Newton-Wellesley Hospital
New World Writing
New York City:in 1950s
Otto Plath in
SP's visits to
New Yorker
Hughes's work in
SP's contract with
SP's rejections from
SP's work in
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times
New York Times Book Review
"Nick and the Candlestick" (Plath)
"Night Dances, The" (Plath)
Nixon, Richard M.
"Nocturne" (later "Night Walk") (Plath)
Norris, Myra
Norton, David
Norton, Dick
SP's "break" with
SP's correspondence with
SP's dating of
in SP's fiction
tuberculosis and hospitalization of
Norton, Mildred
Norton, Perry
SP's dating of
"November Graveyard" (Plath)
Now, Voyager (Prouty)
Observer (London)
"Poet's Epitaph" in
"Publish and Be Damned" in
"Sylvia Plath" in
occult and witchcraft
"Ocean -W" (Plath)
O'Connor, Frank
October poems
SP's writing method for
see also specific poems
"Ode to a Bitten Plum" (Plath)
O'Dwyer, William
Oedipus (Hughes, trans.)
"On Deck" (Plath)
O'Neil, Patricia
O'Neill Roe, Susan
"On the Decline of Oracles" (Plath)
"On the Plethora of Dryads" (Plath)
Orchard, Carol, see Hughes, Carol
Orr, Peter
"Other, The" (Plath)
"Ouija" (Plath)
Ouija board
"Owl" (Plath)
Oxford Poetry Society
Oxford University
Paracelsus of History and Literature, The
"Parallax" (Plath)
"Paralytic" (Plath)
Paris, SP in
"Parliament Hill Fields" (Plath)
Partisan Review
Peerce, Larry
"Pennines in April" (Hughes)
Peoria (I11.) Star
Perego, Giovanni
"Perfect Set-up, The" (Plath)
"Perils of Dew" (Plath)
Perloff, Marjorie
"Perseus" (Plath)
"Pheasant" (Plath)
Pierson, Carol
Pill, Ilo
Pitchford, Kenneth
Plath, Aurelia Frances Schober (mother)
appearance of
arthritis of
Bell Jar and
children's reading program of
clandestine social life of
Davies's correspondence with
Dick Norton's correspondence with
Edith Hughes's correspondence with
education of
in England
family background of
financial problems of
grandchildren and
Hughes as viewed by
Hughes's deal with
marriage of
master's thesis of
Otto's correspondence with
Otto's infatuation with
pregnancies and childbirths of
Prouty's correspondence with
religious beliefs of
SP's attacks on
SP compared with
SP's correspondence with
SP's death and
SP's disagreements with
SP's graduation and
SP's relationship with
SP's rudeness and
SP's sharing of room with
SP's suicidal behavior and
SP's wedding present from
submissiveness of
teaching jobs of
ulcer of
vicarious living of
welcome-home party hosted by
Wellesley friends of
writing aspirations of
Plath, Frieda
Plath, Margaret Wetzel (sister-in-law)
Plath, Otto Emil (father)
anger of
Aurelia's correspondence with
Aurelia's relationship with
Aurelia's rewriting work for
biological interests of
death of
diabetes and leg amputation of,
divorce of
education of
excommunication of
family background of
family life controlled by
first marriage of
Plath, Otto Emil (con*.)handsomeness of
health problems of,
immigration of
as professor
self-centeredness of
SP's visit to grave of
writings of
Plath, Sylvia:acting of
ambitions of
anger and rages of
anxiety of
appearance of
appendectomy of
awards and honors of
baby-sitting jobs of,
birthdays of
birth of
book offers of
at camp
childhood of
clothes of
confidence of
controlling behavior of
copyright of
dating of, see dating and men; specific
depressions of, see depressions of Plath
diary of, see diary of Plath
diet of
disillusionment of
drawings of
dreams of
drinking of
early jobs of
earnings of
education of see also Gamaliel Bradford
High School; Cambridge University;
Smith College
extracurricular activities of
eye accident of
father's death and
feelings of inadequacy of
"fiance" of
financial concerns of
flus of
food poisoning of,
homesickness of
insomnia of
jealousy of
loneliness of
manic-depressive behavior of
marriage of, see Hughes, Ted
near car-crash of
nicknames of
novel destroyed by
novels planned by
photographs of
pneumonia of
as poetry contest judge
poetry of, see October poems; poetry
of Plath; specific books and poems
pregnancies of, see pregnancies and
"rape" of
reading of
religious background of
scars of
sexuality of, see sexuality of Plath
sinus infections of
skiing accident of
speech efforts of
therapy of, see psychotherapy of Plath
thumb accident of
as "Victoria Lucas,"
violence of
weight loss of
writing habits and method of
Plath, Sylvia (cont.)
