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The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga)

Page 59

by Hudson, Stephanie

  “Nah, I see you’ve been tied up” She nodded to my bound hands and we both giggled.

  “Sometime tonight, Mrs Ambrogetti!” Lucius shouted up, making Pip roll her eyes.

  “He’s taken to calling me that when I don’t move my itty bitty hiney quick enough…he’s no fun these days but now you’re back, the fun has already begun!”

  “Glad I could help.” I said grinning like an idiot. The she winked at me and carried on climbing to the top. Once at the cage’s roof she must have done something with the mechanism because the whole cage started to lower to the ground. I gripped on tightly to my swing as it started swaying with the movement, so I was glad when the bottom of the cage finally found the floor. It hit the stone with an echoed thud and then Pip shouted from above,

  “Hold on tight Tootsy chick…TIMBER!” she shouted as she released the chain that was attached to my wrists until it came crashing down to the floor, no longer holding me prisoner in this cage. I felt the pull on my wrists from the momentum, but thanks to Pip’s warning I had a good hold and was ready for it.

  I watched Lucius take no time at all to get to the cage’s door and rip it from its hinges. He ducked his head to come inside and looked up at me.

  “Jump down now, my little bird, I will catch you.” I bit my lip thinking there was a flaw in this plan.

  “I…um…” His arms were open ready and he started to get that impatient look as I hesitated.

  “I didn’t come all this way to drop you, sweetheart…now jump!” He added firmly at the end. I took a few deep breaths and suddenly wished I had been given wings when being dressed like this and being forced to take my first flight alone. I let go of the swing and closed my eyes as I scooted to the edge to then drop down into Lucius’ waiting arms. I released an ‘umff’ sound as his arms caught me and didn’t open them again until I heard Lucius say softly,

  “My little Keira girl.”

  I looked up to see Lucius and couldn’t help the fresh tear that fell at finally seeing my friend again. Just as I couldn’t help my reactions that followed as I threw my arms up and around his neck to hold on as tight as I could. I heard him chuckle which shook me as I hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered,

  “I take it you missed me, Pet?” I shuddered at hearing him call me the same name that Jared did and this reminded me of all the questions I would need to bombard Lucius with…but right now, was our time and I was not going to ruin it with my runaway mouth.

  “I missed you, so, so much Lucius!” I said back making him squeeze me tighter before letting me go and raising my bound hands from his neck. He rang a finger along my cheek and then under my mask to capture the tears he knew where there.

  “I love to see you cry for me, Keira.” I bit my lip at the hidden meaning in that statement and could only nod.

  “It’s good to see you’re still shy.” I looked up at him and let loose a little growl making him throw his head back and roar with laughter.

  “Come on, let’s get this done.” He said taking my hands and snapping first the large chain that now hung down on the floor and then forcing the cuffs apart so I could finally move my arms to my sides. He found one of my hands and took it in his to pull me from the cage. I pulled back a little and said,

  “Thanks for catching me, Lucius.” This time I got the bad boy Lucius when he looked down grinning and said playfully,

  “I only wanted to look up your skirt, Keira.” Then he winked at me, making me laugh. Pip then came up behind me and whispered in ear,

  “He’s telling the truth you know, I could have lowered your little birdy seat but he wanted a chance at your knickers.” I turned to face my friend and as soon Lucius let me go, I threw myself at her.

  “I missed you Winifred Pipper Ambrogetti!” She shushed me and then whispered,

  “Less of the Winifred Toots, you trying to piss on my street cred?” I laughed at her and then said,

  “What street cred?” She gave me an evil glare that was just too damn cute and then pulled back my mask and let it snap back. We both fell into giggles.

  We both turned and separated when we heard the auctioneer coming back. He had with him some paperwork and it was actually bringing it home to me that Lucius had amazingly paid 1 billion dollars for me!

  “If you would just sign here and here, My Lord.”

  “Turn around.” He ordered and the flustered auctioneer turned quickly and presented his back for Lucius to use.

  “Wait!” I shouted stepping up to him to try and stop this madness.

