Ice Blood
Page 4
She was willing to bet three other dragons were chained to the other three chimneys.
More than bet. She sensed their energy now, in such close proximity to them. Her bones vibrated with power, detecting draconic life forms. Dozens of them.
She was supposed to hate dragons.
But how could she hate this?
Poor steaming thing.
Mia didn't like the sympathy the sight erected in her. She shouldn't be feeling like this for dragons. Dragons were monsters. Yet...
She approached the dragon, forging a new connection in her mind. A connection that made her heart shrivel up.
The attacks on the factories have been increasing lately. Just the factory area. Because they know the dragons are trapped here? Their... children?
Suddenly, the dragons became less villainous in her eyes. Sure, she needed to stop them, sure, she'd do her job...
Did dragons care about their offspring? Did they burn with fury to have their little ones taken?
She saw more than hate and destruction in this dragon's eyes. She saw suffering, pain, and a trembling fear. Likely it sensed what she was.
I don't know anything. I don't know anything, anymore. “They must be trying to break you,” Mia whispered, now moving close. It couldn't do anything. Not whilst being chained up like that. Nothing at all. “But, why? To use you to burn the coals? Use your strength for slave labor? What on earth...?”
A pathetic whimper came out of the dragon's mouth. Its eyes rolled, bloodshot.
Would I be better off just putting it out of its misery? Mia considered it for longer. She was only here to gather information. Gather it, report back. Still, she touched the dragon's snout. What use, really? Humans did this to it.
“I'm sorry,” she said. “I can't do anything more for you now. But maybe I'll be back.” Back for what? How could she possibly just take a dragon out of there? Not like the beast could fit up a damn chimney. If she let it free, it might have no willpower to do anything, or it might turn on her.
She left it behind, and its low moans followed her. The other three rooms, each accessible by a thin corridor, led to three other dragons. The last room had the smallest dragon of all—a red one that actually only reached up to her chest in height. No wings, claws, teeth, or horns. This one might fit up the chimney...
The dragon fixed milky gray eyes upon her. All those spikes pressing into it... must be in agony.
I need to keep looking. I can't let myself get distracted by this. The dragon watched her go, and she entered a wider compound, shrinking against the wall when she saw a guard patrolling the middle. The dragons themselves appeared to have been sealed in, though Mia suspected the back walls would open, somehow. The compound itself appeared to be under construction, but Mia didn't know what for. There were several raised platforms. For more dragons?
Taking advantage of the fact the guard didn't bother looking up, Mia surfed up the wall, noiseless as ever, intending to explore as many rooms as possible. She didn't want to knock out guards if possible. Once they knew they were infiltrated, that was it.
The guard in his black uniform went through a door, and Mia dropped to a heavy, deadlocked steel door, which radiated heat, even on the metal.
Carefully teasing the door open, she peered into the room.
Again, her heart dropped into her feet, and a pit opened in her stomach.
Eggs. Mounds and mounds of white, green, and red eggs piled in the room, surrounded by burning furnaces. Mia froze her blood and slid into the room. Too hot for a normal human. Fine for her.
Now this would be easier to take back with her.
Maybe she could spend time looking for more plans, but the longer she stayed here, the more chance she had of being caught. Each egg was about the size of her palm. Apparently, dragons started tiny. Probably grew fast.
Does Gorchev want to corner the slave market with dragons? From a businessman's perspective, she supposed she saw the appeal in it. Bigger, stronger creatures. Breathe fire. Carry big loads. Maybe could even have them fly goods—if he didn't saw off their wings to stop them escaping.
Her lungs burned with the awful secret. Dragons attacking them. Were they justified? Mia believed herself justified to kill. But this...
Best not to think about it. She took four eggs. Just in case any broke. She didn't know how hard a dragon egg happened to be, and stuffed them into the three biggest pockets in her cloak. The last, a red one, she held. Her magic radiated to the cloak, preserving it from the egg's heat. She tried not to think about the fact that she might be killing them by taking them from the warmth, and began her journey back to the chimney.
