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Revenge of the Walker (The Walker Series Book 4)

Page 16

by Coralee June

  I muttered a quick “thank you” with a bow before scurrying in the direction of the sinks. I didn’t want to waste any time. There, a girl not much older than I was scrubbing the dishes and humming to herself. She, too, had blond hair like Kaye. However, the curls were long and luscious, hitting at the middle of her back. She swayed as she washed, and there was an innocent way she moved, a nice lift about her that I found intriguing to watch.

  Over her shoulder, I saw the chef eyeing us, so I quickly introduced myself. “My name is shade, are you Lilac?” She turned to face me and dipped her brow in confusion.

  “Do I know you?” Her voice was soft and high pitched. Her eyes took in my outfit, and she nodded once before continuing. “Ah, you must know my sister. Did she send you here to find out why I’m not responding to her?”

  For being so soft-spoken and gentle, she certainly had a fire in her words. “Ye-yes,” I mumbled, somehow feeling almost chastised.

  “Well, you can tell her that I’m out. Cavil’s been executing people left and right,” she hissed while looking around. “She may be willing to die to get out of that brothel, but I’m not.”

  I gaped at this girl, and even though my mouth was dropped open in surprise, she didn’t seem bothered or amused by my shock.

  “But-But you have to,” I replied with a stutter.

  “No. I don’t. I want to live. Tell her I’m done doing her dirty work. Bye now,” she said while waving. I stood there for a moment more, wondering if this was all a cruel joke. It wasn’t until she rolled her eyes and resumed washing dishes that I shuffled away.

  When I made my way out of the kitchen and back into the hallway, my mind was in a fog. Everything about this mission had been a failure. We were out of time and would soon miss out on ending Cavil. If no one drugged the guardsmen, it would mean we’d have more stacked against us. I just hoped Kaye could still pull it off without her sister’s help.

  We had no other options. We’d have to just make it work, because Cyler and Maverick going back to Ethros simply wasn’t an option.

  Chapter Twenty

  I was so lost in thought that when I opened the door at first, I didn't notice Cyler talking to someone. My eyes went wide with fear when I realized he was speaking with Cavil himself. "I'm surprised to find you outside my kitchens, Master Black. Did you find the appetizers not to your liking?"

  Cavil looked suspicious as he stared at Cyler. "I hope there's not a nefarious reason for you being here. My kindness and generosity have been stretched extremely thin where you and your brother are concerned."

  I would've gone back inside the kitchens and risked the anger of the chef, but Cavil caught my gaze. His smile went from full of scrutiny to mischievousness. I immediately looked down at the ground and shuffled toward Cyler and the Commodore. He didn't seem nearly as drunk as the night before, which meant his memory and his ability to observe me wouldn't be hindered by the alcohol.

  "Ah, I almost forgot. Your little Companion is here." Once I was standing next to Cyler, Cavil traced a knuckle down my bare arm, and it felt like someone was slicing my skin. It would've been rude to swat his hand away, so I focused on Cyler beside me and hoped that he wouldn't continue to touch me.

  "My, you sure are pretty. I can see why you like her." My heart raced under his perusal, the only comfort I had was that Cyler was near. When I was in Ethros, Cavil saw a less submissive side of me. I was defiant, and I hoped that by keeping quiet and acting shy, he wouldn't make the connection.

  "But what were you doing in my kitchen?" he asked. We should've waited until Cavil had more to drink. I looked down at Cyler's wrist, where his fetter was clamped around it. I was worried that the Commodore would punish him, but Cyler threw him an easy smile. "I sent her looking for some whipped cream. I was feeling adventurous," Cyler said. The lie rolled smoothly off his lips, and as a result, my cheeks burned bright red with embarrassment.

  Commodore Cavil went silent for a breath before clapping his hands together with a laugh. "Oh-oh! Maybe you'll come to play in my ivory room.” Cyler frowned, as if the thought of anyone seeing him and me together intimately was upsetting.

  "I think I'm okay with keeping her to myself for now," Cyler responded while pulling me tighter against him. I was worried that the possessive tone in his voice would tip Cavil off, but it didn't seem to.

