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Greek: Best Frenemies

Page 16

by Marsha Warner

  Cappie held up the phone, where the text message boldly read, REVENGE. I HAVE PINKEYE— ALEX.

  “Pinkeye? From the guy who intentionally put his face in the punch bowl?” Rusty’s eyes widened as much as they could, which given how swollen they were was not very much.

  “Oh, my God. I can’t go back to ZBZ. I’ll give it to everyone,” Casey said. “Looks like I’m stuck here. Or at a motel.”

  “Or at health services,” Rusty suggested. “Should I wake the guys up?”

  “Let them sleep. The later they find out, the farther away I can be from them.” Cappie stood up. “Preferably in a motel. Spitter—” and he could put his hand on his shoulder because they were both clearly infected already “—I’m grateful for the robot project, but it looks like my legacy is going to be turning KT into a biohazard zone.”

  “It’s very memorable,” Beaver said.

  “At the moment, a little too memorable.” He pulled out his car keys and said to Casey, “What do you think? A quick doctor visit and then a run for the border?”

  “As long as no cliffs are involved.”

  “Don’t worry.” He kissed her, and they grabbed their stuff and headed to his car while the others were waking up and similarly vacating the premises. “I’ve got a plan.”

  “You always say that.”

  “I always have one,” he replied. “Where would I go in life if I didn’t?”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6899-3


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