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Forever Our Boys: A Beaumont Novella

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by Heidi McLaughlin

  Forever Our Boys

  The Beaumont Series Novella

  Heidi McLaughlin



  © 2017

  The right of Heidi McLaughlin to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her under the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000. This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced, copied, scanned, stored in a retrieval system, recorded or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without prior written permission of the publisher. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  COVER DESIGN: Sarah Hansen - OkayCreations. EDITING: SJS Editorial Services

  Created with Vellum

  For the Beaumont Family


  1. Jenna

  2. Josie

  3. Katelyn

  4. Jenna

  5. Josie

  6. Katelyn

  7. Jenna

  8. Josie

  9. Katelyn

  10. Jenna

  11. Josie


  About the Author

  Also by Heidi McLaughlin

  Sneak Peek: Holding Onto Forever



  The early morning sunlight peeks through the slats of our bedroom blinds, long before my alarm is set to go off. I snuggle into Jimmy’s chest seeking warmth from the cold temperature in our bedroom, because of the central air conditioning. He likes it frigid, while I prefer it a bit warmer. I know it’s because he likes it when I use him to keep the chill away, not that I’m complaining. I’m more in love with him today than I was yesterday and the day before.

  It’s nothing that he does to make me feel this way, other than share my life. From the day he convinced me to marry him, long before he shared the secret he knew he was the father of our daughter, he has showered me with a love I never knew existed, but always wanted. It’s the kind of love you read about in romance novels. His love is undying, never wavering, and the most fulfilling emotion I have ever experienced. Don’t get me wrong, the bloke can be the biggest arse known to man when he wants to be.

  His strong hands and rough stubble against my sensitive neck thwarts my attempt to get out of bed. I curl into him, wishing I didn’t have to move, but excited I’m spending the week with my best friends. Josie, Katelyn, and I are headed to the Bahamas for a week of relaxation, spa treatments, and doing nothing but sitting by the pool or beach and sipping on whatever cocktail we want. No phones, no demanding rock-star husbands needing our attention, and no pre-teen drama to fill our days with.

  “Don’t leave me,” he says between the kisses he trails from my ear down the slope of my neck and into the crook of my collarbone. His hand moves over my breast, my hip, and finally settles between my legs, cupping me. “One week without this and I will die,” he says in his British accent that can easily bring me to my knees. I would’ve thought that over the years I would’ve grown used to it, but I’m not. Every day, I yearn to hear his voice so I can feel my knees weaken and my heart race.

  “You’ll have your hand,” I joke, but he doesn’t find the humor it in. One time, we tried to go weeks without sex while he was on tour. The whole band did, but that only lasted until halfway through the second week. None of us were surprised the guys couldn’t take it, considering all three of them act as if they’re still on honeymoons. Not that any of us are complaining, but it was a nice laugh to see their agony when we walked off the plane. I never did ask Josie and Katelyn how far they made it before their husbands begged for sex. Jimmy and I made it as far as the bathroom before he pulled me into the family stall and bent me over.

  But that’s him. He’s the wild, unconventional one of the group. Liam is laidback while Harrison is reserved. Each guy brings a different dynamic to the table, making 4225 West a success.

  “My hand wants your pussy,” he says, pushing a finger between my folds. I open for him automatically, letting him have whatever he wants. His ministrations are slow and teasing, knowing full well I’m going to give in and ask him to make love to me again before I leave.

  “Jimmy.” His name falls breathlessly from my lips. Each time with him is like the first.

  “What is it, wifey? Do you have an ache between your legs you need me to take care of?”

  He’s evil, but I love him and quickly find myself nodding. Only he doesn’t roll me to my side or pull me on top of him. He takes his fingers, coated in my juices, and spreads them across my lips before kissing me.

  “Fuck, Sweet Lips,” he says between his tongue licking away his creation. “I can’t get enough of you.” Finally, he pulls me on top of him and centers himself between my legs, guiding me down his shaft. My head falls back from the sensation of having him inside of me.

  “God, Jimmy, will I ever…” my question ends when he pulls me forward and locks his arms around my back. His legs spread and his hips rise as he pumps into me. I cry out into the pillow beside me, fearful that Eden is awake and can hear us.

  She is the only thing we’ve changed about our lovemaking. The beauty of Jimmy’s job is that when he’s home, she’s in school and the house is empty. Since moving to California, I haven’t worked, except for doing a little bit of marketing for the band and volunteering at Eden’s school.

  Once she started asking questions, Jimmy and I had to get creative. Bathroom, garage, in the car, any and everywhere we can think where she won’t hear us. At night, pillows muffle our sounds while music plays or the television blares. It’s only when she’s gone to a sleepover do Jimmy and I get crazy.

  The pressure he has on my clit and the angle he’s hitting my g-spot have me coming undone quickly. He’s mastered every position like clockwork, knowing which one he can take his sweet time with and which one he needs to hurry.