writing problems of
Plath, Warren Joseph (brother)
childhood of_36
education of
engagement of
in Europe
health problems of
SP's suicide attempt and
"Platinum Summer" (Plath)
Piatt, ErnestineKottke (grandmother)
Piatt, John (great-grandfather)
Piatt, Otto Emil, see Plath, Otto Emil
Piatt, Theodore (grandfather)
Plummer, Marcia Brown
marriage of
p; SP's friendship with
Plummer, Mike
"Poem" (Plath)
"Poem for a Birthday" (Plath)
Poems by Sylvia Plath (Plath)
"Poet and the Poetess, The" (Plath)
"Poet on College Time,"
SP's work in
poetry, poets
SP's memorizing of
SP's responsiveness to
see also specific poets and works
Poetry Center (Ninety-second Street Y)
poetry of Hughes:in Chequer
recording of
SP's typing of
SP's views on
violence of
see also specific poems and books
poetry of Plath:adolescent
beauty of language of
in Chequer, bad reviews of
first published
Hughes's views on
imitativeness of,
Lowell's effect on
recording of
turning point in
see also October poems; specific poems
and books
poetry readings:of Hughes
of Plath
"Poets in Partnership,"
"Poets on Campus" (Plath)
"Point Shirley" (Plath)
in New York
Rosenberg case and
Pollard, John
Pollock, Jackson
"Poppies in July" (Plath)
"Poppies in October" (Plath),
Porter, Katherine Anne
Pound, Ezra
Powley, Betsy, Plath's friendship with
Pratt, Alexander H., Jr.
pregnancies and childbirths
abortion and,
SP's fear of
SP's views on
Press, John
Press Board
"Pride of Poets, A" (Day)
"Private Ground" (Plath)
"Prospect of Cornucopia, A" (Plath)
Prouty, Mr.
Prouty, Olive Higgins
breakdown of
Hughes and
Prouty, Olive Higgins (cont.)
SP's correspondence with
SP's suicidal behavior and
SP's teas with,
psychotherapy of Plath:in Boston
in England
after suicide attempt,
"Publish and Be Damned" (Alvarez)
"Purdah" (Plath)
"Pursuit" (Plath)
Queen Elizabeth II
"Question" (Plath)
"Rabbit Catcher, The" (Plath)
Racioppi, Francesca
Rago, Henry
"Rain Horse, The" (Hughes)
Raiziss, Sonia
Ransom, John Crowe
Readers Digest
"Reasonable Life in a Mad World, A"(Edman)
"Recantation" (Plath)
Reid, Alastair
Reidemann, Bob
"Remember Stick Man" (Plath)
"Rewards of a New England Summer" (Plath)
Reynolds, Howard S.
"Rhyme" (Plath)
Rice, William
Rich, Adrienne
Richardson, John
"Rival, The" (Plath)
Robins, Corinne,
Roche, Clarissa
Roche, Paul
Roethke, Theodore
Rogers, Francis M.
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rosenberg, Ethel
Rosenberg, Julius
Rosenthal, M. L.
Ross, Barbara
Ross, David
Rossetti, Christina
Rousseau, Henri
Rule, Nancy
Russell, Donnie
St Botolph's Review,
St. Johnson, Colin
St. Johnson, Valerie
Saint Pancras Chronicle
Saint Pancras County Court
Salinger, J. D.
Sarton, May
Sassoon, Richard,
in France,
spankings and,
SP deserted by
SP's correspondence with
SP's dating of
SP's falling out with
SP's love for
SP's marriage and,
Sassoon, Siegfried
Saturday Review
Saturday Review of Literature
Savage God, The (Alvarez)
Schober, Aurelia Frances, see Plath, Aurelia Frances Schober
Schober, Aurelia Grunwald
(grandmother) (Grammy)
death of
domestic chores performed by
SP's suicide attempt and
SP's visits to
Schober, Dorothy, see Benotti, Dorothy
Schober, Frank, Jr. (uncle)
Schober, Frank, Sr. (grandfather)
Bfookline job of
SP's suicide attempt and
Schober, Louise Bowman (aunt)
Scholes, Robert
Schultz, Louis
Seamus (Murphy's helper)
"Second Winter" (Plath)
"Secret, A" (Plath)
Selected Poems (Hughes)
Sergeant, Howard
SP's work in
Sewanee Review
Hughes's work in,
SP's work in
Sexton, Anne
sexuality of Plath:abusive relationships and
alcohol and
Davison and
in diary
Edwin and,
first experience and
Hughes and
New York visits and
sexual awakening and
suicide attempt and
"Shadow, The" (Plath)
Shakespeare, William
Shakin, Carl
Shawber, Anne
"Sheep in Fog" (Plath)
Sidamon-Eristoff, Constantine
Sillitoe, Alan
Silver Hill
Sinatra, Frank
Sitwell, Edith
"Sketchbook of a Spanish Summer"(Plath)
Skouras, Plato
"Sleep in the Mojave Desert" (Plath)
Smith, Edwin
Smith, Margarita G.
