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Hitman's Desire: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 4

by Riley, Megyn

  “I can’t watch you around the clock. If, and I mean if, we agree to do this, we’re going to have to do it in shifts.”

  “I don’t trust anybody else.”

  I stare deep into his eyes. “You trust me?”

  He surveys me a moment. “I think I’m a pretty good judge of character.”

  “Apparently, I’m not.”

  He grins. “You’re a big girl. You knew what you were doing.”

  I scowl at him. “What’s your involvement with the CIA?”

  He shrugs. “Nothing.”

  “Really?” I say, incredulous. “Then why is your file classified?”

  “Just lucky, I guess.”

  I stare at him a long moment. “I’ll have to talk to my boss, and the DA. In the mean time, I’ve been instructed to take you to a safe house.”

  “Anything beats this room.”

  I push back from the table and strut to the door. I feel Ryker’s eyes on me as I walk away.

  I clear everything with Murphy. Then Parker and I escort Ryker to the Belvedere. It’s a posh midtown hotel. The agents like it because the food is good and you can get room service 24 hours a day. The witnesses like it because it’s a cushy five-star hotel and they get everything they ask for. The standing rule is to give them what they want and keep them happy until they testify. After the State gets what they want, the witnesses go back to being dirtbags. They have the option of entering the witness protection program. Or they can take their chances on their own.

  Ryker fusses about Parker tagging along. But I tell him he’s got no choice. There’s no way Murphy is going to let me sit on a hardened criminal like Ryker alone. Especially one that every mobster in town is going to be gunning for.

  The manager at the Belvedere doesn’t really like it when we parade a criminal in handcuffs and leg irons through the main lobby. So we park in the garage and escort Ryker through the service entrance. The manager greets me with a smile and hands me a key card. Room 702. His eyes widen as he looks over Ryker. He swallows hard, and you can see the fear in his face. He’s a skinny bald guy in his early 30s. Ryker towers over him.

  “Enjoy your stay,” the manager stammers. “Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable.”

  “Thanks, Joshua,” I say.

  Joshua nods and shuffles away. By the look on his face, you can tell he is just praying that nothing goes wrong. I’m sure that a hitman staying in a five-star hotel is not good for business, if it were public knowledge.

  We make our way to the service elevator, and I press the call button. After a few moments, the bell dings and the lift arrives. The doors slide open and we step inside. I insert the key card into the security slot and press floor 7. The brushed aluminum doors slide shut. Ryker gives me a wink—it says: do you remember the last time we were in an elevator?

  My cheeks burn. I hope that Parker isn’t picking up on the subtleties of our nonverbal exchanges.

  We ride the elevator up. The bell dings at floor number seven. The doors slide open. Parker and I step out, each clutching one of Ryker’s arms as he shuffles along in leg irons. The metal clanks and jingles as we pull him down the hallway to room 702.

  I insert the key card into the locking mechanism. It flashes red for an instant, and I think the key isn’t working. Then I try it again, and it blinks green. I depress the latch and push open the door. “Stay with him.”

  I draw my weapon and advance through the door to clear the room. It’s standard protocol. It’s a two bedroom suite, with the living area in the middle. There is a bathroom on the left when you first enter. The hallway leads into the common area with a couch and TV. There are bedrooms on either side. With my sidearm at the ready, I clear every room. Then I make my way back to the main door.

  I give a nod to Parker, and he pushes Ryker into the room. The door clicks shut behind them, and I holster my weapon.

  Parker escorts Ryker into the living area and sets him down on the couch.

  “Aren’t we all on the same team now?” Ryker asks. “Can you take these fucking cuffs off?”

  “It’s against protocol,” Parker says. “You’re lucky you’re not in the county jail right now getting ass fucked.”

  Parker just smarted off to the wrong guy.

  “Let me ask you something, Special Agent Parker. Do I look like the kind of guy who’s gonna get ass fucked in county?”

  Parker stammers. “Um…”

  “Do yourself a favor,” Ryker says, glaring at him. “Say no.”

  “Um, no?”

  “Good boy. You’re learning, Parker. You’re learning.”

  “Parker, why don’t you take watch in the hallway,” I say. “I’ll take it from here.”

  “Uh, are you sure you’ll be okay?”

  “I’ll be fine, Parker.”

  Parker looks extremely confused, but shuffles out of the room.

  “Alone at last,” Ryker says with a grin.

