Durability (The LockDown Series Book 3)
Page 13
“It’s hard Tom, it’s so fucking hard. I just want to know he’s okay and not dead somewhere.” I sigh as I think for the billionth time this week of Leighton dead somewhere. I refuse to cry, I have done enough of that, I need strength now, not weakness.
“Leighton will be fine. No one has ever one-upped him. You needn’t worry sweetie. Now, there is a nice glass of brandy with your name on it so get your skinny arse downstairs.” He slaps my arse playfully and it makes me laugh. He is so gay it is ridiculous, but I love him with my entire heart.
“Fine, I’m going. But there better be a second and third glass chucked in.” I smile to him and I’m comforted in the innocence and love I see there.
“There’s a whole bottle if that’s what you want, angel face.”
“Oh yes, now that’s what I’m talking about.” I smile a real smile for the first time in ages and I know it is due to Thomas. He always knows how to cheer me up, let’s face it; he is the one who dragged me from the depths I was in when I first arrived here.
“Let’s get shitfaced, and forget our problems for a second,” he says as we take the grand stairs down towards the lounge.
I walk through the doorway to our huge lounge to see Nate, Ant and Georgia sitting there. “This is your time Ab; let’s let you forget the world for a bit. Leave us to worry about things,” Georgia says as she stands and grasps the bottle of amber liquid and hands it to me. “Forget my arsehole brother for a day and let yourself breathe,” she continues.
I really shouldn’t drink with all the pain meds I am on, that is sure to be a crappy cocktail, but I really don’t give a flying fuck right now. I need to chill and the drink sounds like a perfect way.
“Thanks everyone,” I say as I lift the glass bottle to my lips and drain a few mouthfuls. Ahhh, that’s better, I tell myself.
I really shouldn’t have drunk the entire bottle, because as my head hits the pillow at three in the morning, I feel as though I am going to die. Or at least I hope I will as I sleep in my bed without my husband.
He’s here, he’s near, I can sense him, feel him. Slowly, he’s taking over every thought.
“You’re dead,” I shout at the black essence, kicking at the mist.
“Nobody is dead inside here, Abigail.” He laughs maliciously, smothering me. My body begins to shake with a need to escape, to run away, but I can't, the very feel of him near has me petrified by my fear.
“Leighton.” I need him, I call for him, begging for him to return to me and save me.
“Leighton doesn’t want you, nobody wants you. They’re not coming for you. I’ll have you, you won't need anyone else.” I look to myself and I'm naked, shivering in fear as the darkness surrounds me.
“Yes, he does. He loves me, Leighton loves me,” I answer, begging for his presence right now.
He laughs again, the deathly spirit whipping back and forth around me. “Loves you? He can't stand to be around you.” I cover my face with my hands, sealing my eyes from the horror.
“LEIGHTON!” I shout, tossing and turning.
“Abbi, wake up. You’re safe. It’s just a nightmare.” Maria holds me as I shake with my nightmare. The memories, they won't subside, they just attack me every night when I’m weak and deflated.
“I need him, Maria, I need him back.” I can't do this without him, it’s becoming harder every day to be away from him. Why can't he just see I love him, that I need him to live and breathe every day?
“I know, he’ll be back soon. I promise you.” She pushes me back down onto the bed, covering me over. She strokes my hair until I feel my eyes heavy again. “Sweet dreams, Abigail Lock.” She kisses my forehead and waits beside me until my dreams consume me again.
I beg internally that the same one won’t enter, but my luck is running out lately.
Aged 10
“Up you get kid, today is the day.” I shoot up in my bed; my dad is at the end tapping my feet.
“The day for what pups?” I ask him, wiping my sleepy eyes. It is Saturday, school has finished for the weekend and I want to sleep, not be out spending time with my dad. Outside playing footie? Yes please. Outside bonding with dad? Not so much.
