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Ice Dragon Tales

Page 33

by Hurri Cosmo

  Abydell frowned and toyed with her ripped dress.

  Aric harrumphed. "Dress in the dark...dear?"

  Abydell shot him a shocked looked. "No!" She immediately looked away and covered her mouth. She let out what she hoped was a pained cry. "I...I was attacked."

  She saw Aric flinch in her peripheral vision. Good. I have his attention.

  "By who?"

  She couldn't help but thrill at the sound of his voice. He sounded angry. What husband wouldn't be? "Earlier I...I saw your... I encountered that boy you're so enamored with and he...he..." She let the rest of her sentence trail off, trusting the man would figure it out as she covered her entire face and turned completely away. She could force out a tear or two if she had to, as well, but she needed time to accomplish it.

  "What?" She heard Aric came out of his chair, knocking it over with a crash. "When did you see Joron?"

  Turning, she wiped away a nonexistent tear. "Right before I came to see you, darling. He...he was at my door. He was so angry. He threatened to kill me! If those guards hadn't been there...I'm not sure what would have happened!" She smoothed her hand over her ample bosom, forcing the king's eyes to take in her well-earned curves.

  "What do you mean? What did you do?"

  "Me? I did nothing. He attacked me, tore my dress." She wiped again at her imagined tears, sniffing for effect. "I fought him off as best I could...but he was so strong. I...the guards finally were able to pull him off but... Oh, Aric. I was so frightened and I knew you would never allow your wife to be molested by anyone, so the guards stopped him and took him away."

  Yes, she decided she would go the direction of making Aric jealous, of bringing out his protective side. What man, what king, would not protect a defenseless woman against the attack of any man? It would have worked better if she had the kid in hand, but even Relel couldn't find the boy after he had lost him the night before. She smiled inside at the memory of watching Relel limp. The damage the kid was able to inflict was surprising, which was why she went in this direction. He was a little escape artist, though, since her men could not find him. However, at some point they would find a castle servant who would betray the little bastard. It would simply take time, and time was on her side.

  She frowned, trying to look as if she could burst into tears at any moment. "I'm not sure what he would have done with... those... hands on me... but...he didn't only attack me." She let out a hitched sigh, finally able to force a tear to slide down her face. "Have you seen your brother? Seems he is sporting few bruises this morning, too, given by that young man. Attacking the royal family is unforgivable."

  She raised her gaze to meet Aric's. She knew they were bright with tears. What man could resist tears? She would plant seeds of doubt about the boy, make it clear the young man was out of control. Aric would be forced to allow Joron to be arrested. "He should be beheaded."

  * * * *

  Stricken, Aric looked over to TaParn, whose face had gone ashen, giving him a silent command to find Joron. Without a word, TaParn turned and ran out the door. Aric was quite certain there was no guard in this castle who would lay a finger on Joron. Not only because he belonged to the king, but also because Claymoor Doom had adopted him as their own. They all loved him. No one, absolutely no one, from Claymoor Doom would cause him harm.

  But it would not include any of the people this witch had brought with her, and he was aware of four men who groveled at her feet. There was no telling what they would do to Joron, and there was no doubt in his mind they were the guards she was referring to. He sighed. It was all a lie, this story she told. Even the part where the guards took Joron away. It had to be. In either case, TaParn would get to Joron before anything happened. Though he didn't know where Joron was, the castle did. And Nochi was with him...he hoped. Joron had to be safe.

  But still...

  Aric approached his one-time indulged and pampered bride slowly. It was true. This was not the woman he'd married. Oh, it could actually be Abydell. But it wasn't the confused, timid, unhappy creature he remembered, although he was well aware time and absence tended to soften those kinds of details. The smug look she had held only a moment before faded quickly from her face.

  "Aric? What are you doing? Stay away from me." She backed up, Aric was sure by the telltale flutter at her throat, her heart was racing.

  "If he has so much as a hair missing, I will break your scrawny little neck, my poor, put upon wife."

  "What...what are you talking about?" She looked frantic now. "I...I told you he...he attacked me. Your guards--"

  "Rubbish! Joron would never hurt anyone, and make no mistake, my guards would protect him with their lives."

  At this point, Abydell's back was against the stone wall. She put up her hands to try to hold him off, but Aric cared nothing for her skinny arms. He allowed a fleeting thought to run through his head, marveling at how arrogant she obviously was, not insisting one of her guards stay with her. She had to know if he chose to kill her he could do it in an instant.

  "But he ripped my dress. He did."

  Aric batted her hands away, grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the wall above her head. Taking both wrists in one of his large hands, he put his other hand around Abydell's neck, forcing her chin up, and giving it what he would have termed a slight squeeze. However, by the look on her face and the constricting of her throat muscles as he felt them move under his hand, it was more forceful than he intended.

  "Because you forced yourself onto him. That would be the only way. In fact, I don't believe it. Should I tell you what I do believe? I think you ripped your dress yourself. That's what I believe. Tell me, Abydell, why I shouldn't make myself a widower again."

