suicidal tendencies of
Davies, Winifred
Davis, R. G.
Davison, Edward
Davison, Jane Truslow
Davison, Peter
marriage of
SP resented by
SP's correspondence with
SP's dating of
Day, Philip
"Day Mr. Prescott Died, The" (Plath)
"Dead, The" (Plath)
"Death & Co." (Plath)
de Kooning, Willem
"Den of Lions" (Plath)
"Denouement" (Plath)
"Departure of the Ghost, The" (later
"The Ghost's Leavetaking") (Plath)
Depression, Great
depressions of Plath
in Boston
in England
family history and
Smith teaching job and
suicide attempt and
"Detective, The" (Plath)
Deutsch, Babette
"Dialogue" (Plath)
"Dialogue over a Ouija Board" (Plath)
Dial Press
diary of Plath
abortion in
boys and dating in
father in
Hughes in
"Letter to a demon" in
"Letter to an Over-grown, Overprotected, Scared, Spoiled Baby" in
mother in
sex in
writing problems in
Dickinson, Emily
DiMaggio, Joe
"Disquieting Muses, The" (Plath)
Barnhouse's recommending of
SP's views on
Dodd, Mead
"Doom of Exiles" (Plath)
"Doomsday" (Plath)
Dorothy Muriel Company
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Double Exposure (Plath)
Douglas, Keith
"Dream, The" (Plath)
"Dream Man" (Plath)
"Dream with Clam-Diggers" (Plath)
Drew, Elizabeth
"Drowned Woman, The" (Hughes)
Duggan, Tom
"Dying Is an Art" (Steiner)
Dyson, A. E.
"Earth Our Hospital, This," see "Daughters
of Blossom Street, The"
"East Wind" (Plath)
"Eavesdropper" (Plath)
"Edge" (Plath)
Edgington, Malinda
Edman, Irwin
Educating Man (Froebel)
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
"Electra on Azalea Path" (Plath)
electroshock therapy
at McClean
at Valley Head
Eliot, T. S.
Eliot, Valerie
Elizabeth II, Queen of England
Elks Scholarship
"Ella Mason and Her Eleven Cats"(Plath)
"Elm" (Plath)
Elwell, Bruce
Elwin, Malcolm
Emile (Plath's boyfriend)
see also Cambridge; Cambridge
University; Devon; London
Engle, Paul,
"Epitaph" (Plath)
"Epitaph for Fire and Flower" (Plath)
"Epitaph in Three Parts" (Plath)
Eric (Plath's friend)
Ettlinger, Judy
Eugene F. Saxton Foundation
"Event" (Plath)
Faber and Faber
as Hughes's publisher
as SP's publisher
"Fabulous Roommate, The" (Plath)
"Face Lift" (Plath)
Fainlight, Ruth
"Fallgrief's Girlfriends" (Hughes)
"Famous Poet" (Hughes)
fan letters
"Farewell, The" (Plath)
Farrar, Edith, see Hughes, Edith Farrar
Farrar, Nicholas
Farrar, Straus
Fassett, Mrs. Stephen
Fassett, Stephen
Faulkner Hospital
"Fearful, The" (Plath)
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan)
"Fever 103°" (Plath)
"Fiesta Melons" (Plath)
"Fifteen Dollar Eagle, The" (Plath)
"Fifty-ninth Bear, The" (Plath)
Fisher, Alfred Young
Fitts, Dudley
"Flute Notes from a Reedy Pond"(Plath)
"Fools Encountered" (Myers)
"For a Fatherless Son" (Plath)
Forbes, Esther
Ford, Art
Forshaw, Oliver
"Four Young Poets" (Robins)
Fowlie, Wallace
Frankfort, Katherine
Freeman, David
Freeman, Marion
Freeman, Ruth, see Geissler, Ruth
Freeman, William
Freud, Sigmund
Friedan, Betty
Friedman, Elinor
Froebel, Friedrich
"Frog Autumn" (Plath)
Frost, Robert
Fulbright Scholarship
SP's marriage and
Fuller, Roy
"Full Moon for Little Frieda" (Hughes)
Furbank, P. N.
