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Paper Dolls

Page 49

by Sienna Mynx

  “Five months, Zee,” he said but refused to face her. “Five months and nothing from you. We’ve gotten closer haven’t we?” he asked.

  “Yes, José, we’re friends.”

  “You’re dating other guys, are they just your friends?” he asked.

  “That’s not fair, besides it’s only one guy now.”

  Damn it! Why did I say that? He doesn’t need to know that. But I’m standing there and I swear my heart is now beating outside of my chest. It’s the tone of his voice and the sadness in his eyes. He’s working my heartstrings. This has to stop.

  “You have no intention of starting over do you? There’s no way I can make it up to you. No way for me to prove to you how much I love you,” he asked.

  “José, your recovery had nothing to do with me,” Zephyr reminded him.

  “I’m recovering from more than steroids, Zee, can’t you see that? I’ve changed because I know for the first time in my life what I want, and I’m willing to pay dues to get it.”

  “What do you expect from me?”

  “I’ve sat back and watched other men granted pleasures that were once mine, and I told myself I could handle it. But I can’t. I love you, Zee. I don’t want to share you. I want you back as mine.”

  “Share me? For your information I’m not sleeping with any one,” Zephyr said.

  “I know that, Zee, but you’re getting further and further away from me. I just want a real chance,” he pleaded.

  “Stop it!” she shouted, although it wasn’t her intention to raise her voice. “I gave you a hundred chances. What about that? You’re thinking of you and what’s in it for you. If you really wanted what’s best for me you wouldn’t be looking for the pay off. You’d just be ready when and if it’s time for us.”

  “I love you today as much as I loved you then,” he said. “You say you don’t want me, but you find reasons to be with me.”

  “I do not!” she said.

  “Zee? You volunteer at the center. I see you twice, maybe three times a week. This was my recovery and you inserted yourself into my life.”

  “No. No. I only wanted… I came here to help.”

  “Baby, I’m not accusing you of doing anything wrong. I’m just saying that I can’t stop hoping for the love we shared when you’re so close to me now.”

  “That wasn’t love!” she reminded him.

  “The hell it wasn’t! It may not have been the right love, or the love you deserved, but I loved you. And living without you only makes that more clear. I’m not perfect, but none of those men you date are either. The thing is, I know how perfect our love could be. So I got something to prove, something to work for. Something that’s real, and it’s all for you.”

  “It takes time to rebuild what you destroyed, José! I don’t even know if I want to.”

  The truth blurted out of her without warning. She didn’t want to hurt him. She could see it all over his face that she had. He looked down and away. He returned to stocking the shelves.

  “Forget it. Forget I said anything,” he mumbled.

  “I’m sorry, José, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Zephyr started toward him. He glanced up and then reacted. He shoved her aside and went for the door. It closed.

  “What’s wrong with you?” she asked. Startled by the abrupt shove he gave her.

  “Damn it!” he grunted.

  “What? What’s wrong?” she asked again.

  “I told you that the door locks from the outside! We’re stuck,” he said.

  Did he say stuck? No way in hades I’m stuck in some storage closet. Zephyr charged the door and hit it with her hands. “Get it open!”

  “I can’t, Zee, it’s locked.”

  Panic hit her in the gut with brute force. José said something but she could barely hear him over her racing heart drumming in her ears. It felt like the walls caved in and all the air was being sucked out of the room. She pounded her fist on the door until they ached. Was she screaming? She could feel the strain on her vocal cords.

  He grabbed Zephyr by the shoulders and forced her to turn and look at him. “I know you don’t like closed spaces, Zee. Look at me. Look at me! I got you, sweetheart. It’s okay.” He held her close to his heart. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held on until the anxiety faded. “I can’t stay in here. I want you to get it open, please, please, now!”

  His strong pitcher hands cupped her face and he lifted it so he could look into her eyes. “I won’t let anything happen to you, muñequita.”

  She nodded that she trusted him.

