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A Gentleman's Luck

Page 4

by Nicole Hill

  “Tis-Dale. Stop you don’t know what you are doing.” The boy stopped short and looked up at her.

  “You are standing up for him?!” This, Tis-Dale screamed at her.

  “Sit on the couch.” She told him firmly and he obeyed. She walked over and looked down at William and took his hand.

  “William, I am so sorry for my brother.” She said helping him up. “Why don’t you go bathe while I finish talking to him?” William nodded and headed to the wash room. He came out a thirty minutes later clean dressed and ready to eat. He found Tis-Dale alone in the sitting room. Lisa's door was closed and he figured she was in there. Tis-Dale gave him a short bow.

  “My sister has told me that you have not taken any of the liberties with her that my uncle gave you.” He said

  “No. I have not.” William answered.

  ”Why?” Tis-Dale asked, his voice cautious and his expression masked.

  “It is simple. I am not a savage and to take the innocence of a woman no matter the circumstances would be the act of a savage.” William stated with finality evident in his tone.

  “I assure you, this is not the way that my father ran his kingdom and just as soon as I can figure out how, I will be taking my rightful place on my father’s throne.” Tis-Dale stated emphatically.

  “Yes. Why is it that as your fathers son, you did not automatically take over for him?” William asked. The boy looked angry for a moment.

  “The whole Kingdom thinks I am dead.” He answered “When I heard of my father’s death, I left school and headed home. In route we were attacked and the inn we were staying at that night was burned to the ground.” He continued. “I and one of my guards alone made it out of the blaze and hid in the bushes. My uncle showed up to make sure that the deed was done and was assured that I perished in the fire.” He finished.

  William was stunned. “Your uncle tried to have you murdered?” He asked just to make sure he heard the boy right.

  “Yes.” Tis-Dale answered. “I had to sneak back and only arrived today as I could only travel under the cover of night. No one knows I am here. I came in through secret passages.”

  William shot to his feet. ”There are passages?” He asked “We can leave. We have to get Lisa out of here!” He nearly shouted. Tis-Dale placed his hand on Williams arm to stay him and he sat back down.

  “Not yet.” He started

  “What do you mean, not yet?” William asked with venom in his voice.

  “You care for my sister. I can see that by your reaction.” Tis-Dale stated. William opened his mouth to deny it but was interrupted by the other man.

  ”You would deny this?” He asked with a raised brow. Williams shoulders slumped and all he could do was shaking his head. “I thought not” Tis-Dale stated.

  “Now listen to me. My sister is safe with you for the next two weeks. Is she not?” He asked. William nodded his head. “I am the rightful king and I will sit in my rightful place. I need the two weeks to find proof of what my uncle did. There are passages all through the castle. Some my uncle does not even know about. I could use you at night to help me search and spy.” Tis-Dale advised him.

  William thought about it for a moment. “I’ll make a deal with you.” He said to the boy king. “I will help at night all I can, but if it gets close to the end of the month we get her out of here. I will not stand by while she is beaten again. I have no intention of taking any liberties with her so we will need to make sure you are either on the throne or she is safe before that time.”

  Chapter Five

  Tis-Dale agreed to Williams deal. He kept his smile to himself though. He saw the way his sister looked at this American and he saw the anger on her behalf in his eyes when he spoke of her being beaten. Yes he knew his sister and he knew that look on this man’s face. There was no way she would still be a maiden by the end of the month. He thought to himself. Yep his twin sister had somehow in the midst of all this craziness captured this man’s heart. He wasn't sure if the man was even aware but Tis-Dale saw it. He could trust this American. And he thought that was all right.


  Lisa stepped out of her room just in time to see William shake her brother’s hand. Tis-Dale walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek. “I have to go now. I will see you tomorrow.” He told her. “William will tell you of our plans.” He walked into her room to leave through the passage that until a couple of hours ago she did not know existed. She looked at William as he stood and walked toward her.

  “Are you ready to eat?” He asked her.

  “Sure am” She answered “And then you can tell me all about these plans while I finally kick your but at chess.” William chuckled as he took her arm and laid her hand in the crook of his elbow to escort her to the table.

  “Keep dreaming Lisa Darlin. Keep dreaming.” He said. Oh she did. Nearly every night and in those dreams he always called her that. “Lisa Darlin.” She loved the way he said it and wondered if everyone from South Carolina talked like that. She did not know she asked it out loud until he looked up from his napkin that he was unfolding and answered. “Well now, I suppose we all talk like this back home.” He answered.

  “I’m sorry” She said embarrassed. “I didn’t mean to ask out loud. I didn’t mean to offend.” William looked at her for a moment with a strange expression on his face. She became uncomfortable.

  “You didn’t offend.” He finally said “You can ask me anything you want.”


  William found her more and more amazing every day. She was ecstatic. She finally beat him at chess and her face was full of happiness. “I did it!” She screeched in victory and launched herself into his arms and hugged him fully. She kissed him on the cheek and looked up at him. “Finally.” She said smiling. “I told you I could do it.” He looked down at her still in his arms and chuckled.

