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Haunt & Havoc

Page 53

by Jeremy Dwyer

  Cassius approached and Sebastian led him and Samantha onto his airship nearby, where Camila had been waiting and providing light after drinking anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from her vial.

  Sebastian then set their course due south, and after three (3) hours, they arrived at another large mansion. This one was surrounded by topiary gardens. The airship touched down on the courtyard in front of the mansion.

  Sebastian stepped off the airship, followed by Cassius and Samantha. Camila remained with the airship, but continued generating light for the area around her, so that Sebastian, Cassius and Samantha would not stumble in the darkness of the twilight.

  “Where are we?” Samantha asked.

  “My home away from home. It’s a comfortable place, and a safe one,” Sebastian said.

  “The sky is still dark, though. We can’t get away from that,” Samantha said.

  “There are candles and oil lamps – even luminescent crystals – throughout the house. There’s nothing to worry about,” Sebastian said.

  “Very interesting, but why did you bring me? Should I not be assisting the architect with more design and construction, as you directed us earlier?” Cassius asked.

  “There’s something I want you to see first,” Sebastian said.

  Sebastian then led Cassius and Samantha toward the mansion and unlocked the door, leading them in.

  A large receiving room was lit as Sebastian had described and he gestured for Cassius to wait there.

  “Samantha, let me show you something that will help you to relax and forget your worries,” Sebastian said, and he took her by the hand, gently, to an upstairs hallway.

  Sebastian then drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from his vial and was energized. He used his telepathic and empathic powers and projected thoughts of calm into Samantha’s mind, and she became more relaxed. He took her into the master bedroom and had her sit down and he just held her, calming her, until the darkness was hardly a thought. And then he asked: “What do you believe?”

  “I don’t know. What should I believe?” Samantha asked.

  “Believe in me. You’re safe,” Sebastian said, and he held her, and his hands followed her figure.

  Samantha did nothing but accept this, feeling calm though uncertain. The bedroom was well lit and the quilts on the bed were soft. “Lay back and rest. Comfort eases worries…and ends them,” Sebastian said.

  Samantha laid back and he began to massage her legs, and then her thighs, and then he kissed her on the cheek and then on the lips. She responded – not sure why, only that she felt reassured and safe – and soon they were locked in a powerful embrace. Passion and intimacy ensued and she forgot her troubles in the pleasure.

  Sebastian held her for a while until she fell asleep. He then freshened himself and drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from his vial and was energized yet again. He went down and met with Cassius, who had grown impatient and seemed annoyed that he had been made to wait.

  “You see other opportunities, don’t you?” Sebastian asked him.

  “I see unfulfilled potential. We could extend the structure to many areas. The luminous crystal would give the needed light to every nearby region,” Cassius said.

  “That’s not what you want. You plan to take the constructor to other lands, and sell it. You plan to take my architect, as well,” Sebastian said.

  “I don’t plan to take anything or anyone. I want to discuss with you how we can achieve greater benefits. Wherever we are, this king cannot go. We can weaken him by expanding our strength, before he expands his own. Everyone will thank you,” Cassius said.

  “You were planning on leaving me, and going on your own. You have no loyalty to me after all that I’ve done for you. With all the opportunities I’ve given, you made plans to abandon me, and make her abandon me,” Sebastian said. He was visibly angry.

  “You are completely misreading me,” Cassius said, afraid that Sebastian had read him exactly correctly.

  “Your ideas are powerful. So much so that they’re responsible for building weapons of war. Yet, I forgave you that, thinking you had become a better man. I financed your work on the new design for the constructor – this one is so much better, I know – and there was amnesty here for you from your tens of thousands of war crimes. Instead, you planned to repay me by stealing the work that I paid for,” Sebastian said.

  “I had no intention to steal anything. The constructor is in your hands – it is yours,” Cassius said.

  “You’ve lied and murdered your way through life – I see it all in your memories you can’t bury deep enough,” Sebastian said.

  “Reading thoughts isn’t the same as understanding them,” Cassius said, knowing that this was only partially true.

  “What you’ve done is clear enough. There’s no need to interpret it,” Sebastian said.

  “The ones who were struck down were your enemies – the Jenaldej soldiers who defended a corrupt empire that loves only wealth,” Cassius said.

  “You declared a war and killed the innocent who tried to defend against your castles and your machines that built them. Then, you hid and pretended innocence. Even your wealth was built by lies – you forged documents to split the emperor’s land between the princes, knowing that Octavian was unfit to rule because he was obviously emotionally unstable. You put him in that position, and brought him to ruin. He was blamed for your tyranny. You were the despot, not him,” Sebastian said.

  “I was there, and knew the circumstances best. The alternative would have been worse,” Cassius said.

  “You know that’s a lie. I read your every thought: your own memories judge you, and can’t be forgotten. Now, you plan to betray and destroy me. It’s time for you to receive all that you’ve given,” Sebastian said.

  Sebastian then concentrated intensely, focusing his hatred on Cassius, and stopping the old man’s heart in his chest. Cassius dropped to the floor and died within minutes.


