Keep Her From Harm

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Keep Her From Harm Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  Mia was a strong woman. She was his entire world, and he was hers. He wondered if his brothers felt like they had only been existing until their woman came alone. Everything was so much brighter, filled with more happiness than he could ever imagine. Just waking up and seeing her beautiful face smile up at him was worth everything else.

  “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way,” Maddox said. “I am proud to call you my son, Gabriel. With that in mind, and the latest shit-storm, I’m stepping down.”

  “No, you’re not,” Jacob said. “You did nothing wrong. We took our eye off the ball, and we fucked up, but you’re not stepping down. No one else is taking your place. We’ve already talked about that.”

  “You’re not going anywhere, old man,” Gideon said.

  “No, you’re not,” Charlotte said, opening the door, and coming into the office with Tamsin behind her.

  His little sister threw herself onto the sofa, and crossed her arms. Her bratty ways were really starting to wear thin.

  “We’re a family and we have all been acting like enemies. I played my part in this, and I am sorry.” Charlotte placed her hand on Maddox’s shoulder. “I am with him every step of the way, and Gabriel, Owen, and Wyatt, also Emma as well, you’re all welcome at my home, at my table any time. Never allow anyone to take advantage of us being weak. We will be strong, and united.”

  Damian saw his father was emotional as he pulled Charlotte against him. He saw the two communicating without even speaking words, and then kissed.

  “Fucking ace, now I’m going to get back to locating Westbrook,” Rick said.

  “You’re not going to head home?” Maddox asked.

  “Nope. Fucker took advantage of my family, and he did it to spite me. Consider him my number one priority, and then I’ll go home.”

  Damian was still smiling as he entered his home with the scents of onion and garlic heady in the air. Closing the door, he counted to three and wasn’t disappointed when Mia ran down the long hallway and threw herself into his arms. She wore a long dress that hugged every single one of her curves.

  Pressing her up against the wall, he sank his fingers into her hair, and ravished her mouth as she held onto him. “Fuck, I missed you,” he said.

  “I missed you even more. Where have you been?”

  “Family meeting. It took longer than I thought it would.”

  “Lou picked up the kids and dropped them off. She was also letting Charlotte babysit for her so that she and Jacob could have a few hours alone with each other.”

  “It would seem we’re all used to using our parents to get what we want.” He bit her lip, and then kissed her deeply.

  “Someone used that cell phone today.”

  Damian tensed up. He was aware of the cell phone Rick had given Mia to call him on.

  “Your cell phone?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No, that was what freaked me out. It was on the cell phone that Rick had given me. After I heard the first breath over the phone, I turned it off, and left it. I’ve already called Rick, and he told me to wait to tell you. None of you keep anything from the other, do you?”

  Damian shook his head. “Not after what happened last time.”

  Mia ran her hand down his body, landing on his already hard cock. “Do you tell them everything?” she asked, leaning in to suck at the pulse at his neck.

  “No, not everything. A great deal of what we do is private.” He groaned as she ran her hand up and down his length, making him want so much more.

  “You’re rock hard, Damian,” she said.

  “You’re not helping. The feel of those lips on my neck remind me of how good they are wrapped around my dick.”

  This time she moaned. “I love it more when you put your lips on my pussy, and do you know what is better right now? We don’t have to keep our voices down. We can do whatever we want.”

  Damian didn’t waste any time, and on the way toward the bedroom, he turned off the sauce, and every other item in the kitchen.

  “I was cooking us a fantastic meal.”

  “And we can eat it another time. I want your pussy for dinner, and I’m not going to wait another moment.”

  He took her into his bedroom and didn’t even bother to close the door. Tearing his shirt over his head, he then started on her dress, turning her so that her back was to him.

  “You look stunning in this dress, but I think you look so much better out of it.” In one release of the zipper, the dress spilled to the floor at her feet, she turned. The red lacy lingerie set covered her tits and pussy from him.

  Removing his belt, he took a step back, and shoved his clothes off so that only his boxer briefs remained.

  “Oh my, you wore them?” Mia asked.

  She had bought him a set of novelty boxer briefs, and this one was covered in little piggies. “I’ll wear anything you buy.”

  Pushing her to the bed, he watched as she sat down, and leaned back on the bed.

  “Spread your thighs for me, baby.” He had been thinking of this moment all day long, and nothing was going to interfere. She opened her legs wide, putting her feet on the bed, and opening herself up.

  Stepping toward the bed, he ran his hands down her thighs, touching her pussy. She moaned, arching up.

  “Say my name,” he said.


  “I want you to scream it when I touch you. Don’t hold anything back, and scream my name.”

  “I will.”

  He gripped the edge of her panties, and began to lower them down her thighs. She lifted her ass up off the bed, helping him as he got rid of her underwear. She had a small blonde patch of hair, and her pussy lips were open, showing him her swollen clit, and exactly how wet she was.

  Sliding a finger between her slit, he watched her head fall back as she thrust herself up to his fingers.

  His mouth watered, and he wanted a taste of that juicy pussy.