  “Yes you did.” He answered thinking that it was no damn wonder. He couldn't concentrate a lick what with her long black hair cascading down her back and her bottom sticking out oh so enticingly as she sat on her knees leaned over the table to see the chess board better. Suddenly in that moment with her in his arms and her face glowing with excitement he could hold himself back no longer. He leaned down and captured her lips with his. She stiffened slightly and then slowly relaxed in his arms.

  The kiss started off slowly and tender. He wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her up against him where she no doubt felt the evidence of what she was doing to him. That thought and her quick intake of breath made him realize that he was nearly ravaging her mouth. He pulled away and she swayed breathing as heavily as he was. “Good God. I'm sorry Lisa.” He groaned out in between gulps of air. He looked up at her and he saw surprise and hurt in her eyes.

  He felt like an idiot. She trusted him and he took advantage of that. She was probably afraid. He turned and said nothing to her as he walked out of her bed chamber to the sitting room, blew out the candle and lay down on the couch. A few minutes later he heard her bed covers move as she climbed into bed and he wished more than anything that he could be there with her. That she would want him there. But he could tell by the hurt look she quickly hid that he would not be welcome in her bed. She may trust and respect him but she could never love him. Who could blame her? Why would she want a plain American when half the Indian men he had seen were just a pretty as the women?


  It had been two days since William kissed her and Lisa was dying inside. She loved him. This she knew, but judging by the way William pulled away from her the other night and just left her standing there, she knew that he did not feel the same way. He was trapped here just like she was and though he was nice to her and treated her kindly that was as far as it would go. Every day after his training he would spend time with her to eat dinner and then slip through the passage to meet her brother.

  They were searching for a way they could prove what their uncle had done. Tis-Dale was the rightful king but he could not just show up and announce tha
t he had made it through the attack. Yes, their uncle would have to relinquish the crown but what’s to say he would not try to kill Tis-Dale or any of his sisters out of spite. Most nights when he returned through the passage she was asleep and would not see him until they ate breakfast. She supposed it was better as she felt she could no longer hide the truth from him and he would see it in her eyes and laugh at her. After all what was she compared to all those American women with their light hair and alabaster skin? She was dark and small and fragile. No she was no competition and she knew it.


  William was exhausted when he entered Lisa's room through the passage. Two days of being up half of the night sneaking around the castle with Tis-Dale searching for evidence and spying. They had discovered quite a few passages all over the castle even a few that led to the Guard’s quarters. He remembered a few just in case he needed them in the future. He had tried to talk Tis-Dale into letting him get Lisa out of here. He had been reeling since the night he kissed her. He stopped by her bed and watched her as she slept.

  She lay on her back with one arm splayed out over head her long glorious hair splayed out around her face. He could see the shape of one breast through the flimsy material of the sheet. He could also tell that she wore nothing to bed. That thought did not help. He had been fighting every second that he was with her not to touch her again. He knew that she would not appreciate it. But how he longed to touch her.

  He went to the sofa in the sitting room and sat down to take off his sandals. Man he missed boots. These sandals hurt. The traditional Indian cotton pants were very comfortable on the other hand. With his sandals off he took his shirt off and laid down to get some much needed rest.

  He was awoken some time later when he heard Lisa call out to him. He was up and at her bed side before he fully even knew that he moved. It was like his body moved of it's own accord. She was asleep but thrashing about and talking, no, crying in her sleep.

  “I’m sorry. Please don't punish me again. I'll do whatever you want.” She mumbled through tears. He did not even think about it. He slid under the cover with her and gathered her into her arms remembering to late that she was naked when he felt the heat of her breasts against his bare chest. White hot lust shot through him but he ignored it as he soothed her and she calmed down. He didn't realize she was awake until she spoke. “I feel so helpless.” She said. “I have always known love and a good life until my father died. But now I don’t know what to do.” She finished miserably.

  “Shh.” He consoled her. “I am here now. Nothing will hurt you.” He told her as he reached down to remove a stray hair out of her face. She looked up into his eyes for a moment and then leaned in tentatively and kissed him. He returned the kiss still stroking his hands up and down the length of her back. When she pressed her naked body up against him as close as she could get. He knew he was almost lost. He pulled away and searched her eyes for any fear or reproach. “Tell me to stop Lisa darlin. Please tell me to stop because I can’t stop on my own. I need to have you right now.” He told her anxiously praying to god all mighty that she said to stop. She looked at him a moment as her cheeks flushed. It was beautiful on her face. Instead of answering she leaned in and kissed him again and he was gone.


  Lisa was afire. Her whole body was alive. She had awoken from a dream to find herself in Williams arms again and her body caught fire instantly. She didn’t know what exactly she wanted but she knew she wanted something alright. Kissing him had taken every bit of courage she had within her. She was so afraid that he would reject her like he had the other night. He kissed her back with enthusiasm. She could feel his bare chest and the rigid hardness of his manhood as she pressed against him. He pulled back and she was afraid he would leave again.