  “Lucius, you don’t have to do this, this is one billion dollars we’re talking about here! He’s doesn’t own me…no one does!” I said after pointing to Gastian, who stayed a safe distance away, the coward!

  “I am afraid that’s where you’re wrong love, once a lot has been put into the auction, then it is no longer the vendor who owns you, but the auction house. There is no leaving this room for you without them receiving my vow to pay, as you are bound to them until my signature releases you.” Lucius told me softly giving me a small smile.

  “Here you go, My Lord.” The auctioneer who was still waiting tried to hand him a long feathered quill over his shoulder. But instead of taking it he flashed me a wider grin and then I jumped as he put his hand up my skirt and plucked one of the feathers from my dress.

  “I think I prefer this one.” He said winking at me, then turned back around and bit into his hand.

  “What are you…?!” I started to say but then stopped as he dipped the end of the feather into his escaping blood and then turned back round to sign the document without a moment’s hesitation.

  “Cool, huh?” Pip said behind me and I shot her a gross look over my shoulder making her laugh. As soon as he lifted the makeshift quill from the pages, having signed twice, I felt something heavy lift from me. It was as if there was some kind of spell that had kept me rooted to this place that I hadn’t been aware of until now.

  “The funds are being transferred as we speak.”

  “Very good My Lord, it was a pleasure doing business with you as always.” The auctioneer said bowing and then rose to nod to some men dressed like Edwardian gentlemen complete with top hats. I quickly understood this silent order as they went to stand behind Gastian and grabbed him.

  “UNHAND ME!” He shouted as they half dragged him forward.

  “What is the meaning of this!?” He demanded as he was brought in front of Lucius and the auctioneer.

  “I am sorry my dear fellow, but I must adhere to the commands of those above me.” The auctioneer said and then Lucius leaned forward and I was happy to see Gastian flinch with fear.

  “And your side of the commission was just too much to give up.” Lucius informed him making Gastian’s eyes bulge as realisation struck.

  “You can’t do this!” He shouted making Lucius’ lips curl back on a snarl.

  “Do you have anything you would like to add to this, my Keira girl?” Lucius asked me without taking his eyes off him. I went to step round him and his arm went ridged in my path. The look I gave Lucius must have been answer enough for what he was thinking because he let me pass him. I stood in front of Gastian and let my hate for what this man had put me through in the last three weeks build and build until I felt the familiar tingle in my fingertips.

  “What, Bitch?!” I heard the growl behind me from Lucius but it was quickly muffled by the groans of pain from Gastian. My answer to his question had been simple…I punched him hard enough to crack his head back and with it his nose, as now blood gushed from the break.

  “BOO YA, SISTER!” Pip cheered and I faced back round to see her jumping up and down like a mad woman, along with cheers from the audience, who I was shocked to see were on my side.

  “He’s all yours, Luc.” I said flexing my hurting knuckles but knowing the pain was soothed in the sight of my little revenge.

  “Time to get paid, Gastian.” Lucius said and in reply he screamed out,

VE ME MY MONEY!” Then in the quickest move I have seen yet, Lucius was behind him with his head locked in his arms. He didn’t even have time to struggle as Lucius simply snapped his neck and killed him in one effortless move. He let his body drop and said,

  “Consider yourself paid.”

  The crowd cheered again as if this was a bonus part of the evening and everyone stood up clapping until Lucius growled out his displeasure, putting a quick stop to the commotion. My mouth was hanging open and Pip jumped past me and stomped on his dead body saying,

  “Yeah asshole, no one messes with my friend Toots!” Then in true Pip fashion stuck her tongue out at him.

  “You can deliver the Veneno to my home in Munich, now give me her things.” Lucius ordered, snapping the auctioneer’s attention from the dead host lying on his floor. Meanwhile, I was trying to remember what the name meant, being sure I’d heard it sometime during the auction, but what was it?

