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Constant Page 16

by Lexi Ander

  It was possible that the Terrens had reopened that program and were attempting something similar with Zeus before the science vessel was practically destroyed, setting it adrift in space with Zeus as the only occupant.

  Sohm’lan shook off his thoughts and redirected his attention to the youngling waiting for him to finish his story. “They arranged the foliage to camouflage them, popping up and terrifying passersby,” he continued, watching Zeus’s expressions. The youngling made glugging sounds that Sohm’lan and the Vondorians had determined were happy noises—strange, but happy. He almost sounded like a jungle bird with the hiccups and a low-pitched scream. “I had to grab them before the nannies found their hiding place. The twins need somewhere to call their own, though I do not know how long their tunnels will last when the gardeners tend the atrium.”

  Zeus made noise, almost words but not quite. Sohm’lan decided that he would keep a daily journal of Zeus’s development, mental, and emotional, to compare to the material he had gathered. He wondered if there was anything on the hypernet about Erdaians. The people were secretive, and rightly so after what they had endured, but if he did find something about their young, then he could compare the information to Zeus’s peculiarities, such as his eyes or the odd coloring of his hair. Everything that he’d found on blind humans did not match Zeus’s blindness. The doctors confirmed there was scarring that suggested Zeus had been made blind and not born that way. His eyes should be cloudy but were not. His iris was an unusual color, too. There was just too much that did not add up. After much discussion, Valdor and Ashari decided to keep the information to themselves. Zeus looked human, so as far as anyone else was concerned, that was what he was.

  The decision did not keep him from being curious, though. Zeus was his waterson and he would not allow a lack of knowledge to keep him from helping Zeus when he needed it.

  Zeus looked to the doorway expectantly. Sohm’lan tilted his head to the side, listening hard, trying to pick up the sounds that only Zeus seemed to hear. Ashari’s shadowed figure stopped in the entrance, her gaze landing on the empty birth bed. Zeus made a modified screech as if he knew his meme was looking for him. When she glanced at the swing, Sohm’lan stood. If she was here, then dawn was close.

  “Sohm, having trouble sleeping?” She crossed to them. Zeus waved his arms, making his happy noises.

  “I woke early and decided to start the day. I was not the only one bright-eyed in the moonshine.” Zeus threw his body in Ashari’s direction and she deftly caught him, now used to the youngling’s penchant for moving suddenly and trusting that there would be someone there to grab him.

  “I can see that,” she replied, taking him over to the sand pen. “I wonder if he senses that today will be a momentous day.”

  She knelt in the sand, talking softly to Zeus. “It is time to relieve yourself.” Like any other youngling, she was teaching Zeus to use the sand, showing him how to use his hands to move the grains around, then holding him steady while he released his water. That was another difference between Zeus and Terren young who used clothing designed to catch and hold their body’s waste. A week after Zeus arrived at the palace, Ashari introduced him to the sand pen. Since then Zeus had not lost control of his body, which he should not have been able to do.

  “What makes today momentous,” he asked after Zeus was set in the small water pool.

  “We are going to introduce Zeus to the Waters of Poseidon,” came her calm response.

  Sohm’lan had to sit back down in the swing, his legs shaking too hard to keep standing. He had not set foot in the Waters for weeks, no moons. Mar’Sani were not meant to be kept from the Waters of Poseidon, the pain of being away was debilitating. Having personal pools helped with the need, but he had successfully ignored the minor ache in his bones. Every time he looked at the Great Sea, he remembered the panic of not being able to find Canry.

  For the second time since Niobe’s death, he lost focus and fear threatened to swallow him whole. He had difficulty breathing and his muscles ached, and his head throbbed with an oncoming headache. He had stood on the first balcony, watching over everyone as Canry was introduced to the Waters. From his perch, he saw nothing suspicious or out of place. Then a wave of energy emerged from the depths. The young must have felt it since Mestor had shrieked and Shaneva cried out. After making sure Valdor had those two, he looked back to Ashari to find Canry gone and Azaes yelling.

