Turn Towards the Sun

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Turn Towards the Sun Page 31

by Jennifer Domenico

  “Well, she knows you. I bet everyone at the hotel does. And you’ve been in the paper, remember?”

  “Oh. Right.”

  “Ava, hi. And Cassie right?” Stephanie comes out from the back room. “How are you doing?”

  “We’re doing well. Just came from the spa, and I wanted to say hi before we left.”

  “Glad you did. How’s the wedding planning coming?”


  “Heard you nabbed Genevieve. That’s pretty swank.”

  “Well yes, there are perks for hanging out with Enzo.” I smile.

  “Mad perks.” Cassie adds.

  Stephanie laughs. “Well we wouldn’t miss it for the world. I bet it will be the best wedding I’ve ever been too.”

  “Geez, no pressure.” I laugh.

  “Have you ever seen the photo spreads from the weddings Genevieve does? They are spectacular.”

  I shake my head. “No I guess I haven’t. She called us, and we accepted for obvious reasons.”

  “Come on. Let’s go to the bookstore. She’s always featured in the Arizona Weddings magazine.” Stephanie walks quickly out of the store. Cassie and I nearly run to catch up. And I thought Cassie was high energy.

  “Here it is, page 76. Oh, this one is in Scottsdale. Look.” She hands us the magazine and we flip through the pages.

  Cassie gasps. “Ava look at it.”

  “I am looking. This is here in Scottsdale?”

  Stephanie grins. “Yup. See what I mean?”

  I swear I’m staring at a wedding in a vineyard in the French countryside. It’s outdoors on an expansive green lawn with what appears to be a stone mansion in the background. Large round tables with cream and blue linens dot the landscape. The table decor is elaborate with cream place settings and dramatic centerpieces overflowing with hydrangeas. Each guest has an antique vase filled with creamy roses on their plate. A fleur-de-lis place card holder marks each seat. The chairs are draped with pale blue linens and cream tiebacks. Tiny white lights drape the trees surrounding the area. The whole scene is magical.

  The wedding is featured on over twenty pages of the magazine. Every detail was captured from the bridal party to the dance floor. Genevieve knows her stuff.

  “Do you think your wedding will get in one of these magazines?” Cassie asks.

  “I don’t know. It hasn’t come up.”

  “I think every wedding she does is featured somewhere. That’s how she got so sought after. It’s a really big deal that she’s doing your wedding.” Stephanie smiles. “It’s also a really big deal who you’re marrying.”

  “I’m aware of that.” How could I not be? It’s like I snagged a unicorn.

  “I think this is the closest you’re ever going to get to being famous girl.” Cassie puts her hands in the air and snaps her fingers. Stephanie laughs.

  “Thanks for showing me this Stephanie. I had no idea what she was capable of doing. At least I know what to expect now I guess.”

  “Over the top. This is best-wedding-ever stuff. The expectations on Genevieve must be outrageous. The city’s most desirable bachelor is tying the knot. I think your wedding is going to be epic.” Stephanie almost seems more excited than I do.

  “My girl deserves epic.” Cassie hugs me tight.

  “Alright let’s go home Cass. The guys will be waiting for us. See ya Stephanie.”

  “October 20. I’ll be in the front row.” She giggles.

  Back in the car, I dial Genevieve’s direct number.

  “Hi Ava. What can I do for you?”

  “Hi Genevieve. I just saw one of your weddings in Arizona Weddings magazine. It was very beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you liked it. I was especially proud of that one. But it will pale in comparison to what I have planned for you.”

  “That’s wonderful. Actually, I was wondering if the wedding will be featured in one of these magazines.”

  “Oh yes. I sent the contracts to Mr. Milano’s attorney this morning. We’ve had about five offers for exclusive rights. I’ve made a recommendation of which one we should accept.”

  “I see. Okay thank you.”

  “You sound concerned Ava. Can I answer any questions for you?”

  “No. I don’t think so. I guess I just wanted to know.”

  “I have a question.” Cassie hollers at me from the passenger seat. I hand her the phone.