“The day you become a man, Leighton. Now get your arse up and showered. I’ll see you in the kitchen in twenty minutes. Double time kid, now.” He shouts a little and I bolt from under my covers. I know better than to cross my dad, his hand isn’t exactly gentle when I disobey him.
Brandon and Georgia never get the belt or hand, I take it for them. They are far too young to handle it. I always take the blame and let them carry on with their lives.
The day I become a man? Hmmm, what that meant I don’t know exactly, but I rush getting myself washed and dressed nevertheless.
“Good lad. Now eat something so we can leave,” he commands me as I skid to a halt in the kitchen.
“Yes dad,” I answer as I stretch to my full height to reach the Weetabix from the top cupboard. I cover two of them with milk and scoff them down as quickly as I can.
“You ready Leighton?” he asks me in that stern voice he always uses with me.
“Yup,” I reply, rinsing my bowl off and placing it in the sink.
“Get your shoes on kid, now. We need to leave in one minute.” Will his nagging ever cease or will I have to succumb to his every command for the rest of my life?
I roll my eyes as I sit on the bottom step and pull my Timberlands on. I am a lucky kid, I live in a huge house; we have fifteen bedrooms here. My parents never fail to provide me with the best.
“NOW LEIGHTON! Give mum a kiss and get in the car,” he shouts at me and I jump. I run into the lounge and kiss my mum's cheek. She is a lovely woman, so caring and kind and often getting in the way when my father takes his belt to me. I need to protect her and I know one day she’ll need my strength against the beast my father sometimes becomes.
“By Mamma,” I say as I kiss her cheek.
“Be a good boy Leighton and don’t let your father bully you into anything,” she advises me and I smile as I run from the room.
“Car,” my father speaks again and I bite my tongue to stop myself from snapping back at his bossiness.
“Where are we going dad?” I ask as I clip my belt into the holder. The weather is beautiful out today, so I wind the window down to hang my head in the bright rays of the sun.
“You’re not a dog son, get your fucking head in the car.” Oh god, here we go again. Why can’t I just act like a child for one in my life?
“Sorry,” I reply, lowering my head to my lap.
“We’re going to the range. You’re learning to shoot.” I gasp at him. I am ten, why do I need to learn to shoot? My dad isn’t into hunting and that is the only way you can really have a gun in England.
“How? You’re not allowed a gun in England dad,” I tell him and he responds with a venomous look in his eyes. It’s a look I’ve seen more than once so I know where my place needs to be.
“That’s none of your concern boy, you do as I say, and right now you will be learning to shoot. So shut your mouth and do as you’re told. Understand?” I nod back, scared.
“Good,” he says, looking forward once more to focus on the country lanes as they swallow our car's tyres up. “You really should quit with this attitude Leighton, your mother might let you get away with it but I won’t.” I cower a little as I fear what would happen today whilst we are alone.
“Sorry, I won’t be rude anymore dad.” I draw back from him. I sit thinking of all the times I have stropped or been rude and I can count them on one hand, most of the time it is my siblings and I take the brunt for them, because it isn’t fare for them to be hit or shouted at, they are just children.
I am a good boy; I always do my homework, always do my chores and keep my sister and brother safe too. I sometimes wish mamma knew how bad dad is sometimes, the times she isn’t around to help or stop it.
“You b
etter kid, because I’ve had enough of your ungrateful behaviour. In a few years you will be joining me at work, learning what I do and you will enjoy doing it. There is no other option in this Leighton, you will become me whether you like it or not.” There is no way I will ever treat my children the way he does me.
“Yes dad.” I answer robotically, like it is programmed in me to answer that way, to agree with what he tells me.
“We’re here.” He slams to a stop, his tyres slipping on the mushy, waterlogged leaves in the country. It is beautiful today but we have had horrible rain for the past two weeks so it is like a bog.
I open the door to my dad’s car and shift and wiggle myself from the seat. “Here, now!” he commands me from the boot where he stands. I close the car door and run around to where he is. “This is what you will learn to use Leighton. By the end of today I want you to be able to load and shoot the fucking thing or so help me god. So you better try hard.” He picks up a small gun from a lockable foam lined case and shoves it into my hands.
