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Haunt & Havoc

Page 31

by Jeremy Dwyer

  The Chroniclers Ximenez and Gisella both looked closely at the medallion, drawing detailed sketches of it in their books.

  “The coins represent my kingdoms. The eight (8) that have been, the one (1) that is now, and the one (1) that is to come,” King Xander said.

  “You are clearly magnificent to have so many kingdoms, Your Majesty,” Duchess Uliana said, wishing to gain his favor.

  “And powerful, as well,” Governor Sullivan said.

  “These things are all true,” King Xander said, pleased at the compliments.

  “We would be delighted – and honored – to learn more,” Governor Parry said.

  Blazer Endrit and Blazer Darakizar were sickened by this fawning, because they only honored the Sky’s Nine (9) Kings – the blue suns – and were not about to shower praises on this king.

  “The key represents me, for I am the key to all kingdoms. Yet, do you know what these kingdoms are?” King Xander asked.

  “I wish to be enlightened, Your Majesty, about your many splendid kingdoms,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “First, show me your gift. If it pleases me, I will count you worthy to hear of them. If not, you will be banished from my sight, and I can see into all places,” King Xander said.


  From the darkness, Halina even thought this king to be a fool. Marzia heard her thoughts and sent the thought back to her to hold her tongue. Roxanne also wondered just how much this king could see, and thought that his boasts were lies, like the kingdom of illusions he ruled. Marzia read her thoughts as well and sent the thought back to her to not be overconfident, for the king does have influence, and some of his subjects created the illusions, which controlled many other subjects, who count for something.


  “Open the gift for His Majesty, that it may please him,” Duchess Uliana said.

  The twenty (20) clerks stood up and opened the ten (10) chests they had carried, revealing various precious gems.

  General Povaximus signaled to his swordsmen, and ten (10) of them went over and took hold of the chests of jewels and brought them to the banquet throne of the king.

  King Xander reached into each of them and felt the diamonds, rubies, emeralds and other finely cut crystals.

  “Your gift is pleasing to me,” King Xander said.

  “We are honored to have given a gift that pleases His Majesty. Yet, I have a question. From your many prior kingdoms, where are the monuments to your greatness?” Duchess Uliana asked.

  “I have not left a monument, for no monument is worthy of me. Instead, I have left a legacy…a way of life…a world at peace. There were great wars in past ages, and I brought unity where there was division,” King Xander said.

  “There are still many disagreements, and dangerous ones,” Governor Sullivan said.

  “Times have been quite trying. The tempest killed hundreds of millions, and destroyed homes and ships,” Governor Parry said.

  “Yet, it could have been worse. Know that these horrors have ended because, in prior ages, I have planted seeds of peace for all of my future kingdoms, of which this is one (1). Many of you are civil. You are seekers of peace and knowledge, because of the good seeds I have planted. Your victory – and your survival – were determined long ago, by the foundation I laid down,” King Xander said.

  “Please clarify your statement about planting seeds, and about laying a foundation,” Ximenez said.

  “At the beginning of each of my kingdoms, there were terrible conflicts. The world was in a state of perpetual and vicious war. Yet, I came to end it, and to guide the people from war to peace. The foundation of peace is unity of purpose, and I gave them a purpose,” King Xander said.

  “What is that purpose you gave them?” Gisella asked.

  “Forget the Dead Waters Ocean, which fulfills no purpose of mine. The valuable waters are divided, as you know, into twelve (12) oceans, called the great oceans, each giving a separate power. This division forces the difficult choice of which waterbinding to take. Some prosper while others do not, because of the different powers, which are not all equal. This breeds envy, which divides the people. The greater powers that some receive are used to make war and destroy or enslave those with lesser powers,” King Xander said.

  “The inequalities of life create opportunities for business,” Governor Sullivan said.

  “A few are forced regarding their waterbinding. Many more choose the wrong waters out of ignorance. Their economic failings are their own fault,” Governor Parry said.

  “Still, you have not answered the trustworthy Chronicler’s question about purpose,” Governor Sullivan said.

