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Haunt & Havoc

Page 23

by Jeremy Dwyer

No monument can capture him in all of his perfection.

  No fine jewel, ever, is worthy of his crown.

  He is prosperity's builder and protection.

  By his great deeds he transcends all renown.

  For all your rescues,

  For ending your sorrows,

  It is this king whom you should thank and praise.

  For all your riches,

  For giving hopes to your tomorrows,

  It is in his kingdom, where you will live your days.


  We are his wisdom that uplifts.

  We are his wealth that gives all gifts.

  No feast is enough for his banquet of splendor.

  No stone is enough to build his city wall.

  He is the abundance giver and defender,

  By his wisdom and strength, he stands forever tall.

  For all your blessings,

  For ending your curse,

  It is this king's spirit that you should adore.

  For all your meals,

  For quenching your thirst,

  It is in this king’s fields where your harvest is sure.


  No book could chronicle all his victories great.

  No sword or shield is a match for his might.

  He is the ruler of even destiny and fate.

  By his strength, he fills all his rivals with fright.

  For all your talents,

  For teaching wrong from right,

  It is this king's wisdom that you should admire.

  For all your warmth,

  For turning dark into light,

  It is this king who outshines even sunfire.


  The song was delightful and inspiring and the crowd was greatly pleased at the sweet and uplifting sounds of the music. By this audible enchantment, the captives let down their guard. Soon, Rivka – along with the other drinkers of the Zovvin Ocean waters who stood beside her and had served as heralds – worked together to call the waiting restless spirits to inhabit the bodies of the captive people, subduing their own spirits. Over four (4) million people were thus subjugated, having their own spirits become dormant and surrendering their bodies to the new spirits which were more pliant and willing to serve the king, for they had been rescued from the spirit world where they suffered for their sins, though they had not yet been given their final judgment.

  “I am your King! Together, we shall build the kingdom, and it shall spread far and wide, and each of you shall be in it, under my rule, always!” King Xander shouted.

  “All hail King Xander, the Unfailing!” Aura then shouted, in a sing-song voice.

  The crowd of over four (4) million then shouted: “All hail King Xander, the Unfailing!”

  “You shall believe in me, and all my works, and see my splendor!” King Xander shouted.

  “Go forth, then, and build monuments to His Majesty, King Xander the Unfailing! By bending light, you will build objects of splendor to testify to the magnificence of the king! By projecting your passion, the love for the king will be great! By singing this song yet again, his message shall be spread far and wide! Then, together, you will pursue the greatest goal of all – finding the unified ocean, whose waters give all powers to those who drink of them,” Aura shouted.


  Within forty-five (45) days, the entire continent had come under the rule of King Xander, except for one (1) last town, which the king visited personally, as he heard of a resistor whom could not be slain.

  When King Xander arrived in that last town, along with General Povaximus, Aura, Rivka and the other heralds on board their small airship, they saw the king’s troops surrounding a young woman with dark skin who was kneeling in prayer.

  Nearby was a great and brilliant tower – two hundred ten (210) feet in height – and made of diamond and gold. A drinker of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean was nearby, generating the light to make the illusion, for the tower was not in the least bit true. A drinker of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean was also nearby, projecting emotional energies to lead people to love the king, and not question the truth of the tower. A drinker of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean was also nearby, singing to proclaim the king.

  “I hear that there is someone who resists my rule,” King Xander said, walking down the boarding ramp from the airship onto the ground.

  “I shall not believe your lies!” Sethunya said as King Xander approached.

  Rivka sensed the presence of a powerful spirit and said: “She has a powerful spirit watching over her, Your Majesty.”

  King Xander drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean and was energized. Then, he sensed it as well.

  “You speak against me only because you have protection,” King Xander said.

  “I know that illusions surround you: take them away and the truth is clear that you are a deceiver who strives to be a god,” Sethunya said.

  “These sights are my splendor. They are not false,” King Xander said.

  “For a moment, let no false light mislead them,” Sethunya said.

  A darkness appeared – not like the evening darkness in the skies, but far deeper – and enveloped the gold and ivory tower and other works. It was not clear to anyone why this was, until the illusionist who created the tower looked closely and saw warriors who were wielding strange blades and projecting their powers of darkness from the darkness in which they were cloaked.

  The tower, however, was not the only thing that disappeared. Some trees, grass and flowers disappeared, and were replaced with the sight of bones and rotting bodies, which were the reality. Blades from the darkness also grazed the throat of the singer, who became frightened, so that the music halted. Startled by this, the telepath lost concentration, and that enchantment came to an end.

  Many of the suppressed villagers looked at the truth, suddenly aware of the lie. They were people of dual spirits: the true dormant spirit, and the restless inhabiting spirit that had taken control of their bodies. Yet, the lie was troublesome to both spirits.

  “You’ve murdered hundreds – even thousands – and covered your sins with illusions of beauty and songs of your supposed greatness,” Sethunya said.

  “How dare you deny me, girl!” King Xander said.

  “How dare you lie and make yourself like the One True God, having people admire false monuments to your false majesty,” Sethunya said.

