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Ice Dragon Tales

Page 11

by Hurri Cosmo

  Joron realized he was staring. He was so stunned to see this man again, and more astonished he was actually the King of Claymoor Doom, that he found it difficult to bring his emotions back under control. He was sure the man did not recognize him, since there was absolutely no indication of it on his face, so he figured he was safe. But he was irritated with himself because he was sure his distress showed and the king had to have noticed. He walked the few steps to the offered chair and sat with as much dignity as he could manage, clearing his throat, readying himself for the task he came to accomplish. He battled with his thoughts, though, because at the moment all he could think of were those warm, demanding lips and those all-encompassing arms that now sat across from him. His body reacted all on its own. He was grateful to be able to sit. He waited patiently, eyes on the floor directly in front of him, for the king to give him permission to speak and to find a point where he was not afraid to talk.

  * * * *

  Aric was very interested in why there was recognition in those beautiful eyes, eyes that looked, he realized now, a lot like Joron's sister's. He would have to find out how and why this young man thought he knew him. He had only ever seen Joron at a distance. He had to admit, though, up close he was more intriguing. His slight, perfect body moved with grace. The face was more than beautiful and his eyes were alive with life. Aric couldn't help but think he resembled his sister quite a bit. He smirked at the fact he found himself wondering what it would take to ignite the fire he knew must lurk right under the surface of this man who sat there fidgeting, waiting for permission to continue. It was a fire he had seen and experienced with his sister and now watching this boy with his lowered eyes, clasped hands, waiting for a positive word from him, Aric wanted to see it. This show of demure submissiveness touched off a bit of Alpha in Aric as well. He felt his loins grow warm. Maybe this was not going to be such a wasted evening after all. This suddenly became very interesting indeed.

  But then, as Aric continued to look at the boy, he had an overwhelming urge to not only possess him but protect him. He looked so innocent and troubled. Part of the reason he had him brought to his private quarters was so the boy would be completely at his mercy, knowing it was nearly impossible to escape from this part of the castle. It had been originally designed to keep trespassers confused and assassins frustrated. The king did not entertain many in his quarters--or not many lately. But in the past, it had proven to be a plus. Most of the time he used this as a means of escape for himself, since he was usually the first one to tell a sex partner it was over. Even if they had been to his rooms several times, they would always become lost in trying to locate them again. In this case, these rooms could prove to be the prison he might need with this young man.

  But first things first. "I am sorry for your loss, Prince Joron, and apologize once again for missing your father's funeral. Unfortunately, I had pressing matters of my own to attend to. I hope my representatives were helpful."

  Joron looked up then, an indiscernible look on his face. What was Joron thinking? Aric noticed the red tinge fill the prince's cheeks. Ah. My lips. He's trying not to look at my lips. Aric drew a slow breath as he stilled his heart. The young man was blushing and it was doing all sorts of things to him. Should he come right out and ask Joron why he was blushing so hard? Should he back him into a corner this early in the game? What fabrication could the prince come up with? Aric felt giddy, drunk even, on all of the thoughts flying around in his head.

  "Th-thank you. They were more than helpful. Thank you for your generosity." Joron bowed his head, as his face became redder still.

  Aric watched as Joron pushed himself back on the chair, hiding an obviously thickening cock. There was absolutely no lie the young prince could come up with that could explain that. Aric could have cheered. The prince was aroused by him.

  But instead, Aric grinned. It was clear the boy was uncomfortable. However, something else jumped into his brain at the same time. Why did his voice sound so familiar? He had never spoken to the young man before. It could be it was similar to his sister's voice but coupled with the fact he was thinking now, those eyes actually looked familiar as well, not just similar. He began to wonder.

  "I understand from my assistant that you had something of a personal nature you needed to discuss with me. What is it?" He desired to get to the point of the meeting the boy asked for so he could get to the meeting he wanted. He felt his manhood jump at the thought. Unlike this young man, Aric felt no need to hide his arousal.