  Of course, she couldn't talk. She couldn't even breathe. She started to struggle as her face had first gone red, then started to turn an ugly shade of purple. Forcing himself, Aric slowly released his stranglehold and heard her take in a noisy, deep, and ragged breath. Coughing, she stopped struggling.

  "What doing? You almost to death."

  Disgusted, Aric released her altogether and turned away from her. "Get out," he said quickly, "before I really do kill you."

  * * * *

  Abydell had overplayed her hand. She hadn't thought Aric was actually in love with the young man but it looked as if he truly was. That was definitely a problem. But her position as his wife was ironclad. She held up her left hand, flashing the odd-colored ring. Maybe she should meet with the son. Surely she could win him over, and then there would be no stopping her. She pushed herself away from the wall, smoothed her dress, and fussed with her hair, putting everything right and back into place along with her resolve.

  "Where is Taiyo? I want to see him."

  "No!" Aric swung around, murder in his eyes. "You will not lay your filthy hands or your filthy lies on him."

  "What? You deny me my own son? How dare you. I demand, as his mother, to see him immediately."

  "You can demand all you want but you will receive nothing I do not want to give you. You have deemed it acceptable to stay away from your son for these past two years, so now have no right to demand to see him. He has no idea who you even are. He will stay hidden from you until I decide it is right and proper, and believe me when I say, that may never happen."

  Aric's face was red with rage. Abydell thought it looked as if the man was going to explode.

  She wisely got herself out the door.

  * * * *

  How had things fallen apart so quickly?

  But they had and the only way Aric had not fallen apart himself was that he knew Joron was still in the castle. The castle hid him away, like it did his son--the difference being he knew where his son was. Though they were both here and, he prayed, both safe, he would not rest until he heard directly it was indeed the case.

  He still needed to find out how it was Abydell survived the fall. He needed to ask and check out her story of where she had been all this time. And why. If she was the real thing
, her story would check out.

  But an imposter would have a story, too, one that would be able to be checked out as well, maybe even better.

  Aric sighed. Time would tell. He needed to buy time.

  What he needed was to see Joron.

  But that was impossible at the moment. In the meantime, he would catch up on all of the work he had let slide over the last week or so. It would take his mind off of the lower half of his body, off of Joron, and off of the mess his life had suddenly become.

  Chapter 9

  Word of Queen Erora's apparent suicide came later the next morning by runner. Aric allowed the runner to rest and eat, then would send him back with a company of soldiers to once again help with the crowds that would gather for the viewing and the funeral. He sent word through the castle servants of the news, in hopes it would reach Joron. He didn't want him to come out of hiding, certainly did not want him to leave the castle, but he didn't want to keep such news from him either. The runner had indicated Diagus expected them both to return. But they were no longer a both. They were a trio now.

  Well, that wasn't true. He was still a both. Joron was the odd man out.

  And Joron was not going to stay hidden in the castle forever. He would have to come out at some point, and where would he go when he did? Aric's heart hurt when he thought of the fact he would have no say in it. His desire for Joron was fierce and his need to have Joron under his protection and command was overwhelming, but his first obligation was to this woman who claimed to be his wife. Other kings might feel they had freedom to do whatever they wanted but not Aric. Commitments were exactly that. And as much as he didn't want it, as much as it went against everything in his being, she was right. He could not take Joron to his bed while he was still married to her.

  It was day number two and it was already killing him.

  He needed answers. He would call her in front of him again but he intended to do a few other things first.

  Number one, he had sent for his brother. What Relel had to do with this sudden reappearance of the queen he had no idea, but he seemed to be in the thick of it. What his brother did not seem to understand was the castle had eyes. Those eyes were always watching and they had seen the attempt on Joron. The castle was also well aware of Nochi coming to the rescue. But the very fact the attempt was made in the first place put heavy suspicion square on Relel's shoulders. Aric was also interested in seeing these bruises Joron was supposed to have inflicted.

  The next part of his plan had already been set in motion the night before. He sent his men to seek out and take into custody Abydell's four henchmen. They had caused enough trouble, and with the threat they would do Joron harm, he had to put them behind steel doors. They would be questioned, but Aric held little hope of making them talk.

  Then, with Relel out of the way and Abydell's followers no longer at her beck and call, when all of the possible threats she could level and actually carry out were nullified, he would have that witch in front of him again. This time, she would answer his questions and he was going to find the truth.

  But he needed to first protect his people and the castle. Declawing the tiger was the only way.

  * * * *

  There was a light knock on the door. Joron startled awake, sitting up with a whimper. He looked quickly around the room, obviously not remembering at all where he was. Nochi moved toward him and he yelled out, jumping back on the bed and throwing up his arms to cover his face.

  Nochi immediately took him in his arms, soothing him, telling him he was safe, he was here in Nochi's room and there was nothing to fear. Joron calmed and pushed away, his face flushing deeply, and all Nochi could think was how adorable he was.

  But he also thought it was familiar, like he had seen it before, this blush--had heard it before, that voice crying out. He shook his head. Surely he was continuing to imagine things.