  He looked into her eyes and she could see his churning thoughts. He begged her to tell him to stop but she was powerless to do so. She felt like she needed to do this. She wanted to do this and with him. She was too embarrassed to voice this so she hoped that by kissing him again that he would know what she wanted. Being that she wasn’t sure what she wanted herself. He did. She kissed him and he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He kissed her until she felt like she would explode. His mouth trailed to her neck and he kissed her there. A moan escaped her lips but she was headless to care. His mouth went lower and she screamed out as he took her nipple into his mouth and teased it with his tongue. She was going to catch fire, right here on the bed. She knew it.

  He released her nipple and she gave a little wine of protest. William chuckled as he took her other nipple into his mouth and she cried out again. “Well now.” He chuckled. “We are very responsive aren’t we?” She knew she should be embarrassed but she wasn’t. It felt too good. William brought himself up alongside her and looked down into her eyes. He stroked his hand along her collarbone as he spoke. “I am going to do things that will make you feel good. Things to help you be ready for me. Do not be afraid. I will not hurt you. OK.” He said.

  “OK.” she answered. He leaned down and kissed her again. The next thing she knew he was kneeling with his head above her womanly area. Now she was nervous and embarrassed. She closed her eyes tight.

  “Open your eyes darlin” William said. She obeyed and looked down at him. “I am going to kiss you here and it will feel good. Don’t be embarrassed.” She nodded her head and kept her eyes open. In the next instant she was floating on a cloud above the earth as he kissed her over and over down there. Just when she thought she was going to die he slipped a finger inside her and her blood reached a boiling point. She screamed out as ripple after ripple of pleasure shot through her body.

  He raised himself over her and positioned himself in between her legs. She felt so good. She could barely grasp what was going on. He leaned down and kissed her slowly and sweetly and then looked into her eyes as he spoke to her. “I will try to do it as painlessly as possible.” She tightened a little in his arms. He reached down and brushed the hair away from her face. “Don’t be scared darlin. It only hurts for a minute when I break your maiden head and then when the pain goes away. You will feel the best pleasure ever.” He promised her. She was confused.

  “There is more?” She asked. “Better than the kissing?” He chuckled a little.

  “Oh yeah darlin.” He answered “Much better.” She nodded her head and smiled impishly.

  “OK. I'm ready.” He surged into her in that instant with one powerful thrust. She cried out with the outrageous amount of pain that she felt. William had his arms around her rubbing her head.

  “I’m sorry baby.” he said “I wanted to get the pain out of the way fast. I'm so sorry.” He looked into her eyes as he began to move in and out making sure that she was not in pain anymore. She wasn’t. Not by a long shot. He began to move faster and she began to moan with the pleasure of the building sensation. He was right. This was way better than the kissing. When he sped up even more she began to writhe and wriggle underneath him even thrusting up as he was thrusting down. It was like her body knew exactly what to do. Within minutes she saw stars forming behind her eyelids and she screamed out his name at the same time he shuddered and called out hers.

  Chapter Six

  After they both caught their breath, William got up and left the room. Lisa was so stunned. Why did he leave? Did she do something wrong? She thought he had enjoyed himself. He came back carrying a wash cloth. Her confusion must have shown because when he sat on the bed he held up the cloth. “Lay back.” He told her. “I have to clean you up.” She was confused but did as she was told. He reached down with the cloth and wiped his seed from in between her legs and when he removed the cloth she saw blood and sat up straight.

  He reached out and pressed her back down. “Don’t worry darlin. It's just the blood from your maiden head. It only happens the first time. You are OK.” He told her. He completed his task, pulled her into his arms alongside of him and pulled the cover over both of them. Na-Lisa was confused but happy.
She snuggled close to him loving the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. She was asleep almost instantly.


  Lisa may have fallen asleep quickly but William lay awake long after she slept. He knew he should feel guilty for what he had just done. But he loved her. He loved her deeply and there was no way around it. Being with her only proved what he had already known and now he knew that he was screwed. As long as he lived, he would want her by his side and in his bed. He would have to talk to Tis-Dale tomorrow. He did not know all of their customs. She was a princess for god sakes. What if he wasn’t allowed to be with her, even after Tis-Dale was on the throne? If that was the case, then they would leave through the passages. He knew the way. They would leave and he would take her home with him. That thought stopped him cold. What if she didn’t want to go? What if she didn't love him? What if she had decided that it was best to do what she was told or that she thought that she owed him? He went to sleep with that unwanted thought in his head.


  William awoke with a smile. Lisa was draped over him with her head on his chest and her right arm slung over his midsection. He could feel her breasts on his chest and immediately grew hard. Until his thoughts from last night came back to him. He knew from the other night when he kissed her that she did not want that so why suddenly last night did she give in? He in no way liked the feeling of her laying with him out of some duty. She awoke and stretched. She looked up at him with a smile on her face but it was quickly wiped away and she drew back away from him. Just as he thought. She was ashamed of what they did last night. He threw the covers off of the bed and began to get up.

  It was going to be a long day as he was not training today and had to stay locked up with her all day. Maybe he would leave through the passage and find something to keep himself busy. He couldn't spend the day with her. Making love to her had been wonderful. Better than he expected but knowing that she did it out of obligation somehow made him lose some of the vast amount of respect he had for her. “You’re leaving?” She asked his turned back.


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