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Nakedella: Book Two

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by Viola Grace

  Published by Mojocastle Press, LLC

  Price, Utah

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

  Nakedella: Book Two

  ISBN: 1-60180-010-X

  Copyright ã 2006 Viola Grace

  Cover Art Copyright @ 2006 Lar deSouza

  All rights reserved.

  Excluding legitimate review sites and review publications, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

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  Dear Nakedella,

  The bearer of this letter needs your assistance. The instant that he requested my help, I knew that you were the one who could break the curse.

  He was once the prince of a mighty kingdom, cursed into being a werewolf by a disgruntled elven lover. Only a woman who can spend one complete month with him, day and night, will be able to break the elf’s curse.

  He is willing and able to pay you for being his mistress for the time that it will take to break the curse. He does grow more bestial and violent in the day before the full moon, and until two days after. I am sure that you will be able to manage.

  Now for the tricky part.

  During the first three days of his initial full moon transformation, he drove off the inhabitants of his castle. Devils moved in, and spend the evenings playing cards and dice. They will only leave when something interrupts their games, and thus far, nothing the prince has done will interrupt them. I am confident that your unique talents will be able to do what the warriors and women loyal to his highness have not.

  Be aware, however, that if you fail to distract the devils, at dawn they will rend you limb from limb.

  Be cautious. Take care of yourself if you choose to go with him, but keep in mind that you are his only hope to regain his life and his castle.

  Your servant,

  Lagoth, the Magician of the Northern Wastes

  Nakedella sighed heavily and re-folded the letter. She looked up into the face of the warrior who had ridden through the rain-soaked night. “Are you the prince referred to in the letter?”

  “I am.” His dark eyes were hooded, prepared for her rejection.

  She tapped it against her chin and thought her questions out carefully. “How long have you been afflicted with the curse?”

  The steady drip of water off his cape drew out the long seconds before he answered, “Five years.”

  “How long since you have had a willing woman?”

  He looked insulted. “A week. Since just before the magician gave me the letter.”

  “Ah, I meant during ‘that time of the month’.” Her eyebrows rose, and she met his uncomfortable gaze. She couldn’t be sure with his face in the shadow of his cloak, but she could have sworn that he blushed.

  “It has been the entire length of the curse.” He squared his shoulders. “Give me your rejection, and send me on my way.”

  She smiled, turning to bank the flames of the fire. When she had finished puttering around the room, tidying and straightening the pillows, her bed and her kitchen, she returned to him. “I accept. Let’s go.”

  Chapter One

  “Do you have a mount of your own?” His dark-honey voice tried to mask his surprise.

  “No, I generally walk where I need to go, and several of my clients come to me.”

  “Yes, I imagine that they would.” He nodded. “Well, then, you will just have to ride with me. Do you have a cloak?”

  “Nope. I don’t wear clothing as a general rule. It’s not convenient for my chosen profession.”

  “Of course. You will ride in front of me, then.” He walked to her door in the dim glow of the dying fire. It swung open at his touch and his mount was there, framed by a bolt of lightning.

  Nakedella couldn’t stifle her bark of laughter. A unicorn! She hadn’t seen one of those in years. They didn’t migrate near her village, and she certainly didn’t have the qualifications to attract them.

  This one was truly a handsome specimen, a midnight-and-silver combination of muscle, horn and mane. The shoulder of the unicorn looked to be even with her head. The silvery hooves stamped impatiently, flaring eyes burning in the darkness.

  “His name is Drygan, and he has been my friend, bodyguard and companion for over ten years.”

  “Of course, you couldn’t have a horse with your…affliction. They wouldn’t stay near you.” She shook her head and followed him out the door, locking it carefully behind her, as she wouldn’t be back for some time.

  The rainy evening caused goosebumps to ripple across her skin and she shivered, hurrying to catch up to the prince as he mounted the unicorn’s back with effortless grace. No mean feat, given that you couldn’t saddle a unicorn.

  “Come along. The rain isn’t going to stop anytime soon, and it is a two-week journey to my castle.” His manner was suddenly imperious as he held his hand out for her to take.

  She muttered, reached up to take it, then squeaked as he simply lifted her in front of him, settling her limbs atop of his. With only a few adjustments to her thighs on his he seemed satisfied with her position, and wrapped the folds of his cloak around her to cover them both.

  “Are you comfortable?” His breath was warm in her ear.

  “Yes.” In truth, this was the widest apart that her thighs had ever been. She would be almost unable to walk by dawn, and she knew it. The hide of the beast was delightfully warm, and there was a delicate prickling of the hair against her skin. Arousal was another kind of discomfort that was going to be heading her way. Between the wall of muscle at her back and the columns of thighs cradling hers, the motion of the unicorn was going to have her panting in a few minutes.