My eyes bulge in my head at the metal thing. It is heavy, almost weighing my tiny hands down. “It’s heavy dad, how am I supposed to use it?” I duck as his hand clips the side of my head.
“You try, try very bloody hard Leighton. I was shooting at your age, so will you. You think your granddad let me go out without a gun on me? There are dangerous people out there kid and you need to stay protected.” In my head I don’t believe that is the reason at all, he never cared about my welfare and safety, the man beat me on a weekly basis, so he doesn’t give a damn whether I am ok or not. I want to know what the real reason is, what his job is, the one that I am supposedly doing when I am older. I love the way my life has been planned out for me.
“Come.” He pulls me along behind him, the gun struggling to stay in my hold, the grip thick enough to need both my hands to hold it still. “Don’t drop that, it’s loaded,” he warns me and my heart speeds up like I have been running track at school for the last two hours.
He pushes the doors to an old barn in the middle of a field. The dust hits me and makes me choke. “Now, lift the gun up and look down the barrel. You’ll see the little stick at the end; you want that to make a lollipop with the target. Aim for the target on the wall over there,” he tells me helping me lift the gun up. “This is a glock son, so the safety is this trigger here; you push your hand against it as you pull the trigger. There will be a kick so prepare yourself for it.” I don’t want to do this. It is scaring me, the thought of even holding the deadly weapon. I am supposed to be playing football not shooting things.
“I’m scared, I don’t want to do it dad,” I tell him as my hands begin to shake and sweat.
“What did I say about your ungratefulness Leighton? You will do as you’re told, you will aim that gun and pull the fucking trigger or there will be hell to pay.” The look in his eyes is unlike anything I’ve ever seen and it makes me shiver with fright. I know I have to do this right now or my arse won’t have a reprieve because of it.
I lift it like he has explained, aiming so the stick makes the lollipop, my arms are aching from the weight. I take a deep breath and pull the trigger.
Aged 15
“That’s it son, well done,” my dad encourages me.
This is the first time it is to happen, I have been trained and taught what to do. It is simple in my head; step by step has been planned by me. It is my first job and my dad has been pressuring me for the past week to make sure I am ready.
Age ten, I learnt to shoot, and now five years later I am taking my first human life.
Fuck! This is so messed up it isn’t even funny.
“A little tighter, you want him to feel it,” he tells me as I wrap the rope around the guy's limp torso. I pull harder on the ropes, the roughness cutting into my hands. “For fuck sake Leighton, tighter! A girl could get out of that.” My dad scolds me. I think he must have forgotten I am only fifteen years old. Sure, I’ve been forced to work out, building muscle and stamina, but I am in no way comparable to an adult man.
I put my foot on the back of the chair and heave the rope until it bites into the guy and he wheezes a little, struggling to draw breath. “Better, now secure it.” I tie it securely and let the remaining rope go.
“Now, over to you son. Make me proud.” It is sick, I had found out my dad’s job, the job he wanted me to have. He kills people for a living, not a nice quick-shot-to-the-head dead, no my father is sadistic, always drawing out their deaths, playing and toying and tormenting them till they wished someone would end their lives. I am being forced into this, I have no other option. As I have gotten older, I have explained to my dad, over and over, that I didn’t want to play any part in this fucked up business, but that is the point in time when his gun hits my temple and his finger lays on the trigger, ready to kill his own son.
I walk in front of the guy, bending down. At fifteen I am already nearing six foot and I am a little built from the weight lifting my dad insisted on. “So, here’s the deal mate. You’re obviously here for a reason so let’s get this over and done with okay, because I have a girl at home waiting for me and I don’t really wanna keep her waiting to be honest.” I slap his cheek lightly. I have to pretend to enjoy this or there will be hell to pay with my dad.
