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Cross Breed

Page 7

by Lora Leigh

  Another ejaculation of the pre-seminal fluid shot inside her, sensitizing, searing her with increasing sensation.

  She couldn’t stop her cry, part pleasure, part pain, as her inner flesh began to give way to the intrusion.

  Oh God, he was so thick, stretching her, working inside the snug entrance with firm, determined thrusts.

  “Sweet, tight pussy,” he growled as the Breed pre-cum shot inside her again. “So fucking hot . . . take me, baby. Take all of me . . .”

  Panting cries fell from her lips as she backed into each thrust, needing more. She was dying for him, desperate for each inward stroke, each lance of agonizing pleasure.

  “It’s good, Cassie,” he crooned, his voice guttural, roughened with his pleasure. He pulsed again, harder this time, the ejaculation of hormonal fluid building her need, the sensitivity of her flesh and her lust. “So tight around my dick . . . sucking me in . . .”

  She screamed as the next thrust buried him to the hilt inside her.

  She could feel every inch of his cock as it stretched her, throbbed inside her. Her vagina gripped, rippled around the intruder and grew increasingly sensitive with each pulse of pre-cum. Her inner flesh was rippling with need, clenching, tightening, giving way to the heavy erection, stretching around it as each nerve ending blazed into brilliant life.

  Her vagina flexed, spasming in intense pleasure at each ejaculation, greedily taking the fluid that somehow allowed a female to take such an excess of flesh inside her. To take what she knew would soon result.

  “Please . . . please . . .” She had no idea what she was even begging for at this point.

  The sensations were more intense, driving deeper, harder inside her than before. The driving excess of pleasure, pain and desperate hunger was all she knew, all she could process.

  “Easy, baby.” He groaned as another hard pulse of heat infused her flesh. “Damn, you get tighter every time I fuck you. Greedy little pussy sucking at my cock.”

  His hips moved, flexed, the thick length shifting inside her with devastating results.

  There was no warning. Her orgasm tore through her, blazing through her senses in wave after wave of a pleasure so violent she could barely process the sensations.

  “Fuck me . . . damn you . . . fuck me . . .” That was her cry, her demand, and even as it fell from her lips she couldn’t make herself care about language.

  The world blurred around her as he began moving, nearly drawing free of her, pushing back, hard, hammering thrusts until she completely dissolved.

  The peak of the extended orgasm was cataclysmic. The pulse of his release, the thickening of the Breed knot inside her, stretching her further, throbbing hot and—God help her—giving her agonizing pleasure.

  Each hard throb of the swollen flesh was a pulse of release. A hot flick of lightning-sharp sensation that went beyond pleasure. Buried deep, the head of his cock nudging at her cervix, his semen unimpeded as it shot to the very depths of her body.

  And as he destroyed her, his arms surrounded her, held her secure against his hard chest as she sobbed out in ecstasy. His teeth bit into her shoulder; his tongue probed at the wound. He held her, whispered her name, eased her as the knot held him locked inside her, extending the pleasure until she lay limp against him.

  She was only barely aware of him pulling free of her sometime later. Turning off the water, he lifted her hair with one hand and quickly managed to secure a towel around the sodden length. Then, picking her up, he carried her back to the bedroom, and laid her gently in her bed.

  She lay, floating in satiation and exhaustion, but still aware of him. Aware of his cleaning their combined releases from between her thighs before drying her gently.

  When he moved, she assumed he was finished, that he’d go back to the television, leave her lying alone. Instead, when he returned, he pulled the towel gently from her damp hair and began rubbing the moisture from it with a dry towel.

  She drifted on waves of relaxation, distantly amazed when he rolled her to her back, finished drying her hair, then went to work separating the mass into sections and combing the tangles from it. Patiently murmuring his appreciation of the silken texture, the unruly curls, he worked the comb through them. And when he finished with the nearly dried strands he weaved them into a loose braid and secured them.

  At no time did he seem frustrated with the task, or in the least impatient. Amazingly enough, she thought as she drifted into sleep, she could have sworn she sensed his enjoyment.


  Cassie awoke just before dawn the next morning, alone, all too aware that she shouldn’t be. The clock on the bedside table assured her that she hadn’t slept for more than a few hours despite the fact that her internal clock assured her it was time to wake up.

  She’d spent most of the evening and night completing reports and ensuring that her Bureau files were ready for whomever Jonas chose to take her place among the agents who worked to pull in information concerning the Genetics Council’s attempts to sabotage the Breed community. Establishing a base on Navajo lands hadn’t come easy. Ensuring it survived would be even more difficult if they weren’t diligent in keeping the Council out of it.

  As she’d filed the reports before lying down, there had been a heavy regret, though. She’d enjoyed working with Jonas and the agents he’d assigned to her. Stepping away from it hurt. But better to do it willingly, her head held high, than to be forced to relinquish her job.

  Breed Law itself wouldn’t allow her to hold the position. Her mate wasn’t part of the established Breed community. He was actually considered “rogue,” a Breed who refused to declare his loyalty to the Breed community and worked often with the Council.

