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Billionaire Brothers 2 : Love Has A Name

Page 14

by S. Ann Cole

  “You really suck at keeping information in, Trudy.” I felt like teasing the worry rat. “Ooooh … your job is so on the line.”

  As she started to curse at me, the elevator doors closed in and I couldn’t help laughing. The woman was a nervous wreck. But hell, I loved her to pieces.

  Lovello’s office door was left ajar, cool air-conditioner leaking through the space. What was it with this man and the cold? Before knocking, I traced my fingers over the rectangular gold nameplate that had ‘Lovello T. Nelson. Chief Executive Officer’ engraved.

  My knuckles tapped on the door twice, and Lovello wearily voiced “Miss Green, while you stand outside and knock, the clock inside sings tick-tock.”

  Someone seems to be in a grumpy mood. Didn’t sound like my usual pretty boy at all.

  Ready to make his day mood worsen, I pushed open the door with a smirk on my face. Lovello was sitting behind an immense crescent-shaped desk made of dark wood, two big, black leather club chairs in front of it. A black L-shaped leather sofa on the far left, with twin flat-screen televisions on the wall adjacent.

  His desk was messy with paraphernalia strewn about as if he’d been deep in work all day. Three Starbucks cups, a Chinese food box with chopsticks jutting out, two half-empty bottles of Fiji water and a crumpled Subway wrapper all sat in line on the right end of his desk as if they were awaiting the next passing train. His white shirtsleeves were folded up to his elbows, his dark gray tie loose around his neck, the first three of his shirt buttons undone, and his hair looking as if he’d raked his hand through it a million times for the day. Behind him was a vista of the many towering buildings in San Francisco, serving as the backdrop of a beautifully disheveled businessman.

  Lovello didn’t look up when I entered, his eyes focused on his computer screen, tapping a single key on the keyboard at every three seconds. That had given me enough time to take in the glorious sight of him. An inexplicable sensation seeped through my veins. I was turned on. And I mean turned the hell on. He looked as if he’d been wrestling with a lioness and walked away unscathed, if only a little shabby and disheveled. The whole weary, messy thing he had going on made me want him even more. My initial plan had been to just screw around with him a bit. But at this delectable view, I knew, instantly, that what I wanted to do was screw him.

  Without turning around, I reached for the door behind me, closed it and turned the lock.

  At the sound, Lovello began speaking, drearily and reluctantly dragging his eyes away from the computer screen. “Green, this better be imp —” His words tripped once his eyes were fully away from the computer screen and settled on me.

  Myriads of expressions sprinted across his face and I knew that, out of confusion, he wasn’t sure what to make of my visit.

  “Is this how you have meetings with your workers? Looking all disheveled and harassed?”

  The amalgam of expressions disappeared and now he wore … none. His tone was as flat as stale soda when he asked, “What are you doing here?”

  Determined on getting what I wanted, I started towards his desk — it was a good distance from the door. Once I got around to where he was, I perched my ass on the edge. “I told you, Pretty Boy, that I know exactly where to find you when I want a quick fix.”

  “What do you want? Don’t you have classes to instruct? Propositions to turn down? Bitchiness to dish out?” His tone was confirmation that he was still vexed with me. Hell, I didn’t need his tone to tell me that. The man had been avoiding me all week.

  “I just told you what I wanted. And don’t you worry about what’s on my agenda. I’m the bitch who does whatever she wants.”

  “Listen, Axia, I don’t —”

  I pressed my index finger against his lips, stopping his words from spilling. “Shhh…” I pulled his loosened tie from around his neck. “No talking today, Pretty Boy.”

  His face twisted in a confused expression when I covered his mouth with his necktie, knotting it at the back. Nevertheless, he didn’t stop me. Knowing Lovello, there’s no doubt he was amused.

  I kicked off my sandals and made little work of removing my jeans. Lovello’s eyes followed my every move, and my core blazed like a furnace when his eyes grew dark and hooded, his breathing growing heavy. He remained motionless, but I knew he wanted me as badly as I did him. Pissed or not.