  “Candace will be back soon,” he said.

  “She said hours, José. I heard her,” Zephyr whimpered.

  “She’ll be back and my car is open so she’ll know where we are.”

  “Oh mercy!” Zephyr put her hands over her eyes. She turned to the door and tried it once more. It wouldn’t give. The damn thing was stuck.

  He stepped behind her and she fell back against him. “It won’t be long. I promise to have you out of here in time for your date.”

  When she turned and looked at him she saw a sly smile on his face. “You like this don’t you?”

  “What? Being locked in a storage closet with you, or making you miss your date?” he teased.

  “Both,” she said with a smile.

  “Yes, I like it. I like it a lot.”

  Valentina –

  She swallowed the last of the soda and tossed the can. Mattel was in the back of the studio. She was such a nervous wreck she thought it best she stay up front so he wouldn’t be suspicious. The sugar rush from the soda did little to settle her nerves.

  After counting to ten, and taking a deep breath she pushed up from the chair and reached for her purse. The EPT box was on top of her wallet. I can’t be pregnant. It’s not possible. We are so damn careful. Except for those times in the shower, which happen more frequently than I would like. Fuck this shit! I’m not pregnant. I’m not taking this damn test.

  Valentina removed her hand from her purse. She wiped her sweaty palm down her shirt. She was done torturing herself. She walked out of the bathroom and headed to the back of the studio. It was fairly quiet today. On days like this she usually sat around and wrote her poetry, which later translated to lyrics for her songs.

  The door to Mattel’s sound room was open. She went inside and found him under the soundboard screwing with wires again. How many times had she told him to hire a good electrician? He was so damn cheap when it came to repairs and fixes in his studio. He really believed himself capable of everything.

  Valentina smiled. She folded her arms before her and stared at her guy. He was on his back with a penlight pressed between his lips. His legs were parted at the knees. Mattel was in a good position for her to take advantage. She resisted.


  “What’s up, babe?” he answered.

  “Not much, but it’s um, it’s been three hours and I should have heard something from Kevin by now don’t you think?” she asked.

  Mattel removed the penlight from his mouth and lifted to look at her. “He’s your manager, Valentina, call him,” he said and then went back to connecting wires.

  She lowered to all fours and crawled over. She crawled right between his legs and stretched her body across his. He smiled up at her. It appeared that he didn’t mind the interruption.

  “If I call he’ll think I don’t trust him. And I do. Kevin has been doing great running Paper Dolls. Even Raven is proud of him. But this is the Grammys, babe. I need these nominations.” She folded her hands on his chest and rested her chin on top with a sad pout. “Say something to make me feel better.”

  “Your album went platinum in the first three weeks. You don’t need the Grammys,” he told her.

  “Those bitches from the Black Diamonds have been trashing me all over the place. The Grammys would shut them all up.” Valentina countered.

  “I know what could shut you up.” He said and rolled her underneath him. She giggled and wrap
ped her legs around his waist. He fit perfectly. Pinned beneath him under his tech board, she loved the way he pushed that big muscle of his into her sweet spot.

  “You taste like strawberries,” he said and licked her lips. She giggled. She worked on his belt and tried to dig out his meaty cock. The phone rang above them. She didn’t care. She had a one track mind when it came to loving her man.

  But of course he resisted her for business. Despite her groaning in complaint, he eased out from the soundboard and located the phone.

  “Damn,” Valentina grunted. She threw her arm over her eyes.

  “Hello?” answered Mattel. “Yes…oh what’s up, man. Yeah, she’s here.”

  Her ears perked. She lifted on her elbows and listened with her heart beating rapidly. Could this be it? She wondered. Could this be the call she’d been waiting all day for?

  “Wait a second, Kevin. Let me put you on speaker,” said Mattel. “Babe, come from under there,” Mattel said. He reached for her. Paralyzed with fear she didn’t move. “Babe, come out from under there.”