The only thing I have to look forward to in my life now, is Josie, who at this precise moment is in her house, waiting anxiously for me to come home. God she is perfect, and a year older so she has developed to an angelic standard. I had lost my virginity all of two weeks ago, and as of now, have fucked her a grand total of 53 times. Yes, I am counting because it is the only good thing in my life right now.
I am going to try my hardest to get through this, get myself home and wash away today’s filth and then go to her house and stay there, away from my father and away from that house.
“You can’t handle Josie son, she’s far too womanly for your scrawny self,” my father tells me. Thanks for the confidence dad.
“Wasn’t what she was screaming yesterday when she cum around my dick dad, so fuck off yeah,” I tell him. My balls are growing with my age and I am standing up to my dad more and more. I am now six foot, he’s only six two. There isn’t much height between us and I am far more muscular, agile and quick, than he is.
“Don’t be a brat.” My dad clips me round the ear and it pisses me off that he still treats me like a kid.
“So anyways, I’m in a rush so how about you tell us why you think you’re here.” I stand straight and pump my chest out a bit.
“Fuck you.” He spits at me. I’d probably do the same if I was in his position, being hunted and slaughtered like an animal.
I take my flip knife out of my pocket and bend down to his height again. I flip it open with as much noise possible. “Well, you see, that wasn’t the answer I required, and it just delayed me a little, so how about we give you an incentive to play nice. Either you answer my questions when I ask them, or I’ll cut your fingers off one by one and shove them down your throat. So, let me ask again, why do you think you’re here?” I am turning a little sadistic myself and I damn my father to hell for slowly turning me into him.
“Because you brought me here.” He answers sarcastically and I lower myself again, placing my knife to his bound hands.
“Eenie, meenie, minie, mo,” I say as I point to one finger after another. “This one will do,” I say malevolently, lifting it from the position it is in and placing my knife to the knuckle joining it to his hand. I fight the urge to throw up because I am stronger than that, I need to be stronger. I dig the knife in prepared to, if I have to, take his finger off.
“Okay. Stop,” he shouts and I laugh at how easy he cracks.
“So, last chance before I just remove your hands completely. Why are you here shit face?”
“Be, be, be, because I killed someone.” I can see his eyes welling up and it makes me feel a little sorry for the guy, until I hear the cough
of my father behind me and I decide his fate is much preferred than my own if I refuse to carry through this job.
“That’s right, well done, now, you know it’s bad to kill people don’t you, so who did you kill?” I am talking to him like he is a child; I know how much it pisses people off.
“My uncle,” he replies, his eyes at the floor.
“LOOK AT ME!” I shout at him and his head shoots up. His eyes are glassy with his petrified tears. “Good boy. Now, why did we do that?” I ask him.
“Because he pissed me off,” he answers and I laugh in his face.
“Because he pissed you off? Right, well, someone needs to learn to control their temper don’t they.” I slap his cheek again.
“Dad, what do you want me to do to this little prick?” I turn my head and look to him.
“You not taken in anything I’ve taught you Leighton?” I nod and take a deep breath as I prepare to kill him. I am beginning to get nervous now, my courage and guts withering a little.
He looks sad and scared as he looks at me with his dead eyes. I am about to take someone’s life, about to stop somebody from living.
Oh god!
“Gun son.” He orders me from behind and I slip it out from my belt.
“Goodbye,” I tell the guy and I push the muzzle to his skull. Sorry, I mouth and pull the trigger.
Present Day
“You seriously need to pull your shit together Leighton,” Marcus snaps at me as he spars with me, letting me vent some of the hatred that is manifesting inside of me. It has been two weeks since I left that hospital, every night my head replaying those horrid memories of how I became this tortured, violent psychopath.
I haven’t contacted anyone, not even my best friends know of my whereabouts. It isn’t fair to subject any of them to this, none of them have seen me this bad and I have no inclination to let them see me now. I am their leader, their strength; the last thing I want is for them to see me lose control and outright kill some poor bastard.