  How could a youngling so well guarded, surrounded by a dozen Monticore, disappear so completely, so suddenly? And Zeus… Only Mar’Sani could swim in the Waters of Poseidon. Many off-planet dignitaries had attempted to step foot in the sea and were chased away, claiming the water felt repulsive against their skin. There were even some who were burned.

  “I know you are worried.” Ashari cut into his disturbing thoughts. She sat next to the pool where Zeus kicked the water, watching and listening as if he understood every word she spoke. “But I think this is the right thing to do. I almost feel… compelled, as if Poseidon himself is urging me to bring him. I have resisted so far but last night, I dreamed and…” Ashari stared down at her son, her amber eyes so full of love. She would never do anything that would harm him in any way.

  Zeus attempted to move closer to her and toppled forward. She caught him before he fell face first in the pool.

  “Unlike my husband, I am not a farseer. My lineage carries the blood of dreamwalkers; even then, my aptitude is slight, and I am usually useless with the ability, but last night I Dreamed.” Every family had a relative who was born with the Longing, and when a Mar’Sani needed the Waters of Poseidon, their relatives acted as soulcatchers, drawing them from the waking world into the Dream. But there were a few Mar’Sani who could walk the Dream without the guidance of the family soulcatcher and Ashari was one of them. She met Sohm’lan’s gaze with a surety he could plainly see. “I was promised all would be well. So today, we will take him to the shore.”

  What could he say that would not give away how terrified he was? Above all others, Ashari and Valdor understood what could happen to Zeus. They did not need him verbalizing what they already knew. But he would be close enough to grab Zeus if need be. When Canry disappeared, he had not acted quickly enough from his overwatch perch. He would not make the mistake a second time.

  Standing from the swing, he smoothed out his uniform’s wrinkles. Ashari rose to her feet with Zeus securely wrapped in her arms. The youngling listened intently as she told him about the Waters of Poseidon. When she stopped at the pen’s gate, she pressed the button that would activate the sanitation cycle for the sand and water.

  “I will gather the Monticore and have the Basilisc tighten palace security,” he said, attempting to focus on the task at hand and not his fears.

  “It will only be family this time,” she replied. She paused, as if hesitant. “I would also like the event recorded.”

  He heard the underlying subtext: just in case another youngling disappeared, we could pinpoint what happened and then follow.

  “I will make it so,” he promised, heading toward the door. He frowned when he heard claws against the wood frame, then the clomp of boots on polished stone tile.

  At the entryway, he stopped and peered into the hallway. At the far end, two young dashed around the corner, their tails snapping side to side in their hurry.

  “What is it?” Ashari called, cradling Zeus to her breast.

  “The twins are roaming the palace again,” he replied, not able to stifle his laughter. All his wateryoung brought him immense joy.

  “Sneaky school fish. I bet they were listening the whole time.” She sighed. “I will find them and explain why Zeus needs to be introduced to the Waters of Poseidon.” She placed Zeus in the birth bed. Immediately, the youngling closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. If only Sohm’lan could find rest so easily.

  Shaking his head, he hurried off. He spent the morning making plans with the Monticore and Basilisc. No one wanted a repeat of the events from two moo
ns ago. A team of vid operators were summoned, and they brought the latest in equipment and drones. Valdor messaged him the hour they would take Zeus to the shore, allowing him to have the outdoors and corridors cleared of non-essential personnel.

  He returned to the nursery to meet with Ashari and Valdor. The Monticore would arrive soon to escort them. A flash from the corner of his eye made him dodge reflexively to the side. Azaes careened out of the nursery and ran down the hall. Too late, Sohm’lan realized the youngling carried little Zeus. His pale, round scale-less face looking over Azaes’ shoulder, Zeus’s sightless eyes were wide and filled with… humor? Certainly not. He had to be mistaken.

  “Prince Azaes?” he called, unsure what was going on. Azaes did not stop but ran faster. “What—”

  From the nursery doorway, a small body plowed into his knees. Standing very still, he stared down at Mestor who hissed and spit with a fury that astounded Sohm’lan. The youngling attacked his leg, biting and snarling. If he had been dressed in only a swimming robe, the little prince’s assault would have caused more damage, but he wore a uniform made from gerrho’sauridae hyde that prevented Mestor’s needle-sharp teeth from piercing the meat of Sohm’lan’s thigh; though they did not ward against bruises.