  “Despite the division brought by the twelve (12) waters, there is a single water – a unified water – that gives all powers, and it is from the greatest ocean of all. The unifying purpose of the subjects in each of my kingdoms is to find that ocean with the water giving all powers,” King Xander said.

  “I have never heard of such an ocean of all powerful water,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “It once was plentiful, but then it was lost. The greatest ocean had become mere legend even before my first kingdom, yet it was real, and still is,” King Xander said.

  “What proof do you have of this ocean whose water gives all powers? If it was a legend even to you, then you cannot be certain,” Governor Sullivan said.

  “Accounts were passed down, from many reliable sources,” King Xander said.

  “What sources?” Ximenez asked.

  “Names that would mean nothing to you, young Chronicler,” King Xander said.

  “One (1) water with all the powers would make for greater efficiency, as there would be no shortages in powers, as we have now, when many avoid certain waters, thereby making those powers uncommon. That only serves to drive up prices for their services,” Governor Parry said.

  “There could be great risk, however, because then the power of long life would belong to everyone, who would also have every other power. Some choose to bring great ruin with the power they have. It would be best if they do not also live for many ages, to bring endless ruin,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “In that age when the greatest water is found, I will live as the king of all the world and guide them. Then, they will not make war, and will live long years to build a greater world using all of the powers properly. The division of waters will end, as will the difficult choice of which water to drink,” King Xander said.

  “Yet, another choice will arise, and it will be more difficult,” Governor Sullivan said.

  “What choice is that?” King Xander asked.

  “The choice of who would be their king. Some will want the throne for themselves. Or, they will seek other rulers whom they trust more than you,” Governor Sullivan said.

  “Who could be trusted more than me? My wisdom is without question. Do not express doubt in my good judgment, unless you wish to be thought an enemy, so that I am forced to bury you deep in the ground,” King Xander said.

  “I have expressed no doubt of my own. Yet, there are religions which place great faith in other powers, and build temples to worship them. A new temple of the suns is being built at this very moment. Soon, when it is complete, many will gather on Haza’Kedro’Maral Island and express their belief that the suns in the sky are the true kings,” Governor Sullivan said.

  “So many people are faithless and deluded into believing in false gods. I am far wiser, and they will soon learn that, and come to obey me,” King Xander said.

  “The blue suns are the Sky’s Nine (9) Kings, and they rule wisely,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “They rule the sky with their fire and might,” Blazer Endrit said.

  “They are the brightest beacons of truth,” Blazer Darakizar said.

  “In this twilight, that is hardly so. The blue suns are giving little light, and still you cling to them, seeking their favors. You are like so many other fools, calling out to their gods, building shrines to deities of stone and of the lesser waters, and to spir
its of plants and animals, to light and darkness, to suns and other dead things,” King Xander said.

  “The animals and plants are quite alive, but I agree that they are not to be worshipped,” Governor Parry said.

  “The stones are quite dead, and must not be worshipped. The waters serve us greatly, yet only a fool would worship them,” Governor Sullivan said.

  “The greatest life is to be found in the suns, which give light to the plants and to the animals, by which they are able to live. The suns make light, which drives out darkness, so they are the greatest,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “The greatest of the suns are the blue suns,” Blazer Endrit said.

  “No king is higher, or equal,” Blazer Darakizar said.

  “Thus, they must be honored with a new temple,” Duchess Uliana said.

  “You say that these blue suns are kings, and are above me? You are fools! I see now that it is once again time to unite the beliefs of the people of the world and destroy all these temples of false gods,” King Xander said.

  “Yet, there is a temple we ask for you to not make war against. That is the temple of the sun on Haza’Kedro’Maral Island, in the Pirovalen Ocean. That is why we brought the gift,” Governor Sullivan said.

  “Your gift will not give you permission to usurp my rule or deny my supreme wisdom! All temples will be crushed by my armies! The very temple of which you speak will receive my greatest wrath!” King Xander said.

  Gisella and Ximenez had recorded all of this conversation into their books.