  “Maybe I don’t need to go on vacation,” I say as I come down from my high. He chuckles and swats my ass to get me off him. Only I don’t move and it was never his intention to let me. Instead, he rolls us onto our sides and my hand instantly covers the scar that is left over from when my ex tried to kill him. His hand cups my cheek and his lips kiss me softly.

  “You need this week, Jenna. You all do. You’ve been catering to us for so long now, doing what we asked, raising our children while we tour, and with everything you’ve been through, one week will not be the end of us. I can promise you that.”

  I know he’s talking about the miscarriages I have endured. After the third, I stopped counting. I stopped taking tests to see if I was pregnant or counting when I would ovulate. For years, we have wanted another child, but the longer it’s taken, the less hope I have.

  At first, it didn’t make sense. I got pregnant with Eden so easily, even with Jimmy using a condom. So, he tried that again, poking holes in them, thinking that was the trick. It wasn’t. We tried IVF. Nothing happened. Every homeopathic remedy we could find, we tried, only to fail.

  And each time we did conceive, it was short lived. Each positive test only brought heartache and after a while, I started keeping my miscarriages to myself. I used to confide in Katelyn and Josie. I’d cry for days with Katelyn holding me while Josie would console me over the phone until she could arrive in California. But after the first few losses, I stopped telling them. The look on their faces or the sorrow in their voices was too much to take. For the longest time, they would keep asking if we would have more children and every answer was the same, “We’ll see.”
All while I was dying on the inside.

  Jimmy never let me grieve alone though. He was there, holding me and shedding tears with each loss. Promising me he’d do whatever he could to make this happen. He was tested and, of course, his sperm were perfect. I was tested and thought for sure we’d get an answer, but nothing came back as to why I couldn’t carry another baby. Another one wasn’t in the cards for us.

  “I love you.” My hands cup his cheek and I move in for a kiss. Our lips linger against each other’s until I open my mouth to deepen it. Jimmy pulls my leg up over his hip and enters me again, but this time it’s different. There’s no urgency in his lovemaking. He’s simply reminding me of what I’ll be missing for a week and showing me what will be waiting for me when I come home.

  “I have to get up,” I tell him not long after we’ve finished round two. He sighs, but rolls out of bed first and pulls on a pair of sweats.

  “I’ll get Eden, you shower.” And just like that, he’s out of our room and down the hall, knocking on our daughter’s door. Jimmy learned a long time ago to knock before entering. He once saw her posing in front of the mirror with only her bikini on and threatened to ground her for a month even though she wasn’t doing anything wrong.

  After I shower and finish packing, I head downstairs to find Jimmy and Eden sitting at the kitchen island eating breakfast in silence. Right away, I know something is wrong, but I’m afraid to ask.

  “Mum, you can’t leave me with Dad,” Eden says in her adopted accent. I thought for sure she would speak American, but considering she spends the summers in England, I’m not surprised she has a bit of a British tongue to her dialect. “Mum, please?” The look on her face is one of desperation.

  “Why not?”

  “Because she wants to invite a bloody bloke over and I ain’t having it.”

  “Not just a boy, Daddy, all my friends. I can’t help that my friends are boys too.”

  I look from Jimmy to Eden and crack a smile. Any reservations I had about leaving are gone. These two need a week alone together. But still, I offer a suggestion. “How about I call my mom and invite her, yeah?”

  Jimmy spits his coffee back into his mug and glares at me, then Eden. “You’d really do that to your old man, Little One? Make him spend a week with your granny?”

  Still to this day my parents and Jimmy don’t always see eye to eye, but they get along. I don’t know if it stems from him getting me pregnant during a one-night stand, the fact that he took me away to get married, or that he’s a musician. He’s cordial though and welcomes them warmly when they come to visit.

  Eden laughs, knowing full well that her father would rather die than spend the week with my mother.

  “Tell you what, Jimmy. Let Eden have her friends over as planned and ask Elle and Quinn to come over to help you babysit.”

  At the sound of Quinn’s name, Eden’s eyes light up. This isn’t lost on Jimmy in the least.

  “Er, fuck no,” he says, pushing away from the island. “I’ll bloody well look after everyone myself.” He storms out of the kitchen, muttering who knows what. Eden and I both laugh uncontrollably when we hear the bedroom door shut.

  “That was brilliant, Mum.”

  I shake my head. “You listen good, Eden. Do not do anything to piss off your father. He’s having a hard enough time with you growing up. The last thing you want is to find yourself locked in your room for a week.”

  “He wouldn’t.”

  “I would, so don’t even try it,” Jimmy says as he comes back into the room. “Come on, let’s go. We need to take your mum to the airport to meet your Aunt Katelyn, then you and I are going to have a long father-daughter chat on the way to school.”

  “I’m going to die,” she mutters, sliding off the stool.

  “No, you’re not, Eden. I’ll only be gone for a week.”

  “A week in the life of a teenager is like a year. You’re killing me,” she huffs on her way out to the car. Jimmy grabs my hand and pulls me back.