Smith, Sophia
Smith, Stevie
Smith Alumnae Quarterly,
Smith Club
Smith College
Auden at
conservative tradition of
description of
graduation at,
Haven House at
Judicial Board at
Kazin at,
Lawrence House at
physical-science class at
SP as teacher at
SP's acceptance by
SP's application for teaching position
SP's application to,
SP's contract renewal at
SP's return to,
SP's suicide attempt and
SP's thesis at .157 Smith Review."Snakecharmer" (Plath)
Snodgrass,W. D.
Snow, C. P.
"Snow" (Plath)
"Snow Blitz" (Plath)
Solomon, Dr.
Somerset Maugham Award,
"Sonnet for a Green-eyed Sailor" (Plath)
"Sonnet: The Suitcases Are Packed
Again" (Plath)
"Sonnet: To a Dissembling Spring"(Plath)
Soviet Union
"Sow" (Plath)
Spears, Betty
Spears, Monroe
Spender, Stephen
"Spider" (Plath)
"Spinster" (Plath)
Springfield Daily News
Stafford, Jean
Starbuck, George
Steele, Prissy
/> Steinem, Gloria,
Steiner, George
Stella Dallas (Prouty)
Sterling, Wayne
Stevens, Wallace
Stevenson, Adlai
Stevenson, Anne
Stewart, Hamish,
"Still Life" (Hughes)
"Stings" (Plath)
"Stones, The" (Plath)
"Stopped Dead" (Plath)
Strauss, Harold
of AssiaGutmannWevill
Davidow's considering of,
David Wevill's attempt at
Otto Plath's death as
Sexton's attempt at
suicide attempt of Plath
Davison told about
description of
electroshock therapy and
events leading to,
in fiction, see Bell Jar, The
first thought of
hospitalization and
media coverage of
as schizophrenic episode
sexual frustration and
SP's views on
"Suicide off Egg Rock" (Plath)
suicide of Plath:concealment of
description of
Hughes's speculations about
last days before,
suicidal thoughts and
"Sunday at the Mintons'" (Plath),
"Superman and Paula Brown's New
Snowsuit" (Plath)
"Surgeon at 2 a.m., The" (Plath)
Sutton, Peter
"Swarm, The" (Plath)
Sweeney, Jack
Sweeney, Maire
Swenson, May
"Sylvia Plath: The Road to Suicide"(Alvarez)
Taubman, Robert
Teasdale, Sara
"Teen Triumphs,"
Teltscher, Harry O.
"Temper of Time" (Plath)
Tempest, The (Shakespeare)
Terhune, William
"Thalidomide" (Plath)
Thatcher, Margaret
"Third Programme,"
Thomas, Dylan
Thomas, Mrs. Dylan
Thomas, Trevor
Thornton, J. Peter,
"Thought Fox, The" (Hughes)
"Thoughts" (Plath)
" 'Three Saryatids Without a Portico' by
Hughes Robus: A Study in Sculptural
Dimensions" (Plath)
Three Women (Plath)
Tillotson, Dr.
Time and Tide
Times (London)
"Times are Tidy, The" (Plath)
Times Literary Supplement
SP's work reviewed in
"Tinker Jack and the Tidy Wives"(Plath)
To Bedlam and Part Way Back (Sexton)
Todd, Michael, Jr.
"To Eva Descending the Stair" (Plath)
"To Paint a Waterlily" (Hughes)
"Totem" (Plath)
Totten, Laurie
"Tour, The" (Plath)
"Trouble-making Mother, The" (Plath)
True Story
Truman, Harry S.
Truslow, Jane, see Davison, Jane Truslow
"Tulips" (Plath)
"Twelfth Night" (Plath)
"Two Campers in Cloud Country"(Plath)
"Two Lovers and a Beachcomber by the
Real Sea" (Plath)
"Two of a Kind" (BBC radio show)
"Two Sisters of Persephone" (Plath)
"Two Views of a Cadaver Room" (Plath)
Unicorn from the Stars, The (Yeats),
Updike, John
Valley Head Hospital,
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