  “I—I can’t.”

  Mattel grabbed her ankle and pulled her out. She had no idea he was that strong. “Stop, Matt,” she said but he kept pulling her toward him. She sat upright. Her anger didn’t hold when she saw the love in his eyes.

  “Okay, Kevin, I got her, go ahead,” he said.

  “Valentina, you there?” Kevin asked.

  “Yes, I’m here, did I get nominated for a Grammy?” she asked. Her voice sounded weak, almost childlike. She squeezed her eyes shut and Mattel slipped his arms around her to pull her over to his chest. It helped. A little.

  “No.” Kevin said. It felt like the bottom of her world fell out from under her. For a brief moment she was winded enough to lose the ability to respond. Thankfully Kevin spoke again and delivered more news. “You got nominated for eight Grammys.”

  “Eight? EIGHT!” she screamed. She broke free of Mattel’s embrace. She jumped to her feet. “EIGHT! EIGHT!” She jumped up and down screaming the number over and over. Kevin laughed in the phone and Mattel chuckled. Valentina was so overwhelmed with joy and excitement she couldn’t stop jumping and screaming. She had done it. She’d flown solo and soared to the top. Nothing could stop her now. And then she remembered the EPT box in her purse. Nothing could stop her unless she took the test and she was pregnant.

  Zephyr –

  “Gosh it’s hot in here,” Zephyr moaned. She paced the little space before the door. José took a seat on a crate and watched her. At first he finished stocking. She helped to keep from thinking of their cramped imprisonment. And then José tried to make small talk, but they started arguing over Zephyr dating again. So they both settled on an agreeable silence.

  “Are you hot?” she asked him.

  “It’s warm in here. Yes,” he replied.

  She wished he’d stop staring at her. It made her even more agitated.

  “Can we finish our discussion?” he asked.

  “We already did. There’s no point to it,” she reminded him.

  José stood. Zephyr was forced to step back to remain eye level with him. His skin was tanned a deep shade of brown from his time in the sun with the kids. He glistened with sweat. He removed his shirt after the first twenty minutes inside. She couldn’t stop looking at his muscles.

  Stop it, Zee! Stop it! Her inner voice spoke up and she decided to listen. She closed her eyes and forced herself to think of her parents or her taxes. She looked anywhere but in his eyes.

  “I was wrong to lose my cool earlier. I shouldn’t ask questions I can’t handle the answers to,” he chuckled.

  “Well it happens, it’s okay. Whew it’s hot in here!” she said and fanned herself.

  “I just miss you so often now, Zee.”

  “Mmhm,” she said. She reached for a torn piece of cardboard to fan herself with. He advanced on her and she ignored him. She stepped back once more.

  “Of course we can never go back. I agree with you, I wouldn’t go back even if I could,” he said.

  She looked up. He towered over. “You do?”

  “I’m glad I lost it all. I don’t think I would be who I am today if I hadn’t. That’s the truth.”

  “I like who you are,” she admitted.

  “Do you?” he asked. He leaned in. Her back was now pressed against the door.

  “Yes, I mean, yes I’m happy for you,” she said.

  “Why? Tell me why.”

  “Well, uh, gosh it’s hot.” She fanned him and then herself. When she dared to look into his eyes again, she found heart-rending tenderness in his gaze. Zephyr couldn’t help but be flattered by his persistence. Even stranger was she knew that she’d been prolonging this moment to keep his focus on proving himself to her. Why would she if she didn’t love him?

  “Can I tell you what I like about the new Zephyr instead?” he asked. José pressed his hands flat against the door just above her head. He leaned in so his face was close. And she was glad he did. His gaze was now soft as a caress. It traveled from the top of her head to her lips. He stared at her lips.

  “Okay, yes, tell me what um, you like about me.”

  He moistened his lips she used to love to suck and nibble on. How long had it been since they shared a kiss? She didn’t remember the last time.

  “I like your confidence,” he said.