She peered outside. No guard. Excellent. She wasted no time skating over to where the dragons were imprisoned. The red dragon's eyes bulged when it saw the egg in her hands.
Mia didn't know why, but she felt guilty. “It's not what you think,” she said, wondering if the beast even understood speech. “I need to bring proof to my employer that something's up with this factory. And... I don't like dragons. But... I don't like this. It's not right.” She stood to regard it. Could she free the beast?
Eventually, heaving a sigh, she shook her head. “I can't free you. Not yet. Not without drawing suspicion.” Zaine knew about the dragons. Was this what he intended Mia to see? “I'll tell you this. A man called Zaine sent me.”
She didn't know if the name meant anything to the dragon—but the way the eyes sparked then, as if flooded with hope, made Mia pause.
It knew Zaine. Whatever this dragon was, it knew him. Which meant... it likely understood human language as well.
“I'll be back soon,” she said, without knowing if she'd be back at all. The little red dragon watched her go, eyes still burning.
That uncomfortable feeling continued to wedge in her mouth. It didn't want to go away.
Chapter Six – Zaine
She's taking too long. Zaine, although he'd tried to maintain a neutral distance, not get spotted or too closely involved, found himself pacing the factory streets in the night, with the new looming factories permeating his thoughts, his body. He knew something was up. Knew dragons were disappearing, knew the factory owner had an unhealthy obsession with dragons. Heard complaints both from trads and hybrids. The trads really wanted war. Not just the hot-headed youngsters seeking vigilante justice. Real war, like in the past.
Where nobody won.
He approached as close to the factory as he dared in the night, holding a tankard of ale to himself so if anyone saw him, they'd just think he was an aimless drunk or something. It all needed to be covert. The moment Gorchev caught a whiff that his factory had been infiltrated, he'd likely destroy and move evidence. Make it spotless within hours.
He waited in shadows, with the faint tang of smoke filling his lungs. Some of the factories still smoldered at night, wanting around-the-clock work.
Mother of heaven, why did it all have to be so difficult? People just didn't stop doing their shit. Honestly, sometimes he just wanted to wash his hands of everyone and just soar into the mountains, and live in a cave by himself, only concerned with the necessities of food and sleep, with no fear of stretching his wings. Maybe he'd have time for that once this was all over.
If it ever became over.
Father and Mother would be pleased to have it all over. Trade had been tight recently with their nation. If the humans cut it off, then there'd be nothing left to stop the tensions increasing between the races, until it blew up. And if the trads cut things off... the same would happen. Isolation did things to a mind. It formed whispers, making one a hero against a world of monsters.
Never once did anyone comprehend that one person's hero was another person's villain.
Zaine rubbed his forehead, where beads of stress had formed.
Why had he pinned everything on this woman, again? Three other icebloods, plenty of spies—yet somehow, he'd entrusted the mission to her. Hoping that greed would be enough to keep her under control. A bold mo
ve, for sure—snatching one of Gorchev's pet killers out of his hands. But how long could Zaine keep her away? Because she had blood on those clothes of hers. Eight and counting.
And if there are dragons in there—what if she kills them all? A sick ball formed in his stomach.
He wandered the street, gradually circling the compound, still clutching his tankard. The grubby clothes would hopefully deter thieves—they had a nose for richness.
He probably should be getting back by now. No sense in waiting and worrying longer. He'd been trying to sleep earlier, but his mind just raced with thoughts. Not wanting to remain still.
He glanced upwards to the dark night, to the top of the factories—and a grin split his lips.
There, barely a speck in the night, but clear to his enhanced vision, was a cloaked figure, streaming down from the top as if on an invisible slide. The cloak flapped behind her. Amazing. Icebloods had such fascinating powers. He suspected sliding on air took more energy than slipping up a wall. He calculated her trajectory, then made his way over. No alarms seemed to be wailing. No one pointed to the sky and exclaimed anything, no gunfire echoed through the night. Zaine ducked between buildings, his drink sloshing about, feet thumping through gaslit streets, excited.