  "Very well," Cavil began. I couldn't see his face because I was keeping my gaze firmly on the floor, but I heard the pridefulness in his voice. "I'll just have to hire her for myself."

  Cavil lightly traced my collarbone with the tip of his finger, and I shivered with disgust. A breathy voice called from down the hall, bringing him out of his intrusive touch. “Emperor? Would you like for me to get you a drink?” Jade asked. She sauntered closer, flipping her hair over her shoulder and biting her lip. The flirtatious body language looked practiced.

  “Well, hello there. Yes. I think a drink would be very nice,” he replied before leaving us to go to Jade’s side. They left without saying anything else to us, and the moment Jade’s white dress disappeared around the corner, Cyler wrapped me in a big hug, squeezing tightly before grabbing my wrist and pulling me in the opposite direction.

  "That was close," I whispered the further away from the kitchens we got. I was shaken by the news from Kaye’s sister as well as from seeing Cavil. But I was also proud of myself. I didn't crumble under pressure, nor did I have that aching feeling in my chest. I did, however, feel a little out of control. We didn't have a plan at the end of this week, Cavil would return to Ethros, and our window of opportunity would diminish. If I wanted to save Maverick and Cyler, it would have to be here in Galla. We had no way to get them out of Ethros. It was like one giant, heavily-guarded island.

  "Did you get the message delivered?" Cyler asked in a low voice while scanning the crowds. More Companions had arrived, and people were starting to drink in the corner. I saw Maverick leaning against the wall with Blythe standing beside him. I wanted to run to him, give him a grateful hug and whisper in his ear how much I loved him and how thankful I was that he didn't die this morning, but I kept my feet firmly planted, knowing that it was smarter for me to stay here.

  I thought of what to say to Cyler. We had been clinging to a hopeless plan, and now we had nothing. But I didn't want to ruin what could possibly be one of my last nights with him for a while, so I decided to wait to tell him. "Yes," I replied.

  Cyler nodded his head and continued to look around the room more. In the corner, musicians set up and began playing softly for the Elite guests. A couple of Elite men and women pulled Companions aside to dance. Cyler looked at me mischievously before grabbing my own hand and leading me towards the music.

  He spun me around one time before pulling me close. I placed my hands on his chest and peered up at the man that started this entire journey. Cyler Black saw me like no one else ever had before. Maybe it wasn't love at first sight. Maybe when he brought me to Dormas, he wanted to test Josiah, but I'd always felt an electric connection with my fearless leader. Nevertheless, I was still hurt by his letter. I had questions and grievances to iron out with him.

  "What are you thinking about?" he murmured into my ear while swaying softly. The music had a steady beat, and the guitars strummed dark chords. Others danced around us, but in my mind, it was only Cyler and me.

  “We haven’t had time to discuss that letter, Cy,” I said. There was a sense of sadness in my tone that seemed unexpected. I was still hurt by his ability to let go, to leave, knowing there was a chance he’d never see me again and not let me know. Maybe it was foolish to focus on this tonight. But I needed to know it was as hard for him as it was for me.

  “I was hoping you’d let me kiss you enough that you’d forget,” Cyler replied with a half chuckle. If we weren’t in Cavil’s tower, maybe I’d let him kiss me, love me until I couldn’t remember the betrayal, but we weren’t. And if I weren’t going to see him again for a while, then I’d need some closure to hold me over until I
saw him again—if I ever saw him again.

  “Did you miss me?” I asked in a small voice. “Is it wrong that I want to know if you were as devastated as I was? Is it wrong that I wanted you to suffer as I did? I didn’t handle being away from you well, Cy. You’re a part of me.”

  I felt lips on my temple, and I shivered at how reverent it felt. “I should have never removed your choice, Babe. I was torn up about Jules. I was frantically trying to save the best thing in my life.” His hand drifted lower on my back. We weren’t really dancing anymore, we were swaying and pressing as tightly against one another as we could. “As for if I suffered? Fuck yes, I suffered. Every second away from you was agony. Fucking agony, Babe. Knowing you didn’t handle it well guts me. What happened?”

