Keep Her From Harm

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Keep Her From Harm Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  Touching her cheek, he smiled her, loving the way she seemed to gasp at his touch. She wasn’t frightened of him, and for that he was thankful.

  “I think your brothers worry about you. They want you to be safe and happy, as do I.”

  “Thank you, Gideon. Really, for everything.”

  “Also, if you kick a guy in the nuts, they tend to fall down, moaning a lot.” He reluctantly pulled away. “I need to go and finish a few things. Don’t work too hard.”

  “I won’t. Thank you, Gideon. I love it when you come to visit.”

  He left the office, and made his way down to changing room where he found Brian all alone.

  The other man froze. “I’m just heading up to see her now.”

  “If for a second tonight that woman is not having a good time, I will hold you responsible. You do not kiss her, or hug her, or touch her in any way that will have her worried about what your intentions are, do I make myself clear?”


  “Good. Well go, and have a good time.”

  Gideon knew he scared Brian, and he didn’t give a fuck either. All that mattered was Emma, and right now he was okay with her seeing the world, and meeting people. One day soon though, she was going to be his, and when that happened, no one stood a chance.


  Rick looked at the rundown apartment building, and whistled at how low Westbrook had sunk. He’d known where the sniveling little shit had been all this time, but he’d wanted to break the bastard. To prove to the man that no matter how much he thought he had the Dentons, there was no way he would ever take what was theirs.

  “I miss you, Rick,” Mandy said. “So I booked a flight, and I want to be there with you.”

  “What about Sarah?”

  “She’s coming with me. She wants to talk to Landon, and I don’t think it’s something that can be said over the phone.”

  “Does she intend to break up with him?” Rick asked.

  “I think so. She’s not happy, and she hasn’t been herself in a while. She’s eighteen now, and she wants to go away, exploring, not stuck in some village waiting for him to come and get her.”

  “I did warn the kid that Sarah was a free spirit. This is no surprise to me. I miss you, too, baby. There’s something I need to finish. Call you back in a few minutes?”

  “Love you,” Mandy said.

  “Love you, too.” He couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his entire face, which always happened when he spoke to his woman. He loved her more than anything else in the world, and the past few months had been impossible for him.

  The need to kill was always there. Only when he wasn’t with Mandy, that need changed into a fucking obsession. It was ironic because he was a damn good doctor and could kill people without them even realizing it, but he had a code. He only killed bad people and those that got in his way. There had been a few doctors over the years that had sneered at him or at Mandy that were lucky to be breathing. For those he had a book where he wrote down the pros and cons of someone dying. Of course just because he didn’t like the fucker wasn’t a big reason to fucking kill them, even though he was tempted all the time.

  When it came to his family, to his loved ones, he would fight every step of the way to protect them.

  Entering the rundown apartment building, he saw several rats running along the hallways, and he kept on walking, knowing right away where Westbrook was.

  He entered a room, and ducked as the gun was fired.

  “I knew you’d come,” Westbrook said.

  “You should have known when you framed my family, and tried to take apart the Denton empire,” Rick said.

  “It was worth a shot.”

  Rick threw something, and a succession of bullets ran off. The fucker was panicking. He’d been picking off this man’s business for weeks now, and all he had on him was one gun.

  Rounding the wall, he stared as Westbrook kept trying to fire his weapon. Rick took a step closer to the man, and pulled out a blade, and before Westbrook had even known what was happening, he slammed the tip into his thigh.

  His screams were all Rick wanted to hear, and he was rewarded.

  “Fuck!” And a long scream echoed off the wall.

  “You know, you should have left my family alone.”

  “This city was mine for the taking. You fucking bastard. You had no right to take what was mine.”

  “This place wasn’t yours. It was never yours. This is Denton land, always has been, always will be.” Rick pulled the blade out, and stuck it in Westbrook’s shoulder. “You went after my family, and that is where you went fucking wrong.”