But wait. Should he even try to meet up with her now?
He considered this notion for a split second, before hurrying onwards. Whatever. He'd just say he was in the area, to check in to see if the alarms went off.
Moments later, as he scurried through the cobbled streets, he heard a gasp. Crashing. A strangled cry of fury.
What was this? Three steps. Four.
Mia hurtled into the abandoned square, clutching something tight to her chest. Seconds later, she was followed by two others—two people slithering across the ground.
More icebloods.
“Bitch!” one of them roared. “Just you fucking wait until we catch up!”
“Sod off, Jason,” Mia yelled back, careless of the noise. “Get over your own steaming ego! I'm better than both of you combined, you know it, and you can't stand it!”
“Teach that wretch a lesson,” the other one growled. “Show her that she doesn't belong out here...”
Zaine, crouched behind a stack of crates, found a hot, dangerous rage building up in his chest. Didn't Mia mention something about other people not liking the fact she had powers?
He needed to help. But how to help without revealing what he was?
Looping in the air above the buildings, Mia held out one finger, glinting with blue. Light burst in a beam from it, directly hitting one of the men. He shrugged it off, laughing, before raising his staff. Zaine felt the energy charging in it. Oh no, he thought. I can't help. Getting caught in the crossfire between three icebloods is madness!
Mia certainly looked capable of handling herself. However, she must have been exerting her powers through the factory, and didn't have strong focus points for her magic.
“Am I going to have to report this to the boss? How's he gonna feel that you attacked his favorite iceblood?”
The one called Jason growled in incandescent fury, goaded by her words. “He only hires you for your tits!”
Several people by now were staring out of their bedroom windows, apparently riveted by the spectacle. It wasn't every night that icebloods decided to holler at one another in the street.
Jason wasted no time once his power had charged up. He sent hundreds of blue bolts towards Mia.
Her skin flickered blue for a moment, and all the bolts bounced off her, as if hitting solid wall. Jason howled. The other one, though, glared in a sullen way, his sallow face fixated on hers.
“What you even doing here anyway?” Jason said, now suspicious. “Skulking near boss's factories during your week off? Think we didn't notice? What's that in your hand?”
Before Mia could answer, Zaine stepped out from his hiding spot at last, still holding his tankard in beer-splashed fingers. “Mia!” he yelled, causing multiple eyes to fixate on him. “You weren't kidding when you said you had powers! Wow! I'm impressed. But who are these men?”
“Who're you?” Jason snapped, even as a quiet groan came from Mia's side of the fight.
“The person who is courting Mia, thank you very much!” Zaine said, even as his heart hammered ferociously. Three icebloods. All of them capable of killing him in a single blast of ice. Like facing three loaded weapons pointed his way. “She went off somewhere, and I went looking, and then I see you two chasing her! What in mother of heaven?”
Jason and Sanders glanced at one another before Jason's lips curled. “Really? You're courting Mia?” He took in Zaine's slovenly appearance. “You're the reason why she's sneaking into this area? This true, Mia?”
Jaw clenched, Mia managed a “Yes.”
Jason roared with ugly laughter, slapping his knees, and his companion joined in. “Wow... your standards... fucking the boss... and fucking this man...”
“For the last time, I am not fucking the boss,” Mia snarled, slipping closer to Zaine. “And it's not up to you what I choose to do with my free time. You wonder why I keep things quiet? Exactly so I don't end up having to listen to you slobber about how I shouldn't be working or deserve to work.”
Zaine smiled, thin-lipped. Hopefully the cover would work, staving off these men's suspicions. But Mia worked with these people? These vile men were one heartbeat away from raping her. Disgusting. How he longed to shift into a dragon and crunch down on their wretched, worthless hides.
Except he couldn't really do that to an iceblood.
“Come back to the tavern with me, sweetling,” Zaine said, enjoying the way her stare turned murderous. “I'd love to see more of your skills in private...”
