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Chosen_Book One

Page 5

by Rebecca Thomas

  "How did you manage to obscure Kiara from us?"

  “I’ve become friends with all the other Oracles in the city over the years, I asked them not to tell the Guardians if they had any visions about Kiara. Other Oracles would have been too far away to see her specifically.”

  "And you orchestrated it so that you, or more Mindy, got to tell her the prophecy, so that we wouldn't find her?"

  "A plan I was sure was going to work."

  "You didn't see that I would find her?"

  "I have control over my psychic powers, but I'm at the mercy of my visions. I only saw it right before it happened, there was nothing I could do to stop you from finding out."

  Caleb sighed. It was a shame that someone like Kiara had to be involved in something like this, it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair for any of the Chosen, really.

  "I appreciate that you are trying to keep it from the other Guardians, that you’re trying to protect her," she said with a small smile.

  "Of course," he smiled in return, his eyes lingering on her face. It was funny, now he knew that she and Kiara were related, he could see the family resemblance. They both had the same eyes, pale skin, big smiles.

  “Is that why you haven’t reached out to her, because you’re also still trying to protect her?” Caleb asked.

  Lily nodded.

  "It must have been hard for you to tell two of your family that they're going to die," he said quietly.

  "The hardest thing," she agreed.

  Caleb was sorry for her and sorry that he couldn’t do anything to change this situation, not without giving everything away.

  As silence fell between them, Caleb could hear that there were so many thoughts still buzzing through his head. Her answers had brought up even more questions, there was plenty that he still wanted to know. But he didn’t get a chance to ask another because her face screwed up with pain and she let out an anguished yell, crumpling back against the sofa.

  “Lily, what’s wrong?” he asked, leaning forward and reaching out to steady her with his hands. She was so cold all of a sudden.

  “Vision,” she choked out, so that he wouldn’t distract her.

  Caleb remained quiet until she relaxed, her eyes fluttering open.

  “What did you see, is it another Chosen?” he asked, still holding her.

  “No, it’s Kiara and Hallie, they’re going to get hurt.”

  Caleb looked startled, gripping her arms a little tighter out of worry.

  “When? Where?”

  “Tower Bridge. A little while after the rain clears.”

  They both looked over at the window behind them and saw that the skies were already growing lighter, the rain a faint drizzle.

  “Go,” she said, pushing him up onto his feet. “Quickly!”

  Caleb didn’t need to be told twice, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him.


  Kiara and Hallie could still feel the rush of what they had just experienced as they made the long journey back into the city. For lightning to curve around Kiara like that… It meant that what they believed had to be true. They were three for three; Kiara couldn’t die.

  “Hey,” Hallie said, pointing at the sign with all the tube stations on it. “Do you want to do something even more reckless?”

  “Is anything more reckless than what we just did?” Kiara asked with a laugh.

  “Want to go to the top of Tower Bridge?” Hallie said, wiggling her eyebrows.

  An intrigued smile slowly spread out across Kiara’s face. “You can get us up there? Isn’t it closed?”

  “Is there anything that money can’t buy?”

  Hallie didn’t usually flash around her cash, but she was feeling invincible and she wanted to expel her energy while she was feeling brave enough to be adventurous.

  “Let’s go, then.”

  They both hopped off the tube when it stopped, running even though there was no need. They had so much excitement to burn, they couldn’t help themselves. Hand in hand, they jogged up to the bridge’s entrance and bribed their way in. They had to swear they wouldn’t do anything that would get the security guy in trouble, which they obviously did, crossing their hearts and everything.

  There were so many stairs to the top, Hallie wasn’t sure it was ever going to end. But when they did reach the last step, the view outside was worth it. On the walkway, there were glass panels in the floor, showing the road and river below. It was a bit vertigo inducing, but seriously cool! While Kiara was taking it all in, Hallie wandered up and down the walkway, having a poke around. Looking up, she noticed a wooden hatch in the ceiling, the latch unlocked.

  “I bet the view is even better from up there,” she called to Kiara, beckoning for her to come look.

  It took some effort and some teamwork, but with Hallie standing on Kiara’s shoulders, they were able to get the hatch open and Hallie climbed through. Turning around, she stuck her hands back down so Kiara could jump, and Hallie could pull her up. It was a bit slippy but they both managed to situate themselves close to the edge without falling off.

  Looking out across the Thames from there was absolutely amazing. The sun was setting, turning the lingering clouds a gorgeous shade of pink. It was the perfect way to end one of the craziest days of their life.

  “I didn’t even notice the rain had stopped,” Kiara remarked, looking across at Hallie with a grin.

  “No, me either.”

  They had been too busy having fun.

  “Thank you for today. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have figured out how epic this could be. Caleb was right, I should live every moment I have left to the fullest,” Kiara took one of Hallie’s hands and pressed a kiss to her palm, then hugged her hand to her chest. “You’re the best girlfriend ever.”

  “Why thank you,” Hallie beamed, pleased that she managed to change Kiara’s mind. If they couldn’t be together forever, then they were going to have to make whatever time they had left the most spectacular years of anyone’s life ever.

  They sat there for a little while, just soaking it all in. Then Kiara began to shiver.