  “Is the bridal party going to be featured?” Cassie nods her head. “Mmm hmm, okay…okay…perfect…thank you.” She hands the phone back to me.

  “What was that about?”

  “If I’m going to be in a magazine, I want to drop a couple of pounds. You know that thing about cameras adding pounds and shit.”

  “That’s what you’re concerned about?”

  “Duh. When am I ever going to be in a magazine again?”

  Good point. I quietly drive back to the house.

  “You’re freaking out aren’t you?” Cassie breaks into my thoughts.

  “No. Yes. Both I guess. I feel calm but honestly, I think I’m a little numb from all of this.”

  “It’s going to be fine Ava. This is the time of your life. Every dream you’ve ever wanted is about to come true. Just enjoy it. Besides I’ll kick your ass if you don’t snap out of it.”

  I laugh. “Thanks Cass. I’ll pull it together.”

  We pull up to the house and go inside.

  “Ah there’s my lovely fiancée. How was your day?” Enzo greets me with a sweet kiss. Cassie heads to the guest suite.

  “Great. The spa was nice, and we chatted with Camilla and Stephanie. We also saw a massive wedding spread that Genevieve designed. She told me she sent contracts to you today for our wedding rights.”

  “Oh yes. One of my attorneys is looking it over. Apparently, the offer that Genevieve recommended wants to pay us a million dollars for the rights. She would get thirty percent of that. Not bad on top of her fee.”

  My voice catches in my throat. A million freaking dollars to take pictures of my wedding?

  “That’s a lot of money.”

  He shrugs. “It’s a good offer.”

  I laugh nervously. “Yea a good offer. How much is Genevieve’s fee anyway?”

  He grins at me. “You sure you want to know?”

  “I do.”

  “Well she was so honored to handle our wedding, we got her special VIP pricing. All in all, it will be about thirty-five thousand dollars.”

  “What?” My face flushes with heat.

  “I think it’s normally around fifty thousand.”

  “Enzo that’s unbelievable. How much is the rest of the wedding costing you?”

  “It doesn’t matter amore.” He wraps his arms around my waist.

  “All that matters is your joy and that this is the most amazing day we’ve ever had. I would spend every dime I had to please you.”

  “I know you would. I shudder to think about how much money that would actually be.”

  “Do you want to know what I’m worth? What we’re worth?” He nuzzles my neck.

  Do I? I don’t know. It’s obviously a lot but maybe it’s better if I stay in the dark.

  “Ava, you’re going to be my wife. Everything I have is yours. You should know what you’re getting.”

  “I’m getting the love of my life. I don’t need to know the details. Speaking of, I assume there will be some paperwork for me to sign?”

  He gives me a quizzical look. “Paperwork for what?”

  “A prenup.”

  He throws his head back and laughs. “You think I’m going to ask you to sign a prenup? That’s ridiculous. I can barely get you to buy yourself a cup of coffee. You’re clearly not a gold digger. If you are, you deserve every penny you get for your convincing performance.” He tilts my face up to his. “Amore, I’ve never trusted a woman more than you. I meant what I said, everything is yours. If you left me, I would die. The money would be meaningless to me.”

  “I’m not leaving Enzo, eve
r. I just assumed that’s what rich men do when they get married.” I kiss his neck.

  “I have no idea what other men do when they get married. But I know what’s right for us. Let’s get ready for dinner.”

  I nod and follow him into the bedroom.

  He turns and wraps his arms around my waist. “We have an hour. Time for a shower.” He pulls me into the bathroom.

  I strip down and sit on the shower bench, and he quickly joins me.

  “Your massage was good?” He caresses my shoulders.

  “Not as good as what you’re doing right now.”

  His hands slide down my neck and cup my swollen breasts. “I have a question.” He kisses his way down my neck and gently sucks a nipple in his mouth.

  “Mmm hmm… anything.”

  “We’ve been together a few months now, but you’ve never had a period.”

  Observant isn’t he?

  “I’m on the pill. I skip them. I have two or three a year.”

  He moves to the other breast and sucks it into his mouth. “Ah. I wondered if we had a honeymoon surprise on its way.” His eyes lift up to mine, and a smile spreads across his face.