  Westbrook cried out and then started to laugh. “You think you’re so smart. You don’t have a fucking clue.”

  Rick grabbed him around the throat. “I suggest you speak very fucking carefully, or those next words will be your last.”

  Westbrook laughed. “I didn’t act alone, and as you see, I’m very much alone.”

  “Your point.”

  “Ivan was with me, and he had his own plan. He hates the Dentons, especially as one of them took his little toy away, and his kid.”

  Rick didn’t for a second like where this was going. He pressed the tip of the blade against Westbrook’s throat. “You will tell me this instant where Ivan is.”

  “Where do you think he is? He’s dealing with a Denton and then he’s going to deal with that whore that left him.”

  Sliding the blade across Westbrook’s throat, Rick took little pleasure in the death as his thoughts went to Damian. Out of all of the Denton men he was the only one that didn’t have a great deal of protection in that luxury apartment of his. He was open, he was exposed, and Ivan could get to him.

  When the call went straight to answerphone, he cursed. Calling Maddox, he gave his brother the update, and then headed straight out to his car. They were all too far away from Damian. No one was close enough to reach him, and his nephew may already be dead.

  At least the kids were not with Damian and Mia. He hoped that they could take care of themselves.


  Mia giggled as Damian kept on tickling her.

  “You need to stop. We’re getting water all over the place,” she said.

  Damian stopped his teasing and kissed her temple. “God, I love you so much.”

  “And I love you, but not when you tickle me.” She leaned back against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “This is so nice. I knew it would be but I like not having to keep our voices down, but…”

  “But?” he asked.

  “I miss our babies.”

  “I know. I do as well. These are our special days.” She loved it when he held onto her. “Mia, I’m about to ask you something, and I don’t want you to freak out or anything.”

  “Okay.” She looked up at him, and smiled. “Whatever it is, I’m going to say yes.”

  He laughed. “I’ve not asked you yet.”

  “Whatever it is I know it’s not going to be bad. I love you, and I trust you.” She kissed his cheek.

  “Fine, I want anal sex!”

  She burst out laughing just as he did. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “I know. You should see your face. That’s not what I was going to ask you, and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made a joke about it.” He took her hands, locking their fingers together. “I want you as mine forever. I want to marry you, Mia.”

  She looked at him and saw he wasn’t joking around. “You want to marry me?”

  “Yes. I want us to raise our kids together, and I hope to one day have more children with you. I know I come from a crazy ass family, and it’s scary at times, and I don’t want you to ever be afraid. I promise I will do everything in my power to protect you. To love you for every single day of my life—” She pressed a finger to his lips and smiled.

  “Don’t you think you should ask me? You’ve not asked me.”

  “Mia Banks, will you be my wife?”

>   “I’ll think about it … totally yes!” She spun around, wrapping her arms around his neck, and kissing him. “Of course I will marry you. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this marriage proposal. You know with the whole anal sex talk.”

  “I’m open to it if you are. I’ve not got a very big dick. I’ll fit.”

  He grabbed her ass, and she burst out laughing. “I know exactly how big your dick is, and there’s nothing little about it.” She kissed his lips as her stomach let out a large rumble.”

  “Ah, I see, you’re hungry now?”

  “I’ve always been hungry, and I did start some food. Someone pulled me away to ravish me.”

  “I gave you multiple orgasms. You know you loved every single one of them.”

  “Yes, I did. I just wanted to be with you, and everything else could wait. That’s how I always feel about it.” She stroked his cheek. “I love you, Damian Denton.” She couldn’t believe how lucky she had gotten, and knew without a doubt she would never forget this.

  Again, her stomach rumbled, and Damian laughed. “Let’s get you something to eat. We’ve got until late tomorrow, and then we have the kids. I’ve got a lot of plans to keep us busy, and I don’t want you to go without.”