  “You would not be so bold on your own. Your courage is false, as you trust in your guardian spirit,” King Xander said.

  “I trust in the One True God, which you most certainly are not. Your lies will bring spiritual ruin to the world, and I pray against you constantly,” Sethunya said.

  “If I am false and your god is true, then how is it that I conquered this land? No. I am the truth,” King Xander said.

  “These people do not give themselves over to the One True God, or they would receive His Wisdom, and His Laws, and His Protection. Instead, they look for power in their own wealth, so they are easily dazzled and deceived by illusions,” Sethunya said.

  “They have been abandoned by your god. I have brought them a kingdom that will never die, and I will never abandon them,” King Xander said.

  “I would rather die for The One True God than believe in a false god like you, or have these people believe in you,” Sethunya said.

  “I will dictate to you – and to all these people – which god is true: you will not decide for yourselves, because you have no wisdom and cannot understand the truth. Any who refuse to believe as I tell them will die, and it will be their choosing of a deception that brought their deserved ruin,” King Xander said.

  “May my protectors now stand down, so that you reveal who you really are. Then, these people may see my faith in the Righteous and Loving One True God against your evil and hateful false throne. May they be inspired by the truth, and led away from your lies,” Sethunya said.

  The Guardian Angel Ultrael stood back from S
ethunya, removing his protection, as she had requested.

  “Her protector has left her, Your Majesty!” Rivka said, delighted, sensing the movement in the spirit world around Sethunya.

  “I know! Now, I will show them all what truth is. She has been abandoned, because she denies me. And those who deny me will die, because I am the ruler of the kingdom of life, and those who deny me or my kingdom have chosen death,” King Xander said with a smile.

  The crowd looked on and watched and listened. In that crowd was a man named Ximenez, who was a Chronicler of four thousand seven hundred twenty-three (4723) years. He had seen the illusions get dispelled and the piles of bodies, and now knew the truth. His own spirit had not been affected by the other enchantments of music and emotion, as his spirit was protected by Ondothel, the Guardian Angel of the Chronicler’s Oath.

  King Xander took a knife in his right hand, grabbed Sethunya by the throat with his left hand and cut her tongue out, slowly. She could not scream but bled profusely and fell to the ground, writhing in agony.

  Ximenez raged inside – his very soul screamed – and he wanted to throw himself in front of the girl. The Chronicler’s Oath forbade such interference, but Ximenez seriously considered abandoning the Oath for a moment only to stop this horror.


  The Guardian Angel Ondothel continued watching over Ximenez and spoke into his spirit, saying: “The truth of utmost horror must be seen, and recorded, so that those with false gods, or no gods at all, will learn what evil wishes to do and the lies that it will tell. It is your task to see this and write what you have seen, and share it with all. Leave the judgment to the One True God.”


  Hearing the Guardian Angel’s voice speak within his spirit, Ximenez continued observing and recording the event, according to the Chronicler’s Oath that he took. As we wrote into his book, however, Ximenez burned with fury at the evil before him. He had seen many horrors over the millennia, but this was worse, because the girl was devoutly given to the One True God, and spoke only truth.

  Some of the people in the crowd were so disturbed that they moved forward and looked closely. One said: “I beg His Majesty to have mercy on her.”

  King Xander walked over to the man and drove the dagger through the man’s left ear and then his right ear. When the man dropped, bleeding severely, King Xander shouted: “I have no mercy on liars and their lies! And no mercy on the fools who would listen to them! Hear my true words! All of you! And believe them!”

  King Xander then went back to Sethunya and cut her feet at the ankles, and then her legs at the knees. After this, he severed her wrists and elbows and then pierced her eyes. She quickly bled to death.


  In the darkness, four (4) Hidden Paladins prepared to kill King Xander and end his reign, but they were held back.

  The Guardian Angel Nalvorel – who was a warrior – was with them.

  He spoke into their spirits and said: “This king will die another way: by words of truth. He will die forever when his own protection is turned to rubble. Your blade will defend those who speak those true words and demolish his stronghold, at the proper time.”

  The four (4) Hidden Paladins then left, and their powers of darkness were eased, revealing the illusory tower and other deceitful sights that gave their false testimony and splendor to the king.


  Aura saw all this and shouted out to the crowd in her sing-song voice: “Look! The king’s tower and gardens have returned. He is true! He overcame their lies! His splendor never dies!”

  King Xander then shouted to the crowd: “Did her god save her?! False oaths and prayers cannot unseat a true king! Fear my wrath and trust my truth! Only then will you live!”

  The people were in fear, but the king’s subservient telepaths, by the powers of the Elanatin Ocean waters they drank, once again projected passion, love and even calm, and held in check the emotions of many. The singer – who had previously been subjugated, and was momentarily silenced by the blades of the Hidden Paladins from the darkness – once again proclaimed the king with music. These enchantments still had no effect on the Chronicler Ximenez because of his protections by the Guardian Angel Ondothel.