  The song stopped, and we both just held each other for another moment until another song picked up. I used the loud strumming of the guitar to conceal my words from others nearby. “I was sad in the beginning. You were the first person to see me and then truly value my choices and freedom. You ripped that freedom from me. I was angry for a while, then I just kind of went into survival mode. But you know what I hate most, Cy?”

  Cyler didn’t respond, he just held me tighter. He kissed my temple once more as if that was all he could do. “You taught me to fight for myself. You showed me I was worthy of love, that I didn’t have to be so passive in my life. You made me realize that I could claim my soul for myself...then you left. The worst part was you made me fall in love with you, then you gently placed me back in the pretty little cage where I was helpless against my situation.” I choked out each word as I let go of everything I’d been feeling these last five months. “Josiah said he stayed away because he loved me, too, you know. I thought we were better than that.”

  Cyler let out a shaky sigh and whispered in my ear once more. “I did wrong by you, Ash. If I could change everything about that night, I would. But can you blame me? I love you enough to be without you if that’s what it takes. I just hope I can make it up to you. I swear I’m nothing like Josiah. I’d let nothing get between us.”

  I looked around us and, after not seeing Cavil’s prying dark eyes, leaned up to kiss Cyler on the lips. With my touch, I showed him how much he’d changed my life. The depth of my love and appreciation for Cyler Black was infinite. He truly saved me from myself and from a lifetime in a toxic relationship. He collected each little broken piece of me and put it back together, making a life for me more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. He didn’t just make me feel complete, Cyler Black completed me.

  Being without him would inevitably break me.

  The space between us exploded, and my hands struggled to bring him closer. “You’re my everything, Babe. I want this for the long haul. I’m so sorry,” he whispered between kisses. The music stopped, and I looked up into his dark eyes, committing the fiery way he looked back at me to memory. I wanted to remember this moment forever. If this was our goodbye, then I wanted it to be a good one.

  “We might not be able to get you,” I said, making sure to keep my voice low. “Our...arrangements...they’re falling apart. You could have to go back,” I choked.

  Cyler rubbed his hands up and down my arms while looking around the room. The music stopped, and people were disappearing to the many dinner tables. He didn’t answer me until we found a small table in the dining room in the back, secluded from the others. Maverick sat at the table across from ours and kept eye contact with me as we ate. “I’m going to do everything in my power to get out of here, Babe. I’m not leaving you again,” he said in a voice that made me almost believe him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Kaye was quiet during the ride home. Although she didn't seem surprised by her sister's refusal to help, she was still disappointed. We all were. Now, Kaye would have to sneak into the kitchens to poison the guards’ wine stash on her own. I made sure to warn her about the angry chef and the lie I told her. But still, nothing seemed to be coming together. Was Jade genuinely prepared to kill Cavil? I didn't know her well, and although she appeared fearless, it was still a risk. Either way, I was determined to get my men on the transport and out of there. Regardless if Cavil were alive or not, I wouldn't be failing my mission.

  The girls went to the third floor to debrief Madam B on their evening, and I was surprised to see that none of my guys were there to greet me when we got back to the brothel. Slowly, I made my way upstairs and to my room, gasping when I opened the door.

  Flowers. Dozens of flowers covered the floor. Candles were lit and scattered around every available ledge, and the bed was made with crisp satin sheets. "Hello?" I called. From what I could see, there was no one here.

  "Hey," Huxley's gruff voice said to my left. He was wearing nothing but boxers, and his hair was wet. Moisture clung to his skin as he shut the steamy bathroom door. "I was taking a shower. Didn't expect you back so early."

  I was stunned speechless. I'd never been one to get the twins confused. To me, their smiles held all the secrets to their differences. Huxley was hardened by his life and always seemed unhappy. Differentiating him from Patrick had never been an issue. However, tonight? He looked happy. There was an anxious glow pouring from his lips as they quirked at the ends. His shoulders didn't seem to crack under the weight of his burdens. Huxley didn't look angry or even sad. He looked like a man on the edge of something beautiful, and I couldn't help but wonder if that something beautiful was me.