G. A. (spirit)
Gaebler, Max
Gamaliel Bradford High School
Gardner, Isabella
Gary, Rex
Geisey, Louise
Geissler, Arthur
Geissler, Ruth Freeman, SP's friendship
in World War II
"Getting There" (Plath)
"Ghost's Leavetaking, The" (Plath)
Gibian, George
"Gigolo" (Plath)
Ginny (Plath's friend)
Glazer, Laurie
"Go Get the Goodly Squab" (Plath)
Goldberg, Max
"Gone Is the River" (Plath)
Goodall, Patty
Gordimer, Nadine
"Goring, The" (Plath)
Gove, Bradford
Grant, Duncan
Graves, Samuel
Gray, Anthony
Grteourt Review
Greenwood, Aurelia, see Schober, Aurelia Grunwald
Greenwood, Joseph
"Griefs for Dead Soldiers" (Hughes)
Grunwald, Joseph, see Greenwood, Joseph
Guggenheim Foundation
Guinness Awards
"Gulliver" (Plath)
Gunn, Thorn
Gutmann, Assia, see Wevill, Assia
Hall, Donald
Hall, John
Hamilton, Ian
"Hanging Man, The" (Plath)
Hannaway, Sister
Hanson, Polly
Harcourt, Brace
Hardwick, Elizabeth
Harper and Brothers
Harper and Row
Harris, Julie
Hartley, George
Harvard Summer School
Harvard University
Haskell, Joseph
Haskell, Josephine
Hassett, Marilyn
Haupt, Gary
Hawk in the Rain, The (Hughes)
"Hawk in the Storm, The" (Hughes)
Hawthornden Prize
Heart's Needle (Snodgrass)
"Heavy Women" (Plath)
Hecht, Anthony
Hemingway, Ernest
Hennessy, George
Hennessy, Helen (daughter) see Vendler, Helen Hennessy
Hennessy, Helen (mother)
Henry Holt
SP's grave in
Hezlett, Paul
Hilda, Aunt (Hughes's aunt)
Hill, Rev. Harry Belmont
Hindley, Christopher
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan
Hitler, Adolf
Hodges, John
Holmes, Dr.
Homer, Joyce
lawsuit and
Hope, Francis
Hopkins, Ann
Horder, John
Horn Book Magazine
"Horse, The," see "Ariel""Horses, The" (Hughes)
Houghton Mifflin
House of Aries, The (Hughes)
Howard, Paul
How the Donkey Became and Other
Fables (Hughes)
Hudnut, Richard
Hudson Review
Hughes, Carol Orchard
Hughes, Edith Farrar (mother-in-law)
SP's dislike of
Hughes, Frieda Rebecca (daughter)
birth of
in Devon
education of
father's relationship with
in London
in Yorkshire
Hughes, Gerald (brother-in-law)
Hughes, Nicholas Farrar (son)
birth of
in Devon
education of
fathers relationship with
in London
Hughes, Olwyn (sister-in-law)
as agent for SP's estate
SP's problems with
Hughes, Ted (Edward James) (husband)
affairs of
anniversaries of
appearance of
Aurelia's views on
author denied interview by
awards and honors of
background of
BBC recordings of
confidence and charm of
daughter and
egotism of
feminist critics of
in film lawsuit
gossip about
honeymoon of
hypnosis used by
as poet laureate
poetry of, see poetry of Hughes;
specific poems and books
Prouty's criticism of
recordings of
second marriage of
son and
SP's correspondence with
SP's dependence on
SP's first meeting with
SP's friction and fights with
SP humiliated by
SP influenced by
SP's literary properties and
SP's literary services for
SP's love for
SP's post-separation visits with
SP's separation from
SP's sexual experiences with
SP's suicide and
teaching job of
violence of
violence of SP's relationship with
Hughes, William Henry (father-in-law)
Hughes-Stanton, Corin
Humphrey, Bob
Hunter, Nancy
Edwin and
SP's friendship with
Huws, Daniel
Huws, Helga
Hughes's use of
"Hypnotizing Husband, The" (Plath)
"I Am Vertical" (Plath)
"I Lied for Love" (Plath)
"Individualism and Sylvia Plath" (Dick
"In Evening Air" (Roethke)
"Initiation" (Plath)
"In Plaster" (Plath)
"Insect Societies" (Otto Plath)
International Poetry Festival
"In the Corner of My Garden" (Plath)
"In the Mountains" (Plath)
"Invalid, The" (Plath)
"Invisible Man, The" (Plath)
Iowa Review
Irene Glascock Poetry Contest
Irish, Frank
SP in
"I Thought That I Could Not Be Hurt"
Jack and Jill
Jackson, Anne
"Jaguar" (Hughes)
"Jailer, The" (Plath)
Jeness, Cyrus
Jenks, Sally
Jennings, Elizabeth
"Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams"
Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams
John O'London's
Johnson, Irving
Jones, John
Jones, Judith
Jong, Erica
Jonson, Ben
Journals of Sylvia Plath, The (Plath)
see also diary of Plath
"Journey of a Penny, The" (Plath)
Joyce, James
Kaminloff, Gary
Kane family,
Kazin, Alfred
Keeton, Robert
Keightley, Dave
Kellogg, Marjorie
Kelsey, Estella
Kennedy, John F.
Kenyon Review
Kesey, Ken
Key, Percy
Key, Rose
Khrushchev, Nikita
"Kindness" (Plath)
King Philip (club)
Kinsella, Thomas
Kirshner, Gloria
Klee, Paul
Klein, Robert
Klots, Allen T.