  “I’m going to die a very painful death, but I’m happy you’re having a vacation and I love you.”

  “Now I know where Eden gets all her drama from.”

  “From me, of course,” he says, winking. “Now get your arse in the car, Sweet Lips.”



  My hand reaches for the worn-out button on my alarm clock, patting it a few times until the annoying beep ceases. Whoever created this jarring sound is made of evil. The noise is meant to rouse me from my sleep; instead, it shocks my heart into a faster rhythm and scares the ever-loving crap out of me each time. Even when I’m already awake.

  Liam adjusts behind me, showing me that even after all these years, he’s still eager for me. His lips are on my bare shoulder while his fingers dig into the curvature of my hip, pulling me to an angle that is easily accessible for him. There has never been any doubt in my mind, Liam and I were made for each other. One simple touch, a lingering kiss, or a lustful look from him and I’m ready.

  I roll over and face him, letting my fingers trace the tattoo of my nickname, and then onto Noah and Betty Paige’s names. The three loves of his life permanently etched over his heart.

  “Are you sure you want to leave me?” he asks as he moves over to my pillow.

  “It’s only for a week,” I remind him. I play with his five o’clock shadow. He never balked when I told him that Katelyn, Jenna, and I would take a wives’ week in the Bahamas, at least not until last night. He seems to forget that he leaves me often, and each time is worse than the earlier tour. I love having him home, waking up next to him every morning, and falling asleep nestled in his arms. When he’s on tour, I feel lost and alone. I must find things to occupy my time so I’m not constantly texting or calling him, or counting down the days until Paige and I are with him. The cycle of longing starts over again once I leave him.

  I thought that my feelings would level off over the years, but that has never been the case. Each day, I find I love him more.

  “I know I’m gone a lot, but the thought of you leaving me… it’s killing me, Josie.”

  My hand moves from his cheek and into his hair, using the motion to pull him closer until his lips touch mine. My skin pebbles instantly as his hand moves under the comforter and pulls my leg over this hip.

  “Can I make love to you?” he breaks away from our kiss long enough to ask me the silliest question ever.

  “You never have to ask me. I’m yours, always.”

  He pushes my hair behind my ear and leans forward, brushing his lips against mine. “You’re forever my girl, Jojo.”

  He bites down on my shoulder as he enters me with slow and steady thrusts, never taking his eyes off mine, even as mine threaten to close, I find myself needing to see him and fight to keep them open.

  His lips hover over mine, breathing the same air as me. I moan and he captures my lips, swallowing each sound until he pulls away. “Shh,” he says, reminding me our daughter is down the hall.

  I do my best to keep quiet, but it’s near impossible with him. He knows this and by the smirk spreading across his lips, he’s enjoying the torment. I could take revenge and climb on top of him, but I’m enjoying this position. It’s bringing us closer and seems more intimate even though I can’t touch him like I want.

  Liam moves his hips faster, hitting my spot perfectly. I’m forced to bite the inside of my cheek to keep my sounds at a minimum, but the torture is too much to bear.

  “Scream into the pillow,” he says, before he flips me onto my stomach and pins my legs together by his. “So fucking tight,” I hear him say as he enters me from behind. From this angle, it only takes a few thrusts until I’m falling over the edge and calling out his name. Everything from me is muffled into the pillow, but he’s sure to moan into my ear. It turns me on even more, knowing that I make him feel this way, that I’m the one who makes him lose control. I spent far too long in the beginning of our marriage wondering if I was enough for him. Each time he tr
ied to show me or I would finally accept I am everything he wants, something would happen and I’d be back at zero, trying to piece everything together.

  Liam grunts out his orgasm and falls on top of me, breathing heavily. He stays there for a few seconds before rolling over.

  “Stay home,” he says, rising onto his elbow. He peppers my back with kisses and small nips that he replaces by his tongue to take the sting away. “We can send Paige to your parents and fuck all week long.”

  “Don’t you have songs to write? Music to produce?”

  “Nah,” he says, shaking his head.

  I laugh, knowing full well that they’re behind schedule and was meant to deliver new music to the label last month. Liam, being the primary songwriter, has writer’s block and everything he’s tried to clear his mind, hasn’t worked.

  “Besides, we’re flying to see Noah on Sunday,” I point out.

  He shrugs, but I know damn well he would not miss Noah’s game. When Liam is home, his children, regardless of their age, are his priority. He doesn’t miss anything that Betty Paige has going on or any of Noah’s games, flying to wherever he’s playing.

  “You talk a big game, Mr. Page, but I see right through you.”

  His hand smacks my ass, causing me to yelp. “You know how I get when you call me Page.”

  “I know and I love it, but I really do need to get dressed.”

  “I don’t like you flying by yourself.”

  I don’t like it either, but it made more sense for Katelyn and Jenna to fly on the band’s private jet than it did for me to use it alone, and the thought of either of us flying to each other didn’t seem like a good use of our time.


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