  Smothering a yawn, she sat up in the bed, aware of her nakedness, the sensitivity of her skin, and the tenderness between her thighs and at her breasts. Just as she was aware that her mate wasn’t in the suite with her.

  So where the hell is he? she wondered, rising from the bed and heading for the bathroom. She hadn’t heard him leave. Hell, he hadn’t even told her that he would be leaving.

  Genetics Council business? she wondered bitterly as she washed her face.

  Twenty-four years of achievements, of ensuring everyone could overlook her Coyote genetics, if not forget about them, and what did she go and do? She hadn’t just mated a Coyote, she’d mated one known for the fact that he often worked for the very monsters who created and tortured Breeds for so many decades.

  And not just any Council Coyote either. Hell no, she’d mated one of the most notorious, lethally dangerous Coyotes known. A hell of a way to convince Breeds and humans alike that her Coyote genetics didn’t matter.

  She applied her makeup quickly, paying close attention to the shadows under eyes before she brushed her hair back and secured it with a clip. She pulled on black silk slacks and a sleeveless violet blouse. Pushing her feet into black heels, she checked her appearance in the bathroom mirror.

  At least she looked no different from how she had the day before, she told herself silently as she strode through her bedroom and into the living area of the suite. Dog’s pack still sat next to the door, though he’d at least cleaned up the beer bottles and remains of the sandwich he’d had the night before.

  According to Anya, Coya of the Coyote packs in Citadel, she often had to threaten the Coyotes there to get them to pick up after themselves in the community rooms.

  Striding to the desk on the other side of the room, she picked up her mobile phone and activated the power.

  When the screen came up she stared at the message displayed with a sense of disbelief.


  She could feel her throat tightening, a band of impending anger forming in her forehead as she placed the phone carefully on the desk and picked up the tablet next to it.


  The message displayed w

hen she powered it up had her fingers tightening on the device before she carefully replaced it on the desk and turned toward her laptop and powered it on. The same message again. Picking up the slender black purse at the edge of the desk, she retrieved her personal mobile phone, activated it, and stared down at it with such a sense of overwhelming betrayal that that she had to fight to process it.


  “Well, that didn’t take long, did it,” she muttered bitterly.

  Turning on her heel, she moved back to her bedroom and went to the small jewelry box she kept on the dresser there. There, she extracted her watch and latched the leather band around her wrist.

  She was often teased about the piece of jewelry whenever she wore it, but no one would give it a second thought. More to the point, when she passed through the scanners outside the elevator in the lobby, the small chip hidden within it would be undetectable. If worse came to worst she’d be able to send an emergency signal to her father. But other than that, she was now unprotected. She had no idea where her security detail was, or her parents for that matter. And she wouldn’t be able to roam the Bureau searching for them. Furthermore, she’d be damned if she’d beg anyone to contact them.

  Collecting her purse, she left both her work phone and her personal phone lying on the desk next to the tablet and strode quickly to the door. Opening it, she nearly betrayed her shock at the two Breed Enforcers outside her door.

  She was now considered such a risk that guards were securing her room?

  Wolf Breed Enforcers. Wonderful. And two she didn’t recognize.

  She could sense the instant distrust and instinctive aggression they kept in check. It was in their gazes, in the hint of censure in their expressions. And telling herself it was natural, even instinctive, didn’t help. When it was all said and done, it was her own fault. She’d allowed herself to be mated to a Coyote no one, even his own species, trusted. She could blame no one but herself.

  Keeping her head high, she turned to the elevators, aware she was being followed by one of the enforcers. Stepping into the elevator, she ignored the Breed as he followed.

  “Lobby,” she spoke to the automated control.

  The trip down was made quickly, but not quickly enough to hide the scent of the Wolf Breed’s distaste and resentment.

  When the door opened, she wasn’t certain which of them was more relieved: her or the enforcer.

  “Miss Sinclair.” The Breed manning the scanners was cool, polite, where he’d always been friendly in the past.

  She passed through the scanner and didn’t pause as she moved for the entrance.

  Never had she been unable to contact her security detail before leaving the Bureau, or anywhere else for that matter. Walking through the doors of the Bureau took more courage than she actually wanted to admit to. To face the fact that if—when—a Council Breed realized she was alone, she’d have no one to depend on but herself.

  As she stepped through the glass door and let it swing closed behind her, she refused to allow herself to give in to the uncertainties she could feel building inside her. The area outside the Bureau wasn’t exactly deserted. At this time of the morning, shifts were changing for communications and clerical staff. Meetings would be beginning soon, the business day just gearing up for the Breeds and humans milling about the front of the buildings.

  Striding through the workers coming and going, she made her way to the curb and lifted her arm to signal one of the cabs idling in a waiting area well beyond the entrance to the building.

  As her arm went up, she was suddenly jostled from behind, thrown to the side into a male’s hard body. His hand gripped her arm, the hold like fire against her flesh. Cassie jerked back with a cry, only to have her head collide with something much harder.

  “Council whore . . .” Pain racked her side, stealing her breath and taking her to her knees as her vision dimmed and she felt herself toppling to the ground.

