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Haunt & Havoc

Page 59

by Jeremy Dwyer

  Marthe then put to use the standard practice that was used on airships. The crystals which held them aloft did so by absorbing solar energy into their particular geometry. These would then generate an aura that surrounded the ship with heat and elevated it. That same aura would then evaporate the water that still adhered to the airship’s hull from when it traveled at sea level. Thus, when the airship touched down – typically in a different variety of water – there would be no mixing of droplets of water adhering to its hull with droplets from the new body of water. This was essential for preventing the highly volatile reaction of mixing waters that would damage or destroy the hull of the ship.

  She took a gemstone from her supply cabinet – it was cut much the same as the crystals for airships – and she set it on a small stone disk on the floor. It had been charged and waiting for many days – she kept these crystals around and charged just for the purpose of cleaning up spills and purifying her laboratory – and it began to emit its aura. The waters were then evaporated and funneled out of an exhaust opening in the ceiling.

  Once the mess was cleaned up, Marthe looked at the male slave still chained to the wall, but he had passed out. She checked his pulse and found that he was still alive. The true test would be in the next day or so to determine if any poisoning had occurred due to the water crystal manipulations from this or future experiments.

  Marthe wrote the male slave’s status in her laboratory notebook as well. Even if he did succumb to poisoning, he had already outlasted the test subjects that the Society of the Dead Waters had used. This meant that her parameters were likely nearer to the optimal values. The male slave’s lack of control of the water powers was another matter, so the experiment was far from conclusive.

  CHAPTER 44: Invitation to the World from the Unfailing King

  Over the course of a month, the Eminence of the Oceans slowly sailed the Kazofen Ocean from east to west along the southern coast of the continent of Revod.

  During this voyage, Aura stood on the deck of the ship and continued drinking the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from her vial to energize her with the powers of music. This enabled her to imbue her repeated musical performances of Gifts from the King with enchanting power, captivating the senses of the people they met on the shores when they heard the song. By these actions, she helped to spread the words of inspiration to the people of the Jenaldej Empire so that they believed in the goodness of King Xander.

  Standing by Aura’s side, Rivka continued to drink of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from her own vial. Rivka then called to the spirit world to send more spirits into the bodies of the living who had been enchanted by the song, because the song made them more receptive to the spiritual possessions. Their own spirits were subdued and their bodies were given over to the newly entering spirits.

  Aura then repeated the orders of the king, directing these newly captured people to go forth and use their powers from the waters that they drank, so as to spread the message of King Xander even farther.

  Standing next to both Aura and Rivka, the Chronicler Gisella continued watching and recording all that she saw and heard into her book. However, she did not know for sure that the powers of spirits were being used – she could not see into the spirit world, only that Rivka was drinking the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from her vial. She definitely did not know of the presence of the demon Gadamalto, who had been at work facilitating the subjugation by continuing to whisper temptations into the ears of the people in Revod, so that they would be even more willing to cooperate and put up less of their planned resistance.

  King Xander supervised all of this, and he watched Gisella even as she was watching him. He basked in the glory of the conquest, witnessing the people fall under the spell of the song and the spirit powers and shout out their allegiance to him. He wanted to fill her book with his name, and to travel back to Emeth, and even fill the halls of that city with his name.

  Gisella felt his eyes on her, not knowing why. She suspected that he had evil designs – that he might try to strike at her. However, she knew that he would fail if he had tried, because she was always protected. She made eye contact with him, wondering if it would reveal something.

  “You are quick and tireless, Chronicler. Yet, are you fully aware? I would be disappointed if your ordinary eyes could not see all of my glory, so that some of it did not enter into your book,” King Xander said.

  “I write all that I see, according to the Oath,” Gisella said.

  “With the powers given to you by the Ursegan Ocean waters you drink – as I can see from the markings carved into the vial of water you wear on the cord around your neck – you have the power to slow time around and within you, thus living long years. Further, you can observe quickly proceeding events by slowing their apparent pace, giving you time to record. These powers are no mystery to me. Even still, you cannot see far, or into the darkness, because you do not drink the waters of the Lujladia Ocean. I am disappointed that you are the only Chronicler who has come to witness the expansion of my kingdom,” King Xander said.

  “You are free to invite another Chronicler to join you, and they are free to accept your offer, if a more significant matter does not hold their attention,” Gisella said.

  King Xander became enraged at this remark, however. “What could be more significant than my kingdom? What Chronicler could focus their attention elsewhere when my kingdom is here before their very eyes?” King Xander asked.

  “As you already said, I cannot see all things – those events hidden in the darkness or too far away are beyond my perceptions. Perhaps, another Chronicler can see a more significant matter that my eyes cannot,” Gisella said.

  “It is not enough, then, that I should have you to record the increasing majesty of my kingdom into your book. There need to be more, to spread my name even farther,” King Xander said.