  “Prince Mestor,” he calmly called, having an idea about what had put the youngling in such a state. “Everything will be fine.”

  Mestor told him what he thought of Sohm’lan’s reassurance by snarling and attacking his tail, which was not protected by the uniform. The princeling’s teeth sunk past the thick scales, and he hissed through his teeth. Sohm’lan remained still, not wanting to accidently hurt his waterson. The youngling shook his head, his mouth still full of Sohm’lan’s skin.

  Swearing under his breath, Sohm’lan grabbed at Mestor, only to come up empty-handed when the slippery fish slid through his fingers. The youngling ran around him just out of reach and placed himself in the path his twin had taken with Zeus.

  “You cannot have him!” he hiss-clicked, mimicking an enraged bull, but the diminutive sound only made Sohm’lan want to smile. The situation of the twins kidnapping Zeus aside, he was so immensely proud of Mestor’s tenacity. When he started training the twins in five summers, they would be excellent students.

  When he did not respond, Mestor thumped the end of his tail on the red tile, the rhythmic noise telling him that at least one of the twins had been sneaking off to watch the Monticore spar. But where one went so did the other. Later he would speak to Valdor of the nannies’ incompetence.

  Experimentally, Sohm’lan thumped his tail and Mestor roared, which was more of a gravelly squeak, and charged. Instead of jumping on Sohm’lan again, Mestor whirled and hit him with his tail, the blow hurting more than he expected and he took a step back to keep from getting hit again.

  Mestor crouched on the ground, tail thumping the floor as his expression filled with triumph at Sohm’lan’s retreat, though it was only one step.

  “What is going on here?’ Valdor’s booming voice caused Mestor to freeze for two seconds before he shifted to keep both Sohm’lan and Valdor in view.

  Mestor hiss-clicked a warning when his father stopped next to Sohm’lan. “The Waters stole Canry! They cannot have Zeus, too!”

  He wanted to reassure his waterson, but he could not find the words because deep down, he felt the same.

  “Mestor?” Ashari called softly.

  The youngling narrowed his eyes then turned and ran in the direction Azaes had headed.

  She took Valdor’s arm. “What is going on, Sohm’lan?”

  “It would seem that the twins are trying to save Zeus,” he finally replied.

  She sighed. “I explained to them earlier why we needed to take Zeus to the Waters. They did not argue, and perhaps I should have been suspicious then.”

  “They were present when Canry—” Valdor tensed, then cleared his throat. He patted Ashari’s hand where she clutched him. “We are not the only ones traumatized by that day. They are trying to protect Zeus in the only way they know how.”

  “I will hunt them down,” Sohm’lan offered, not really looking forward to the coming confrontation.

  “We will help,” Valdor replied. “I will search their rooms. You contact security and see if they have been caught on the security vids.” The twins were excellent at moving through the palace unseen when they wanted to.

  He already had an idea of where to look. He and Valdor separated. Security confirmed that they had seen glimpses of the princes in the atrium. It did not take him long to reach the indoor garden. Basilisc and Monticore met him at the entrance. Ordering them to wait, he entered the humid room. Instantly, he sensed someone watching and he scanned the foliage, but he could not make out whence the twins hid.

  Strolling around the perimeter, he located a bench and sat. For the past week, he had been watching the twins from the security room as they dug their tunnels. He knew where the entrances were but did not want to search them. He would prefer the younglings to come to him, to trust him.

  After a few minutes of quiet, the leaves of a low-lying plant rustled, and he made sure not to direct his attention to the disturbance.

  “You know your meme would never place your brother in harm’s way, do you not?”

  Twin hisses answered him, followed by one of Zeus’s excited screeches.

  “Do you think I should take your parents into custody for losing Canry?” he queried, unsure if he wanted to know the answer.

  Azaes charged from his hiding place. “You leave them alone!” His tail thrashed the plants around him, shredding the leaves. “It is not their fault!”

  He sat very still. “Then why hide Zeus from them?”

