black hole with her name on it waiting to swallow her at that very moment. Letting out a sigh, she reopened her eyes and stared at him. “Yeah, I just needed some alone time.”

  He quirked a brow.

  Her eyes shot wider. “Not that kind of alone time, you pervert.” She smacked him across the chest, and he let out a snort.

  “Listen, I'm sorry if I took the kiss too far.” He stepped back and folded his arms. “But just remember, you kissed me first.”

  “I know!” She thrust her hands up in the air, before tucking them under her arms as she paced the length of the tiny bathroom. “I panicked. I'm sorry.”


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