  “Then let’s go.” With a slight pressure of his heels that she could feel but not see, their mount began to move. Nakedella lunged backward, striking her head against the shoulder of her companion, then rocked forward as the animal quickened its pace.

  The prince’s arm came swiftly around her, drawing her tightly back against him. “You really aren’t used to riding, are you?”

  “Well, not anything this big.” She smiled at her joke and was rewarded by his laughter. He pulled her more tightly against him, his hand curling around her ribs and pressing her into firm contact with his chest.

  At first the unfamiliar motion of the ride had her tense, but soon she was relaxing against the prince. She then noticed that he was anything but relaxed.

  “Have you had that erection long?”

  “Since you answered your door.” His lips were at her ear, and she shivered lightly at the caress.

  “Ah. Were you wanting to do something about it?”

  “After we reach the first of the milestones I have set. Although it is two weeks regular travel to my castle, I am attempting to shave some time off.”

  She could hardly wait. Something about this man drew her as very few of her clients ever did. She focused on his fingers around her ribs and the feel of the living hide beneath her thighs. Unbidden, a dampness began to gather where her thighs joined.

  The dark of the night and the rain did an effective job of hiding the speed at which they were traveling, but she knew it was faster than an ordinary horse. Her arousal was building just as quickly, and it was with a start of surprise that she noticed the prince’s free hand wanderi
ng down her outer thigh, then up the inside.

  “What...?” Both of her hands barely covered his, and his fingers continued their journey to her damp heat.

  “Just because I choose to wait doesn’t mean that you have to. I have been smelling your lust for the last three miles.” With that, he slid one finger deeply into her.

  She tried to gasp an apology. “Sorry, I’m not used to riding horses, and you are so warm…oh!” The startled exclamation emerged when a second finger joined the first, moving slowly in and out of her.

  She began to moan and arch against his hand with every slow stroke of those fingers. Miles flew by as he built her tension in a slow arc, slowing when her hips quickened against him and starting again with deep, slow strokes.

  “Please.” She shivered against him and dug her fingers into his thighs, curving her body in a bow that began at his hand and ended at his shoulder.

  “Please what?”

  “Please let me cum.” It was a soft plea; all of her breath was laboring in and out of her lungs, leaving nothing for speech.

  “Of course.” With a slow and deliberate motion, his thumb began to circle her clit. A keening cry rose in her throat, then burst out of her in a shriek as her body convulsed around his fingers. He kept up the motions, causing her spasms to go on and on until with a sob, she went limp in his arms.

  “Mmmm. I want you to do that while I am inside you.” The dark whisper rippled across the sparks that still marred her vision.

  She found her voice slowly. “I think that may kill me.”

  “Ah, but what a way to go.” His lips trailed down her neck, nibbling and kissing as they went. “You are exceptionally tight. I didn’t expect you to be.”

  “It is a matter of personal pride.” Her head rolled to the side to allow him further access. “I exercise daily.” To demonstrate, she clenched her pussy around the fingers still within her.

  “Holy stars and demons!” His fingers withdrew slowly, then he inserted one back into her. “Do that again.”

  She smirked and flexed around him again, feeling the tension of her muscles around the stiff length of his finger. When she relaxed, he pulled his fingers away and brought them to his lips, sucking her juices from his digits.

  “That is enough play for now. I don’t think I would survive another demonstration.” He resettled her in his lap, and she could feel the damp head of his cock pressing against her through the layer of his breeches.

  They remained silent and locked together as the dawn light approached them. His arm was a steel band around her ribs, and she held onto it tightly as she realized that they were moving at a pace that a stampede of enchanted horses couldn’t manage.

  Unicorns were definitely her favorite way to travel from now on.

  Chapter Two

  It was only when the sun was high in the sky that the prince called a halt. Her baseline for arousal had begun to climb again, but she held still and behaved until her stomach had begun to snarl in hunger. She tapped the arm around her waist. “I need food.”

  “I need a fuck.”

  “My needs come first.” She grinned, tapping his arm again. “Food, now.”

  “Fine.” Another invisible cue to his mount and the unicorn stopped. The sun was bright now, drying the ground rapidly in the aftermath of the previous night’s rain. Drygan moved to a rocky area to let them dismount without any other cues from the prince.

  The prince swung to the ground with his boots hitting the rocks in a precise manner, graceful and confident.

  Nakedella however, swung her right leg behind her to slide off the unicorn with her belly taking her weight. She would have made it, too, if Drygan hadn’t shifted his stance at that exact moment. With the sudden movement, she let go and would have landed on her ass if the prince hadn’t caught her under the arms.

  “You sure that we can’t fuck first?” He turned her around to face him.

  He was gorgeous. Inky black hair waved back from his forehead and was bound in a tail at the nape of his neck. His strong brows loomed over dark eyes that reminded her of staring at the sky on a moonless night. His jaw was strong, his nose aquiline, but the lips, wide and mobile, caught her attention.

