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Constant Page 17

by Lexi Ander

  Sohm’lan could not stand the delay and waded into the water. The sentries signaled everything was clear, the comm-link over his earhole relayed the vid operators’ reassurances that nothing was in the water with them. He tried to take comfort in the extra security, but he remained on edge.

  As a group perfectly in sync, the Vondorians entered the water together. In only a couple of steps, the twins were swimming. Ashari paused when the water was mid-thigh. Scientists had taken samples of the Waters of Poseidon, trying to discover why non-Atlainticians could not dip a toe into the liquid depths without injury or discomfort. When examined against the bodies of water from other water-rich worlds such as Asan, Catalan, Amicron II of the Chi-Lin, and the Conti’Quan’s homeworld Hhrota, the scientists only found differences in salinity and other minor properties such as minerals and types of bacteria that were harmless to the species. In fact, offworlders drank Atlainticia’s water from the tap and bathed in private pools within palace residences with no harm. But the moment they attempted to walk into the Great Sea, well, things would get messy. There was no scientific reason why only Mar’Sani could enter in the Waters of Poseidon.

  “Perhaps we can try a toe,” Sohm’lan suggested when it appeared indecision had paralyzed Ashari.

  Her expression morphed from worry to gratitude, but now Sohm’lan struggled. The twins were joined by Shaneva when Valdor released her from his hold. The three circled, ever watchful. Sohm’lan cupped his hands, catching the water in his palms, bringing his leaky, makeshift bowl toward Zeus’s foot. Valdor moved closer. If their worst fears were realized, then he could help Ashari reach the sand quickly. Valdor grasped Zeus’s ankle, halting the youngling’s excited kicking. Sohm’lan braced himself for the scream of pain he was sure he would hear. Zeus chewed on his fist but otherwise did not make another noise when Sohm’lan touched the cupped water to Zeus’s pale skin. He released a sigh of relief, only for bewilderment to replace the worry. If only Mar’Sani could be in these waters and little Zeus was unaffected, what did that mean?

  “Let us move a little farther in and see how he fares with his whole foot submerged,” Valdor murmured, his hand resting on Ashari’s hip.

  Her lips pressed tight, she slowly walked deeper. He could only watch as Zeus’s dangling feet hit the gentle, lapping waves. The youngling kicked, delighted, and splashed excitedly. His bird-like peals of laughter almost hurt Sohm’lan’s ears. The more his body was submerged, the more excited Zeus became. Sohm’lan found himself smiling broadly. The twins and Shaneva were taking their cues from Zeus and started their own playful splashing.

  Suddenly, Zeus did his forward lunge, falling between Sohm’lan’s outstretched hands. Ashari scrambled to hold onto him but her grip slipped as if Zeus were an eel. Valdor made a noise of dismay but Zeus slid through his fingers, too. The nearest Monticore hurried to their aid. Then a wave of power, similar to the one that happened when Canry disappeared, rolled over them. Time slowed to a crawl for Sohm’lan, while Zeus was not affected by the odd drag of power that held everyone else in its grip. Zeus sunk below the waves, then his descent was halted. His blue-black hair fanned out in a halo around his head, moving almost like tentacles. The youngling’s limbs were spread away from his body, unmoving. Zeus’s position was exactly like a youngling who had their tail pulled over their spine, which was mystifying in and of itself. His alabaster skin flushed a pinkish-red, something that happened when he was displeased and was readying to release a siren’s blare of discontent. Sohm’lan hurried to grab the youngling, for he had no way to breathe underwater, but he barely moved one millimeter with each passing second.

  Then slashes appeared along both sides of Zeus’s spine from the base of his neck to the small of his back. Mar’Sani were born with two sets of lungs sitting on top of each other. The set sitting deep in the chest cavity processed oxygen from the air. The lungs they used to breathe water were just under the ribcage along their back. The slits were on both sides of the spinal ridge, bracketing their barbs. At the rear of their mouth was a set of tubes that drew the water through that second set of lungs and was pushed out the slits. Before his eyes, the skin along Zeus’s spine darkened and miraculously opened as Zeus inhaled. The youngling kicked his chubby legs and reached out. Azaes took his hand and Sohm’lan watched in astonishment as the young swam next to Zeus as he figured out how to move in his new environment.