  Gisella was recording all of this into her book. Her words were truthful and not meant to instigate, but she could tell that the king perceived her words as a challenge to the magnitude of his glory. Though not intentional on her part, she was not unhappy about irritating this despot.

  At the end of the month, the Eminence of the Oceans had reached the southwestern corner of Revod – where the continent bordered the northern tip of the Road of Kovoxotu land bridge. Aura and Rivka continued their ritual of song and spirit, enjoining the multitudes of people they met on the shore to serve King Xander.

  However, this time, King Xander turned to Aura and Rivka and said: “It is not enough that the kingdom should expand only by our traveling to each continent. My own glorified name should spread far and wide, until it is written in all places, so that the people want me as their king and travel to me in search of the prosperity I promise. Send these newest people as scribes to surrounding lands, telling them of my greatness and of the wealth that awaits them if they accept my reign. They should journey to Revod, and come into our kingdom, joining us in our pursuit of the greatest prize of all time – the unified waters, which await us all, giving every power. It will free them from limitations, and from the need for any other king or deity. This, I promise, is true. All should thirst for these unified waters, and seek their location and I will lead them on the quest to find it. They must turn away from all of their lesser pursuits, and follow me as their king – only then will they truly be free.”

  Gisella recorded this boast into her book, but she didn’t believe that such unified waters existed, or that King Xander would share them if he found them. They would be a most extraordinary prize – if true – but it seemed more likely that this king had ill intentions. It could also be that the unified waters were a lie designed to entice people to follow this king on some other – and far less noble – pursuit. As a Chronicler, she was not supposed to judge events, but she certainly did have thoughts on matters, and thought this all to be a dreadful lie.

  Aura called out in her sing-song voice to the people on the shore, telling them: “Journey into lands nearby and distant
, speaking of the glorious name of King Xander the Unfailing. Tell them of the good news – the hope that can be found in his search for the waters that give all powers, and that he will lead everyone in the search for these unified waters. Tell them to make the journey to come into his kingdom, and to accept his rule over them, giving up their lesser pursuits, and other kings and gods.”

  The people – under the spell of song and spirit – went forth and did as instructed.


  Several days after receiving the proclamations of King Xander, a man and a woman arrived in the Bazavadoran Isthmus. They traveled through the land bridge, speaking to everyone whom they met.

  “We bring the good news of King Xander the Unfailing. His prosperous kingdom has expanded even into Revod, and he invites you to accept his reign and his search for greater prosperity. Each of you has a choice to make of which of the twelve (12) ocean waters to drink, and to receive only the power from that one (1) water,” the man said.

  “King Xander seeks the unified waters, which give all powers. These are the greatest wealth the world has ever known. Come with us and let him lead you on the search for these waters which are above all others. Give up your lesser pursuits for this greater pursuit. Choose only to follow the leadership of King Xander and not any other king or god; then, you need not choose a water with a single power,” the woman said.

  The message was spread throughout the kingdom and it soon reached the ears of King Hamza Bazavador.

  Captain Duvall entered the castle throne room and said: “Your Majesty. I sincerely beg your pardon, but I have news of great interest; yet, whether it is good or ill I do not know.”

  King Hamza Bazavador awakened from his nap and said: “Yes, Captain? Do you bring me news of the end of King Xander? Certainly, you are not telling me of his conquering of yet another land, as I told you I have no fear of him or his kingdom of lies.”

  “No, Your Majesty, I do not speak of the conquests of King Xander. Rather, it is a message he has sent through his couriers. He seeks a different kind of water – the unified waters – they give all powers to those who drink of them. He is leading people on the search for these waters, and inviting all to come into his kingdom for this quest,” Captain Duvall said.

  “You fool!” King Hamza Bazavador laughed, and then he continued, saying: “No such water ever was known to any man or woman. This is the same lie he has been telling for ages. Of course everyone wants this water – it is the fulfillment of all of their wishes for power. To have all powers in a single water would lead to chaos and war – anyone who drank of it would control every power, which would be used for every kind of evil, because those who wielded the powers would live for many ages.”

  “You know much about this King Xander, Your Majesty. Will his words trick these people into joining him?” Captain Duvall asked.

  “Some will believe. Some of those will follow,” King Hamza Bazavador said.

  “Yet, you know that he will not find it?” Captain Duvall asked.

  “Even he cannot find what does not exist – not that he is truly searching for it. It is only an enticement to grow his numbers and glorify him. He hungers for praise and glory,” King Hamza Bazavador said.

  “Shall I destroy his couriers?” Captain Duvall asked.

  “No. You shall only send my couriers throughout the land, and give this message to the people of my kingdom: ‘The choice of one (1) water from among the twelve (12) waters must still be made, as that is all that you are allowed. Those who promise otherwise are tyrannical liars who wish to control the foolish, and those who seek otherwise are tyrannical fools, who wish to believe in a lie that they can control all things. Both shall be ruined by the lies,” King Hamza Bazavador said.