  The spirit of Cassius entered into a place of swirling flames and sounds of screams, as well as darkness and confusion.

  A deep and terrifying voice spoke out in the darkness, saying: “Your life was one of plotting and scheming, murder and manipulation. You were an advisor who gave evil guidance. Octavian was a sick and foolish man – one who trusted you to advise him – yet you betrayed him. You delivered Octavian over to my servants, hoping that he would become a human sacrifice to me. As part of that ritual – though it was not completed – you even received knowledge of the location of a book filled with powerful secrets. Therefore, you owe a debt to me, and now it is time to pay. The payment shall be with your soul.”

  “Who are you? What is this place?” the spirit of Cassius asked, terrified.

  “I am Gadamalto – Master of Spirits in this, the Maelstrom of Vengeance. You are mine – given over to me by your merciless actions and selfish intentions, each of which was calculated for profit at the expense of others. Now, I will calculate the numerous sufferings you shall endure without end,” the voice said.

  Gadamalto found new and horrid ways of torturing Cassius so that the vicious, scheming former advisor was tormented by the demon eternally.


  Sebastian then dragged Cassius’ corpse and took it outside by a different door, which led to the topiary gardens behind the mansion. There, he shoved the dead body into the bushes. He took a small book from the pocket of the coat that Cassius wore – a book which held valuable secrets. He placed it into his own coat pocket, planning on leveraging it later.

  Sebastian returned to the mansion and went up to the bedroom. He reached into Samantha’s mind and awakened her.

  “Samantha, just relax. You’re safe,” Sebastian said.

  “I do feel better,” Samantha said.

  “Good. It’s time to go back and see everyone else again and work on the farm. We can come back here later when you need to rest again, and relax some more,” Sebastian said.

Sebastian and Samantha exited by the front door and went to his airship, where Camila was waiting. From there, he set the course due north and returned to his other estate.

  When they returned, Fantine looked and saw that they did not have Cassius with them.

  “Where is Cassius? I could use his help to reconfigure this constructor,” Fantine asked.

  “He’s at work on another one, in a different location. We need to spread out our efforts,” Sebastian said.

  Fantine found this odd, but accepted it, wondering how long it would take Cassius to build another constructor from the ground up.

  Sebastian then returned with Samantha to the village she was from. There, he met with other women, taking them back to his other estate and seducing them in the same way, before returning them.

  Each time, he would return to this northern estate and spend some small amount of time with Persephone while she cared for their child in the various rooms of the mansion.

  While she was nursing the baby in his room, Persephone said: “Where have you been going? I want you with me. We’re a family.” She tried reading his thoughts, but they were clouded and he was stronger at hiding them than she was at reading them.

  “We’re not done – there is more to build, and there are more people who need to come here to be protected. The world is growing more dangerous, and the sky is darker than before. The people are afraid – and with good reason. I need to assuage their doubts, so that fear doesn’t paralyze them,” Sebastian said.

  “Save some of your love for us, please. We’re part of you,” Persephone said.

  “I know. I never forget that,” Sebastian said.

  CHAPTER 40: Spirits of Vengeance in the Land of the Oppressed

  While waiting and hiding in Genevieve’s small cottage in the western region of Waderav, Stephan drank anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from his vial and was energized. He began singing a simple chant, but it had the power to clear the air of the Come Into his Kingdom song that was being repeated by singers in various places and resounding through the land.

  Carter drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial and was energized. He used his powers over the spirit world to ensure that there were no incursions around them – haunts moved about, here and there, but none approached the cottage. Carter knew that they had come by orders of the king and were sent to take control of the bodies of the living.

  “Carter, are the spirits still active, even now?” Tomiko asked.

  Carter only nodded, intent on keeping his concentration, and his eyes were focused far away.

  “At least the chanting is drowning out that other song. I don’t want to walk around in a trance like the rest of them out there, just digging in the ground,” Nina said.

  “They were looking for something – we heard those messengers travel around and give out orders from the so-called king,” Alistair asked.

  “It was to tell them to work together and find the ‘unified waters’ so that everyone could have all powers, and be truly free,” Tomiko said.

  “Seeing that the king needed to use singers and spirts to put these people into a trance, I don’t know that anything he says can be trusted,” Genevieve said.

  “I question whether such a water ever did exist. It is an ideal water – a fulfillment of the wish to have all powers,” Tomiko said.

  “I don’t know that it could exist. Even pairs of the waters may present problems – the waters of dark and light would cancel each other, for example, and the waters of time would slow the powers of the others,” Tristan said.

  “Not to mention the volatility – the experiments with mixing them were dangerous, leading to corrosion and heat release,” Genevieve said.

  “It would be valuable if it did, though, which might be why this king that they’re raving about wants it,” Nina said.

  “Of course it would be valuable – and dangerous if in the possession of a despot,” Tomiko said.

  “If the king already has people under his control with music and spirit, he doesn’t need to waste his time looking for the water that doesn’t exist,” Tristan said.

