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Fake Bride: A Billionaire Boss Fake Marriage Romance

Page 17

by Cassandra Bloom

I didn’t know and that unsettled me.

  Unable to sleep, I stared at the ceiling, hands locked over my chest, trying to figure out what to do.

  Soon, my mind wandered, picturing Tanya’s beautiful body. Before I knew what I was doing, I had already undressed her, imagining what her naked body looked like. I drank in her every curve, getting intoxicated by the sheer sight of her. She was gorgeous; there was no doubt about it.

  Unable to help myself, my thoughts ventured into naughtier territory. I dreamt up all the things I could do to her. Left to my own devices, I’d have her screaming my name at the top of her lungs. She’d love it so much she’d beg for more, but for once I wasn’t going to make the first move.

  If she truly wanted me, she’d have to prove it.

  Sure enough, just as my thoughts reached their climax, I heard the soft groan of the door opening. I laid still, feigning sleep, as a dark figure slipped into the room walking with a slow, muted step.


  My cock twitched in anticipation. The alpha inside of me yearned to jump up and pounce on her right then and there, but I managed to smother the desire in order to figure out what Tanya planned to do.

  She crept toward the bed, head tilted toward the floor, watching her every step. From the looks of it, she was wearing very little, but the darkness of the room made it impossible to see the exact details of her nighttime outfit.

  Finally, she arrived at the foot of the bed. She lingered there a moment before she crawled onto the mattress, settling herself by my side. There was a gap between our bodies that felt like a chasm. As much as I wanted to pretend to be asleep and let things unfold naturally, I couldn’t stand being apart.

  In a flash, I rolled over, took her in my arms, and pulled her close.

  She gasped.

  I lost control.

  Our lips collided into a long overdue kiss. Skin against skin, we fell into a rhythm, lips dancing against one another in an erotic tangle that only grew hotter and hotter with each passing second.

  As my hands roamed her body, my tongue slipped between her lips, roaming around her mouth. Soon enough, they were tangled together, wrestling playfully, speaking a silent language called desire.

  The air around us grew thicker and thicker as our excitement grew.

  My fingers danced along her thighs, getting closer and closer to her panties but suddenly she stopped me.

  The kiss was severed.

  Breathing hard, our faces were only inches apart when she shook her head. “I’m sorry…” She whispered. “I’m just not ready yet…”

  Chapter 9 (Tanya)

  Christmas Ball. December 23rd. A Saturday.

  Today was the day. Not only was I about to go to an important social event with my boss – a billionaire CEO – but I needed to tell him my decision.

  Just thinking about it made me anxious.

  I had thought about his offer a million and one different ways, trying to weigh the pros and cons so I’d make the right decision but every time I thought I had settled my mind, some new thought would pop up, destroying everything.

  What was I supposed to do?

  I couldn’t possibly have Everett’s baby… could I?

  What kind of woman would I be?

  Yet, the money was enticing. It would be more than enough to follow my dreams.

  Ugh, this was impossible.

  I paced around my kitchen as if doing so would give me more time but the clock kept ticking and ticking. Soon enough, Everett would arrive, and I’d still be dressed in my pajamas, trying to make a decision.

  With a sigh, I ventured into the bathroom. On the sink was a box. It had arrived yesterday with a note from Everett. It was my outfit for the ball. I hadn’t opened it yet.

  Biting my lip, I ripped through the tape, flipping open the flaps.

  Cautiously, I reached inside.

  I gasped, pulling out a gorgeous red gown. Even in the dull bathroom lighting, the sequins glittered like a million stars. The silk fabric felt too luxurious for someone like me and yet, Everett expected me to wear this.

  Taking a deep breath, I gathered the courage to finally try it on.

  It settled into place as it belonged on my body. I couldn’t believe it. I had never had a dress fit me so well. My every curve was accentuated. The cleavage was low but still tasteful. The slit was just the right length to show off my shapely leg. It was perfect.

  When I looked in the mirror, I felt a bout of nerves wrap around my spine. What if Everett didn’t like what he saw? I fretted over the tiniest wrinkles, picking out all my imperfections.

  Why did he want me to bear his baby?

  I was just some normal, run of the mill girl. He could have paid anyone and yet he wanted me. Why? It was the question that had haunted me for the last 48 hours. I just couldn’t understand it. What was so special about me?

  As I walked into my bedroom, I contemplated calling the whole thing off. I could just tell Everett I was indisposed and couldn’t make it. He would understand. Besides, he could get a replacement date in a heartbeat. There were tons of girls that flocked over him. I wouldn’t be missed.

  I picked up my phone, looking through my contacts, finger hovering over his name. I hesitated.