  Mia had been wanting this night for a long time. When Damian had told her that his mother was going to be watching the kids, she had planned exactly what she was going to wear, and then what she’d cook so that nothing got in the way of their time together. She loved everything about this man in front of her. He was an exceptional father, and he had even asked her for permission to adopt Reese.

  She had agreed as she loved him. There was no doubt in her mind that she loved this man. He was totally different from every person she had ever known, and that was a good thing. All those years ago when she had been lying under the stars, wanting, wishing, she had begged those stars for a man like Damian. They had delivered, and she wasn’t about to risk her newfound happiness for anything.

  Yes, the Denton family were centered around crime, but deep down, they were all good people. She had been to their family home many times, and she loved being around his family.

  Damian needed them just as much as they needed him.

  He slid his fingers between her slit, drawing her back to him, and smiling.

  “You disappeared for a second there,” he said.

  “I was just thinking about you.”

  “All good thoughts?” he asked, kneeling on the bed. She went to her elbows to stare down at him.

  “I was thinking about how much I love you.”

  That had him pausing, and then staring at her. “What?”

  “I’m in love with you, Damian Denton.”

  He moved from between her thighs so that his lips were on hers, kissing her. “You can’t say shit like that, and not expect me to fall even deeper in love with you.”

  “I’m your woman, Damian. In every single way that matters, I belong to you. You own me, heart, body, soul.” She cupped his cheek, smiling. “You make me so happy.”

  “Oh, fuck, woman. You’re going to have me crying in a moment.” He kissed her lips.

  “No crying. I want you to lick my pussy,” she said, feeling her cheeks heat.

  “What my woman wants, she will always get.

  He kissed his way down her body, and her eyes closed as he flicked each of her nipples before moving down to her bellybutton. She released a giggle as his tongue dived in.

  “Stop,” she said, laughing.

  He did, instantly, and then his tongue was sliding up and down her slit, and any protest or even any thought ceased. He circled her clit, then went down, sliding into her pussy, tongue-fucking her.

  “You taste so fucking good,” he said, gripping her ass in his hands, and holding her still as he licked her pussy. The pleasure already started to mount as he sucked on her clit. He wouldn’t allow her to get accustomed to the feel of his mouth on her clit as he’d move down, and begin to fuck her with his tongue. When she was loving that, and thrusting down onto him, he’d pull out, replacing his tongue with his fingers, making her so wet she was sure she soaked the sheet.

  Still, he wouldn’t take her over that edge, and he kept on teasing her, tormenting her.

  “Please, Damian.”

  “You want to come, baby?” he asked.

  “Yes. I want to come. Stop tormenting me. Please, Damian.”

  “Who do you love?” he asked.

  “You. You know it’s you. You’re all I want, and it will only ever be you.” She grabbed hold of the sheets beneath her, trying to ground herself, to keep control of her rioting emotions. She was so close to coming, but Damian liked to keep her on the edge, never allowing her to reach that peak.

  “Who you want to fuck?” he asked.

  “Damian, it’s you, it will always be you. Please, take me.” She would beg him if she had to.

  He flicked her clit at the same time his fingers thrust within her pussy, creating a sensation that was totally addictive.

  She came apart, screaming his name as he drove inside her again and again, sucking on her clit, prolonging the pleasure so that she was a shaking mess.

  She couldn’t concentrate on anything else but the pleasure of his mouth on her pussy. He didn’t stop, and just kept on sucking her pussy, hurtling her into another orgasm. Only when she was coming down from her second did he stop, and begin to kiss his way up her body, going to her breasts. “Do you have any idea how much I fucking love your body?” he said.

  “I know I love yours.” She ran her hands down his back, loving how hard his body was against hers.

  He chuckled. “I love the feel of your tits next to me, and how damn good they feel.” He pushed them together, and began to lick each nipple. “I love everything about you.” He moved between her thighs, and she gasped as the tip of his cock pressed against her entrance. She closed her eyes as inch by glorious inch, he began to fill her.

  Finally, in one hard thrust, he was deeply inside her, and she moaned his name. Damian pushed some of her hair out of the way, and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I have been thinking about doing this all day long.”

  She smiled. “So have I. I’ve wanted today to be so special.” She cupped his face, and kissed his lips. “I love you, Damian Denton. I want to have everything with you.”

  He eased out of her pussy so only the tip of him was inside her, and then he began to fill her, taking his time, and going so slowly at first, but then he held her hands and pressed them either side of her head, fucking her hard. She forgot everything as he ravished her body, his lips taking possession of her mouth, and then moving down to take her tits.

  She couldn’t control the pleasure, nor did she want to.

  Suddenly, it wasn’t enough, and Damian moved them so that she was on top of him, and he had this wicked smile as he stared at her.

  “I always knew you’d look damn sexy on top.” He stroked up her body to cup her tits, and she tilted her head back, moaning as he pinched her nipples. His hands didn’t stay long on her breasts, and he moved down, grabbing her ass. “Ride me, baby. Fuck my cock, and let us both know exactly who you belong to.”

  “I belong to you, Damian, just you.”

  He was the one person she had wanted above everything else, the only man she could see herself with.

  Damian held her ass tightly and rocked up inside her, going hard and deep. She held onto his chest, and rocked on his cock, needing him so damn badly.

