Turn Towards the Sun

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Turn Towards the Sun Page 32

by Jennifer Domenico

  “I make a mean chocolate cupcake mister.” I rub my nose against his.

  He laughs. “Perfect. I happen to love chocolate cupcakes.”

  “What are you going to make for dinner?”

  “Hmm. What should we make? How about pizza? We can break in the new pizza oven on the patio.”

  “Do you have what you need?”

  “Let’s go look.”

  We dig through the fridge and pull out vegetables, prosciutto, some arugula, mozzarella, and parmesan cheese. In the pantry, I grab two cans of tomato sauce and the flour.

  “This will do.” Enzo smiles at the bounty on the counter.

  “Can we find something to do with this?” I hold up a jar of chocolate hazelnut spread.

  “I can make a dessert pizza with it.” He chops the basil.

  A mischievous grin spreads across my face. “I meant, can we find something to do with it?”

  He looks up and smiles. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Well, I was thinking, I bet this would taste really good licked off my fiancé’s amazing body.”

  “We should test that theory this evening, no?”

  “Oh yes.”

  “Jesus Ava.” He turns towards me and shows me the bulge in his pants.

  “Just your words are a fucking turn on.”

  “I’m going to use more than my words on you.”

  “You’re making me want you, and if you’re not careful, I’m going to bend you over this counter and take you right here, right now.”

  “Is that a threat or a promise?”

  He drops the knife and walks over to me. I reach down and rub his erection through his pants. He puts his mouth on mine and swirls his tongue inside. I’m even more aroused knowing that Chris or Cass could walk in here at any moment.

  Enzo presses hard against me. “Fuck Ava, you’re driving me crazy. Is this what you want?” He sticks his hand up my skirt and rubs my sex through my panties.

  “Yes baby, that’s exactly what I want.” I grind against his hand.

  “We should go in the bedroom. Your friends…” He kisses me again.

  “No. Here.”

  His eyes widen but he quickly unzips his pants. I drop to my knees and suck him into my mouth, enjoying the moan that releases from his lips. I swirl my tongue down and up and gently suck the tip. His hands tangle in my hair as he leans against the counter for support.

  He pulls me up. “Pull down your panties.”

  I love the expression on his face right now. The color of his eyes deepen, his voice becomes raspy, and his lips form that gorgeous pout I love so much. I slide my panties down and brace myself against the kitchen island. He lifts my skirt and deftly enters me. I want to cry out, but instead I bite my lip and lock my eyes with his.

  We move silently, desperately. He keeps eye contact with me while his cock slides in and out, pleasuring me from the depths of my being.

  I whisper to him. “I love you. I can’t get enough of you.”

  He doesn’t speak and maintains his intense expression. I’m sure only minutes have passed, but I feel the familiar tension of my building orgasm.

  “Keep talking Ava. Tell me how you feel.” His whisper sends thrills through me.

  “I’m gonna come Enzo. For you. You do this to me. You make me so hot I need you to fuck me in the kitchen. Only you.”

  “Ah fuck Ava.” His body tenses as he pours into me. My own orgasm follows quickly behind his. We stay locked together for a moment, panting against the counter.

  A smile lights up his face. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

  “So are you. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” He grabs a dishtowel from the island. “Let’s clean you up.”

  “Hey, you guys have some extra hangers I can…oh excuse me.” Cassie walks into the kitchen, just as I’ve pulled my panties back on and composed myself. Enzo is diligently chopping basil again.

  “Hello Cassandra. Yes, we have hangers. I’ll get them for you.” Enzo’s voice is cool and calm, like nothing happened. He walks towards the laundry room.

  Cassie narrows her eyes. “And what exactly have you been up to Miss Thang?”

  “Just making dinner.” I try to sound nonchalant, but I’m fairly certain my blushing cheeks will give me away.

  “Uh huh, yea okay. But before you lie you might want to smooth down your just fucked hair.” Cassie cackles.

  “Alright Cass. You got me.”

  “No, he’s got you. That’s awesome.”

  Enzo returns with the hangers, and I can tell he knows we’ve been busted. He flashes his dazzling smile and rubs my back.

  “Dinner will be ready in about an hour.”

  “We’ll be ready.” Cassie winks and heads back to her room.

  Enzo smacks my behind. “I assume she figured out what happened in here?”

  “She did. I don’t give a damn. I’m almost your wife. I can do whatever I want.”

  “Yes you can. I think it excited you knowing we could be caught.” He drags his finger down my cheek.

  “Maybe a little.” I murmur.

  “It was exciting for me too. You excite me.” He kisses me softly.

  “Finish dinner. I’m going to take a shower. Don’t forget about dessert tonight.” I wink.

  “Trust me, I won’t forget.”

  “Ava, get up!” Enzo’s voice rises over the piercing sound of an alarm that startles me awake. I jump up and grab my robe. Enzo walks quickly towards the bedroom door, his phone in his hand.

  “Stay here.”

  I look at the clock. It’s two in the morning. What caused the alarm to go off?

  Cassie rushes into my room. “Chris and Enzo are looking around. The back patio door was open.”