  “This was the final village. The continent of Meridianus belongs entirely to you, Your Majesty!” General Povaximus said. He was frightened by what he just saw, even though it looked like victory, because it was more violence then he had ever seen a single person endure as a punishment for verbal disobedience. He consoled himself with the knowledge that the girl had been protected and then voluntarily let down her defenses, whatever they were. He did not shed her blood, and felt absolved of the evil, despite serving the king directly.

  “No one will resist you again, Your Majesty,” one (1) of the lower ranking military commanders said. He had watched the massacre of the young woman but was not troubled, because the commanding officers – except for the general – had been chosen from among the most vicious of the restless spirits to lead the others. His own troops attacked and occupied this town, and had sent their report of the young woman’s resistance. Her initial invulnerability frustrated the commander, and he was pleased by her death.

  King Xander, Aura, Rivka and the other heralds, along with General Povaximus, all returned to the small airship and traveled back to the north central region of Meridianus, from which they observed their new territory: a continent of one billion five hundred eighty three million (1583000000) people held in thrall.


  Word spread about the massacre of Sethunya, however, and a few people began joining a resistance. Among those were friends and cohorts of Sethunya when they were trained under Romana, including the young men Jengo, Bolek, Eladio and Mochni, and the young women Theresa, Anke, Adsila and Gwenith. The Guardian Angels Nalvorel and Ultrael found each of these and called them on a mission. There were others who studied along with Sethunya – the young man Conrad and the young woman Misaki – but they resisted the call of the angels, due to their selfishness and false gods.

  Nalvorel and Ultrael led these people – all drinkers of the Gradaken Ocean waters, giving them command over the wildlife of land, air and sea as well as over the fields of plants and forests of trees – and guided them to leave Meridianus and travel by sea. They found ships ready to carry them for only the price of their help as deckhands. They headed northwest, over the Pirovalen Ocean, then over the Farmer’s Road land bridge, then northwest over the Trerada Ocean. From there, they traveled over the Glivoran Trail land bridge, then northwest over the Kazofen Ocean. After nine (9) days of travel, they entered the mountains of the Road of Kovoxotu land bridge, and met with others who had heard of the evils of King Xander and were told to wait until the proper time.

  CHAPTER 19: Chronicle of the Evils of the Unfailing King

  The Chronicler Ximenez left Meridianus on free transport – being a Chronicler, his costs were covered – and sailed north over the Pirovalen Ocean, returning to Emeth within two (2) days.

  Once there, Ximenez gave his book to the Verifier Adele, who was waiting near the docks for arriving Chroniclers. She analyzed its contents and assigned confidence levels regarding the probable accuracy of the statements therein. An hour thereafter, the annunciation chamber in the Library of Tedorik was filled and a public statement of his reports was made. Word spread far and wide regarding the music and illusions ordered by King Xander to subjugate the people in Meridianus, as well as his brutal massacre of the young woman named Sethunya for refusing to accept the king’s command over religious belief. Merchants and sailors and travelers and scholars came to know and slowly spread the message of danger across the world. It was soon determined that even Ihalik had fallen, and this news was reported back to Emeth.


  After a four (4) day voyage, the Frigid Cornucopia arrived in Emeth with Captain Linette at the wheel.

  “Your light navigation was part of the pay for your transport. Now, I’m looking for the rest,” Captain Li
nette said, looking to Celio.

  “What payment do you need? I’ll have it arranged,” Anan asked, because he did not know how much money Celio might have at his disposal.

  “My nets are old and fraying, and I can’t afford to lose a haul to a sudden rip. Can you get me new ones?” Captain Linette asked.

  “I’ll pay you seven (7) platinum coins now toward it. If that’s not enough, I’ll pay the difference after we get back,” Anan said, handing Captain Linette the coins.

  “That’s a start. Where are you going?” Captain Linette asked. It was actually more than enough, but she was interested to see how much more he would pay – anything would be enough.

  “To give a report on where I’ve been. That’s my job, and how I get paid, so I can pay you,” Anan said.


  Anan then left the ship, followed by Celio, Desmond, Jaguar and Lady Ismene. They headed toward the Library of Tedorik.

  “Wait for me outside. There are some private matters for me to deal with. I’ll tell you what I can afterwards,” Anan said.

  Anan entered the Library of Tedorik, looking for Danek in his private quarters, but did not find him there. “We need to talk. It’s important. Thalkalana is part of it. We need to find something called the luminaries,” Anan said, with no one in the room, yet he knew that someone was waiting.

  Soon, Anan was cloaked in darkness, and carried by a hidden figure to another room whose location was a mystery.

  Anan was then released from the cloak of darkness and saw that the old one – known as Sava’Tzefanya – was present. Additionally, there was the Verifier Alyona, the Chronicler Alonso and the librarian, Portia.

  “The Hidden Paladins brought you here because you claimed to have knowledge of interest to me,” Sava’Tzefanya said after Anan appeared.

  “I know a way into Thalkalana, and the city is surrounded by an underground ocean. I left in the company of others, along a different route, and found the old castle of the architect, Duke Hagan. His spirit is still there, and he spoke of the luminaries – that they cause the darkness,” Anan said.


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