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Haunt & Havoc

Page 56

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “How far along do you think that I am?” Aura asked.

  “Tell me what you will. I will write what I see,” Gisella said.

  Aura was furious – she was definitely pregnant. It had started as a sudden affair with an overly handsome guard – a drinker of the waters of the Trerada Ocean – whom she simply could not resist. She had intended it to be once, but he proved to be an extraordinarily energetic and satisfying lover, so she called to him again and again to have her fill. She belonged more to that guard than to the king, but their repeated passions led to the conception. This would mean that she could not carry the king’s heir quite yet, and that she would be denied that pathway to power for a while. During her numerous passionate indulgences, consuming the delicious flesh of the attractive guard, she forgot her ambitions in favor of her ecstasies. However, when he left her alone to return to his duties, she was reminded of her subordinate position and began to have regrets.

  Aura turned away from Gisella and said: “He was quite the man. I could not let him get away without tasting for myself. It was worth it. At the time. Every…single…time.” Aura felt herself contract with passion as she thought and spoke of him.

  Gisella understood the meaning but said nothing. She merely wrote down Aura’s words in her book and left the room, returning to the throne room.


  After Gisella left, Aura looked out to the hallway for her handsome lover and she found him. She beckoned for him to enter again, taking him into her room, and then into herself. She locked him in her womanly embrace and had her fill of passion, bringing both of them to ecstatic fulfillment.


  Gisella climbed the stairs to the throne where King Xander sat and she stood by his side again.

  “It is time. Guards, bring to me General Povaximus,” King Xander said.

  One (1) of the guards left and sent a messenger to meet the general in the courtyard. There, the messenger said: “General, King Xander demands your presence at once.”

  General Povaximus followed the messenger from the courtyard and entered the castle. From there, a guard led him to the throne room.

  When the general entered, King Xander said: “General, approach the throne.”

  General Povaximus climbed the steps to the throne and asked: “What are your orders, Your Majesty?”

  “We will next take Revod. Go at once to begin preparing your forces. I will meet with you shortly,” King Xander said.

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” General Povaximus said. He went down the steps from the throne and left the throne room and the palace. From there, he entered the courtyard and immediately began considering how he might best survive this foolish mission.

  General Povaximus knew what many knew – the Jenaldej Empire in Revod was extremely well provisioned. They had their share of incompetent military leaders, as many of their finest strategists and tacticians were dedicated to economic growth and defense was often treated as secondary at best. However, they were never in short supply, and were extremely efficient in their allocation of resources. Despite all that he had seen King Xander achieve, he was not convinced. Conquering Meridianus was laughably easy – it was a mixture of mining and agriculture and nothing else. They offered no resistance. Waderav was ruled by robber barons, which might have proven to be a powerful adversary were it not for the fact that they lacked all unity, and would never band together against a common foe.

  General Povaximus was only half surprised by the fall of Ihalik. They should have proven difficult to defeat, but their own economy was too harsh and miserly to properly support a loyal military – too many people received a bad deal from overwork, conscription and less than fair wages. What remained of their military was strong, but was not under a reliable command. Instead it was wrought with mutinies, due to the frequent changes of leadership and conflict in the upper ranks. Lavakara was no leader, despite his combat prowess: rather, he was an egomaniac out to win his own personal glory, so he weakened the Ihalik Empire’s power further.

  As far as General Povaximus knew, the Jenaldej Empire in Revod did not suffer this leadership crisis, and they would be ready, for the world had already been warned of King Xander, and Chroniclers were recording their ways.

  General Povaximus traveled out on the small airship to see his fleet on the eastern coast. There, he began issuing orders to his subordinates and they gathered their subordinates, down to the soldiers and sailors. This time, he felt, they would need a conventional military strike to be strong, and this would overwhelm the Jenaldej Empire. Even if it worked, however, he thought it might be unwise. Was King Xander the man to rule the world, he wondered. He stopped himself, thinking it not the place of a general to ask that question, lest he be part of the problem of conflicted leadership and mutiny.

  After twenty-six (26) days of preparations, General Povaximus was barely ready. Still, he returned by way of the small airship to the palace courtyard. Once there, he was met with a procession led by King Xander, Aura, Rivka and the Chronicler Gisella, who came from the castle and entered the courtyard.

  “General, my forces must be ready. Tell me it is so,” King Xander said.

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” General Povaximus said, knowing that any other answer would have met with the king’s wrath.

  “Excellent, General. Take me to my ship,” King Xander said.

  General Povaximus readied the small airship and King Xander, Aura, Rivka and Gisella boarded the vessel. They touched down on the ground near the docks in the eastern port of Ihalik where the Eminence of the Oceans waited.

  From there, King Xander, Rivka, Aura and Gisella boarded the Eminence of the Oceans along with General Povaximus, who looked out at the other ships that surrounded them: now there were two hundred forty-one (241), up from the earlier one hundred fifty-five (155), because he had ordered the acquisition of more ships, purchased from commercial cargo fleets with surplus funds.