  “You think I’m confident?” Zephyr asked.

  “Oh you’re confident. And it’s so sexy,” he breathed.

  “What else, I mean what else do you like?” she asked.

  His gaze lifted from her lips to her eyes. It was then she caught a glimpse of that maddening arrogance eclipse over his penetrating stare. She had to be careful. José was a predator by nature. Some things about a man didn’t change. He knew the power he wielded over women weakened them further by his handsome face, money, and confidence.

  “I like your convictions,” he replied.

  “My what?”

  “You’re determined to do what’s best for you no matter what. It’s good to see. I know that you won’t settle for just anything or anyone. It helped me deal with those men that seem to swarm around you whenever you enter a room.”

  José’s mouth drew closer. A kiss was imminent. But instead of connecting with her lips he brought his mouth up to her ear to whisper. “And of course, I think you are the sexiest woman I’ve ever known.”

  The spell should have broken. Any time she thought of giving in to him over the past months she only had to go online and be reminded of the countless women who had. But for some reason she didn’t care. Purely out of reflex she touched José. Her hand went to his chest. The connection kept her from slipping to the floor. He took her gesture as encouragement and to be honest, it was. His face returned to hers and the temperature in the room combusted into an inferno. Suddenly she remembered their last kiss. And after ten months, six days, and thirteen hours they finally shared another kiss.

  Zephyr’s lips parted under his command and she enticed his tongue between her teeth. He tasted minty, he smelled manly, and he felt divine. Mercy! She shivered against the withering heat that his passion brought. His tongue swept in deep and danced around the edges of her mouth. He could be such a tease in the way he kissed. The kiss came to the most natural and satisfying end. Then he pressed his thick erection into her stomach. She lifted on her toes so she could feel him lower.

  “Mmm, Zee, I’ve missed you, baby,” he moaned and he lifted her against the door. “I’ve missed you so much.” He kissed his way under her neck to the breasts he could now reach. His hands went underneath her ass to scoop her up with a gentle push. “So good,” he said when she parted her thighs wider so he could press and grind on her as he liked. José ripped open her shirt. She was thankful to God he did. Her nipples ached to be loved on by him.

  He obliged. The sensitive nipple on her left breast was nearly sucked through the lace confection of her bra and into his mouth. It felt so damn good she could barely stand the
pleasure. And then he lowered her. Without a word of resistance from her he unbuttoned her jeans and pealed them off her legs. She stepped out of them. José knelt. Her left leg went over his shoulder, his face slipped between her thighs. His tongue set aside her panties and his finger pealed them away so it could sweep her neglected pussy. He swept his tongue up to the arch and then down again. The warm probe reduced her to soft whimpers. She worked her hips in a constant swirl to the delicious feel of his flickering tongue.

  He pulled her closer to ecstasy. Aggressively, he latched on, and sucked her clit between his teeth. She gasped. She was overwhelmed with pleasure. He kept humming softly as he drank her cream. Every muscle in her pussy clenched. Damn it, yes, yes. I want to be fucked by more than his mouth. I want it the only way he could give it.

  “Let me have you, say I can,” José parted her quivering vagina and looked up into her eyes.

  “Yes,” she answered. Her mind yelled at her to reconsider, but she refused. She didn’t care. She wanted the man she loved. She wanted him desperately. “Yes, you can.”

  José stood erect once more. He licked his lips. His cock was damn near the only thing between them now, even if it was trapped behind his jeans.

  “What? What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “You said I can have you,” he smiled. She could see the elation in his smile. And hear the joy in his voice.

  “I said we can have sex, why did you stop?” Zephyr asked.

  “That means you’re willing to try again. For us to be together again,” José said.


  “I want you the right way. Not here under duress in some funky storage closet.”

  “José, what game are you playing?” She pushed him back and put on her jeans. She was angry at him and herself. He got her all worked up and then told her he wanted a commitment. She should have known he hadn’t changed.


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