  The throbbing between my legs increased much to the point of pain. Desire for him grew wild within me. I was aching for him, to feel him, his touch. Panties finally off, I swiveled his chair away from the desk and straddled him.

  As if our contact made it harder for him to breathe, Lovello tore the necktie from his mouth.

  “Don’t. Speak,” I ordered. If this was a Sub of mine, he’d definitely be penalized for removing a restraint. But Lovello was anything but.

  He didn’t respond, though, merely watched me with hungry eyes. No problem. There was still some control, so I could work with that. Roughly grabbing his chin, I brought my lips to his, kissing him deeply and forcefully while rocking back and forth against his erection. He returned my kiss with the same intensity, but made no attempts to touch me.

  The friction of my neediness against his had me building such deep pleasure that I almost growled. As I scraped my teeth along his impeccably squared jaw, I unbuttoned his shirt the rest of the way down. My lips drifted down his neck, and he tipped his head back to expose his throat. He still didn’t touch me.

  My hands roamed feverishly over the defined contours of his chest and abs. God, the man’s body felt amazing — hard and sturdy under my fingers. Dropping kisses down his chest, I circled my tongue around one nipple and a low groan sounded in his throat. Ha! He was trying to play hard but was clearly struggling. I continued rocking back and forth on his erection that grew harder by the second. It felt so good, I didn’t want to stop. But I needed to feel him. Inside me. Needed to.

  Balancing my weight, I held onto the desk behind me and twisted my upper body, opening and rummaging through the drawers to find where he kept his condoms. This was Lovello Womanizer Nelson, there’s no way on earth he didn’t have condoms here. The last drawer at the bottom revealed what I was looking for and I smirked to myself and twisted back around. Lovello was watching me with impassive eyes. Not giving any of his thoughts away.

  In desperation to have him inside me, I made quick work of undoing his belt buckle and unzipping his pants. I leaned in for another lingering kiss while I weaseled my hand down his boxers. When I pulled his boxers down, I all but sprang from his lap at the sight of his size.

  What in the … Holy Moses …

  An instant feeling of apprehension washed over me. I’d always thought that Zane’s size was huge, but this guy beat him by a long shot. A lump formed in my throat as I contemplated if I should follow through with this or not. Not with how rough I’d intended to be with him. There’s no way I could accommodate all of that.

  My eyes flicked up to Lovello’s to find him sinking his teeth into his bottom lip. The tell-tale sign that he was trying to hide a smirk, a laugh, or holding his tongue. If I backed out, he’d grow all the more annoying with his cockiness. I couldn’t take back my shocked expression that he’d just seen, but I could try not to give him the satisfaction by backing out. The good thing was, I was in control with this position. This may be the first and last time I have sex with this guy, because God forbid what internal damage I’d suffer if he were in control.

  So with bravado, I swallowed my fear and tore open the condom packet. Swear, I swear, my fingers were trembling. Never in my life had I been afraid to have sex. But Savior, the man’s unnatural size had me more frightened than a rabbit. Was he taking enhancer pills or something?

  Trying to remain calm and unaffected, I deftly covered him with the latex. Apprehension mixed with excitement as I brought my lips to his again, lifted my hips and started to lower myself onto him. Lovello made a harsh exhalation and I winced as his wide head ripped through me. To temper the pain I kept my mouth glued
to Lovello’s, kissing him with my eyes pinched shut.

  When I felt full and unable to take anymore of him, I stopped where I could. Then excitement took over and I started my joyride. Gliding up and down, never taking him to the hilt. Pleasure shot through me, and my mouth was everywhere on Lovello. His eyes, his nose, his neck, his ears. I was lost in him. He felt good. Real good. Whatever percentage of him I was riding, it felt helluva good.

  Lovello released a guttural groan, gripped my hips and began meeting my strides. He kept trying to bring me down an inch further each time but I kept pulling back. Removing a hand from my hip, he lifted up my blouse and palmed a breast, brushing his thumb over the already hardened bud beneath the lace of my bra. Heavens, I loved his touch. It amplified the thick, heavy pleasure inside me. I kept going, not wanting to stop, wanting to ride my Pretty Boy like this all day.