  He stepped out of the bath, and she followed him as well. Wrapping a towel around her body, she entered the bedroom, and Damian was already tugging up a pair of sweatpants. “Put this on for me, baby, and I’ll go and see the damage control.” He handed her one of his shirts, and she smiled.

  “You just want to see me in your clothes.”

  “Yeah, you look sexy, and when I wear them again, which I will, I’ll remember how you looked in them.”

  She chuckled, and watched him leave. Entering the bathroom, she wrapped her hair up after drying it vigorously.

  With the towel around her body she dried off completely, and put his towel on. Releasing her hair, she was about to grab a brush when the sound of Ivan’s voice made her freeze. Looking around the bedroom, she didn’t hear him, and she moved toward the door, hearing his voice clearly.

  “You never expected me to know where you live?” Ivan asked. “That’s the problem with you Dentons. You always think you’re fucking better than everyone else, and you’re not. You’re all like us.”

  She covered her mouth with her hand trying to keep any possible noise from alerting him that she was there. Glancing around the room, she saw the metal lamp shade, and tiptoeing across the room, she disconnected it, trying to be as quiet as possible. Ivan was in their apartment, and he was talking with Damian. Something told her that wasn’t going to be willingly.

  Come on, Mia. Don’t be afraid.

  Stepping up to the door, she sent out a little prayer, and hoped that the door didn’t make a sound as she opened it. Squeezing past, she winced as everything seemed to make a noise as she made her way toward the kitchen.

  They weren’t in the kitchen but in the dining room. Ivan was near to her, and Damian was near to the entrance of the kitchen. His hands were up in surrender as he stared at Ivan.

  “You think you’re a big man? Raping women and then selling them out. You got a problem that Mia wanted me, that she loved me.”

  “That’s my kid she’s got with you, don’t ever forget that. I’m in her blood. There’s no way you’re ever going to replace me.”

  She stared at the man who had been the bane of her life long enough. He held a gun that was pointed at the love of her life. She had been begging and praying for Damian ever since she was a little girl. Finally, after what seemed forever, she was happy, she was in love, and this monster was going to take it from her. She couldn’t allow that to happen.

  Not again.

  Before she even knew what was happening, she raised the lamp, releasing a growl as she whacked Ivan across the head. The echoes of a gunshot filled the air, but she ignored it. She was so intent on killing the bastard in front of her that she didn’t stop with her attack, constantly hitting him.

  Damian held her close, his hands on her arms, holding her. They were both covered in blood, and she didn’t know how Damian was. She couldn’t recall anything but her rage, her need to keep on hitting Ivan, to make him stop.

  Did he help her kill Ivan?

  The sight of Ivan, dead on the floor—there was blood everywhere, and it couldn’t just be from her, could it? Damian was bloody, and so were his knuckles.

  “Baby, I’ve got you. It’s okay. He’s dead. I’ve got you.”

  Ivan was dead, and she turned into Damian. “I couldn’t let him hurt you, Damian. I couldn’t let him take you away from me.”

  “He hasn’t, and he won’t. I promise. I was with you, right now. This wasn’t just you. He aimed the gun at you, and I stopped him, baby. I couldn’t let him hurt you again. I won’t let anyone ever hurt you again.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Mia’s in a little shock, and I gave her a sedative. She’ll be out like a light in a few moments,” Rick said. “She did this then?”

  “She was at the door, and I was trying to keep Ivan distracted, and she just blew. It was … crazy.” Damian stared at Ivan’s body. “Is it wrong that I think it was good for her? She didn’t actually kill him though. At times, she was missing the body and hitting the floor. She was so intent on her anger, her rage, she didn’t see me snap his fucking neck.”

  Rick chuckled. “I imagine it was. This piece of shit didn’t deserve to live.” Rick kicked Ivan’s side. “I’ll get rid of the body. She won’t have to worry about anything again, I promise.”

  “Why are you all here?” Damian asked. His brothers, father, and uncle were all there.