  They would attack her now? Her own people?

  As she felt consciousness slip away, she could have sworn she heard Dog screaming her name, her father’s enraged voice joining it.

  * * *

  • • •

  He was crazy to have let his lust and possessiveness for his little halfling get the best of him, Dog thought as he pulled the Dragoon in among the sedans, SUVs and pickups in the parking lot. The instinctive animal senses he’d possessed had gone insane at the thought of another Breed so close to her that the essence of his scent had been left on her. He’d made that damned bargain with her, believed he could have her without sparking the Mating Heat, and now, he’d only complicated both their lives and ensured a lack of trust from not just his mate, but those Breeds that his mate depended upon.

  And there wasn’t a damned thing he could do to fix it. At least not yet.

  The meeting scheduled with Mutt and Mongrel for an update on the extraction of their people from various Genetics Council holdings had taken longer than he expected. There were more than two dozen Breeds, male as well as female, working for suspected and known Genetics Council associates, risking their lives to complete the evacuation. That had been only one of the deceptions he’d been working on; the other was the identification of those funding the labs. The search for the identities of the twelve-member Council had been ongoing for more than two decades, and because he couldn’t stay away from his mate, it was over.

  Not that they were any closer to those identities than they had been when he’d begun his own search ten years ago. But according to the reports coming in, several of the Breeds working with him had gotten out with downloads of encrypted information from several select locations.

  So far, the mission was progressing with no apparent suspicion from the wrong people. There were no teams of Council soldiers or Breeds being gathered together or sent out; everything was business as usual.

  He could only pray it continued as smoothly, though he knew once word of his mating with Cassie made it to the higher ranks within the Council, notice would be taken.

  But there were no reports of it coming through their normal channels.

  Reaching across the console, he grabbed the bag filled with breakfast to share with his mate, pushed the door open and stepped out of the Dragoon, very well aware of the Wolf Breeds slipping along both sides of the vehicle.

  Pushing the door closed, he faced Cassie’s father, Dash Sinclair, and six of his highly trained Wolf Breeds.

  Brown eyes lit with amber and a hint of hazel narrowed on him from between black lashes. Thick black hair was neatly trimmed, almost military short, though he’d been out of the military a good fifteen years. At six-four, Sinclair matched him in height, and no doubt when it came to pure mean gutter fighting, Dog wouldn’t find it easy to defeat him without releasing the demented fury of the creature lurking inside him.

  Son of a bitch. If he got into a fight with his mate’s father, or the Breeds who followed him, then she wasn’t going to be happy in the least. She loved her parents, and a fight with this Breed was guaranteed to piss her off. Or worse yet, it would hurt her, cause her to distrust him if her father were harmed.

  Hell, if they struck, he was going to have to let them kick his ass. She would never countenance him striking her father, and he hadn’t secured her emotions yet, let alone enough loyalty to balance out her anger for him. “Well, fuck, get it over with,” he growled, lifting his lip in a disgusted sneer. “But I promise you, I’m going to make her feel so sorry for every bruise and broken bone that it will be years before she forgives you.”

  Taking a beating was something he’d never done in his life. Even during his very brief time in a Council lab. He’d never allowed it. Knowing he was going to have to allow it now was making his ass itch for sure.

  Sinclair crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head to the side, surprise flickering across his expression.

think I’d damage my daughter’s mate?” The rumble of displeasure in the alpha’s voice was unmistakable.

  “I think you’d kill me if she wouldn’t suffer for it,” he grunted, placing the bag of food on the hood of the Dragoon.

  Sinclair’s lips quirked in mocking acknowledgment.

  “Did you know before you met with my daughter that you were her mate?” Dash asked then. “And before you answer, let me tell you, I’ve already spoken to Styx.”

  Well now, he bet that conversation was damned interesting.

  “And what does that Scots bastard have to do with any of this?” Dog snapped, still more jealous of that redheaded fool than he liked to admit.

  “Styx caught a hint of your scent in that atrium six years ago, and he didn’t forget it. Your scent. You knew Cassie was your mate and you tricked her into meeting you, didn’t you?” No one could accuse this Breed of a lack of intelligence.

  “‘Tricked’ is a rather strong word,” he admitted with a cocky grin. “I merely suggested a meeting.” The snarl that pulled at his lips wasn’t entirely voluntary. “I waited six years to claim her; you were damned lucky I didn’t do it then.”

  “Does she know you’re also the bastard that nearly killed her on that island?” The guttural tone, rough with the animal rising inside the Breed, was indicative of the anger brewing inside him.

  “She knows.” Dog had made certain she knew several years ago during one of the infrequent phone calls he’d bargained for.

  “Goddammit,” Dash muttered, grimacing at the weapon he thought he’d have, though what good he thought it would do, Dog wasn’t certain.

  As the other Breed cursed, a subtle, faint scent caught his attention. Cassie’s scent.

  Turning toward the entrance of the Bureau, he searched for her, certain he had to be wrong. She wouldn’t be out in the general public when the smell of her Heat was impossible to miss.


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