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Absolute Zero (Touch of Frost)

Page 9

by Rush, Lynn

“Okay. I won’t slouch.”

  “You joke about it, but I’m right. You know it.”

  I leaned toward her and grabbed her hand. I intertwined my fingers with hers. “You’re right, G. I do feel a little more confident. But it’s not just because of Zach. You’re a huge part of that, too.”

  She squeezed my fingers. “As you are for me.”

  “Love ya, sis.”

  “You too. So, let’s go check out this party and see if there are any guys good enough for us to allow them to hang with us.”

  Chapter 15

  I stood in front of the full-length mirror in Georgia’s room, since mine didn’t have squat in it. “So? Am I presentable, Miss Fashion Police Officer?”

  She stood next to me and we analyzed our images. “Yep. Our cute blue and red streaked hair and permanent manicures sure do dress up blue jeans and tank tops.”

  “Wonder why Mom didn’t get the hair color and manicures?” I asked.

  “Genetics. Remember? She said it could be different with us. Heck. I’m fire, that’s different than both of you.”

  “True.” I sucked in a deep breath to settle that little palpitation throbbing to life in my chest. Believe it or not, I was nervous.

  First, I normally didn’t do parties and this was going to be my second one in a week.

  Second, considering I’d just been dumped, I should probably stay indoors so I didn’t do something stupid.

  Lastly…screw it.

  “Okay, let’s go.” I stomped toward the door.

  I was determined to have fun and get to know this intriguing guy, Nate Ashcroft, a little better.

  Within a few minutes, we’d made our way up to his apartment. The thumping music leaked out beneath the door. I glanced at Georgia, and her shiny lips flickered as they curled into a smile. She knocked on the door.

  “Don’t we just walk into things like this?” Not that I was an expert, but I’d been to some parties before. Only a few times, though, considering drunk and frosty tendencies didn’t mix well.

  I cranked the doorknob, and the door opened. The dim room was packed with people swaying to some techno music.

  “How does Nate know so many people?” Georgia asked.

  “Half the people go to parties and don’t even know the host. Just want to party.”

  “Mandy?” Nate’s voice cut above the music. In the two times we’d hung out I’d already gotten to know his voice.

  It was distinct in some way I couldn’t quite place. Unique. Confident.

  Georgia released my hand, but I snatched it up again. “You’re with me, girl.” She smiled and squeezed my digits.

  “Hey,” I said to Nate as he approached.

  He wore a tight white T-shirt with black and red print on the shoulder and down the left side.

  “I’m glad you came. Can I get you a drink?”


  He arched an eyebrow and held up his beer. “No beer?”

  “Naw. I’m good. Georgia? What do you want?”

  “Coke’s good.” So much for her drinking days.

  “Come on.” He grabbed my hand and led us toward the kitchen. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  A massive silver keg sat in a cooler of ice and six guys hovered around it, talking about some game that was on earlier in the day. Okay, not talking, more arguing. The wall of testosterone smacked me on the head it was so thick.

  “Oh. Hey. You ladies need a drink,” one of the guys said.

  A redhead hopped down from the counter and hustled to Georgia’s side, cup in hand. “Here’s one for you.”

  “Actually, Nate’s getting me a Coke.”


  Georgia nodded. “Yeah. My sponsor says I probably shouldn’t drink, can’t afford another relapse.”

  The guy froze, and for once, it wasn’t because of me. A look of panic seized his facial muscles or something, because he looked like a statue.

  “I’m kidding,” Georgia said, slapping him on the shoulder.

  The kid flashed his green eyes at me, then back to Georgia. A whoosh of air whipped over me as he deflated his lungs. Too bad it smelled like a brewery, but it was still funny.

  I couldn’t hold in my laughter.

  The guy’s cheeks flamed. “Holy shit, you totally got me.” All the guys laughed.

  “Here you go.” Nate handed me two Cokes, and I gave one to Georgia.

  “So, what’s your name?” the redhead asked.

  “I’m Georgia. This is Amanda.”