  Joron once again looked up into the king's face, still blushing. "Thank you, first of all, for seeing me, your majesty. I will get right to the point. As you know, my brother, Diagus, has now become king since our father's death. However, one of the rulings my father made prior to his passing was the ownership of Ice Dragon Pass. It passed to me the day he died."

  Ahhh, so that was it. Amar blood was definitely running in those veins. "I see. So since the transfer took place, I assume all deals made before are now null and void, am I right? And though your brother is now king, you are here to tell me he had no right to make the deal he did either?"

  Aric was able to keep the irritation out of his voice but his own blood begin to boil at the audacity this young whelp had at thinking he could now extort more money from him than his brother had. It was clear, since he would not have made this trip otherwise. TaParn had also informed him he made the trip alone, without bodyguards or even a valet or footman. He was sure, as well, this trip had been made without King Diagus knowing. He was going to have fun punishing this young man for his arrogance.

  Joron was obviously taken aback and showed it by flinching slightly. "Well, yes, in part. I do want to offer you a different deal, a better deal."

  He was watching Aric closely. For what? Anger? Shock? Impatience? All Aric conveyed was a stone cold look--no emotion, no reaction at all. It was cruel but he could not help himself. He wanted to see this young man flustered and out of control.

  "I-I was not made aware of the deal you made with Prince... I-I mean, King Diagus, but...but knowing my brother, it was not one that was mutually beneficial." Once again, Joron lowered his gaze.

  Aric wanted to laugh. It was clear the inexperienced young man felt naked and vulnerable in the king's steady glare. He was having too much fun making him squirm.

  But when the words Joron had said took shape, it was the king's turn to be taken aback. He was here to make a better deal? The boy had also looked away again, blushing, and it had a very physical effect on Aric. He still had incredible lust for the delectable creature who sat across from him, but he was also feeling like he simply wanted to take him in his arms and hold him until this fear he thought he saw in him was gone. What was going on? One moment he was angry and wanted to punish the young man and in the next breath, he wanted to protect him? He mentally forced those feelings aside. Was he getting soft with age? This boy was an Amar. He was proving it this very minute. Aric was only going to bed the boy to make these feelings of his own go away for good. What was it about that face that made him want to keep him? Once again the feeling of familiarity loomed heavily and this time there was something even familiar about the way he looked away from him...something... What was it?

  "Mutually beneficial?" Aric spat out the words. "What are you suggesting? It would seem Blade Rain makes out quite nicely with the deal your brother made. Why would you want to change it?"

  It was clear to Aric that Joron forced his eyes up this time to meet his own cold, dark ones. Aric had hit on a sore spot. The fact the former Blade Rain king had never shared the wealth he gained from the pass with his people was no secret. There was no reason to believe the new king would be any different. The deal made between him and Diagus would not be beneficial at all to Blade Rain. But it definitely would be to the royal family. And even if the young prince had no idea the actual price that was settled on between Diagus and Aric, he would know it was no doubt higher than anyone except the King of Claymoor Doom could ever pay.

  But Joron's next words were like a lightning bolt.

  "I would like to offer you free passage. I have the power to do that."

  The king could not help but take in his breath as he felt his eyes widen and his heart stop. That voice. That comment. What...wait...could it possibly be?

  "I would like to offer you a reward. I have the ability to do that."

  It was what the young lady, the lady the king had been led to believe was the princess, the princess he had desperately negotiated with Diagus to marry, had said.

  Oh providence. Oh sweet, sweet destiny. So that woman was not the princess. It was clear to him now. This young man sitting in front of me right now is actually that woman. But there was absolutely no question this was a man. He had seen the bulge in his pants only moments ago when he tried to hide it by sinking farther back into the couch. If it were true, they were one and the same, why in the world had he dressed as a woman? His heart was back to beating--but hard and fast. He needed to regain control of himself. He had to find out for sure.