  “No.” I laugh softly. “Not yet.”

  He rubs his hands over my belly. “Someday.”

  “Yes, someday.” I run my hands through his hair.

  I scoot back so I can lie down on the bench. Enzo climbs between my legs. Water jets shoot out at us from both sides of the shower, pulsating against our bodies. His hands run up and down my body.

  “For the rest of my life I get to have you.”

  “Whenever you want me my prince.”

  He enters me gently, sweetly massaging my insides. My body undulates against his. I reach around to grasp his ass, pushing him deeper inside me.

  “Oh Ava, you feel so good. You’re so tight, so amazing.”

  “I love you Enzo. I love you.”

  “I love you too bella.”

  He presses against me, our bodies move in unison towards our mutual climax. He reaches down to rub my clit and pushes me over the edge. I clench and tighten my legs around him, intense pleasure washing over me. His back arches and he releases into me. We roll around together on the bench, kissing and rubbing against each other. Enzo holds my head in his hands and kisses my nose.

  “Ready for dinner?”


  I get out and quickly get dressed. I put on a cute black dress that hugs my figure. I know Enzo will like it. I wrap my hair up in a bun and put in hoop earrings. I slide my feet into wedge sandals.

  Cassie and Chris are waiting in the living room.

  “Are you ready? We’re starving.” Cassie is not a good hungry person. Her bark is just as bad as her bite.

  Enzo speaks first. “Cassandra, you and Chris live here. Make yourself at home and help yourself to anything you want.”

  Cassie actually blushes. “Sure Enzo, thanks.”

  “Just the same, we’re sorry to keep you waiting. I had to have some private time with my luscious fiancée.

  Now I’m the one blushing.

  Cassie pretends to be choking. “Gag. Do you always talk like that Enzo?”

  “I do. Nothing wrong with letting the woman you love know how she affects you.”

  Chris rubs Cassie’s arm and whispers in her ear. Her eyes soften, and she lets out a sweet giggle.

  I cross my arms with a ‘you better tell me what he said’ look on my face.

  “You’re right Enzo. It’s nice to hear. Apparently, I’m juicy.” She grins, and Chris looks proud.

  “Juicy is a good word.” I grin and nudge Chris in the side. He laughs.

  We head out to dinner and I couldn’t be happier to be with these wonderful people.

  “Let’s go Cass, Genevieve is waiting for us.”

  “Alright already.” Cassie kisses Chris on the cheek. “We’ll be back in a few hours babe.”

  “That’s cool. Enzo’s going to drive me around and show me the town.”

  Enzo walks from the kitchen and wraps his arms around me.

  “Grayson is taking you to Genevieve’s shop. Don’t argue with me, you won’t win.”

  “But I want to drive my new car.”

  “I said don’t argue. Genevieve called and said her shop has been staked out for the last several days, ever since she made the announcement. Grayson knows the back way to get you in there. Your car is too noticeable.”

  I can see it’s pointless to plead my case.

  Grayson stands by the front door.

  “Hi Grayson.”

  He nods. “Ready Ava?”

  I sigh. “Yes, we’re ready.”

  “God Ava quit complaining. I think having a driver is awesome.” Cassie shoves my arm.

  I shrug. I suppose she’s right.

  Enzo kisses my cheek. “Have a good day. Love you.”

  My irritation quickly dissipates. “Love you back.”

  Grayson drives down a back street and into a parking garage. We follow a twisted road that seems like we are heading twenty feet underground. He pulls up to a door where a woman is waiting. Grayson looks around quickly before opening the door for us. This all feels very secret service or something. All this to catch a glimpse of my wedding dress? Crazy.

  “Hello. Please come this way.” The woman directs Cassie and me up a flight of stairs where we are led into a small room with the shades drawn. “For your privacy.” The woman smiles.

  “I’ll be right outside.” Grayson says, before stepping out of the room.

  “Geez Ava, what are you Kate Middleton now?”

  “This is weird to me too Cass.”

  Genevieve blows into the room, carrying what I assume is my dress. I called her as soon as I was alone and sent her the info from the website Enzo and I looked at.