  I nodded to him and tried to turn in the packed kitchen.

  “Kinda crowded, I know,” Nate said in my ear.

  “Who are all these people, anyway?”

  “Heck if I know.”

  I shook my head.

  “I wasn’t sure you were going to come.”

  “Had a lot to clean up at the store. Crazy day.”

  “Tell me about it. It’s not every day I get stuck in a supply closet.” Parentheses formed around his lips as he smiled. “You’re getting low on toilet paper.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell Scott.”

  “There’s more space out in the living room if you want to move out there. Or the balcony,” Nate said.

  “G. Want to go out to the main room?”

  “No. I’m good. You go,” she released my hand and turned back to her new friend.

  I cracked open my Coke, then nodded to Nate. “Lead the way.”

  The bubbles burned as they worked down my throat. I loved the first blast of sugar, though. I glanced around the small room, wondering if anything would let me get to know this Nate guy any better.

  But the walls were pretty bare.

  There had to have been thirty people crammed into the tiny two-bedroom apartment. It was almost an exact duplicate of mine and Georgia’s, just darker paint on the walls.

  “Which one is your roommate?” I asked as we wove through the crowd.

  “He’s not home from work yet. His name’s Tim, though. I’ll introduce you when he gets here.”

  “You guys go to high school together or something?” I shouted over the music.

  “Yeah. I’ve known him a long time.”

  A guy, attempting to dance, stabbed his elbow into my side as he bumped into me. He must have weighed three hundred pounds. If that dude fell, he’d crack through the floor and end up on my living room couch.

  I stumbled to the side, nearly spilling my drink. My shoulder rammed into Nate’s chest. He grabbed my shoulders as he stumbled, like he was trying to keep me upright. Instead, we were both going to go down.

  The big guy who knocked me over reached out for me. I dropped my soda, grabbed his hand, then wrapped my free arm around Nate’s waist.

  Gigantor pulled me up and Nate came along. Of course, my soda spilled all over the carpet.

  So much for them getting their deposit back.

  “That was pretty graceful,” Gigantor said to me. “How’d you do that?”

  “Quick reflexes. Thanks for the lift.” I stepped away from the interrogating stares toward Nate, but his wide eyes asked the same thing.


  “Sorry about the carpet. I dropped my drink. Got a towel?” I shouted above the music

  “I’ll get it later. How’d you hold me up so easy?”

  “I just held on, Gigantor there did the heavy lifting.”

  “Wow.” Nate straightened his shirt.

  His lean muscles flexed with each movement. I flicked my gaze around the room. There was nowhere to sit, I was out of soda, and some of it sprayed up on my hands and my shirt.

  “I’m sticky, I’ll be right back.” I navigated the crowd to where I figured the bathroom to be, and I was right. Exact duplicate of my apartment.

  I snuck in and swished my hands beneath some hot water. I yanked a towel from the rack and held it under the running water. Dabbing the little towel down the front of my red tank top didn’t do much. That was why I couldn’t have nice things.

I ran a quick swipe through my hair with my fingers to calm it down, then I scooted out of the tiny bathroom. The bedroom door to my right was open, and I couldn’t resist a peek.

  Had to see what a college guy’s room looked like.

  I clicked on the light. A queen sized bed covered with a blue comforter took up most of the space. There was a stereo next to it, tennis shoes on the floor at the foot of the bed and a stack of books on the nightstand.

  A poster of the mountains on the far wall caught my attention. Might have been the Colorado Rockies. One little desk sat in front of the window and there was a dresser to my right.

  Pretty much boring and empty, like mine. Except the poster. Everything seemed so…neat. As in I could have bounced a quarter off the bed for how tight it was tucked in. And the desk, only a closed laptop perfectly centered and one pen beside it.

  Even the books on the nightstand were stacked directly at the edge, biggest one on the bottom.

  Wonder if this is Nate’s room.

  “Snooping already?” Nate asked.

  I whirled around. “Oh. Sorry. Had to see what a college guy’s room looked like.”