  I move to the window, pull back the blinds, and scan the neighboring buildings for potential threats. An endless array of windows stare back at me. I shake my head. A sniper could be at any one of them. I draw the blinds shut and move back to Ryker. “Stay away from the windows.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he says with a snarky voice.

  “It’s for your safety.”

  “You going to do something about my cuffs? The way it is now I can’t even jack off if I want to. And, you know, being in prison for two years, I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

  “Really? I figured you had done a lot of jacking off in prison.”

  He scowls at me. “Come on. You can trust me.”

  “I can?”


  “Just like I trusted you last night?”

  “I never lied to you.”

  “No,” I say. “You just weren’t forthcoming.”

  “If I recall correctly, there was a lot of coming.” That devious smirk curls up on his face again.

  I want to slap him. “Fuck you.”

  “Been there. Done that.” He smiles.

  My eyes burn into him.

  “Don’t look at me like that. You know you want to do it again.”

  The instant he says that, I feel a tingle in my core. I scoff at him. “I have no desire to ever fuck you again.”


  “It wasn’t that good,” I say, casually.

  He bursts out laughing. “Right. I guess you don’t want a repeat?” He knows better.

  “No. It left me unfulfilled,” I lie.

  “That’s good, ‘cause you’re not really my type.”

  I arch an eyebrow at him. I sure was his type last night. What an asshole.

  “Come on. Let me out of these cuffs. I promise, I’ll be a perfect gentleman. I won’t lay a hand on you.”

  Grrr. I want his hands all over me. “Fine. But you try anything funny, I’ll put a bullet in you.”

  “You don’t have it in you.” His seductive eyes pierce into me.

  “Don’t tempt me. I’m a pissed off redhead, remember?”

  He squints at me. “Point noted.”

  “Stand up and turn around,” I say.

  He does.

  I fumble for the key and insert it into the locking mechanism. I can’t help but stare at his ass and think naughty thoughts. Somebody help me, this is going to end badly. My wrist twists the key, and the cuffs spring free. I step back and place my palm on my weapon, just in case.

  Ryker turns around, rubbing his wrists—bruised and sore from the cuffs. He scoffs at me. “Relax.” He motions to his leg irons, and I toss him the keys.

  He kneels down and unshackles his ankles. Then he tosses the keys back to me. He looks the cuffs over, curiously. “You know, we could have a lot of fun with these?”

  “Keep dreaming, Romeo.”

  “What? Don’t tell me you’ve never fantasized about being restrained?”

  “Nope. Never,” I lie again. I ha
ve to admit that would be fucking hot. My God, this is going to be a long night.



  “I don’t know about you, but I need a drink,” Ryker says.

  “Sorry. On duty,” I say. “Besides, I don’t drink with criminals.”

  “No. You just fuck them.”

  I glare at him.

  Ryker saunters to the minibar. He pulls open the door and scans the contents, taking an inventory. He grabs two small bottles of scotch, then pours them into a glass. He closes the fridge and takes a swig.

  Ryker pics up the phone and dials room service. After a few rings, I hear a voice crackle on the other end of the line. “Bring up a bottle of your finest single malt scotch… That will be fine. … Yes, room 702. Thank you.” Ryker hangs up.

  I shoot him a look of disbelief.

  “What? You’re not paying for it.” He dials the concierge. “Yes, perhaps you can help me… I’m looking for some company. I have a very discerning taste. Yes, female… Preferably a redhead. Light eyes. Physically fit. But with curves.” His eyes taunt me. “Price is not a consideration. Room 702. …Excellent. I appreciate your discretion. Thank you.”

  I stare at him slack-jawed. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “You don’t expect me to drink alone, do you?”

  “Did you just order up a hooker?”

  Ryker shrugs. “Yeah.”

  “You can’t do that?”

  “Why not?”

  I roll my eyes.

  “It’s a fancy hotel. There are at least three or four hookers in the bar right now. I mean, companions.” He grins.

  “No. You are not ordering up a hooker.”

  “Well, if you won’t play ball. I have needs, honey. I’ve been in the joint for two years.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “You don’t really expect the State to pay for your escapades, do you?”

  “They can send me a bill.”

  I huff. “Unbelievable.”

  “Is that jealousy I detect?”

  “No. I have standards. You’re filthy.”

  “You were filthy last night.” His lascivious eyes fall over my body.

  UGH. I hate him. Why am I tingling inside?

  “Look, I’ll call and cancel if you want. I mean, at least I know what I’m getting with you.”

  “You are insufferable.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “No,” I lie again. I’m starving.