  “Touch your pussy, Mia. I want to watch you come.”

  “I’ve already come.”

  “I don’t care. I want to see you explode, baby. Give it to me. Come on.”

  With his gaze on her, and with how damn good he felt, there was no way she could deny him. Resting one hand on his knees, which were helping to support her, she ran her hand down her body, moaning as his cock seemed to swell even more inside her. Stroking her pussy, she paused as the first touch was just too much pleasure. She was so sensitive.

  Damian’s hands moved from her hips going up to her breasts once again.

  She watched him as his gaze was on her.

  “You have no idea how damn sexy you look. Your pussy is so wet. I can feel every single ripple, every pulse. Come all over my cock, Mia. Give me everything.”

  She stroked her clit as his hands were all over her body, touching her, enhancing her need.

  He gripped her hips and pulled her down hard on his cock, making them both moan.

  “You have no idea what you do to me. There are times I can’t think with what I want to do to you.”

  “Damian,” she said, gasping. “I’m so close.”

  He turned them once again, pushing her to the bed as he began to fill her, slamming his cock in deep. She screamed his name as her orgasm took her completely by surprise. Damian kissed her hard, swallowing down her cries.

  “Oh fuck, baby,” he said, pushing inside her one final time. She felt the hard kick of his cock followed by the stream of cum he filled her with.

  They both held each other throughout their orgasm, neither letting the other go.

  He kissed her brow, and Mia knew that her life was finally complete.

  Chapter Twelve

  Gideon Denton stared into the office. At first his father had placed Emma Colton in the basement without so much as a window whereas now she had her own office, security, a window, and even a coffee machine. He’d also supplied numbers so she could call any deli or takeout chain she wanted. This was all about her, and her desires. For so long she’d been living a shit life, and he was going to make sure that it wasn’t, not anymore.

  Emma Colton was an innocent, and he’d been watching her for some time. The moment he realized that his enemy was in fact his woman, he’d been finding so many different ways to bring her into his family. Finding the link between Gabriel and Maddox, that had been a damn bonus. Learning the truth, he’d known that it wasn’t going to be easy. He knew there would be some trouble, and of course he only had himself to blame. All of his free time was spent keeping an eye on this beautiful woman.

  Ever since he had met her there hadn’t been another woman, and he couldn’t even bring himself to go near anyone else. There were times that it was hard not to just claim her, but he refused to scare her away. After everything he had learned, he was determined to help her to live her life to the fullest.

  “You’re working late tonight,” he said, placing a smile on his face.

  She looked up and smiled. “Hello, Gideon. How are you?”

  “I’m great. It’s getting late, and you know my mother loves it when you come around to eat on Sunday.”

  She leaned back and groaned, gripping her shoulders. “I’ve gone all stiff.”

  You’re not the only one, princess.

  “Here, let me help.” He moved behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders, and began to massage them. Hearing her moan was reward enough. One day soon, you’re going to be moaning like that around my dick. Begging me to keep on fucking you as I spank your ass.

  Damian was once a kinky bastard, but that was just a phase he was going through. There was nothing kinky about his little brother. Gideon rubbed her shoulders, and loved the peace that washed over him from touching her.

  “That fe
els so good, Damian. You’re always so nice to me.”

  “What are your plans for this evening?”

  “Oh, shoot, I’m supposed to be going on a date,” she said, pulling out her cell phone, and showing him. “Brian, one of the guards asked me out on a date.”

  He was aware of who had asked her out seeing as he’d been the one to ask Brian to do it. Everything had been going to shit, and even though he didn’t like the thought of Emma being with anyone else, he couldn’t make her wait for him. She would be his soon enough, and Brian was a good little soldier. He would give Emma the time of her life, but also make sure that she understood it was friendship only. “You’re not wanting to go?”

  “Not really. I feel bad though. I really should go, right?”

  “You can do whatever you want to do. Nothing is holding you to anything, and if you don’t want to go, then I’ll take you home.”

  She flopped back, and he held his hands on her shoulders even as he was at the perfect angle to see her beautiful, plump breasts. Emma was a curvy woman, and she handled her curves well. If someone told her to go on a diet, she told them to fuck off. He loved her spirit, and she never seemed to need to please everyone else. She took pleasure as much as she gave it. She was hard working, and there wasn’t a thing he didn’t like about her. She was everything, and one day soon she would totally belong to him in every single way.

  “I’ll go. It’s rude not to. I was looking forward to it, and then I started to freak out.”

  “Why would you freak out?”

  “What if he wants something? This is just a date, you know. This isn’t like coffee and sex afterward. I’ve not been on a real date before, and I wanted to. Then of course Wyatt, Owen, and even Gabriel were here earlier, and they were giving me all these warnings that included coffee meant sex. Dancing meant something dirty, and ugh, they’ve filled my brain with crap.”

  Her brothers were his best friends right now. Even though he’d arranged everything, he liked that her brothers cared about her. She wouldn’t be alone on her date tonight either. He was going to follow, and keep a safe distance to make sure she was happy and to beat the shit out of Brian if she wasn’t.


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