  Beads of sweat sprouted on his forehead and his mouth hang lax as he met my strides, trying to force me to take more of him. As I felt my orgasm starting to build, I chanced taking him a bit further. This drove Lovello wild. He flung his head back and gripped my waist tighter, making his thrusts even more forceful. “More, Axia. Take more.”

  Again, I sank further and he bit down on his lip, his eyes slammed shut. “More, beauts! Jesus … you feel so tight. More.”

  No, I think you’re the one that’s too big.

  When I tried for more again, a sharp pain lanced through my stomach which made me cry out. “I can’t … It…” Hurts. But I didn’t want to say that. Didn’t want to admit that I couldn’t manage all of him.

  “Beauts … God, I…” He let go of my hips and brought his hands to cup my face, plunging his tongue inside my mouth, possessing both places. I loved being with this man. I loved the feel of him inside me; he belonged there. I loved it when he kissed me. I loved it when he touched me. Because he made me feel so good, I held my breath and took him to the hilt. Lovello bit my lip and groaned. “Shit! Yes…”

  Staying still, I tried to acclimatize to the feel of all of him. Though his face was bathed in lust, the a-hole still managed a smirk. “Not as tough as you pretend to be, are you?”

  “Did I not tell you not to speak?” I snapped, angry that he was right.

  Taking his length in its entirety, my strides grew harder in anger, pulling hard on his hair as pleasure lanced through me. It was enough to keep him quiet, his hands squeezing and kneading my breast as his breathing labored. This man’s powerful size was hitting a sweet spot that I didn’t even know I had. Damn, he felt good. Really good.

  My orgasm was riding in on a white horse, the galloping getting louder and louder in my ears. And by the way Lovello was staring into my eyes with his jaw tightly clenched and his nostrils flaring, I could tell he was near, too. It sent me wild, and I leaned back, pressing my hands on his thighs so I could ride him with more severity. The tips of my fingers tickled and I knew it was seconds before I blew up. “Love, I’m gonna … I’m gonna go.”

  Lovello growled and shifted so he could meet my strides more steadily. “No … wait … wait for me, Axia.”

  And we moved together, our moans getting louder, strides and thrusts getting stiffer, veins bulging, sweat dripping, breaths hitching. It was next to impossible for me to hold off for another minute. My body was so seized with my orgasm teetering on the edge, my joints completely locked, that the majority of the work was left on Lovello.

  On a feral growl, he locked me to his chest and choked out, “Now, Axia. Now. Jump off with me”, before sinking his teeth into the flesh of my palm.

  At his words, I spiraled. Setting free and allowing my orgasm to take over, jerking me with sharp spasms. Lovello was holding me tight to him with one hand while his teeth sunk painfully into my palm, emitting muffled groans as he pulsed inside me.

  Once we were released from the claws of our orgasms, we sagged. Lovello’s face buried in my bosom, and my face pressed in the crook of his neck. Minutes passed before I regained adequate energy to start peeling my sweaty body away from Lovello’s. He tightened his arms around me when he felt me trying to extricate myself, restricting me from leaving and sighing contentment into my bosom.

  “I came here for a quick fix,” I blabbed. “Not to cuddle.”

  Lovello’s eyes snapped open, and they had the same look of irritation that was there on Sunday. His irritated glare intensified, shooting tiny pins of anger at me. He made as if he were about to say something rotten in retort, but bit his lip instead, gave a small shake of his head and released me.

  When I stood to my feet, he masked his favorite expression of no expression and said, “There was nothing quick about that fix. Thanks, nevertheless.”

  Guess I deserved that for being a bitch to him, huh?

  “Right back at ya,” I mumbled, as if that was going to make him feel as bad as his ‘thanks’ made me feel.

  He ignored me as he zipped himself up and redid his belt, tossing the used latex in the wastebasket. Asking no permission, I headed to his bathroom and cleaned myself up. I came back from the bathroom to find him staring blankly out of the floor-to-ceiling window.

  Was he really that sensitive? Or was he just tired of my bullshit? I don’t necessarily act the way I do on purpose. It’s just my way of keeping things the way I want them. I really, really liked Lovello. And having sex with him had just intensified that likeness. But I just didn’t want anything more than that. What’s so bad about that?