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” Captain Duvall said. He left the throne room and sent this message to the king’s couriers, who then went forth to contradict the couriers of King Xander.


  In the Jeshirinko Barrier land bridge, two (2) men both arrived from Revod. They traveled through the land bridge, speaking to everyone whom they met.

  “We bring the good news of King Xander the Unfailing. His prosperous kingdom has expanded even into Revod, and he invites you to accept his reign and his search for greater prosperity. Each of you has a choice to make of which of the twelve (12) ocean waters to drink, and to receive only the power from that one (1) water,” the first man said.

  “King Xander seeks the unified waters, which give all powers. These are the greatest wealth the world has ever known. Come with us and let him lead you on the search for these waters which are above all others. Give up your lesser pursuits for this greater pursuit. Choose only to follow the leadership of King Xander and not any other king or god; then, you need not choose a water with a single power,” the second man said.

  The message was carried from person to person, whatever their role or skill or waterbinding. Each person discussed it as well as passing it on. Some believed the message, though some did not.

  Word of this soon reached to both Zarren and Pasha, who listened for news of King Xander. While they had different waterbindings, they had the same devotion. They were standing on the steps leading up to a pyramidal structure when the courier arrived and spoke to the people standing on the ground around the structure.

  “I have studied a great deal in Emeth, and there is no sign of there ever having been such a unified water. Liars tell lies, and give promises of powers that never were or could be. All who believe this are fools, and all who speak it are contemptible liars wasting our time by suggesting such pursuits,” Pasha said, loud enough so that everyone around could hear, hoping to discourage this pursuit.

  Zarren drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from his vial and was energized. With strength and speed he drew forth the short swords he held and decapitated the pair of couriers. Their heads were flung to the ground and the many people around saw this.

  “Those who lie shall die. There are no other waters,” Zarren said.

  “Speak this truth – and the consequences of lies – so that the lie does not spread. You know which waters give which powers: that is the law of nature, and natural law is supreme,” Pasha said.

  The group of people – who, moments ago, had been intently listening to the couriers speaking of the unified waters – then disbanded, and spoke of this summary execution to others.

  Pasha and Zarren then went further up the steps of the pyramid together and entered the temple at the top.

  “My fear is that some will believe in a unified water and pursue it, with or without this King Xander,” Pasha said.

  “It is rational to want it, of course, for personal advantage,” Zarren said.

  “It is irrational for us to allow them to believe in it or find it, which would put us at a disadvantage,” Pasha said.

  “Is there a possibility that it does exist?” Zarren asked.

  “I suspect – even fear – that it might. Yet, if it is like the others, and requires a waterbinding, it will be inaccessible to us,” Pasha said.

  “Only those who have not yet made the choice will be able to drink of it,” Zarren said.

  “Correct. It has long been the most rational choice to identify individual potential and select the most appropriate water to multiply it, and then bind to that water, gaining the powers it gave. Those who did not choose – whether for indecision or for any other reason – would gain no such power and be the weakest among us. Now, those who avoided the decision may have the opportunity to become the strongest among us, if this unified water were to be found,” Pasha said.

  “If such a water does exist, then why hasn’t it been found yet?” Zarren asked.

  “What makes you think that it hasn’t? Whoever found it isn’t talking about it – would you share the knowledge of the greatest power if you had it?” Pasha asked.

  “No. But how could I hide an entire ocean?” Zarren asked.

  “There are many assumptions in that question
, not the least of which is that all oceans are vast in their expanse,” Pasha said.

  “Is it rational for us to pursue it?” Zarren asked.

  “Not without a strong indicator of where to search. However valuable it would be, we cannot expend limited resources on something that might not truly exist. I am not yet convinced,” Pasha said.


  In a port town in the Wandering of Shadows, a pair of women arrived from Revod. They began speaking to everyone.

  “We bring the good news of King Xander the Unfailing. His prosperous kingdom has expanded even into Revod, and he invites you to accept his reign and his search for greater prosperity. Each of you has a choice to make of which of the twelve (12) ocean waters to drink, and to receive only the power from that one (1) water,” the first woman said.

  “King Xander seeks the unified waters, which give all powers. These are the greatest wealth the world has ever known. Come with us and let him lead you on the search for these waters which are above all others. Give up your lesser pursuits for this greater pursuit. Choose only to follow the leadership of King Xander and not any other king or god; then, you need not choose a water with a single power,” the second woman said.

  This message was spread throughout the port town, mostly by the merchants who carried news across this strange land bridge which was caught between the oceans of light and dark. Traversing its rough terrain and volatile weather was infamously dangerous and difficult, so most known activity and commerce was confined to its coastlines. The mixture of darkness and light, emanating from the Lujladia and Ikkith Tar Oceans themselves, confused navigation over land and even in the nearby waters, and the darkness of the twilight sky only compounded the problem. Still, the invitation from King Xander was delivered to this port town and to others, as well.


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