  Infuriated at the threat to the Temple of the Sky’s Nine (9) Kings, Blazer Endrit and Blazer Darakizar both used the energy within them to call forth the water from the nearby fountains, turning it into blue flames. These balls of fire were then sent with great force out toward the king, but General Povaximus directed four (4) of the thirty (30) swordsmen to interpose themselves in defense of the king and they were incinerated.

  Gisella and Ximenez were both energized from the Ursegan Ocean waters that flowed within them. This made them able to slow time around them and see all of these quick moving events and be able to record them in detail.


  The twenty-six (26) remaining swordsmen then surrounded King Xander, who used their cover and fled the room. General Povaximus fled along with them. Twelve (12) of those swordsmen were burnt to death while defending the king from additional blasts of fire from Blazer Endrit and Blazer Darakizar.

  The king’s guards – who had been hiding in the darkness – extended their darkness to obscure the king’s location and prevent him from being pursued. They, too, then left the banquet room.

  However, Gisella managed to follow them, and she kept pace with King Xander, by following the sounds of their footsteps.

  The guards outside the banquet room locked its door and the king returned to his throne room. General Povaximus had come along with him. The fourteen (14) remaining swordsmen also escaped with the king to his throne room.

  King Xander then quickly ascended the steps to his throne, relieved that he had not met an early end before his goals had been accomplished. The men who sent flames were almost too quick, he feared.

  “General: send in the garrison at once! Kill every one of these guests!” King Xander ordered from his throne atop the staircase.

  General Povaximus then left the throne room and gave out orders so that a garrison of two hundred ten (210) troops – consisting of both swordfighters and archers – was sent to the banquet room.

  Gisella climbed the staircase and stood next to the throne, recording all that she saw and heard.

  “You are still with me? Are you to be my Chronicler, then?” King Xander asked.

  “Under the authority of the Chronicler’s Oath, I choose to remain and record the events of your kingdom, both words and deeds,” Gisella said.

  “As that is the law, then it shall be. Leave out no great deed, so that my accomplishments are written upon every page of your book. Leave out no words, so that my wisdom is preserved in the pages of your book,” King Xander said while seated upon his throne.


  Duchess Uliana and her entourage were still locked in the banquet room, however.

  “No one shall strike at the temple!” Blazer Endrit said.

  “This king must die!” Blazer Darakizar said.

  “We must leave at once, before the king moves against the temple!” Duchess Uliana said.

  “I sense more guards coming,” Leith said.

  “I will guard the Duchess,” Varro said and he moved closer to Duchess Uliana, prepared to extend the cloak of darkness over her as well as over himself.

  “As governors of the bank, you have responsibility to defend us as well,” Governor Sullivan said.

  “Yes, you are in our employ, do not forget,” Governor Parry said.


  From under the cover of darkness, Halina, Marzia and Roxanne were delighted at the predicament of Duchess Uliana. Although Danielle was the one who was charged with orchestrating the duchess’ ruin, Uliana was their enemy, as well.


  The king’s garrison soon stormed the banquet room, bringing swords and arrows against the group.

  Blazer Endrit and Blazer Darakizar continued using their power to turn water into flame, burning through the troops quickly. However, Governor Sullivan and Governor Parry both fell to arrows. Duchess Uliana hid behind the two (2) Blazers while they incinerated the garrison.

  Ximenez watched and recorded even these actions into his book.

  “We must leave at once!” Duchess Uliana said.

  Varro extended his cloak of darkness around himself, Leith and Duchess Uliana.

  Of the twenty (20) clerks who had carried the chests of gems, nine (9) fell to the arrows of the garrison, but the rest survived because of the blue flames sent forth by the Torches of Majesty, who eliminated the entire garrison.

  “We will leave now!” Blazer Endrit said.

  “I will burn those who follow!” Blazer Darakizar said.

  The remaining group – Duchess Uliana, Leith and Varro, the eleven (11) remaining clerks of the bank and Blazer Endrit, along with the Chronicler Ximenez – rushed out of the banquet room. Blazer Darakizar followed, but looked back to prevent a strike from the rear.


  From the darkness, Halina, Roxanne and Marzia also escaped, following Duchess Uliana by following the Torches of Majesty – Blazer Endrit and Blazer Darakizar did not hide and they made themselves very visible by the blue flames they commanded.