  What was I supposed to do?

  It didn’t feel right to accept his offer and yet the money could make an enormous difference in my life. Would it be worth throwing away my decency? I didn’t know anymore…

  But, in the back of my mind, that wasn’t even what bothered me the most.

  Did Everett like me?

  When he kissed me, there was a fire burning between his lips. Everything pointed to the fact that he was attracted to me, but I didn’t know if it was only lust or if there was something else. I yearned for more. I wanted him to like me just as much as I liked him. But, who was I kidding? He was way out of my league. It would never work – even if the feelings were there.

  Suddenly, before I could work through the turmoil in my mind, there was a knock on the door.

  Crap! It was him.

  I didn’t even have makeup on yet. He couldn’t see me like this…

  Panic bubbled up inside of me.

  What was I supposed to do?

  Maybe, if I pretended no one was home, he’d leave.

  Knock. Knock.


  What was I supposed to do?

  Knock. Knock.

  Eventually, my guilt took hold. I couldn’t just leave him to stand out there. He had gone through all the trouble to get me this beautiful dress.

  Taking a deep breath, I approached the door, swinging it open.

  As soon as I did, my heart seemed to stop.

  Everett was gorgeous. Like, drop dead gorgeous. I stared at him, mouth agape, heart pounding.

  “You look stunning.” He said with a breathtaking smile before he took my hand, squeezing it a moment. As his smile deepened, he leaned down, planting a small kiss on the back of my hand like a storybook gentleman.

  At this point, it felt like my heart would explode out of my chest.

  How could this be real? I had to be dreaming.

  Without an ounce of hesitation, his arm snaked around my waist, pinning me to his body like a proper escort. “Shall we?” He asked, voice deep and husky.

  Despite all the turmoil I had felt, I knew, deep down, that I’d never be able to resist this man. His charm alone was enough to entice any woman – and I was no exception.

  I would bare this man’s baby.

  Chapter 10 (Everett)

  Tanya had surpassed my expectations. She looked like a goddess. The dress fell perfectly on every curve of her body making it hard for me to resist the animalistic hormones that raged inside of me at the sheer sight of her.

  It didn’t help that her lack of makeup, paired with bouncy curls, made her look absolutely adorable. All I wanted to do was pull her close and hold her all night long. Maybe, if I were lucky, I’d take a little bite – a harmless nibble that would venture
to her neck, leaving a mark and enticing a scream.

  I smiled. Just the thought of her moaning my name was enough to send me into a frenzy.

  But, I pushed away from the feeling as I guided her to my car, opening the door, and ushered her inside. As she looked up at me, her cheeks were painted in a rosy hue adding to her innocent look. “I’m glad you skipped the makeup. You’re naturally beautiful, Tanya.” As I spoke, our faces gravitated together. Her lips were pursed ever so slightly like she anticipated a kiss.

  Not yet.

  I ran my fingers through her hair, pulling it away from her face. I was about to pull away when I kissed the top of her head gently.

  Her cheeks burned with crimson, lips pressed together like she was holding back a slew of words. To be honest, I was just as surprised as she was.

  Why had I done that?

  The gesture was one of a lover – something couples did when they were trying to be romantic. But, that’s not what I was trying to achieve, was it? I just needed a surrogate for my child. Tanya was my best option. That’s all.


  The tugging in my chest tried to tell me differently, but I ignored it.

  Emotions only made things messy. I needed to keep things professional.

  Still, there was a part of me that wanted much, much more than that. I didn’t just want a mother to my child – I wanted a companion – someone who would ward off the loneliness I felt when I spent my nights gazing out the windows of my penthouse suite. Sure, I could have a plethora of women at a moment’s notice, but their company wasn’t worth two cents. Tanya, on the other hand, was different. I needed her, even if I didn’t want to admit it.

  In the end, however, pragmatism won out as I pulled away from her, closed the door, and settled myself behind the wheel.

  I drove to the Christmas Ball in silence trying to parse through all these feelings. When I had first concocted my plan to make Tanya the surrogate mother to my child, I thought it was foolproof. Tanya was hardworking and logical. She’d be the perfect woman. I never expected to fall for her.

  But, that was exactly what was happening.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched her, fingers twisting together on her lap. Teeth nibbling on her bottom lip. Eyes darting this way and that, unable to focus. She was nervous. I would have given anything to be able to know her thoughts at that moment.

  Would she accept my offer? Or would she reject, thinking I only wanted her for her body?

  There was so much I wanted to say, and yet, I couldn’t bring myself to utter a word. For once in my life, I was rendered speechless.

  Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, we arrived at the banquet hall I had rented for the ball. It was a colonial mansion that belonged to the family. Already, VIP guests waltzed up to the main entrance, looking like they owned the world.