  Gisella recorded in her books small sketches of each of the ships. The waters of the Ursegan Ocean that flowed through her allowed her to slow the passage of time through herself and have ample opportunity to observe and write all these details very quickly. She counted the exact number of ships as two hundred forty-one (241).

  “There appear to be many more ships than before, General,” King Xander said.

  “Indeed, Your Majesty. I commissioned more vessels to serve in our mission,” General Povaximus said.

  “Are you concerned, general, that we did not have sufficient power to achieve this goal?” King Xander asked.

  “I did not wish to incur heavy losses for want of ships, Your Majesty. The military advantage of a larger fleet grows as the square of the ratio of the number of ships of the larger to the smaller fleet,” General Povaximus said.

  “Interesting that you would defer to mathematics, general,” King Xander said.

  “What is this square law?” Gisella asked.

  General Povaximus understood the square law – not because he was a mathematician – but because he had seen several examples of it worked out over and over and over in years of war gaming so that he could not help but understand it intuitively. His youth consisted of some mathematical training, but he preferred worked out numerical examples to algebraic proofs any day.

  “If there are ten (10) ships in the first fleet and five (5) ships in the second fleet, the advantage will not be two (2) to one (1). Rather, each of the five (5) ships will have the strength of two (2) ships out of the ten (10) striking against it. However, each of the ten (10) ships will only have half (1/2) the strength of one (1) of the five (5) ships striking at it. Hence, the ten (10) ships are rendered doubly effective, and the five (5) ships are rendered half (1/2) as effective, and a double is four (4) halves. For fifteen (15) ships versus five (5), each ship of the larger fleet will be three (3) times as effective, and each ship of the smaller fleet will have their effectiveness cut to a third (1/3), and three (3) is nine (9) thirds,” General Povaximus said. The numbers worked eve
ry time, and he could see it, understand it and believe it, which enabled him to explain it.

  Gisella understood the explanation, but that was not what mattered. She merely wrote it down in her book, along with everything else.

  “Very well, General. If it means that my orders will be carried out more swiftly and effectively, then I allow you to make use of these extra ships, and approve of your purchase of them, albeit after the fact,” King Xander said.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” General Povaximus said.

  “Set our course, General,” King Xander said.

  General Povaximus directed the other ships – by commanding the Lujladia water drinking crew members to generate light both for signaling and for illumination – and ordered them to sail north over the Trerada Ocean, with the Eminence of the Oceans in the lead.

  The fleet traveled for one (1) day over the Trerada Ocean and the ships all briefly converted to airship configuration to travel north over the Glivoran Trail land bridge, returning to sea level in the Kazofen Ocean.

  They sailed north for four (4) more days over the Kazofen Ocean until reaching the southern coast of the continent of Revod.

  Once the Eminence of the Oceans was close enough that those on board could see the coast, Aura drank anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from her vial and was energized. Rivka drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from her own vial and was energized.

  By her powers of sound, Aura could hear distant music – strange chants and hymns – and became concerned. She suspected a counterattack was being planned.

  “Your Majesty, they are preparing against us. I hear hymns in the distance,” Aura said.

  “Are you not ready, Aura?” King Xander asked.

  “I am ready, Your Majesty. However, so are they,” Aura said.

  “Fear not, Aura,” King Xander said.

  “Rivka, are you ready,” King Xander then asked.

  “I am ready, Your Majesty,” Rivka said.

  “My troops are ready, Your Majesty,” General Povaximus said.

  “Await my orders, General,” King Xander said.

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” General Povaximus said.

  “Send forth our ally, who will prepare the way for us,” King Xander said.

  Rivka reached into the spirit world and made her presence known, but said nothing. Gadamalto sensed her presence and moved inland.

  “Who is this ally?” Gisella asked.

  “Someone who is hidden from sight, even from my sight,” King Xander said.


  In the spirit world around the continent of Revod, Gadamalto moved about and filled the spirits of the willing with deception and doubt, as long as they drank of the Zovvin Ocean waters and could hear spirits, which many of them did.

  Gadamalto spoke to their spirits of freedom and abundance that they had never known, and that they should only listen to the message of King Xander. Many lies had been told to the citizens, Gadamalto warned them in a whisper, and Xander’s name was defamed by those who sought to enslave the world for their own selfish goals, when he would give them what they sought. Why live in scarcity when abundance existed? Why live under laws and trials when freedom was to be found? No wise man should strike first without hearing an opposing argument.

  These men and women listened and spread the word to those who drank the other waters and convinced them to take the time to listen and be willing to accept King Xander as a true and better leader.

  In a matter of only eleven (11) days, many of these citizens of the Jenaldej Empire listened, and they came to the coast by the tens of thousands to hear more of the king’s message. In total, there were eighty-nine thousand seven hundred forty-one (89741) people who had been convinced to meet with King Xander. They looked out upon the fleet of ships that had arrived with their would-be monarch. Among these waiting people were drinkers of every different ocean water.