  Duchess Uliana’s entourage returned to the small airship before any of the king’s other forces could catch them, and they made their way back to the eastern shore. There, they found the previous airship on which they had arrived and used it to make the return voyage to Haza’Kedro’Maral Island in the Pirovalen Ocean.


  In his throne room, King Xander heard the report that his garrison had been killed and said: “We will make plans against their precious temple of the sun. Yet, the attack will come at a time of my choosing.”

  Gisella recorded the king’s words into her book, and intended on being there when it occurred.


  After Duchess Uliana and her company returned to Haza’Kedro’Maral Island, she summoned Nehexalor into her private room and said: “Nehexalor: the terrible King Xander has set his sights on our temple, and intends to strike at it when he is ready. Therefore, you must be ready with the proper words and music, to carry out the ritual at any time, and to do so very quickly.”


  In the darkness, Marzia sent her thoughts to Danielle, who was visible, but in the crowds of bankers and traders. She told her that the peace envoy turned into a fiery conflict, and that the king would be coming to strike at the temple of the sun, at any time. She also told Danielle to beware, for the king planned to bring ruin even to temples of water worshippers.


  The Chronicler Ximenez retur
ned to Emeth and turned in his book to the Verifier Alyona. She read it and learned of the claims made by King Xander, and his threats, and the battle against him fought with fire from the men with blue skin known as the Torches of Majesty. She also learned of the claims about the search for the unified waters.

  CHAPTER 25: Witnesses of the War between Light and Darkness

  In his rented room in the Admiral Ramalaxis Bridge, Mercator awakened from his rest and thought that it might be time to move on to a more lucrative market. He looked out the window, to see if travel conditions appeared to be favorable, before departing. Carrying the valuables that he did – and living in a world such as this – meant that he could never be too cautious. Despite the Trerada waters that flowed through him – preserving his health and his handsome looks at the age of forty-eight (48) – he was not immune to a robber using a lethal strike. There were two (2) things the Trerada waters couldn’t cure: the first was death and the second was crixalethicis, which led to death. This meant, of course, that he had to be careful where he acquired his waters, so that no one tried to poison him with the wrong water. Better to suffer a snakebite – even that of a cobra, which had a potent neurotoxin – than to drink the wrong water, or to drink a mixture of waters.

  Mercator took a Trerada waterbinding at the age of sixteen (16), at the behest of his father, who insisted that robust health was an essential building block of any career. The water certainly had its benefits to him in his youth, making for no shortage of young women who were attracted to his handsome appearance. He indulged in their favors for a while, but soon grew disillusioned with the emptiness of the relationships, despite the physical pleasures. This did not rectify the consequences of his adventures, however, and having four (4) children by as many girlfriends by the time that he was eighteen (18) was an untenable situation. The girls’ fathers were all furious and made a number of threats against him for his carelessness, and insisted that he pay for all of his responsibilities.

  A good job, he soon learned, was essential. Fortunately, he had an eye for fine details and that made him a quick study in the gem trading market, which was prevalent in most areas of Ihalik, especially the north central region. Citizens and companies in the Jenaldej Empire in Revod engaged in frequent trade with the Ihalik Empire and its citizens across many industries, including diamond, ruby, sapphire, pearl, citrine, emerald, platinum, gold and iron. The Kazofen Ocean waters gave power to look into – and mold – all the gems and regular stones, as well as metals. Those who drank those waters were generally the best suited for evaluating and trading gems, but they were more often most gainfully employed in extracting and molding the stones. That left trading and evaluation to those who drank the Lujladia Ocean waters, since they could reasonably inspect the quality – at least optically – at a very fine level. These, however, were often employed as navigators and lookouts. Those who drank the Medathero Ocean waters knew more than enough about geometry to at least define reasonable pricing criteria and set the market prices and adjust them – in fact, they proved quite adept at this. Yet, these were often employed as engineers, mathematicians or economists in the service of the military or mining operations or treasure hunters. Most other water powers were worth little – or even nothing – in this industry.


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