  Without warning, Sohm’lan was released from whatever had gripped him and fell gracelessly into the Waters, Valdor and Ashari right behind him. He surged back to his feet, gasping in shock.

  “Poseidon’s balls!” The awe in Valdor’s voice unmistakable.

  Sohm’lan could not take his eyes off Zeus. “Did you see that?” Surely his eyes were playing tricks on him.

  “What kind of experiments did the humans do on Zeus?” Valdor asked, a hint of suppressed rage showing through his calm exterior.

  He could not imagine a people who would alter one so young, much less an adult. But even as he considered it, Sohm’lan was sure that a modification like this… there would have been external signs. The gills would have already been visible. What they had witnessed was Zeus spontaneously growing gills, which was not possible—was it?

  When he finally pulled his gaze from the youngling, Sohm’lan noticed the closest Monticore had expressions of awe, telling him they had witnessed the same thing. A dark worry wormed its way into his thoughts. If the wrong people heard about this, they would want to get their hands on the youngling.

  “Monticore. Basilisc.” He waited until he had everyone’s attention. “I bind your tongues. What you have seen here today you will never speak of.” He met every gaze, silently promising dire consequences if they disobeyed. They gave him a fist thump to their chests. Later he would debrief them and confiscate all the vids. No one else needed to know.

  The young continued to swim and play, unaware of how momentous and dangerous those extended moments had been. As far as everyone else was concerned, Zeus always had the second set of lungs, even though the military stored the body scans that proved otherwise. He would gather all information on Zeus and lock it down. They would protect him.

  There were so many things, such as the swimming underwater, that Zeus and the Mar’Sani believed came naturally to humans, not knowing how much the Vondorian royal family covered up. He never regretted allowing people to believe Zeus was wholly human. If his peculiarities became common knowledge, keeping Zeus safe would have been exponentially harder. That was not the only time that Zeus had done something unhuman-like. When his vocal cords matured, Zeus spoke in full sentences without the learning curve human young needed. Then there were the times Zeus had escaped the nursery under circumstances where he should not have. When he was one summer old, his ability to walk developed quickly and he frequently left the nursery when he could sneak by attendants. It was uncanny how he navigated the palace even though he was blind. Most times he joined the twins, often taking Shaneva with him on his excursions.

  Though it was normal for young under five to be unclothed, Zeus’s appearance shocked palace guests. His soft white skin, the same color as Chimera scales, always confused people who were familiar with the revered triplets, of which there were not that many to begin with. But that was not the most startling thing. Zeus’s bare butt and external genitalia always drew curious gazes and were the topic of ridiculous gossip. Mar’Sani tails hid their buttocks and their reproductive organs were internal, the penis emerging only for sex. Many worried about this vulnerability, giving Ashari and sometimes Valdor unwanted advice. Someone even designed cups that Zeus could wear that would protect his genitals. But the sight was always shocking, and Zeus seemed to know, though people rarely said anything aloud when he was around.

  The first time Zeus and Shaneva streaked through a dignitary’s meal, Zeus squealed and laughed at the surprised shouts. Ashari and Valdor watched the two run through more than one banquet, acting as if nothing unusual had happened. After that first
time, a gate had been installed at the nursery entrance since Ashari refused to lock the door and give the impression that Zeus was an animal to be contained. The gate was installed and was latched even when the attendants were with him. Sohm’lan had watched the security vids of each escape. Zeus climbed over, scooted under, and wiggled through the slats. Different gates were designed, and he still escaped. Some of those getaways should have been impossible. Once he had crawled underneath, his body flattening out and sliding through. An impossibility and yet Sohm’lan had watched the vid several times, leaving no doubt to what he saw. The same happened when he wiggled through the vertical slats.