  “Of course My Lord and the delivery will be on the house.” At this Lucius gave him a sarcastic smile and said,

  “How generous of you, spending over a billion and getting the goods delivered.” Pip laughed and then said,

  “Yeah I know right, they could have at least thrown in a piece of that Sultan’s Golden Cake for free but nope, nada, not even a free pen!” She made a ‘humpf’ sound and turned flicking her hair, hitting the auctioneer’s chest with cute curls. She walked over to me and hooked her arm in mine saying,

  “Come on Toots, this party sucks cat balls and then blows them into the wind!” I looked over my shoulder to see my broken bag being passed to Lucius along with the Ouroboros book. I let Pip guide me past the gossiping crowd and we walked under one of the many arches.

  “Pip, what’s a Veneno?” She burst out laughing and informed me through the giggles,

  “It’s Lucius’ new baby, I just knew he wouldn’t be able to resist the Lambo.”

  “What!?” She laughed again and said,

  “Oh Toots, how I missed your funny ways.” My funny ways…this coming from Mrs Funny pants herself! But it was easy to admit that I had missed her so much and being away from everyone in my past life with Draven, had been getting harder by the day. Now though, it finally felt like I had found as least one half of that family, but would I be so lucky in finding the other?

  We walked through the old building and as soon as we made it outside, a Limo was waiting for us. I looked around the small street before being quickly hustled inside the car by Pip. I was still wrestling with all my feathers when I asked,

  “Where’s Lucius?”

  “Missing me already, Keira girl?” Lucius said as he folded himself into the car and took the seat next to me. Pip fluffed up her hair and said,

  “Nah, she missed me way more, she might have cried for you Mighty Master Maximillion, but I got the bigger hug.” I had to laugh at his nickname.

  “Oh, you find that funny now do you?” Lucius said turning in his seat as the car started to pull away. He rested one bent leg on the other and ran a hand along the back of the seat to play with the feathers at my back.

  “Nope, absolutely not.”

  “I see your lying skills are still as shit as ever.” He said looking as though he was trying to hold back a grin.

  “So where are we? And how did you find me and what happened to…?”

  “Oh here we go…” He said to himself looking up at the roof of the car.

  “Alright my Keira, we are going to play a game.”

  “OOOH I love games!” Pip said bouncing in her seat and then she clapped her hands and said,

  “Does it smell like cheese, but doesn’t come from an animal…oh wait but Adam is mostly like an animal…I mean he does this growly thing when I go down on…”

  “LALALALA” I sang out like old times.

  “I don’t even want to venture a guess this time, squeak.” Lucius said dryly.

  “I thought it was a guessing game and that you meant Adam’s toes…don’t you think it’s weird how his left foot smells worse than the right one.”

  “Really?” I couldn’t help it, I had to ask.

  “I know right, total freak but I love em freaky!” She said before she slid off the seat to sit cross legged in front of a sleek counter to raid the minibar.

  “Alright, now that my second in command’s feet are out of the conversation, where they belong…” He said this last part as a stern message to Pip, who just waved a hand behind her, whilst her other one was pulling out a bottle of champagne.

  “…let’s get back to my game, it’s called the ‘I will only ask one question at a time’ game.” Pip snorted as she popped the cork.

  “That’s pretty shit for a game’s name Luc, can’t you call it something…’Question Flash Time’ or ‘Flash my answer, bitch’ or, or, or ‘Flashin’ my Bitch up’…you know, something catchy like that?” I tried to keep a straight face when Lucius groaned and let his head fall back like he was asking for patience from the powers above.

  “And why again does it have to have the word ‘Flash’ in it ‘cause you know the last one really didn’t make sense.” I added thinking this was quite possibly one of the strangest conversations I had ever had and not one I would have put high on the probability list when just being saved from being bought…or is it just plain bought, as technically Lucius had just bought me…and oh God, did this mean he owned me?!

  “See Squeak, this is what your mouth does to people, it makes their faces look that confused.” Lucius said to Pip after looking at me but she just gave him the finger and said,

  “Hey Toot’s! Whose side are you on anyway? You can never over use the word Flash and it fits in with so many different scenarios.”

  “Yes, like if you don’t stop talking I will gag you in a flash.” Lucius said this time making her growl at him, which was one of the cutest things!