  “Here it is.” She dramatically unzips the dress bag to reveal my gown.

  “Holy shit that is gorgeous.” Cassie says.

  “Yes, it is. Let’s see what it looks like on me.”

  “Come this way Ava.” Genevieve motions to a small dressing room. I undress quickly and put the strapless bustier on that I brought with me. I pull back the curtain.

  “Okay ladies I’m ready, help me get into this.”

  Cassie and Genevieve fuss around me as I climb into the dress. Genevieve selected a veil for me that she thought would go well. It’s just as long as the train and hooks just below where my up do will be. Cassie zips up the back. It cleverly looks like buttons without the hassle. The gown is comfortable and I feel good.

  “Are you ready to see yourself?” Genevieve walks me towards the full-length mirror.

  “Oh Ava, you’re stunning.” Cassie wipes tears from her face.

  I stand in front of the mirror and gasp. I’ve never felt so beautiful in my life. The gown is perfect. Genevieve pins my hair behind me to get the effect of the veil.

  “It’s very beautiful.” Genevieve stands back as she speaks.

  Cassie is still crying, which is freaking me out a little.

  “We’ll shorten it just a little for you so it’s perfect.” She escorts two women in who start pinning the hem of the dress.

  “Thank you Genevieve. I love it.” I go back, remove the dress, and change into my regular clothes. When I come out, Cassie is still sobbing. I’ve never seen her so emotional in my life.

  “Cassie, stop being a cry baby.” I smile and wrap my arms around her. She sniffs, smiling.

  “We’re ready to go Grayson.” He nods and leads us back through the bat cave to our car.

  “Cassie I’m so excited you could be with me for this, and I still can’t believe you’re moving here.”

  She finally collects herself. “Chris and I have the luxury of having flexible jobs, and we’ve both wanted a change of scenery. This just gave us the perfect opportunity. Besides, he’s tired of me whining that my best friend is gone.” She squeezes my hand.

  “Mr. Milano I’m going to take a detour. We should be back in a
bout thirty minutes…I will. She’s safe with me sir.” My attention shifts to Grayson whose tone alarms me.

  “What are you talking about Grayson?”

  “It appears we’re being followed.”

  I look out the back window and see a black car with very dark tinted windows. My pulse quickens.

  “We’re being followed. What the hell Ava?”

  “Shhh Cassie.”

  Grayson’s worried expression concerns me. I can’t believe this is happening again. First Italy and now this.

  “Sit back ladies.” He speeds up and turns a corner quickly, then makes another quick turn. I see his shoulders relax.

  “We lost them.”

  I keep an eye out the back window until we return home. Enzo is standing on the front porch pacing back and forth when we arrive. He rushes to the car when he sees us.

  “Good job Grayson.” Enzo pats Grayson on the shoulder then embraces me.

  “I’m fine. Grayson took care of us.”

  Enzo ushers us back into the house. “Cassandra, Chris is in your room.”

  “Thanks.” Cassie heads down the hall.

  “Who do you think it is Enzo?”

  “I don’t know Ava. We need to consider that it was someone dangerous and possibly the same person that followed you before. We’re worth a lot of money, and this wedding is a big event. I can’t ignore things like this.”

  “Someone followed us from Italy here?”

  “Or followed us to Italy.”

  I hadn’t considered that.

  He rubs my arm. “Were you scared?”

  “More nervous than scared. I knew I was safe with Grayson.”

  “You’re home now.” Enzo relaxes. “How was your dress fitting?”

  “Fine. Perfect actually.” I feel my own nerves settle as we chat.

  He pulls me down onto the couch. “I think we should just leave the house the way it is until after the wedding. What do you think bella?”

  “The last thing on my mind right now is decorating a house. I couldn’t agree more.”

  “Shall we stay home tonight? I’ll cook for everyone.”

  “Wonderful idea. Can I help you?”

  “You want to help? I would love a sous chef.”

  “I can cook you know. I just haven’t had a chance yet.”

  “I’d be very interested in a meal prepared by you. What is your specialty?”


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