  “I am not. I am only keeping Zeus from the Waters,” Azaes replied as if Sohm’lan was dense for not automatically understanding his reasoning.

  “All Mar’Sani are introduced to the Waters in the first summer after their birth. Your meme feels it is time for Zeus’s first swim,” he said gently.

  “But…” Azaes glanced back to where Mestor stood just outside some thick foliage, Zeus strapped to his chest in a type of harness. Zeus kicked his arms and legs excitedly, acting as if he was enjoying his grand adventure. “What if Poseidon wants Zeus, too? I was right there, so close to Canry, and still he was taken.”

  Sohm’lan slid off the seat onto his knees in the loamy soil, just a little closer to Azaes. “It is scary, is it not? Something unprecedented happened in the Waters. Never has a youngling been lost in the Waters of Poseidon, and now, we are wary of the place that is our second home.”

  Noise from the entrance drew Azaes’ gaze. He backed up a step, as if he would run again, but he did not. Ashari and Valdor joined Sohm’lan on the ground. Shaneva was cuddled against Valdor’s chest, held securely in one arm.

  Ashari stared at her hands, her conflict plain to see. Obviously, she had overheard the conversation. The twins did not keep their concerns from her because they did not trust her. They had always been very conscious of her pain and were protective of her.

  “The Waters of Poseidon is a place where we are supposed to be safe. That surety has been taken from us. I know it is unfair of me to ask you to watch your youngest brother be introduced to the Waters, especially with how close you were to Canry when he was taken, but Zeus needs this. We have to be strong for him so he can grow into who he is meant to be.”

  Azaes glanced back at his twin and Zeus, his expression pained before he rubbed his eyes.

  “Son, Canry’s disappearance is not your fault,” Valdor murmured.

  Azaes stilled and Sohm’lan figured Valdor had guessed correctly.

  “Come to me.” Valdor held out his free arm. Azaes swayed as if unsure, then rushed to Valdor.

  “Mestor.” Ashari beckoned.

  Moving at a much slower pace, both of his arms wrapped around Zeus as if afraid he would slip away, Mestor walked to his meme. Gently Ashari pulled them to her, whispering that everything would be all right.
br />   As soon as they left the atrium, Monticore and Basilisc surrounded them. Sohm’lan strode behind the twins, while Ashari and Valdor flanked their young. They had agreed to allow Azaes and Mestor to take turns carrying Zeus. Shaneva stayed nestled against Valdor’s chest, just as quiet and solemn as the rest of her family. Zeus on the other hand squeaked and squealed with enthusiastic excitement.

  The trek to the exit was a tense affair for Sohm’lan. Introducing a youngling to the Waters of Poseidon was supposed to be a joyous event. Canry’s disappearance had scared every member of this family. He prayed fervently to Poseidon that nothing happened to little Zeus, for he feared this strong family would splinter permanently, himself included.

  Outside on the topmost balcony Ashari knelt before Mestor, asking for Zeus. As he disrobed, Sohm’lan could not help but notice the differences from the last time the Vondorians had approached the private inlet. There were no adoring crowds, no air of excitement. The sky was clear and the wind off the Great Sea carried the murmur of a thousand indecipherable voices.

  Monticore silently descended the stairs like a swarm of angry wasps, ready to attack anything suspicious. Sohm’lan bent and picked up the twins, knowing that they needed the comfort. The sand was warm under his feet and he paused to dig his toes into the loose grains. The murmur on the wind picked up as Monticore entered the Waters, joining the guards who had scouted ahead and secured the inlet. Several small drones hovered overhead, the vid recorders already active. Still, he was uneasy.

  Azaes and Mestor wiggled, wanting down, but he held onto them for a few moments longer, overwhelmed with the sudden urge to grab all his wateryoung and return to the palace. Swallowing past the lump in his throat, he placed his trust in Ashari’s intuition and set the twins on the sand. Azaes and Mestor immediately tore at their clothing. He offered to take Shaneva from Valdor so he too could disrobe. Afterward, Valdor joined Ashari at the edge of the water, helping her out of her swimming robe so she could continue holding Zeus. The twins rushed to her side, anxiously watching her every move.


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