  “Apparently you’re not immune to the cold,” Hallie joked, tugging Kiara towards her so that she could embrace her.

  Unfortunately, the motion was too harsh and with the ground underneath them still slick with water, they both lost their grip.

  “Crap!” Hallie cried out, slipping out of control. “No, no, no!”

  Kiara tried to grab onto something, anything, but there was nothing. The roof disappeared completely as they soared over the edge. There was a brief rush of air as they both fell, a high-pitched scream, then what Hallie could only assume was her end. By God, did it hurt.

  Chapter Seven

  It was the screams that Kiara heard first, cutting through everything else. Next, she registered the sound of the rushing water, then the throbbing helicopter rotors approaching through the city. It sounded like utter chaos.

  For a brief moment, she couldn’t remember what happened or where she was, then it all came flooding back; the bridge, falling, Hallie…

  “HALLIE!” she spluttered, flailing around in the water as she tried to look for her.

  Out of the corner of her vision, Kiara saw someone dive into the water, causing even more screams from the crowd that was gathering along the river bank. She didn’t look to see who it was, instead she focused on trying to find Hallie. The river was so murky it was almost impossible to see anything. It didn’t help that they were also starting to flow downstream. Kiara wasn’t sure how long it had been since they fell, Hallie could be anywhere.

  “Kiara!” A familiar voice cried out to her from nearby and she whipped her head round to see Caleb swimming towards her, his arms slicing through the current to bring him closer to her.

  “Are you okay?” he was barely able to finish asking his question before she interrupted him.

  “Where’s Hallie? Can you see Hallie?”

  Caleb knew that she wouldn’t let her help
him until they found her. He searched, looking for any sign of her, then dove under the water. The wait on the surface was painful. Every second ticked by slower than the last. Her heart leaped into her throat when he came back up with nothing, but all he did was take another huge breath and then go straight back down again.

  “Please,” she begged, praying that their stupid stunt hadn’t got the love of her life killed. She would never forgive herself if that was case.

  After another agonizingly long wait, Caleb resurfaced, bringing Hallie with him. She wasn’t conscious. Kiara couldn’t tell if she was even breathing.

  “Can you swim?” he yelled to her.

  Kiara nodded. In theory she could, but right now she couldn’t tell how injured she was because of the cold water. Caleb was already paddling away as quickly as he could, tugging Hallie along as he went. It took her a couple of movements to get it right, but slowly she also started to make her way to the bank. It was difficult when she couldn’t take her eyes off Hallie and Caleb.

  Once he reached a ladder, he hoisted Hallie over his shoulder and started the climb. It was a strange thing to think in that moment, but Kiara had never realised he was that strong. He always looked so skinny under those jeans and baggy t-shirts.

  By the time Kiara managed to make it over to the ladder, someone was already climbing down to help her up. It was only when she was pulled out of the water that she realised she was bleeding. Her arm was so badly broken that there was bone sticking out of it. If she wasn’t so traumatised and scared, she probably would have thrown up.

  Up on the river bank, the crowd was being held back as best they could by a few police officers. Hallie was lying on the floor, a paramedic performing CPR on her, while a breathless Caleb crouched by her side, his brow furrowed deeply with worry.

  “I need to--” she pointed at her girlfriend, wanting to see if she was going to be okay. The emergency services guy could stop for long enough for her to see that, it was the least he could do.

  Kiara didn’t know how long it took, but when Hallie choked back into the land of the living, her knees gave out from under her. The emergency services guy caught her before she could hit the ground, carrying her over to one of the ambulances that had just arrived.

  “I need to check you over and get you to the hospital,” he said.

  “Is she going to be okay?” Kiara asked, tears in her eyes.

  “It’s too early to say,” he told her honestly. “From that sort of fall, it could go either way.” Even that was too generous. It had to be at least a hundred feet. The only reason Kiara was alive and talking right now was because of that stupid prophecy.

  “Caleb,” she tried to shout for him, but the exhaustion and pain was catching up with her.

  “It’s alright, I’m here,” he said, appearing from behind the guy placing her down on a gurney.

  “It was so stupid. We were so stupid,” she started to cry.

  Caleb ran a hand over her wet hair, his expression a mixture of sadness and guilt. “You’re both alive, that’s what matters. I’m going to ride with Hallie to the hospital and make sure that she gets the best care possible, okay? The moment you’re out of surgery, I’ll come find you and keep you updated.”

  “Okay,” she sniffed, shivering like crazy.

  “Look after her,” Caleb told the emergency services guy as he pulled away, running over to the air ambulance so he could join Hallie.

  Kiara hoped with every ounce of her being that Hallie would be fine. It was the last thing she would remember thinking before she blacked out.


  Indescribable wasn’t an accurate enough word for the well of emotion twisting Caleb’s gut. It was beyond that; a searing flame that wouldn’t let him settle on any one horrible feeling. Guilt was definitely a huge part of it. Keeping everything from the girls had only made things worse. If Kiara had known what she was getting herself into, if she’d had it confirmed rather than shot down, the two of them never would have been on top of that bridge in the first place.