  “Um… are you sure I should be here?” Tanya asked with a gulp.

  “Of course,” I answered just before getting out of my seat.

  By the time I rounded the car, Tanya was already stepping onto the sidewalk. As she did so, her heel snagged on the hem of her dress causing her to lose her balance.

  Instinctually, I reached forward and caught her, arms tight around her body. “Careful,” I growled, holding her a little tighter. “I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”


  “No matter how badly you’ve fallen for me.” I winked, a smirk painted on my face. “Now, come on, we have an entrance to make.”

  As I took her hand, our fingers locked together. The feeling of her silky skin against mine filled me with confidence like I had never felt before. I straightened my posture, chest jutting out ever so slightly. Then, with a newfound pep in my step, I towed her toward the mansion.

  “Wow…” She whispered in awe.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet. Just wait until we get inside.” Even though Tanya had been my assistant for a couple of years, she had never actually attended the Ball. I had always found a high-class date to tag along. Back then, I was more concerned with making appearances. Now, with my corporate empire to support me, there wasn’t much that threatened my position. So, no matter what anyone thought, I was going to bring whoever I damn choose as my date.

  By the doors, one of the ushers nodded in my direction. “Mr. Walton.”

  I nodded back.

  Inside, a crowd had already formed, gathering in clusters. Well-dressed waiters walked around the room, serving drinks and appetizers. “Can I get you anything?”

  She shook her head.

  “You know, there’s no reason for you to be bashful. I want you to enjoy yourself tonight, alright?”

  Tanya looked hesitant, searching my eyes. “I…” She wet her lips. “Okay.”

  “Now, what can I get you?”

  “Um… a glass of wine should be fine.”

  “Coming right up.” With a snap of my fingers, I beckoned over a waiter, snatching up two cups of a deep, red wine. Each bottle would cost me $500.

  Timidly, she took a sip, hands shaking.

  Unable to see her acting this way, I took the alcohol away from her, placing my hands on hers. “There’s no need to be so nervous. Just trust me and have a good time.” Before she could say something, I pressed my hand to the small of her back, hips pressed together.

  “W-What are you doing?” She whispered, eyes widening as she looked all around. “People are watching.”

  “So? Let them stare as I enjoy a dance with the most beautiful woman here.” Almost on cue, the orchestra started to play.

  Jingle Bells.

  Not my usual choice when trying to impress a woman but it would have to do – this was a Christmas Ball after all.

  “I… I can’t dance.” Tanya protested.

  “Just follow my lead,” I whispered, locking our bodies together as I started to move across the dancefloor. Despite her claim, we glided together in perfect sync, like partners who had been practicing for years.

  I laughed, my heart swelling with joy as the cheerful music took over, guiding my movements.

  “I haven’t had this much fun in a long time,” I admitted without thinking.

  “Oh?” Tanya had finally relaxed to the point where her hands were on my shoulder.

  Chestnuts roasting…

  With the slower tempo of the newest song, we swayed together, looking into each other’s eyes. At that moment, I couldn’t deny how this woman had managed to capture my heart, making it beat harder than ever before. She was making me feel alive in a way that no one else had.

  The feeling was addictive. I wanted more of it. Much more.

  But, the only way to get what I wanted was to keep Tanya and I had no idea what she would decide to do.

  “Tanya…” I started, hands on her hips, afraid to let go. Never before had I felt so attached to someone like I needed her to breathe. She was the reason everything looked so bright. The Christmas tree sparkled with a new light. The jolly smiles seemed happier. With Tanya, everything was better.

  Yet, doubt trickled into the back of my mind.

  What if she said no?

  What then?

  How would I find someone to replace her?

  The answer was, I wouldn’t. I couldn’t.

  “Y-Yes?” She asked, fingers tightening around my suit jacket, voice quivering.

  “Have you thought about what I said down by the beach house?”

  Her lips pressed together into a thin line. We stopped dancing.


  This wasn’t going to end well…

  “Tanya… just tell me. I won’t get mad, no matter how you choose.” Gently, I lifted her chin so I could look at her, gauging her expression.

  She looked around the banquet hall. “Can we… go somewhere… a little more… private?” She asked, stepping back.

  I desperately wanted to reel her back into my arms, but instead, I just nodded my head. I had promised myself that no matter what happened, I would accept her decision

  Together, we weaved through the crowd of people. As we did so, I could hear a few muted whispers commenting on my choice of an escort. Most of these whispers came from women with upturned noses and too-thin bodies. I had fucked most of them, leaving them wanting more. They were just jealous because they knew they didn’t have what Tanya had.


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