  “Someone tried to break in?”

  “First we were followed and now this? Do you think it’s related?”

  “I don’t know Cass. It happened in Italy too.”

  We sit huddled on the sofa in my room. I hear Enzo talking to someone at the front door, the police maybe.

  A few minutes later, Chris and Enzo come in the room.

  “Come on baby, everything is okay.” Chris motions for Cass. She sees the intense look on Enzo’s face and quietly follows Chris, blowing me a kiss on the way out.

  Enzo paces.

  “What’s going on Enzo?”

  “I don’t know yet. Someone tried to get in here tonight.” He runs his fingers through his hair.

  “Maybe they thought it was still empty.”

  “Maybe.” He turns to look at me. “Maybe not.”

  “Come on love, let’s try to go back to sleep.” I pull his arm towards me, but he tenses.

  “I can’t Ava. I can’t sleep. Someone is trying to get to us.”

  I curl up on my tiptoes and kiss his neck. “They won’t be back tonight baby. We have an alarm and the cops were here. Whoever it was would be stupid to try again.”

  He relaxes a bit. “Okay. You’re right.”

  We slide back in bed. I close my eyes trying desperately to believe my own words.

  “The police searched the outside of the house this morning. They didn’t find anything suspicious. Whatever they used to open the patio door didn’t even leave a mark. No fingerprints.”

  Enzo explains what happened to Grayson and a new group of bodyguards. I sit at the dining table with Chris and Cassie.

  “The cameras are being installed today sir. You will have 24-hour surveillance and we’ll all physically be at the house.” Grayson explains. “Three of us will be with Ava at all times.”

  “Perfect.” Enzo paces the living room. “And Girasole?”

  “Beefed up security there too. Background checks of all the workers for the wedding. I briefed Genevieve this morning, and she has her own security detail checking all her temporary employees.”

  “Good Grayson. Thank you.”

  He nods and leads the other men outside.

  “Ava, it’s extremely import
ant that if you leave this house you stick close to Grayson.”

  “I know Enzo. I promise, no stunts.”

  He rubs my back. “I’m sorry that all of this is happening. It is an unfortunate downside to my sometimes public life.”

  Cassie is serious for a change. “We understand Enzo. After what happened last night it makes total sense.”

  Chris speaks up. “If there’s anything I can do, let me know.”

  “I will.” Enzo sits at the table. “I’ll feel better once the cameras are installed.”

  Cassie stands and pours everyone a cup of coffee. “Hopefully, whoever is doing this gets the hint that you aren’t going to make it easy for them. I hope if they’re watching, they see all the extra measure you’re taking.”

  “I hope so too.” Enzo says.

  “Do you think it’s someone who knows you? Or me?” I ask Enzo.

  “I have no idea. I’ve wracked my brain thinking of possibilities. I don’t even know if it’s only one person at this point.”

  “Well let’s try not to think of it for now. This is supposed to be a happy time for us.” I smile.

  He kisses my cheek. “Yes, let’s focus on that.”

  “Time to get up amore.” Enzo’s soft voice caresses me awake. I open my eyes and see him gazing lovingly down at me.

  “Today you’re going to be my wife.” He kisses my forehead.

  I stretch and smile. “Yes. Today is the day.”

  “I drew you a bath and brought you a cup of coffee.”

  “That’s sweet baby, thank you.”

  “Anything for my principessa.”

  I climb out of bed and pad into the bathroom. He set a tray on the counter with coffee and a bowl of fruit. I sip the hot, creamy coffee and stare at myself in the mirror. In just a few hours, I’m going to be Mrs. Enzo Milano. Unbelievable.

  The past two weeks were a whirlwind of planning and approving. We accepted the million dollar magazine offer and spent days negotiating the terms. Amazingly, it’s a national magazine and our wedding will be seen all across the country. We’ll be surrounded by a dozen photographers whose job it is to capture those candid moments that sell magazines.

  Genevieve handled every last detail and only called me for approvals. She is worth every dollar she charges.

  I slip into the silky water. It smells of gardenias. I close my eyes and enjoy the soothing bath. I feel… different. The wall I built around my heart was made of pain and uncertainty. Enzo took it down, brick by brick and now a luscious garden stands in its place. I’m no longer a girl struggling to grow up. I feel like… a woman. A very loved and cherished woman.

  Enzo enters the room and sits on the edge of the bathtub. He runs his hands through the soapy water. “We’ll leave here in about thirty minutes.”

  “Want to join me?” I flick a little water at him with my foot.

  He grins. “I would love to but no. The next time I touch your body you will be my wife.” His eyes lock with mine. “Are you excited amore?”

  “Yes. More than you know.”


  “Not at all. I feel very calm. I know Genevieve has it all handled, and she wouldn’t let anything go wrong. This is just as much her day as it is ours.” I laugh softly.

  “I believe you’re right. Come on out.” He holds a towel up for me.

  I dry off and quickly dress, throwing on yoga pants and a t-shirt. My parents arrived last night, and my gown and accessories are already waiting for me at Girasole. Room 115 is my ground zero while I prepare for my big day.