  “They have gathered along the coast, Your Majesty,” General Povaximus said.

  “Aura, speak to them, and tell them of what I have to give, and what I have already given,” King Xander said.

  Aura refreshed herself by drinking anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from her vial and she was energized. Then, she began singing the song Gifts from the King:

  All Melodies, All Harmonies,

  The symphonies that inspire,

  The magic flute and the lyre,

  The music that lifts spirits higher.


  These are gifts from the king.

  Praise his name. Let me hear you sing.

  He grants the greatest of everything.

  All Oceans, All Waters,

  The rivers that flow and rage,

  The wisdom of the greatest sage,

  The powers that transcend the age.


  All Nature, All Seasons,

  The bitter frost and burning flame,

  The wild creature and the tame,

  The endless different and the same.


  All Nights, All Days,

  The dreams that will become real,

  The hidden things he will reveal,

  The treasures none can ever steal.


  All Wealth, All Wonders,

  The power of each element,

  The talent by which we invent,

  The rich resources we are sent.


  All Hope, All Belief,

  The knowledge of the proper way,

  The allies who never betray,

  The promise of a joyful day.


  The song enchanted and captivated the crowds and prepared them to hear more.

  “Rivka, they are ready,” King Xander said.

  Rivka drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from her vial and was energized. Several others – more heralds of the king – around her did the same and they all reached into the spirit world, calling forth the spirits to enter into the bodies of those who had opened themselves to the song. Their spirits were subdued and made to lay dormant, and the new spirits came in, loyal to the king, for they were chosen by Rivka and the other heralds to return to the material world and live again.

  “They have become ours, Your Majesty,” Rivka said.

  “Give them my orders, Aura,” King Xander said.

  Aura then spoke to the people in a sing-song voice, saying: “King Xander the Unfailing now welcomes you into his kingdom, and bids you to welcome more. Sing to them this song, and speak into their minds and hearts with your powers of emotion and spirit to tell them of the freedom and abundance that the king will give to you. Make monuments of light to pay him tribute, and fill the land with his name. Then, pursue the greatest goal, which is to seek out the unified ocean, whose waters give all powers,” Aura said.

  The people then went forth and did as they were told, and enchanted others with the songs and with the use of powers over the mind. They created images of great works, by bending light to create illusions and captivate the eyes. They called forth to spirits who inhabited more of the people, and soon, their number grew to millions and tens of millions: ninety-seven million eight hundred twenty three thousand (97823000) people belonged to King Xander after only thirty (30) days.

  However, songs that had been prepared against them held in check their progress, and powers of darkness did cast shadows over the illusions. Telepathic powers went to war. The servants of King Xander did not experience the near total successes that they had in other lands, and their victories were far fewer in number. As a result, they conquered some regions of Revod and not others, so that their dominion was surrounded by independent regions still under the control of the Jenaldej Empire.


  Word of this spreading conquest reached Prince Trahaearn, the resource coordinator Nathan and General Joshua by various scouts and spies, and they were puzzled as to how their plans had not entirely succeeded. They coul
d not clearly see their own victories, however, for the victories of the king resulted in the gathering of large crowds, which were more obvious.

  “We prepared, yet their words carried far. Their song resounds throughout the land, though we have many to sing against them. Their illusions shine forth, despite the powers of darkness we called to dispel false lights,” Prince Trahaearn said.

  “The number of our citizens taken by the forces of the king number in the tens of millions, by the coarsest of estimates. Either their powers are stronger than ours, or we have traitors among us,” Nathan said.

  “Quite likely, both are true,” General Joshua said.

  “We will have to face them, directly, and not be ensnared by their deceptions,” Prince Trahaearn said.

  “Our best plans failed – or achieved a lower level of success than expected. We need to plan differently, to thwart their growth,” Nathan said.

  “I only plan to face them if we can do so effectively. Confronting them and falling into their trap serves their purpose – not ours,” General Joshua said.

  “They may have been deceived by the powers of spirits,” Nathan said.

  “If so, then the Spirit Sword may yet be of use against them. It is no weapon against flesh, as we have seen, but it touches spirit, and even strikes against fire,” General Joshua said.

  “Keep it with you, but do not depend on it entirely. You should be accompanied – by a musician, and a telepath, a spirit communicator and a dark scout. These will shield you against the king’s primary attacks,” Prince Trahaearn said.

  “I will coordinate our available personnel, and select ones of the highest skill levels, and give them the most purified of ocean waters,” Nathan said.

  “Is our highest level of skill high enough?” Prince Trahaearn asked.

  “If not, we’ll send more,” Nathan said.

  “You’re thinking like a general of a large army who wants to make it even larger,” Prince Trahaearn said.

  “At times, greater quantity is the solution to a challenge…as long as it is applied in the right directions,” Nathan said.


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