  “Just a quick one?” Her nipples had hardened in anticipation. She was really hungry, but judging by the hardened bulge he pressed her against, so was he.

  “Done!” He flipped his cloak off, laying her onto it. The rock she was on angled her hips up to him, and he wasted no time in taking the invitation.

  Her thighs wouldn’t close after her unaccustomed time on the unicorn, but it was just as well, as the prince took his place between her spread limbs. He slowly rubbed the head of his cock against her in a rhythmic manner until she was arching against him, trying to capture the taunting member within her hungry pussy.

  With a soft laugh he plunged into her, working his girth into her slowly. She groaned with pleasure as her body adjusted to him.

  He braced himself above her, leaning down to take one pert nipple into his mouth. His tongue flicked the straining bud, and she began to moan with each suckling and bite. Being generous, he shifted to the other breast, giving it the same treatment.

  Her hips squirmed against him as she tried to urge him into motion, and then she had an idea. She began to clench and relax her muscles around his turgid cock in a steady rhythm. She watched the prince’s expression, and was not surprised when sweat began to bead his brow. Each pulse of her body was causing a muscle to flex in his face, and she began to grin in between the moans. While his body could easily overpower hers, his sexual prowess was now matched.

  Tiring of the games that they were playing, she gripped his hair, tugging it so that his eyes met hers. “Enough fooling around. Just fuck me.”

  Heat flared in his eyes as his skin flushed and seemed to draw tight across his cheekbones. With a slow and deliberate action, he drew his hips back, then pressed forward to her sigh of enjoyment.

  Each motion elicited a groan, sigh or moan depending on how hard his hips hammered into hers. She gasped as her orgasm hit her in a frenzy of shivering and bucking. He held still until she had relaxed back onto his cloak, then moved within her with only his needs in mind.

  She didn’t need to hold her thighs apart for him, as he lifted her legs one at a time to help him bury his cock to the hilt. His balls were striking her pussy with every shuddering thrust. Her own arousal was still rising as he groaned and shuddered his release.

  She fought to support his weight as he slumped against her, removing her legs from his shoulders with the greatest of difficulty. His head dropped forward, resting between her breasts as he fought for breath.

  As Nakedella lay recovering, an apple rolled toward her. She looked up and saw the unicorn standing near her head. She took the apple and began to munch as the prince got his bearings. Sure enough, the apple had a hole in it that matched the animal’s horn.

  He shook his head and sat up. “That was wonderful. This may be a very quick month after all.” He smiled and kissed her nose, then disengaged their bodies with a sliding pop and stood.

  It was then that she realized that he was still wearing all of his clothing, with the exception of his cloak. She began to laugh. He was fully clothed, and she was completely naked. It was definitely a contrast.

  He leaned forward and kissed her soundly, tangling his tongue with hers. It was difficult with her laughing, but eventually he managed to silence her levity. “Where did you get that apple?”

  “Drygan gave it to me.”

  He eyed the unicorn wryly. “Hmm, well, I guess he likes you, despite the lack of qualifications for summoning him.”

  “Don’t tell me you used a virgin to catch him?” She laughed. Virgins were great for attracting male unicorns. Some were shapeshifters, and interested in changing the women’s untouched status.

  “Of course not. He and I grew up together.”

  “So he shifts?”

  The unicorn nodded emphatically, his dea
dly horn waving in confirmation. Apparently he wished to contribute to the conversation.

  “Then why doesn’t he shift now?”

  “He is guarding us. When I spell him for guard duty, he will transform into his human shape.” Tucking his depleted cock back into his breeches, the prince lay back beside her on the rock. He trailed one hand absently up and down her torso, stroking the soft curves of her breasts and tickling her lower belly.

  “And when will that be?” Her stomach growled again, and she took another bite of the apple.

  “Late this evening, after we reach the next marker.” He sighed and got to his feet. “I had better see to a meal for us before we go on. That apple won’t hold you very long.”

  He strapped a quiver of arrows to his back and produced a bow longer than her arm span. She didn’t know where he had gotten them, but she knew she had time to find out.

  He strode off into the woods near the rocks, and she simply sat. After a while, she became chilled and wrapped the cloak around her, drawing her knees up to her chin. Drygan stood next to her and she cast the occasional glance at his reproductive equipment, as it was on an eye level with her current location. She wondered idly what his attributes were like when he was in human form.

  The sharp ring of boots on stone alerted her to the prince’s return. He carried two fat rabbits in one hand and some sort of pheasant in the other. The bow and arrows were nowhere to be seen.

  He pulled a knife from his belt and set to cleaning them. It was over in a few minutes, and Nakedella watched as he opened a small pouch hanging on his belt, drawing out flint and steel to start a fire with. The amazing part came when he also drew out a cooking pot and a bag of water.

  It was obviously a pouch designed to hold everything you could want. It was probably where the bow and arrows had come from earlier.


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