  After Valdor and Ashari reviewed the evidence, they agreed with Sohm’lan when he suggested removing the gate and having the vid security personnel notify them when Zeus went exploring. Sohm’lan selected the Basilisc who had witnessed Zeus’s transformation in the Waters of Poseidon to shadow him. Sohm’lan suspected there would be more instances where Zeus did something that no human could, and he had not been wrong. But when Zeus gained his sight, the incidents halted completely as if being able to see limited him. Perhaps it was wrong of Sohm’lan to be glad of that. The fact of the matter was the older Zeus became, the harder it would be to hide the evidence of his unusual abilities.

  Since finding out that Zeus was Fal’Amoric, Sohm’lan had relaxed, thinking that it would explain the unhuman abilities, but the research he had conducted on the Fal’Amoric was not promising. They were a secretive people and the public data was sparse and generalized. But what he had learned from Princess Athena over the last week did nothing to assuage his concerns. Again, he wondered if the Terren scientists had tampered with Zeus or if his parentage included a species other than Fal’Amoric. Pregnancy for their people required two separate sources of sperm for a successful conception. Princess Athena assumed she shared at least two parents with Zeus but when pressed, she was not sure since she spent most of her time at Haven Palace, though she never gave the reason she was raised away from her meme and family.

  That Zeus was a member of the Pact’s blender species might explain some of the wondrous things he did as a youth, but something niggled at Sohm’lan, telling him that he should not assume such. Zeus would have something to say about Sohm’lan still wanting to protect him even though he was not a youngling to be sheltered anymore. He would be officially mated to the Dar Massaga, Captain Dargon Kal-Turak, and his symbiote Alpha. If anyone noticed that Zeus was more than he appeared to be, it would be his mates. Sohm’lan hoped the Dar Massaga was as devoted as he appeared to be. Otherwise—

  “Sohm!” Zeus called across the dock. His skin darkened to a bright red. He sometimes forgot to address Sohm’lan appropriately in public. Before Azaes’ scolding over Sohm’lan’s overuse of propriety, he would have fondly reminded the little princeling. But in the last day he discovered that it was not so important. He had not always been so formal, not until he suspected Mestor had a youngling’s crush on him. Not that the formality had deterred Mestor in the slightest, but it had kept Sohm’lan from considering ‘what ifs’. So, he did not give a gentle reminder but raised his hand in greeting.

  Zeus spoke quickly to Otho and hurried across the dock. Up close, he looked exhausted. “I am surprised to see you here.” His gaze dropped to the carved box of yellow wood Sohm’lan carried.

  “I wanted to…” Sohm’lan glanced down at what he held and his stomach lurched. It had been many, many summers since he had taken it out of the storage trunk he kept with him. He should have stopped carrying it around long before now, but perhaps it was a good thing he was reluctant to let the past go.

  He started again. “I wanted to offer you and your mates help. I know the strain of being a bull unable to nest properly. Niobe and I were in space too when she discovered she was pregnant.”

  Zeus’s silvery eyes widened with understanding. Sohm’lan studied the side locks Zeus now wore with pride. His hair was pulled into a high tail, leaving the locks to hang freely around his face. Delicate wire and gems were entwined with his hair. Sohm’lan was aware that the colors and placement meant something in Dar Massaga culture. Zeus reached out, his hand hovering over the box as if unsure he should take it. Instead he said, “Let us go somewhere more private.”

  He nodded and followed Zeus to the Oethra 7. Instead of going to the captain’s cabin, Zeus led him to a small room that held a desk and couple of stools.

  “Dargon insisted I have a private space and set this up as my office, though I spend most of my time in the engine room or shuttle dock.” Zeus shrugged as if uncomfortable. Eschewing the seat behind the desk, Zeus sat next to Sohm’lan.

  “It is good that he is seeing to your needs,” Sohm’lan replied, setting the wooden box on the desk. “He and Alpha make you happy?”