  “Is it what you’d expected?”

  “Pretty much. Thought maybe there’d be some girly magazines laying around, though.”

  “Girly magazines?” He laughed and shook his head. “Nope. Not going to find those in my room, you can check under the bed if you want.”

  “So this is your room?”

  “Yep. As you can see, I’m kinda boring.”

  “And very neat.” I pointed to the poster. “Are those the Colorado Rockies?”

  He came all the way into the room, carrying a Coke. “Here. Got you another one. It’s warm, though. Try not to drop it.”

  “Thanks,” I snagged the drink from him.

  “And yes. Colorado.”

  “Been there. Loved it.”

  “You ski?” He stepped further in and leaned against his desk.

  “No. I’m a bit on the clumsy side.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. Nice save back in the living room. That guy takes the space of, like, six guys. He knocked you over good.”

  “But he was quick to reach out to me. He saved the day. Not me.”

  The room fell silent and Nate’s gaze never left mine. Heat rushed to my cheeks. I sipped the soda, and he was right, it was way warm so I set it on the dresser.

  He took a step toward me. My heart stalled. “I should probably go find Georgia.”

  “It’s okay. She’s with Seth.”

  “The redhead?”

  “He’s my buddy. He’s fine.”

  “You know a lot of people.”

  “Been here a little bit.”


  “Can I ask you something?”

  I glanced around, then leaned against the wall next to the door. He’d walked across the room and now stood only a couple of feet from me. “Um. Sure.”

  “I noticed you didn’t bring Zach.”

  My gut hollowed as I shook my head. “Just me and my sis—er—Georgia.” I cleared my throat. “Is there a question in there somewhere?”

  “Is he still your boyfriend?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  He took another step to me. I stood straight, fighting to catch my breath. The look he had in his eyes reminded me of the look I’d seen in Zach’s just before he kissed me that steamy Friday night.

  Which was only two days ago I reminded myself.

  “Curious.” His gaze shifted down a fraction, then back to my eyes.

  My knees went weak, and my heart was doing a very good impression of a jackhammer on my ribs. I should turn around and walk out of the room this very instant.

  But I didn’t. It was more like I couldn’t. What was this inexplicable draw toward Nate? It scared the crap out of me, yet intrigued me even more. He was so different than Zach. More mature, confident.

  “Why are you curious?” My voice cracked. How embarrassing.

  “Because I really want to kiss you, and I won’t until I know you’re free to be kissed.”

  “Wow. You are bold.” And I kind of liked it.

  Half a step closer. He nodded.

  I couldn’t believe I was even entertaining the thought of kissing him. “Aren’t you afraid I’d be kissing you on rebound if I did tell you we’d broken up?”


  Another half step, and he stood so close to me I could almost feel his body heat on my bare arms. I swallowed hard. Both from desire and terror. Zach just mutilated my heart earlier. No way should I be even thinking of letting this happen.

  Ah, hell, Nate didn’t seem to mind.

  “He’s not my boyfriend anymore.”

  In the next second Nate’s hands cupped my face. His thumb grazed over my cheek, then down to the corner of my mouth and traced my bottom lip. It was like his fingers were trying to memorize each curve. His brown eyes slid a lazy gaze over my face as if it was the first time he’d ever looked at a girl. Such wonder in those pools of chocolate.

  “Is it okay if I kiss you?”

  My body screamed at me to answer yes. I almost started hyperventilating as I stared into his eyes. His soft, shiny lips practically begged for me to nip at them. His warm breath came in hurried gasps and feathered against my face. I’d thought about kissing him before, too. More than I should have been since I’d been dating Zach at the time.

  But Zach dumped me. I was free to do what I wanted. And right then, I wanted Nate. “Yes.”

  I met his mouth half way, and we both drew in a sharp breath. His lips were as amazing as I’d imagined. Firm yet soft. I curled my arms around his neck and drew him closer. He tilted, and his tongue brushed my bottom lip. It sent a zip of electricity straight to my stomach, but I opened for him.