Barely able to suppress her rage, Mia slid next to him, and he flung one fake drunken arm over her shoulders and swaggered away, leaving the two men to laugh themselves sick.
“What,” Mia hissed between her teeth, cheeks burning in humiliated anger, “are you doing here?”
“Getting you out of a sticky situation,” Zaine replied, trying to ignore how it felt to have her pressed so close to him. To feel the coolness of her body, and the heat from her face. “Nice friends you work with, there.”
“Jason and Sanders barely have a brain to share between them,” Mia said, shaking. With rage? Fear? The way her lip curled in contempt... probably rage. “I was unlucky enough to slide right past them. They likely noticed my activity in this sector. Probably hoped to catch me off guard. Least they didn't see me drift down from the factory, though...” Adrenaline seemed to animate her words. He didn't remember her ever being this talkative.
Now Zaine examined the object Mia clutched in her left hand, obscured by her sleeved arm. His heart lurched to a stop. “Mia, what do you have?”
Mia seemed to have forgotten she was holding something. She blinked for a moment, shadows of exhaustion in her features, before saying, “Ah. It's a dragon egg. I have three more. I think this is the evidence you're looking for, no?”
“Dragon eggs...” Zaine couldn't hold back the loathing in his voice. “He's taking children?”
“Worse than that,” Mia said, making his insides crunch horribly. “I saw at least four dragon slaves. Three green, one red. Chained, wings shorn, probably supposed to be used to heat the furnaces. The red one...” Now she looked at him, puzzled, lips pursed. “I mentioned your name, and the red one seemed to recognize it.”
Red one. Could it be my sister? “Did you...” it took some effort for Zaine to let the words out, “did you... need to kill any of them?”
The iceblood woman shook her head. “What's the point? I was tempted to, what, put them out of their misery or whatever. But I can't draw attention, can I? Not if you want whatever it is you want to succeed.” She handed the egg to him, still warm. “Here.”
Zaine removed his arm from Mia and took it, hands trembling violently.
“You okay, Zaine?” Mia stared at him curiously.
� Zaine swallowed. “I've been tasked with human-dragon relations in this city.” Ignoring Mia's surprise, he ploughed on. “We had determined that the dragon attacks were getting worse, and they might have a reason for it. And if I can find out the source, and fix it, then the attacks will lessen. Dragons,” he swallowed again, “they have minds not unlike humans. They feel great rage when their... their young is taken.” He finished, now examining the egg. A little life simmered in there. Waiting to be born into slavery.
Now saved.
Mia remained silent for a moment. “I wondered about that.” They plodded through the streets together, occasionally checking behind them to make sure no one followed. “I've not had good experience with dragons. I...” She fell silent. Choking on a memory.
“Just like you get good and bad humans,” Zaine said softly, “you get good and bad dragons. I wish it were different. Whatever happened to you...”
“It doesn't matter.” The walls sprang up again, and that tiny glimpse into her soul vanished. “Were you stalking me? And what are you wearing?” Now her attention focused on his drabby, beer-stained clothes.
“I paid a homeless man for these,” he said. “Authentic camouflage.”
Mia snorted, regarding Zaine with arms folded. “I'm capable of handling myself.”
“I know. It's just... I couldn't sleep.” He cradled the egg close to his chest, outrage still knotted inside. “It's been quite stressful for me, you understand. And then I wasn't entirely sure if my faith in you was as solid as I wanted you to believe. New hire and all.”
Thankfully, the iceblood didn't appear to take offense at this statement. Her soft lips moved thoughtfully, the bottom one disappearing between her teeth. Even with all the soot on her face, he found a kind of captivating charm there. Not the prettiest girl around, but there was something in those eyes. Something in the way she moved, with that inner light of assurance. Something that made him want to keep paying attention to her, and never stop.
Something that made him want to picture her beneath him, lips hissing words of ecstasy, to see her body shaking for an entirely different reason...