  "I am not a stupid man, Prince Joron. I know nothing comes for free."

  There was fear in those amazing green eyes. What was it that scared him? Aric was shocked to think about the fact he wanted to know only to kill whoever or whatever it was that made this young man unhappy. He steeled himself. He had to quit reacting like a caveman to everything he perceived threatened Joron--mainly because he knew the biggest threat right now was himself.

  "Yes, you are right," Joron continued. "I do have a request. I want you to relinquish your rights to the nuptials you agreed to concerning my sister."

  Those green eyes wavered but they stayed fixed on Aric, who tried harder than he had ever had before to keep his face stoic and unemotional. He was surprised at the fact Joron could keep eye contact--proud, actually. Most men would have lowered their eyes with the way Aric was looking at him. But he also knew they had come to the very reason for Joron being here. The young man was not going to back down now. He had finally said what he come to say. Now the fun would truly begin.

  Chapter 9

  To King Aric, there was no question. He knew who sat in his private rooms with him and it made perfect sense. Indeed it was the reason Joron reacted the way he did when Aric came into the room. It was also the reason he had reacted so strongly to the person he thought was the princess. He smirked. Joron had no idea he knew. He would use this to his great advantage.

  "Agreed to? I didn't agree to anything. I chose your sister, so why would I relinquish my rights?"

  Joron flinched.

  Aric's heart jumped hard, as did his rock hard cock. Why did he obsess at every reaction this sweet boy had?

  "To gain free passage, of course. Like I said, I don't know completely the deal you and my brother had, but that deal is off. It's no longer valid. This is the deal that is now on the table."

  There was no doubt in Aric's mind Joron thought he sounded forceful and princely. All would be gained or lost right here. It was clear the boy had nothing else to bargain with.

  But of course, that would not stop Aric from pushing for more anyway. He nodded slowly. "I see. And if I refuse?"

  Aric watched as Joron's face fell. The damn boy had to have known since this path existed, it would be explored. But he was forcing Joron over a cliff and he didn't need to. Free passage was absolutely more than he had dreamed of. He should accept it and court Joron in the normal way, but for some reason he couldn't stop himself. He wanted Joron to play his only trump card, to have no escape. And in the boy's next breath, he did.

  "Then you will not be granted passage at all."

  He maintained the eye contact. Aric was more than impressed. But Joron started to shake. The young man was trying so hard to be mature in this negotiation. It was most likely his first. He wanted so much to smile...

  And encourage.

  "Who will stop me?"

  * * * *

  Joron closed his eyes. He had learned early on, you never offer something you cannot deliver. As much as he hated to put anyone in harm's way, especially for a selfish reason like this, he had to continue to discuss this arrangement, even if it was now going in the totally wrong direction. If he didn't, he would never be taken seriously by anyone, most of all himself.

  "My army will stop you." He refocused his own gaze on that dark one, putting the strength of saving his sister behind it.

  If indeed the king were dead-set on marrying Liarta, he would have a fight on his hands. But there was always the thought that maybe King Aric had some other goal in mind.

  "Prince Joron, you are under the impression I seek a better deal. I do not. I have more money and power than I know what to do with, so you see, free passage is just not that attractive, and personally I don't think your army could stop me. What I want to know is why you want me to relinquish my rights. Answer me truthfully and I may reconsider."

  Joron hesitated. He hadn't thought about this. He never expected the man would ask why. The truth simply was to ensure his sister's happiness and freedom to make her own decisions. How could that be powerful enough of an ideal that would sway this man to accept what had already happened? Was the king actually in love with her? For some reason, Joron's heart twisted at that thought. Liarta had said she never met the man. What was the real reason behind King Aric's proposal in the first place? If it had been to eventually gain a better deal with the pass, Joron was offering that right now. Why was he continuing to negotiate?

  "My sister is no longer available." Once again, he maintained eye contact.