  "What's all of this?" I asked while motioning through the room. Huxley rubbed the back of his neck, looking bashful and sexy as hell as he noticed what I was talking about. "I...I wanted to do something special for this...I know it's not ideal, but with everything..."

  Was Huxley...nervous? He made his way closer to the bed then whirled around as if he'd forgotten something. In the process, Hux knocked over a candle and flames erupted around us. "Shit, son of a bitch!" he yelled before barreling towards the bathroom and emerging with a sopping wet towel to throw over the fire.

  The door slammed open, and a stream of curses flew. "What the fuck is going on?" Turning around, Patrick, Kemper, and Jacob fought to get through the door and make sure we were alright.

  "It's these fucking candles!" Huxley roared. "I told you I don't do that sort of shit. One fell over, and it started a fire."

  Patrick let out a laugh, and I merely stood there speechless. "When you said things were 'heating up' tonight, you weren't kidding," he snorted. Huxley spun to look at his brother and raised his fist. It wasn't until then that I realized I should probably speak up.


  Jacob's mindspeak started going crazy. "I knew I should have gone next. This is a disaster."

  Huxley huffed, the sound more like a growl than an exhale, but I couldn't help but smile. "Okay, that's it. Out. All of you."

  Kemper, Patrick, and Jacob begrudgingly left, but I kept my eyes on Huxley. I soaked in how nervous and embarrassed he was. This was so unlike the man I'd come to know that I wanted to take a moment to appreciate his flustered and unsure movements. He began blowing out candles, and a heavy cloud of smoke filled the room, but I didn't care. One by one, each flame went out, and I was left with nothing but a dark room and Huxley's firm body. I was almost happy to be stripped of the ambiance. It was like that with Huxley and me. I preferred his gritty realism.

  "You okay?" I finally asked once he was sure every candle was taken care of.

  He took a moment to respond, wiping his hand on the back of his neck before saying, "Not really. This isn't me. Kemper's the one that does the candles and flowers shit. I wanted to do something special for our first...well, for you. But now I'm questioning everything."

  "What would you have done, Hux?" I asked while walking closer. I trailed a finger down his torso and smiled when he shivered at my touch. "Show me how you'd make sure this was special. Not your brother, or Kemper, or anyone else that has ideas about what's special. What’s your version of it?"

  My voice was low and sultry, the smoke in th
e room gave everything a hazy feel that had me aching to be closer. Huxley licked his bottom lip in a slow movement, and I wondered what he tasted like. Spinning me around, Huxley wrapped his arm around my middle then pulled my head to the side, exposing my neck.

  "I would have come up behind you as you got ready for bed," he whispered. "I'd kiss your neck and enjoy watching your creamy skin pebble up with goosebumps." At that, he trailed his tongue along my skin and then blew cold air on me. I shivered, and an overwhelming heat flourished within me.

  He trailed his fingers across my shoulders and my back, making sure to brush my hair aside so he could unzip the white dress I was wearing. "You look beautiful, but I'd rather see you with nothing on if that's okay?" he asked.

  The way he asked was tentative but heated. I was too turned on to say anything other than yes. When my dress fell to the floor, I couldn't help but let out a little gasp as the cold air hit my back. I felt lips on my neck. My shoulders. Trailing lower and lower, he kissed my hip, until finally, I felt him on my ass. A light nibble on my cheek had me almost bending over as sensations flooded each of my muscles. Huxley was on his knees.

  "Spin around, little Walker," he said. His voice was hoarse and full of desire. I obeyed him with a smile, knowing that I'd do anything to feel his lips on my skin. He licked my stomach, scraping his teeth along me before placing a soft kiss lower. My legs went weak, and I let out a curse. Huxley already had me on edge with just a few kisses. "Sit on the bed, Ash."

  I did as he asked, moving backward until the back of my calves hit the mattress. I sat down in a hurry, eager to see what would come next while enjoying the view of Huxley on his knees. His eyes were feral and hungry. Pulling my thighs apart, he let out a groan of approval.


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