  In an attempt to make amends, I sidled over to him and sat on his lap, throwing an arm around his neck. He didn’t push me away, surprisingly, but he ignored me. I held up my hand that had his teeth marks printed into my flesh and joked, “A bit animalistic, don’t you think?”

  “Sorry. I bite when I come.” His tone was void of any emotion and his eyes remained straight ahead.

  “So … when can I have you sinking your teeth into my flesh again? Later tonight?”

  He shifted, as if brushing off the excitement his dick got from that prospective idea. “I don’t want what you have to offer.”

  Ouch. That stung. Much, much more than his ‘thanks’ comment. More like a wasp sting than a bee sting. ‘Cause bees die when they sting: they can only sting once. But wasps can keep on stinging until you’re swollen enough to puncture with a pin.

  Unable to even respond to that without making it evident that I was affected by his harsh words, I pried myself away from his lap, grabbed my car keys from his desk and headed for the door. I heard him swivel his chair around but I didn’t want to look back at him.

  Three feet away from the door his voice stopped me. “Axia, I didn’t mean what you think I meant.”

  Frightening myself with my own anger, I spun around to face him. “Then what did you mean, Love? You’ve made me feel like a whore twice in under ten minutes!”

  Lovello shot up from his chair and in a nanosecond I was scooped up in his arms. He carried me back across the room and set me to sit on his desk, pushing my legs apart so he could stand between them. It confounded me why I wasn’t fighting him like a wild cat, given how wounded I was by his words. Again I’d learned that being the victim wasn’t nice.

  Lovello tilted my chin up so I could see his eyes. “Beauts, I wasn’t trying to make you feel cheap. I’m simply saying I can’t be with you and not be able to call you mine. Neither can I brook the thought of you sleeping with someone else because I’m unavailable.” He ran a hand through his hair. “From day one, I’ve never seen you as just another girl. I just … surprised myself with liking you more than I intended to. More than I wanted to. And I want to try, at least, try having something different with you.” Sighing, he shoved a more furious hand through his strands. His inky-dark hair looked havocked and abused. “But you keep saying shit like ‘other ways and means’ and then treating me as if you just want me there for sexual reasons. And that just ticks me the hell off. With you, I can’t accept what you have to offer. Not with you.” He took a breath. “You think I just talk about my life
and family so candidly to people? Especially women? No,” he said, shaking his head to emphasize. “No, Axia. I never do. Not since my ex-girlfriend. And that’s been, like, seven years.” His warm palms cupped my face. He wasn’t giving me a chance in hell to speak. “In L.A. at the beachfront restaurant, I can’t tell how long it’s been since I felt that relaxed with anyone. I could actually talk to you. That’s what I want with you. More.”

  Oh, why was he making this so hard for me? “I’m not interested in a relationship with anyone. I’ve told you that.”

  “Christ, I’m not asking you to fall in love with me, Axia! I told you I don’t do the love shit either. I just…” he stopped and shook his head. “I just want to be around you, talk to you, hang out with you, call you mine. Not just meet up with you, fuck and then say our goodbyes. I want more than that with you.”

  “I don’t think I can —”

  “Will you at least think about it?”

  My lips spoke their own words. “I’ll think about it. I’ll … try.”

  “We’ll try.” Cupping my face, he bent his head and slipped his tongue between my lips. I sighed at the warmth and peace I always felt in his presence, with his touches and his kisses. “Just love having you close, beauts. You just feel so … Jesus,” he murmured into my mouth.

  I arched into him as fresh arousals swooshed to my center. I wanted him again. More. I shoved my fingers in his hair and deepened the kiss.

  “Love,” I moaned against his lips. “I want you inside me again so bad. So, so bad.” My teeth clenched onto his lip. “Unfortunately, I have a pilates class in less than twenty minutes.”

  Lovello made a low grumble in his throat and flexed his hips into me before pulling away. “Yeah. I have a lot of shit to do, too. Your visit is a stress reliever. I meant it in a good way when I said, ‘thanks’. I’m really glad you came.”


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