  The king laughed out loud, momentarily tipping his head back as well. "You mean to tell me she's run off? Is that the reason you're here? She ran off and you're trying to stave off a war between our kingdoms because you know you will lose. Why would you protect your irresponsible sister with the only resource your kingdom can sell?"

  Joron came off the chair, though he knew better then to try to attack the man sitting across from him. However, a man standing while the other is sitting gained power, especially for someone as small as Joron. That power would not last, certainly not if the king stood, too, and he would. He also knew the guards were but a whisper away and his strength against the king's, without the guards, would be a joke. The only thing he had were words to defend his sister's honor.

  "She is far from irresponsible, sir. She is simply in love with another man and before my father died, he gave her his blessing to marry him. Unfortunately, my word the blessing even happened was not good enough for my brother. He still promised her to you. I am here to release her from that bond. It is my only motivation. Period." He raised his voice, losing some of his control, but he never lost eye contact.

  * * * *

  The king slowly stood as well, after quickly waving off the guards. He was delighted in seeing the fire flash in those green eyes and it sent shivers down his spine. The boy would be an absolute wildcat once he was underneath him, and Aric was finding it hard to wait until he could make that happen. So, Prince Joron is willing to give away the only real resource their kingdom has to offer in order to release his sister. Since Aric no longer wanted to marry her, knowing now the "woman" he desired was actually the man standing right here, there was nothing for him to lose. But he could not help punishing this boy a little more.

  "What has she promised to you if you do this?" He took a step toward Joron. "As I said, nothing is free. I want to know what's at stake, so I know how to counter it."

  "She promised me nothing." Joron's eyes flashed brighter with his rising anger.

  Aric found himself getting lost in his desire to see even more.

  "She doesn't know what I'm offering to you to get this done. She would have tried to stop me if she did. I made sure they eloped the night before I set out for Claymoor Doom, so again, she is no longer available. There is nothing to counter. Neither one of them have anything more to do with this."

  "Oh, I beg to differ. If I turn this new so-called deal down, she will still be oblig
ated to become my wife. I don't care if she is no longer a virgin. My heir is already born and what you are offering me, does not appeal to me." He took one more step toward Joron. He now stood directly in front of him, inches away, face to face. "What else you got?" The king smiled.

  It was clear the boy was exhausted. The frenzied hurry he had maintained to arrive here as quickly as he did was showing in his beautiful eyes. Physically, the chair was directly behind him and with Aric standing so close in front of him, he had nowhere to go. He looked shocked at the direction things had gone. He never expected the king to flat out refuse the deal as it was offered.

  "I don't." It was a whisper. "This is it. If you turn it down, I will refuse you and any of your dealers passage. Understand what that means."

  "I do, Prince Joron." Aric could not help but to soften his tone. "I understand people might lose their lives because of this deal you would have me take. You would turn down riches for your poor kingdom and put your army at risk, all so your sister can marry someone she is in love with. I have little time or patience for such weak sentiment."

  Aric stopped for a moment, then cocked his head as he gazed down into Joron's scared and confused eyes. Oh, how he wanted to assure him he was on safe ground, in secure territory. He looked so lost. It was time to end this little game.

  "However, I have a proposition for you. I will take this deal, the free passage, and release your sister from her obligation...under one condition."

  He waited for Joron to digest the new information, watched hope return to those beautiful eyes, and his heart skipped a beat. As much as he liked seeing this young man's fire and the fact he had created it, he liked it better, for a reason he would not explore at the moment, the fact he created hope.

  Joron swallowed hard. "Go on," he whispered, fidgeting, looking incredibly uncomfortable with Aric this close to him.

  His smile grew. His member jumped and twitched as he forced himself to remain in control. He was so at the edge, he actually started to fear for this small, young man who would very soon bear the brunt of his pent-up lust. It had been such a long time since he felt this aroused, if ever. He suddenly pushed Joron back onto his chair, blocking him in with his own hands on the back of the chair on either side of Joron's head as the king bent over, leaning close.


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