  “You ready Cass?”

  Cassie and Chris sit on the couch drinking coffee. Her cheeks are flushed. “Yea. I’m ready.”

  “What’s the matter? You look sad.”

  Chris clears his throat. “She’s been crying off and on since last night. Who knew her best friend getting married would choke her up like this?” He rubs her back.

  “I am not choked up. I’m fine.” Cassie flips her hair.

  “Uh huh, okay Cass. Let’s go.” I remember the tearful dress fitting. It’s sweet. She’s much more sensitive than she lets on.

  Grayson loads the car with our things and drives us to the hotel.

  Enzo rubs my hand as we drive up to valet. The entrance to the hotel is decorated with large potted pots of pink peonies and lilac colored hydrangeas. Valet attendants wear formal tuxedos.

  “I want to find my parents first.”

  “They’ll be waiting in your room for you. Camilla is coming to do your hair and makeup.”

  I kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”

  He gives me a brilliant smile. “Your happiness is mine Ava.”

  “As soon as you take me to my room you can’t see me again until the wedding. You know that right?”

  “Yes I know that. It will be the worth the wait.”

  We walk to the room. Girasole has been transformed into a Tuscan paradise. Genevieve did exactly as I asked. It looks rustic, elegant, and surprisingly intimate. The grounds are humming with activity. Waiters walk around setting up tables with water, and hotel staff tie yellow bows to the chairs. Genevieve choreographs the florists.

  “A lot of people are here today Enzo. There must be hundreds of extra workers.” A sudden flutter of nausea washes over me.

  “It takes a lot of people to pull off an event this large.”

  “We have extra security right?”

  “Of course. Don’t be worried.”

  Even though we haven’t had any other incidents since the night of the break in, I can’t help but feel just a little nervous. There are so many people here, it would be impossible to keep track of everyone.

  “Are you nervous?” I ask.

  “Not at all. I’ve never been less nervous.” He kisses the back of my hand.

  I see my parents and my face lights up.

  My dad hugs me, lifting me off the ground. “Hey baby girl. Ready for your big day?”

  “Yes daddy. I’m ready.”

  I walk in the room and find Gabby and Camilla waiting for me. Camilla is just putting the finishing touches on Gabby’s up do. It’s very elegant.

  Gabby waves. “Hi Ava. We’re almost done here.”

  “No rush. We have plenty of time.”

  Genevieve knocks on the door. “Ava?”

  “Come in.”

  She enters with a bottle of champagne. “The hotel sent this. Your dress is hanging on the back of the door. I put your shoes and jewelry in the bathroom. You should have everything else you need.” She looks at her watch. “I’ll be back thirty minutes before the ceremony, but you can text or call if you need anything before that.”


  “I don’t want you to worry about anything. It’s going exactly as I planned and everything will be perfect.” She claps her hands.

  “I’m not worried. I know you have it under control.”

  She smiles. “That I do. See you soon.”

  Cassie pops open the champagne and pours everyone a glass. I feel sick to my stomach. My nerves are really kicking in.

  “I don’t know if I should drink. I feel a little nauseous.”

  Camilla walks over to me and rubs my back. “It’s normal. I felt the same way on my wedding day. You should have a drink, to relax.”

  I nod my head. “Yes, you’re right.” I take a sip.

  Gabby massages my shoulders. “Don’t be nervous Ava. It’s going to be an awesome day. You’re marrying an amazing man.”

  Cassie nods in agreement. “They’re both right. Once you see him waiting for you at the end of the aisle, you’ll be good.”

  I sink into the comfy chair in front of the mirror and wait for Camilla to work on me. “I know. I’m sure I’ll be fine. Let’s get to work on this mane of hair.”

  “Just remember,” Cassie’s eyes glimmer with mischief, “as soon as you say I do, the party is on. Raise the roof!” She cackles and pumps her arms in the air.

  We all fall into a fit of laughter. />
  Almost four hours later, I’m just about ready to go. I stand and check my appearance in the mirror. Camilla did wonders on my hair, somehow taming it into a romantic chignon. My makeup looks amazing.

  Francesca came in a couple of hours ago. Cassie and Gabby fuss around me making sure my dress is in place and I have everything I need. Francesca fluffs my veil as I slip on my ivory platform pumps and adjust my diamond necklace, my birthday gift from Enzo.

  “Ava honey? Are you ready? Everyone is waiting.” My mother looks great in her pale yellow dress.

  “Yes mom. Okay everyone, go take your places. Tell my dad I’ll meet him in the hall in front of the ballroom. I just want a minute alone to collect my thoughts.”

  I sit on the sofa for a moment, taking in my surroundings. It all started in this room, how appropriate to be here today. I never thought my silliness on the plane would have led to all of this.

  “Time to go make this man your husband.” I take a deep breath.

  I open the door and take a step back.

  “Hello Ava.”

  It’s The Bitch.

  The story continues…

  What started out as a dream quickly became a full-fledged love story. One book simply isn’t enough to tell the complete story for Enzo and Ava. The author is hard at work writing book two of the series.





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