  “Westbrook told me what Ivan was going to do. I put an end to my torture attempt and decided to come and save my nephew. I thought it was rather nice of me,” Rick said. “I also wanted to let you know that the cops on Westbrook’s payroll have been handled as well. Let’s say a certain detective in charge got a nice big file on police corruption and bribery.”

  “You’ve always been thorough. Westbrook is dead also?” Maddox asked.

  “Yes, so my work here is done. After Mandy and I spend lunch with you, I’ll be taking her back home, and I’ll leave you back to your charming city.”

  “Rick, you don’t have to go,” Stuart said.

  “I do, actually. Mandy knows everything, but I think if she was to witness exactly what I was like firsthand, I doubt she would be ready to forgive me.” There was a knock on the door. “Ah, finally. Our cleanup crew has arrived.”

  Damian was there to make sure the body was removed, and that everything was clean. The lamp was taken and would be disposed of. When all of his family had left, he went to the sofa, and picked up his woman, carrying her toward their bedroom. Even as she slept, he removed her shirt, and tossed it into a bag, handing it to Rick as he came back to collect it.

  She was completely out cold as he washed the blood from her body, and then placed her in their bed. He climbed in beside her, and for the entire night, he watched as she slept.

  When the sedative finally wore off, she turned to him with a gasp.


  “I am fine, Mia. Everything is fine. You saved me.”

  “Ivan’s body?”

  “It has all been taken care of. You do not need to worry about a thing.” He cupped her face, and made sure she was looking at him. “You have nothing to worry about, nor anything to fear.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I killed someone.”

  “You have nothing to feel guilty about. Don’t cry for that son of a bitch.”

  “No, these are not that kind of tears. I’m happy, Damian. I’m happy that he is gone, and I won’t have to worry about him again. Does that make me a bad person?” she asked.

  “No. He had done nothing but hurt you. I don’t want you to think about him, or even worry.”

  “What about the cops?”

  “Again, you don’t need to worry. The cops have been dealt with. Everything is fine. I promise
you, there is nothing for you to worry about. My family, that’s what we do, we deal with that kind of shit. Ivan was going to kill me, and then he would have killed you. Nothing changes. I promise.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, hoping to help ease her.

  “Can you just hold me?” she asked.

  “Yes, I would gladly hold you for the rest of my life.”


  Ivan’s and Westbrook’s bodies were never discovered. Rick took Mandy home, and after everything he had seen, Damian believed it was for the best. Uncle Rick was the man they called when no one else could do the job. He didn’t ask questions. He got answers.

  After killing Ivan, Damian thought Mia would need some therapy to help her get past some of her issues. As it happened, she got better. She had a couple of bad nightmares, but Damian held her, letting her know there was no way that she would ever be harmed.

  His plans to marry her were put on hold as he and his brothers got Denton land back, and gained respect and security for their people. His father stayed head of the family, and everyone reported back to him.

  In a curious turn of events, Damian made sure to always be partnered with Gabriel.

  “Do you have cold feet already?” Gabriel asked, late one Tuesday evening.

  “We don’t have cold feet. Mia is organizing the wedding, and we don’t want to rush it. With work, and then with the kids, getting married is not that easy.” Damian pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. They had just been to the docks to pay the guard for turning a blind eye to certain product being taken out of the country, mostly drugs and a few guns. They had dealings with some MCs that liked to party hard, and play even harder. They didn’t ask questions, and the contract had already been dealt with by Maddox. There was no message on his cell phone. “Have you had the legacy work on you yet? Any special woman waiting in the wings?”

  “Nope. Maybe it’s not strong enough in me. I’ve got too much Colton.”

  Damian laughed. “You’re kidding, right? Nah, you’ve got just enough, and you’ll see, the right woman will come around.”

  “I told Owen and Wyatt, and they couldn’t stop laughing. They bring women into the casino now, and they are always pointing behind their backs as if she is the one.”


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