Kofflca, Elisabeth
Koshland, William
Kottke, Ernestine, see Piatt, Ernestine
Kovner, Victor
Krook, Dorothea
Kumin, Maxine
Kunitz, Stanley
Ladies' Home Journal
"Lady and the Earthenware Head, The"
"Lady Lazarus" (Plath)
Lain, Dinny (Diane Johnson)
LaMar, Nathaniel
"Lament" (Plath)
Lameyer, Gordon
in Europe
SP's correspondence with
SP's dating of
SP's ending of relationship with
SP's fights with
SP's love for
Lameyer, Mrs.
Langridge, Charles
Larkin, Philip
Lasky, Melvin J.
"Laundromat Affair, The" (Plath)
Lawner, Lynne
SP's correspondence with
Lawrence, D. H.
Lawrence, Elizabeth
Leavell, Rod
"Leaving Early" (Plath)
Leavis, F. R.
Lehmann, John
Lehmann, Rosamond
Lerner, Laurence
"Lesbos" (Plath)
"Letter in November" (Plath)
Letters Home (Plath)
LeVarn, Carol
Levenson, Christopher
Levin, Harry
Lewis, Sinclair
Library Journal
"Life, A" (Plath)
Life Poem Book
Life Studies (Lowell)
Lindemann, Erich
Linden, Dick
"Lion Tamer" (Plath)
Little, Brown
Little, Marybeth
"Little Boys and the Seasons, The"(Hughes)
"Little Fugue" (Plath)
Litvin, Natasha
"Living Poet, The" (BBC series)
Loder, Harvey
London Magazine
"Context" in
Hughes's work in
SP's work in
SP's work reviewed in
London Poetry Book Society
"Lonely Song" (Plath)
Longsworth, Polly
Lord Byron's Wife (Elwin)
"Lorelei" (Plath)
"Lost Son, The" (Roethke)
Lotz, Myron (Mike)
Loungway, Margot
"Love Is a Parallax" (Plath)
Lowell, Amy
Lowell, Robert
"Lucas, Victoria,"
Ludwig, Carl
Lupercal (Hughes)
Lynes, Russell
"Lyonnesse" (Plath)
Lythgoe, John
MacBeth, George
McCullough, Frances
McCurdy, Philip
SP's first sexual experience with
SP's friendship with
Macdonald, Margot
br /> Macedo, Helder
Macedo, Suzette
McEwan, George
McGinley, Phyllis
McGlone, Theodore
Machin, David
McKee, Lucie
McKnown, Richard
McLaughlin, Eileen
McLeod, Emilie
McLeod, Grace
Macmillan Company
MacNeice, Louis
McPherson, Donald
College Board of
Robins's article in
SP's guest editorship at
SP's prizes from
SP's submissions to
SP's work in
"Mad Girl's Love Song" (Plath)
"Magi" (Plath)
Magic Mirror, The (Plath)
Manchester Guardian
"Man in Black" (Plath)
Manion, Harry L., Ill
Mann, Thomas
"Manor Garden, The" (Plath)
Marriott, Kitty
"Martyrdom of Bishop Farrar, The"(Hughes)
Mary (Plath's roommate)
"Mary's Song" (Plath)
Maslin, Janet
Mason, Joan
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massey, Daniel
Mathers, Madelyn
Matisse, Henri
"Matisse Chapel, The" (Plath)
"Maudlin" (Plath)
Maxwell, William
Mayo, Freddy
Mayo, Frederick
Mayo, Joey
Mayo, Mrs. Frederick
Mayo, Pinny
Mazillius, Charles
"Medusa" (Plath)
Meet My Folks! (Hughes)
Melrose High School
Memorial Hospital
Mensel, Mary
Merwin, Dido
"Face Lift" and
Hughes's "affair" with
Merwin, W. S.
"Metaphors" (Plath)
Michael, Father
Michie, James
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Karl
Mills, Dick
Minton, Than
"MLLE'S Last Word" (Plath)
Monroe, Marilyn
Monster (Morgan)
Monteith, Charles
Montessori, Maria
"Moon and the Yew Tree, The" (Plath)
Moore, Marianne
Hughes and
Moore, William, Jr.
Morgan, Robin
"Morning Song" (Plath)
Mortimer, Ruth
Morton Smith and Sons
Moss, Howard
Mount Holyoke College
Mourning and Melancholia (Freud)
"Munich Mannequins, The" (Plath)
Murchison, Carl
Murdoch, Iris
Murphy, Richard
"Mussel Hunter at Rock Harbor"(Plath)
Myers, E. Lucas
Colossus reviewed by
"My Mother and I" (Plath)
"Mystic" (Plath)
Hughes's work in
Nelson, Ed
Nelson, Neva
Nesselhof, John
"Net-Menders, The" (Plath)
Neupert, Hans-Joachim, SP's correspondence
"Never to Know More Than You Should"
Neville, Jill
New England Journal of Medicine
Newman, Barnett
New Poetry, The (Alvarez, ed.)
New Poets of England and America
"New Singers and Songs" (Rosenthal)
New Statesman
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