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Targeting Dart (Satan's Devils MC #4)

Page 45

by Manda Mellett

  I give him a gentle thump on the arm to show my frustration. I’ve given him my word I’ll be careful; that should be enough. With a fond smile, he gives me a hug, pecks me on the cheek, and then takes his leave. He turns at the front door and throws back at me that trademark self-deprecating grin which makes him look even younger and more boyish. When I see it, I can understand the effect of that expression on other women. They all but fall at his feet, especially when he starts speaking with a touch of that American accent he still hasn’t lost completely.

  Left alone, I move over to the sofa and take the seat recently vacated by Hunter. It still feels warm and I find it comforting. He’s a good friend; my only friend, if I’m honest, my rock when I needed it, watching my back for over ten years now. He’s normally a man who keeps his cool in all types of situations, so why was he acting out of character today? What was all that rubbish about Amahad? And why does he seem so worried about my connection with Joseph Benting? Does he know something I don’t? How could he?

  Feeling perplexed, I decide he’s overreacting. In any event, I’m safely locked away in command central and I won’t be leaving here anytime soon, for any reason. Remembering my promise I go to secure the front door, check the window locks and engage the state-of-the-art security system. I’ll have to remember to disarm it before the courier arrives tomorrow, or else I’ll have half of Grade A appearing on my doorstep. Hunter, you’re a bastard, I curse under my breath. I was quite happy and content before our conversation, and now he’s put me on edge. I’ll probably jump at the sound of the central heating boiler firing up.

  Heaving a deep sigh, I force myself to park any worries about Amahad for the moment and return to the couch, picking up my e-reader instead, ready to leave the real world for a while. As the page I’m currently reading appears, I’m unable to suppress a quick chuckle at the thought of how glad I am that Hunter only saw the tree books. If he’d seen the ones on here, well …

  Picking up where I left off, I get lost in my book.

  Buy Stolen Lives

  Other Works by Manda Mellett

  A series about sexy dominant sheikhs and their bodyguards

  Stolen Lives (#1 – Nijad & Cara)

  Close Protection (#2 – Jon & Mia)

  Second Chances (#3 – Kadar & Zoe)

  Identity Crisis (#4 – Sean & Vanessa)

  Dark Horses (#5 – Jasim & Janna)

  There will be a new book in this series in 2018

  Turning Wheels (Blood Brothers #3.5, Satan’s Devils #1 – Wraith & Sophie)

  Drummer’s Beat (#2 – Drummer & Sam)

  Slick Running (#3 – Slick & Ella)

  Targeting Dart (#4 – Dart & Alex)

  Coming soon:

  Heart Broken (#5)

  Sign up for my newsletter to hear about new releases in the Blood Brothers and Satan’s Devils series


  One night, two friends of mine were sitting discussing my novels. As an outcome of their conversation, I received a message asking, why don’t you write about women who aren’t model thin and classically beautiful? It made me think, and the idea of the woman I wanted for Dart came into my head. To show my gratitude, I named my character after the person who gave me the idea. So, thank you Alex.

  Targeting Dart was a challenge for me to write, touching on some sensitive subjects. It was important to me that I got the balance right, and in this case, relied heavily on the contribution of my fantastic team of beta readers. A massive thank you to Brandy, Danena, Zoe, Colleen and Alex. And, as always, a special thank you to my husband, Steve, for his help with motorcycling details, and his encouragement.

  A special shout out must go to the amazing MariaLisa DeMora, who helped me with a few facts. Now if I’ve misinterpreted the information she gave me in any way, that’s down to me and certainly not on her. MariaLisa’s got a couple of amazing MC series that you might like to check out, Rebel Wayfarers and Neither This nor That. If you’re looking for a good read, you won’t be disappointed.

  I love working with Brian Tedesco, my editor, it’s always a pleasure and we seem to have a few laughs along the way. I’m so grateful that he can keep up with my tight schedule. His suggestions and input have certainly helped shape this book.

  Lia Rees, what can I say? You’re always there to format my books and the covers you produce are just great. Enjoy working with you.

  A new person to thank is my PA Deb Carroll. Love your ideas, Deb and your encouragement, and our (for me) late night message exchanges. Looking forward to working with you in the future.

  And last, but certainly not least, I’m so grateful to everyone who takes a chance on my books and reads them. Particularly to those who take the time to write reviews, or messages me to say how much they’ve enjoyed them. It’s a nail-biting experience after you press that publish button wondering how your book’s going to be received. You, dear reader, are what keeps me writing books.

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  About the Author

  After commuting for too many years to London working in various senior management roles, Manda Mellett left the rat race and now fulfils her dream and writes full time. She draws on her background in psychology, the experience of working in different disciplines and personal life experiences in her books.

  Manda lives in the beautiful countryside of North Essex with her husband and two slightly nutty Irish Setters. Walking her dogs gives her the thinking time to come up with plots for her novels, and she often dictates ideas onto her phone on the move, while looking over her shoulder hoping no one is around to listen to her. Manda’s other main hobby is reading, and she devours as many books as she can.

  Her biggest fan is her gay son (every mother should have one!). Her favourite pastime when he is home is the late night chatting sessions they enjoy, where no topic is taboo, and usually accompanied by a bottle of wine or two.

  Photo by Carmel Jane Photography




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