  “Fine! But I am so not playing your stupid game now!” She said pouting.

  “Good ‘cause you’re disqualified. Now, where were we?” Lucius said turning back to me and I had to hold in my smile when I saw Pip push her nose up, making faces behind him.

  “Do me a favour here sweetheart, try and concentrate on my voice and not on Miss Piggy over there…who won’t be disciplined by her husband if she carries on.” This got her to behave and act semi normal…well, as semi normal as Pip could do anyway. And if I knew Pip the way I did, this was one threat she would not be pushing as she just loved to be disciplined by her husband… more so than Christmas apparently.

  “So what were we talking about?” I asked feeling totally lost in the craziness that Pip starred in.

  “Ask your ‘one’ question at a time, love?” He said looking exasperated and like he was sick of dealing with children.

  “You bought me!?” I don’t know why but all earlier questions left me but this one. It was as if the realisation of how much he’d spent was seeping in and I was left feeling very emotionally vulnerable because of it.

  “And?” Lucius said as if this was as everyday as reading the newspaper or better still, like sucking blood for a Vampire!

  “And you paid one Billion dollars for me! I mean, that’s just ridiculous…do you even know what you could do with money like that…? All the people you could help, the islands you could buy? And as for paying you back…” At this he burst out laughing and then slid closer to me.

  He pushed back some of the hair that had come loose on my neck then gently peeled back my mask. He pushed it down until it hung around my neck and then he gripped my chin between his thumb and finger to turn me to look at him. My heart was pounding and his grin told me he could hear every beat. He leaned in as though he was going to kiss me and in an impossibly slow move his lips changed direction and reached my ear. There he took it into his mouth and gently bit on the lobe playfully before he let it go with a pop.

  Then I heard some of the most profound words I had ever heard in my life…

  “Worth every single penny!”

apter 52

  Ripping Off Loose Ends

  The whole car journey must have taken all of fifteen minutes and all I had learnt in that time was that we were Antwerp, Belgium. Well, this wasn’t strictly true, I did also see Pip sulk about not being involved with Lucius’ ‘One at a time question game’ but to be fair there was only so much you could learn in the five minutes I had left after their mini squabble.

  So this was what I had learned. It turns out that the Auction I featured in was run by a secret society called Lega Nera, which is Italian for the ‘Black League’. But when I started to ask more about this mysterious ‘Black League’, Lucius just raised an eyebrow at me and then tapped my nose twice in gentle chastisement for breaking his ‘one question at a time’ rule.

  I must have wrinkled my nose because Lucius did it back to me before touching his nose to mine and Pip started laughing at me.

  “Still doing that Tootie wrinkler?” Pip asked me after she had downed her third glass of champagne. I shot her my best ‘whatever’ face making her giggle.

  After this Lucius continued to tell me that due to the Lega Nera’s illegal status it held its auctions in different places all over the world. So, given its high secrecy, the vendors are only given a weeks’ notice in which country it is to be held and a few days until the actual venue’s address is released to the supernatural world’s rich list. No guessing needed to whom I knew was on that list!

  This year the Lega Nera’s auction was held in Handelsbeurs or better known to those like me that can’t speak Flemish, it was Antwerp’s old Stock Exchange building. According to Pip, who got quite excited at this point in our conversation, it was actually a reconstruction of the original building of 1531 which was burnt down as a result of the first fire in 1583. Then, after being rebuilt back to the original plans, came the second fire much later in 1858. By this time the old plans were no longer used, and was once again rebuilt, only this time in a late-Gothic Brabant style.

  At first I couldn’t understand why this would be something to get Pip excited about until she explained that the fire in 1858 was down to the first time the Society’s auction was held there. The story was that a performing elephant that was being sold went ‘ape shit’ (Pip’s words) and went charging through the crowd, knocking oil lamps as she went. Her name was Martha and Pip had actually bid to buy her. This was much to Adam’s extreme displeasure, so much so he outbid her with a plan to give her away to a zoo. That was of course until she had to be put down, due to her ‘wig out’ so that the humans wouldn’t discover what had been going on under their very Belgian noses!


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