  His hands moved from my face to my neck, then down the front of my body to my waist and pulled me tight against him.

  My mind whirled at his scent. His taste. It was a unique twist of cinnamon and mint. His kisses were gentle, but urgent. His hands were tender against my lower back, but firm, holding me flush to his hard body.

  I worked my fingers into his soft, chestnut hair and melted against his steel-forged chest. He seemed to like that, because he moaned into my mouth. I pulled back and took in a gasp of air.

  His chest heaved against mine. “Wow,” he said, as he looked at my lips.

  “Not so bad yourself,” I said with a little gasp. I was having trouble catching my breath.

  “I’d say I’m sorry for you and your boyfriend breaking up, but it’d be a lie.” He drew in a deep breath as if taking in my scent and offered a slight grin. “I mean, I’m sorry you were sad, if you were, but not sorry that you’re suddenly single.”

  My heart pinged. Zach’s face flashed through my mind. So not the moment for that to happen. I zeroed in on Nate’s mouth. Besides Zach, I’d never kissed anyone so intensely. And for sure not someone who waited for me to be single, then even asked if he could kiss me. Now that’s class.

  There was something about barely knowing the guy, about someone new. I didn’t know anything about him, and that felt… dangerous. My body kind of liked it.

  Nate’s fingers combed through my hair, starting near my temple. As he pushed my hair back, I tilted my head, savoring the feeling. He still had me tight against him with his other arm around my waist.

  “I like the blue. And your nails match.” His lips brush my cheek, behind my ear, then my neck. “Interesting.”

  “I’m a fashionista that way.”

  A growl-like laugh rattled his throat. “You don’t come across as one who cares much about what people think.”

  “What makes you think that?” I faced him. “You don’t even know me.”

  “Not yet, anyway.” He rested his hand on my heaving chest, the bottom of his palm just touching the tip of my tank top and his fingers brushing my throat. “I do know something I really like about you, though.”

  I drew in a sharp breath
at his intense stare and my heart did that hammering thing again. “Yeah?”

  He captured my mouth with his, then drew in a long, deep breath through his nose as his tongue explored. I thought my legs might melt beneath me so I held on to him tight, thankful I’d gained so much control over my strength this summer.

  It was so different not having to constantly worry about it. For some reason I felt comfortable and relaxed around Nate right now. His lips didn’t feel foreign to me. Neither did his touch. Almost like we were made for each other.

  All too soon, he pried his lips from mine and smiled. “We might want to leave this room now.”

  My brain screamed, Yes, leave now. Leave now. But my body parts screamed, No, tackle him onto the bed. “We should, huh?”

  His brown eyes scanned my face like an x-ray. A light shade of red dusted his flushed cheeks, and his lips were shiny from our kiss.

  He nodded. “I might not be able to stay in control if we don’t.”

  “Me neither,” I said, with a whisper, surprising even myself.

  His eyebrow shot up, and he came in for one last kiss.

  We made it a good one.

  Chapter 16

  “Oh my gosh, I wish one of our powers was mental telepathy or something.” Georgia leaned against the patio railing and faced me. “I’ve been dying to know what happened with you and Nate.”

  I grinned, heat steaming my cheeks.

  “Okay, rephrase. What were you doing in the bedroom?” She ran her fingers through my hair. “You were looking a bit disheveled when you came out of there.”

  “I love the words you come up with, little Miss Writer.” I sipped my soda and leaned my elbows against the railing. It was cool to my bare skin, but that was okay. I glanced behind me. No one even noticed we were out here so I stepped to the corner, and turned on the cold. “Ahhh, much better.”

  “Let me in on some of that. It’s freaking boiling in there.”

  I opened my arms to her, and she came in for a hug. “Thought Blaze wouldn’t get hot anywhere.

  “I wish. Hey, can you cool this down for me?” She pulled out of my arms and handed me her Coke.

  Another quick glance, then I grabbed it and chilled it enough to have ice chips floating. She loved that. “Here you go.”

  She snatched the soda. “Thanks. Now, spill.”


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