  Zeus’s skin flushed a bright pink and his gaze held a merry glint. “I never imagined that I would be this happy so soon after meeting someone. I know my brothers have their reservations and I do not blame them since Dargon did technically abduct me, but I… I have never met anyone that I match so completely with. I feel as if I have known them all my life.” He reached up and touched the green dot on his forehead. “Even though I have not known them more than a couple of weeks I have never felt so complete, so loved or protected with someone not family. It is difficult to describe.”

  He placed his hand over Zeus’s. There were times he wished little Zeus was still a youngling, hanging onto his pantleg as he learned to walk. “You do not have to describe it. When I first spoke to my Niobe, she ensnared me with her wit and compassion. Before the next moon I asked her to be my lifemate.” He grinned, remembering how Niobe refused to answer him the first two times he had asked. She worried his position as a warlord would keep him away from home, which was a valid concern. His occupation was demanding but she had said yes, despite her occasional jealousy of his dedication to the royal family.

  “Sohm, why would you gift me your nesting case?” Zeus ran a blunt fingertip over the intricate carving of a coral reef cupping two Mar’Sani, one obviously pregnant.

  The back of his eyes burned at the thought of releasing this little bit of Niobe into Zeus’s hands, but his intuition told him this course of action was correct. Zeus would respect the history of the nesting case and cherish it. Perhaps one day he would pass the case down to one of his young, and the memory of Niobe would go with it.

  “It is time I let some things go. I suspect I have been holding onto the past too hard and that is not healthy.”

  Zeus pulled the case closer and tipped back the lid. “You said Niobe found out she was pregnant in space?” he prompted.

  Sohm’lan smiled softly, watching Zeus lightly touch the leather-bound journals within. So much was recorded electronically that the extravagance of writing on parchment was only enjoyed by a few. “Your father sent me to meet some dignitaries and escort them to Atlainticia. Niobe came along. Early in that three-moon trip she discovered she was expecting.” His voice gave out and he momentarily lost himself in the memory of her excitement. Zeus twined his fingers with Sohm’lan’s.

  “Before we discovered she was pregnant, something in her scent had changed and I struggled with being overprotective. My temper was short, and I had trouble concentrating on my duties. Once we knew why I overreacted to everything, we looked for ways in which to nest as well as meet our responsibilities. Some diplomats are a pretentious, testy lot that expect a certain amount of attention. Luckily, I had brought a couple of younger warlords who had ties to the diplomats, and they helped. But that was the longest three-moon trip I have ever taken.” He indicated the journals. “I wrote one and Niobe the other. They detail our trial and error as we searched for a balance. I thought there might be something in these pages that would help make being away from home easier.”

  Zeus made a rough noise and Sohm’lan’s arms were filled with his youngest waterson. He squeezed Zeus tightly, realizing he had needed this as much as Zeus did. The scent of sky and rain around
his waterson was still strong and unchanged.

  “Thank you for this wonderful gift,” Zeus said, his face still pressed to Sohm’lan’s chest.

  “You are not alone,” he promised. “If you have questions or concerns or if you only need to talk, I am here. I understand your turmoil.”

  He gave Zeus one more squeeze then released him. “Now, under the journals you will find some bottles of scentless cleanser and a list of ingredients for soaps and such. Check with our inventory specialist. I have already sent an approval for them to provide whatever you ask for.”

  Zeus wiped his face with his palms before giving Sohm’lan a toothy smile filled with sunshine. Though Zeus had grown into a fine, powerful bull, Sohm’lan would still fight to the death to keep him safe.

  Chapter Eleven


  * * *

  Sohm’lan was impatient, which was not like him. He had spent several hours with Zeus yesterday, answering the young princeling’s questions on nesting. It had been a good day even though his administration lieutenants were waiting to bury him under the responsibilities he had put off. He had planned to visit Prince Mestor and discuss why he was not the best match. The pang in his chest called him a fool every time he attempted to come up with the words that would finally convince his prince to look elsewhere for a lifemate. Each time he found a moment to break away, something would suddenly come up, his attention and expertise needed elsewhere, and then he would forget his mission.


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