  "I'm going to answer the door, my prince. I would like for you to step into the chamber pot area, behind that door." Nochi stood, pulling Joron up off of the bed as well.

  Joron looked at the door and then back to Nochi, eyes wide, fear returning.

  "Shhh. It's nothing. No one knows you're here. I promise I will protect you. I want to make sure no one else sees you, that's all. Okay?"

  Joron nodded and quickly complied, running to the only other door in the room. He darted through the opening, then turned back to Nochi. Nochi made a forward motion with his hand, a firm look on his face. "Quickly now and don't come out until I tell you."

  Joron nodded once more and closed the door. Nochi heard the distinctive click of the lock falling into place. Good boy. He turned back to the other door then, lifting the bar and turning the bolt. His man was on the other side. Nochi noted no one else stood with him.


  "Sir, there is a message for the prince."

  "What is it?"

  "The Queen Mother Erora Amar of Blade Rain..."


  "She committed suicide, sir."

  " mean...Joron's mother?"

  "I understand, sir, that she was not his mother, although she was the late king's wife."

  "She committed suicide?"

  Nochi knew little to nothing when it came to palace gossip, although he would listen when possible. He always held that rumors were based in fact. This particular rumor he had heard also and knew it to be true. But he still wasn't sure how the news would affect Joron. His anger at his own king was growing leaps and bounds by his seemingly lack of care where Joron was concerned. He fully expected to have heard directly from him by now, had a visit from him, or some liaison set up. Barring that, even a message of some kind would have helped, something for this kid who was most likely crying again, now that he was awake, all alone in the tiny chamber room. But hours upon hours had gone by and the only news he receives was this? Damn you, Aric.

  "Am I supposed to tell him?"

  "I'm not sure, sir. I was only told to deliver the message." With that, he stepped back, spun on his heel and once more stood at the door as the sentinel.

  Nochi harrumphed and shut the door, once again bolting and dropping the bar. "It's all right, my prince, you can come out."


  * * * *

  Joron had heard what was said through the door. So now the only mother he'd ever known was dead, too? When life changed, it didn't fool around.

  And now it was going to change again.


  He, too, wondered what Aric was thinking? It wasn't clear. He could make up all kinds of reasons why there had been no contact, like Aric was figuring out a way to get rid of the queen or trying to verify whether or not she was real. Maybe the reason he hadn't been to see Joron was if he came then she would know where he was and Aric was simply keeping him safe.

  Or he had forgotten about him.

  No. That couldn't be the reason. Too much had happened between them. The ride back to Claymoor Doom told him that. Why would Aric take such great care of him if he didn't feel something for him? Sure, maybe he wasn't the mother of his child. But they still had something, right?

  The mother of his child.

  She was the mother of his child. No other person could make that claim and it was definitely a huge title. Taiyo's mother was back. Taiyo, though he never talked about her, was too young to remember her, had his real mother back. That meant something, too. More than him. It meant far more than him.

  But Aric wanted Joron. He couldn't possibly want her. Aric never said the words but what they had was wonderful and intense and real. What difference did it make now? Aric was a good man, a good king, and a good father. His personal wants or desires, no matter what they were, could--and would never--take precedence over what his family needed, not what his whole kingdom needed.

  Joron sighed and dropped his head while he leaned his back to the door. What would he want to have happen in this kind of a situation? What was it he always thought when he saw his father do what he did? Did he think
it was okay because it was what his father wanted? No. He always thought, being the king, his father should have risen higher than his need for such basic carnal pleasures. It was so easy back then to judge, because he had never experienced those pleasures. He had never known what it was like to desire such things. Just because those wants and desires included him, how could he now think it was okay.

  It was simple. He couldn't.

  And even if he could think that way, Aric would not. There was no contest. She won. She was his wife, his chosen one. She was the queen of this huge kingdom. And she was the mother of Aric's beloved son, who was still very young and in need of her. The fact she came back was testimony to her need to be those things again.

  Well, maybe not testimony. Maybe it was the power of being Claymoor Doom's queen. But even so, the people had known her and accepted her before, so why wouldn't they now? Yes, Nochi was being sweet and protective and there was anger there, too, just below the surface--at what exactly, Joron wasn't sure. He wanted it to be at her. He wanted Nochi to be angry she had returned after no word at all, which, of course, made sense, since everyone up until right now thought the woman was dead.

  How can something like that happen? I wish she were still dead. Why did she have to come back now? Why did she come and mess this up? Why couldn't she still be dead?


  How could he think such a thing? How could he wish anyone dead, especially Taiyo's mother? He could never be the mother Taiyo needed, though his heart ached, knowing not only was he losing Aric, but Taiyo, too.

  He had to leave.

  Why was it every time he was in this castle, he had to leave?

  He heard Nochi calling out to him. Poor Nochi. The man thought he was scared of who was at the door. He should have been. Relel could very well be looking for him. He certainly believed he knew what Relel was going to do. Thankfully he didn't have to actually find out, which was yet another reason to leave and this time never return.


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