  “You’re convinced it’s impossible. Yet, Carter said that this king has been alive before, and somehow returned. He may know things from earlier ages that have been hidden and long since forgotten. Perhaps this ‘unified water’ was real – and lost,” Tomiko said.

  “If it’s like the other waters – even if it has all the powers – it would require a waterbinding. Whoever already has one would be unable to drink of it,” Tristan said.

  “If the water is discovered, and the king is already waterbound, he just needs to die again. Then, his spirit could return, entering into a body that doesn’t have the waterbinding,” Carter said, with his eyes still focused on distant things in the spirit world.

  “In the time between his death and his return, the ‘unified waters’ will lend their powers to anyone else who wished to be king. The first to find them would have an advantage, and might be able to keep others from drinking them,” Tomiko said.

  “Maybe this king plans on killing everybody here after the so-called unified water is found. Then, he can come back and take it for himself. That’s what I would do,” Nina said.

  “Thanks for your honesty,” Tristan said.

  “She’s right. If the unified water truly exists, though I’m not certain either way, then this king may plan on murdering millions – or even billions – of people,” Tomiko said.

  “We’re not here to fight a war. But we can profit from one,” Alistair said.

  “What are you talking about, you crazy old man?” Nina asked.

  “A King needs a queen, courtiers, knights and a jester. Like in the old times, right?” Alistair asked.

  “You’re not as funny as a jester and you don’t look like a queen, so this isn’t going to work,” Nina said.

  “We could have some ghosts, some chants, a little romance,” Alistair said.

  “This is ridiculous. Your mind is starting to go, and the time waters can only delay you going senile…they can’t stop it,” Nina said.

  “Perhaps he’s partially correct. We can move about, and perhaps undo some of the damage with Stephan’s music and Carter’s control of the spirits. If we could reverse the deception in some places, it could undermine the king’s hold in different areas. It may not be enough to put an end to it, but it may significantly slow their efforts,” Tomiko said.

  “A little romance? It sounds like he wants me to kiss somebody. Not going to happen,” Nina said.

  “It’s all deceptions. You don’t have to get personally involved with anyone. A friendly smile and a few kind words may win them over,” Tomiko said.

  “With me, smiles and kind words don’t go together,” Nina said.

  “We know. Pretend to be nice. Just think of how it will irritate this king,” Tristan said.

  “Alright, as long as somebody’s unhappy besides me, I’ll go along,” Nina said.

  “However, where do we go?” Tomiko asked.

  “The population is most highly concentrated in the northeast region, where I used to live. We may want to go there, and see what’s left of my castle, as well. It would give us better protection,” Genevieve said.

  “Waderav is a poor land. Do the riverboats even reach all the way to the castle?” Tomiko asked.

  “Yes, they reach. It’s not that poor. It’s just corrupt, with the wealth concentrated in the hands of the robber barons,” Genevieve said.

  “When we get there – assuming this castle isn’t already occupied – what are we going to do?” Nina asked.

  “And let’s not forget the darkness. It won’t be the easiest to get around in dusk-like conditions,” Tristan said.

  “The course of the rivers can be our most reliable guide. They meander, but they will take us, so we won’t get lost in the darkness,” Genevieve said.

  “That doesn’t answer my question. What does the old man want us to do next?” Nina

  “I’m young compared to some,” Alistair said.

  “Yeah, but your mind didn’t age well, and that’s what counts. What happens when – and if – we get there?” Nina asked.

  “We bring a little balance: they sing their songs for the king, Stephan sings a song for the people, and we see who’s more popular. Carter can keep the bad spirits away, and we can bring some good cheer with a smile from you,” Alistair said.

  “Somehow, when you say it, the whole thing sounds worse,” Nina said.

  “Do you want to just wait here? There’s not much to do,” Alistair asked.

  “Bored again?” Nina asked.

  “We can’t just spend our lives here. We have to go,” Tomiko said.

  “Let’s gather up the experimental supplies,” Tristan said. At this, he and Genevieve started taking the vials they had worked with, along with their laboratory notebooks, and placing them into satchels.

  There was more than the pair of them could carry, so Tomiko assisted them and said: “We will continue this research when we can. I’m still interested, and it may be even more relevant if it can give us an advantage.”

  “Unfortunate that there’s not enough of the luminous water from the cavern remaining – it could have helped in the darkness,” Tristan said.

  “A return trip might be worthwhile. I’m still intrigued by what we found in Thalkalana – the water and everything else,” Genevieve said.

  “We’re not the only ones, for sure,” Tomiko said.

  “That’s a fight for another day,” Nina said.

  “We must be on our guard at all times – our spirits are still in danger,” Carter said.

  “And I can still hear the music,” Stephan said.

  “It won’t get any better if we stay here,” Tomiko said.

  At this, they left the cottage and proceeded to walk slowly across the small village under the twilight sky. Although people under the spell of music, spirit and emotion moved around them, none seemed to bother them, because those in thrall to the king were occupied with digging into the ground, creating ditches and searching for water – or searching for something.


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