  Sadness was another part. It was his job to look after both of the girls and they were both broken. Thankfully, Kiara was more hurt emotionally than physically. A broken arm and a couple of broken ribs, the doctors were calling it a miracle. Hallie, however, was going to be bandaged pretty much head to toe if she made it out of surgery. If he hadn’t gone to see Lily and she hadn’t had the vision, Hallie probably would have drowned in the Thames.

  It had only been a couple of hours since they had all been rushed to the hospital. Kiara was out of surgery, but still sedated. She looked so pale from the cold, it was taking her a while to warm back up. Hallie had a long way to go before anyone would confirm whether or not she was going to survive, and even then, who knew what permanent damage would be done.

  Caleb knew that he owed them both an explanation. He planned to give them one the moment they were both together again and conscious. If Hallie died and he could have prevented it, then the conversation was going to be even harder.

  It was morning before Kiara came around. Caleb refused to go home and spent the whole night in her room, staring off into nothing, the same thoughts going round and round in his head. Mostly he was swearing to himself that he was never going to do anything so misguided and idiotic ever again. Master Mahmid and the Elders set rules for a reason, from now on he was going to follow them, if they let him stay a Guardian.

  “How is she?” were the first words out of Kiara’s mouth. She was groggy, but she was still worried about Hallie.

  “The doctors came in an hour ago to update me. She’s out of surgery and in the ICU. She’s still in a precarious state, but they’re saying she could survive, so long as nothing else goes catastrophically wrong.”

  Tears rolled down Kiara’s cheeks. Caleb wasn’t sure whether they were out of relief or guilt, it could be both.

  “It’s all my fault.”

  “No, it’s not, it’s mine,” Caleb said, pulling his chair closer to the bed. “Believe me, if I had been honest with you from the start then none of this would have happened.”

  Kiara looked confused. “What do you mean?”

  “You and Hallie were right. There are people out there who can’t die and there’s a reason behind it. I want to explain everything, but it should wait until you’ve recovered.”

  Kiara looked like she wanted to protest, but then her gaze moved over to the door. “Are you a doctor?”

  Caleb followed her line of sight and went pale. No, it wasn’t a doctor. Although Master Mahmid sure looked like one in his shirt and tie. It was unusual to see him in civilian clothes. What wasn’t unusual was the look of disappointment on his face.

  “How did you know?” Caleb asked him, although he suspected he knew the answer.

  “The Oracles,” Master Mahmid said.

  Caleb could hear the anger in his voice. There was no way any of Lily’s friends were going to keep being quiet after what had happened yesterday.

  “I’ll be back,” Caleb told a very puzzled Kiara, rising from his chair.

  He followed Master Mahmid down the hospital corridor and into one of the private family rooms, where he locked the door behind them.

  “What were you thinking?”

  Caleb had experienced Master Mahmid’s anger before, but not quite like this. His Israeli accent was so much more pronounced when he was furious, Caleb noticed.

  “I was trying to protect her.”

  “By keeping her in the dark? By letting her run around by herself with no idea what she can do? Have I taught you nothing?” The last rhetorical question was particularly thunderous.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “And so you should be! You put the lives of two innocent young women in danger because of your misguided ideas. I warned you against making friends with people outside of our line of work, that becoming close to people is a weakness.”

  Caleb understood why Master Mahmid thought as much, especially in this situation, but he still didn’t ful
ly agree. It was a coincidence that he was friends with the person who ended up being the Chosen. However, it was his choice that had led them here and he was beyond apologetic.

  “Will the other one live?”

  “They’re saying it could go either way depending on how the next twenty-four hours play out.”

  “You better hope she survives, otherwise there will be no coming back from this for you,” Master Mahmid told him.

  Caleb was surprised that there was a chance of him coming back at all. He’d managed to convince himself overnight that this was it, his time as a Guardian was over. It appeared that might not be the case.

  “You’re not kicking me out?”

  “Believe me when I say that I should, and I would if…”

  Master Mahmid cut himself off, shaking his head. Caleb knew not to push for an explanation, it would only get his head bitten off.

  “The moment they are both well enough to understand, you explain everything. You don’t leave out a single detail. Am I understood?”

  Caleb nodded.

  “I’m going to go back to the Citadel and do damage control. I want you to report back there in one week to explain yourself. After that, you will return here, and train Kiara as originally planned.” This was, of course, so long as Hallie lived. If she didn’t then he was most likely going to be forced into obscurity to live out his days guilt ridden and alone.

  “I understand.”

  “Good, because one more toe out of line and even I won’t be able to save you.”

  Master Mahmid was completely serious. Caleb was shaken enough by this to fall back into line. If they were looking for a model Guardian, that was all they were getting from now on.

  Chapter Eight

  The next several hours were some of the hardest that Caleb and Kiara had both suffered through in their lives. Caleb was able to wheel Kiara up to see Hallie once, but she had been heavily sedated, and they couldn’t enter the room. It was imperative that she didn’t get any infections. He had been right to assume about the number of bandages. The only part of Hallie that wasn’t covered by bandage or blanket was her face, and even then, her skin was pale and the dark circles under her eyes made her look like she was dead or almost there.


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