  “I’m hungry. I need to fuel up for all the fucking I’m going to do.”

  I shake my head in disbelief.

  Ryker picks up a room service menu and starts thumbing through it. “Oh, the surf and turf looks good. You sure you don’t want to eat? It’s going to be a long night.”

  I grit my teeth and stare at him.

  “Are you always like this?” he asks. “I mean, you were a lot of fun last night. But this new you… I’m not digging it. With the way you got fucked last night, I’d think you’d be more relaxed today.”

  I growl. That’s it. I’ve had enough of his bullshit. I impulsively grab a vase and hurl it across the room at him. He ducks. It shatters into pieces against the wall behind his head.

  “See. Uptight.”

  I hear the door click open, and Parker pokes his head inside. “Is everything okay in here?”

  I clear my throat and try to compose myself. I smile bright. “Yes, everything’s fine. Our guest is rather clumsy and knocked something over.”

  Parker looks skeptical.

  “Really. I’m fine.” I’m seething.

  Parker’s confused, but he gets the hint I want him to butt out. “Okay,” he stammers. Then he backs up and pulls the door shut.

  “There’s no unauthorized visitors allowed. So you better call down and cancel your little companion.”

  “Definitely jealous.”

  “I mean it, Ryker.”

  “You know, you’re really cute when you’re pissed off.”

  “Make the call.”

  “Okay, okay.” Ryker dials the concierge. “Hi, Ryker in 702. Listen, change of plans. I’ve made other arrangements for the evening. Thank you for your troubles. Go ahead and put a $100 tip for yourself on the room tab. Thank you… You have a good night as well.”

  I try to stifle a grin.

  Ryker turns to me with a smile. “Happy now?”

  “Let’s just say I’m not as pissed off as I was.”

  “See. Jealous.” He steps close to me and hands me the menu.

  I glare at him. But I might as well get a good meal. No telling how long this assignment is going to last. I cringe at the thought of spending everyday with this jerk for the next month. I start thumbing through the menu.

  “I’m going to take a shower while you decide what you want.”

  “It’s not going to help,” I say. “Your kind of dirty just doesn’t wash off.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.” He slips out of his jacket and tosses it on the couch. Then he peels his shirt off. His carved pecks flex. His powerful biceps contract and extend. His dragon tattoo dances. It breathes fire and I feel the heat right between my legs. My gaze locks on his abs as his hands glide down to his waistline.

  His blue eyes penetrate me as he unbuckles his pants. I feel like I’m drooling. His strong fingers glide his zipper down, and he shimmies out of his pants and underwear in one motion. His enormous cock swings free.

  I gulp in awe.

  The fabric of his slacks falls past his thick, carved thighs and sculpted calves. They pool around his ankles. He kicks off his shoes and steps out of his trousers.

  My heart is pounding. I start to sweat again. Every orgasmic moment of last night rushes through my mind. My pulse quickens and my core tingles with delight. My mouth waters and my cotton panties are already moist. My pussy clenches involuntarily with anticipation. It knows what I want, even though my mind knows better.

  He’s already starting to get hard. “Want to join me?”

  “Uh… No,” I say, trying to pull myself out of my trance.

  Then the asshole starts stroking himself. What the fuck does he think he’s doing? My mouth is agape as I watch his length grow in his hand. Within seconds, it’s at full power.

  He’s got that devious glint in his eyes. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive,” I stammer. I’m not positive at all. I feel my will collapsing.

  He presses against me. I feel his hot breath on my neck, and his firm cock digs into my pelvis. The sensation sends a shiver through my body. Ryker nuzzles my neck, and his satin tongue traces my smooth skin. He finds my ear and nibbles on it. The hairs on the back of my neck stand tall. Goosebumps rise on my skin like mountain peaks.

  Ryker takes my hand and places it on his massive length. I feel a tingle in my clit the instant I touch his cock. I instinctually stroke it up and down. What the hell am I doing?

  His lips crash into mine. Our tongues intertwine. My core is throbbing. He unsnaps my pants and slips his thick fingers into my waistband. They snake their way down, diving under the elastic of my panties—slithering over my soft mound, until the tip of his finger finds my clit. It’s electric. A thrill runs through my entire body. He expertly rubs and circles it. Then his finger slides down farther, parting my lips. He finds my slickness and slides a finger inside of me.

  I’m quivering and breathing heavy. “This isn’t a good idea.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”


  His fingers work their magic. My hips are writhing. He takes his magic finger away just long enough to pull my pants down over my hips, taking my panties with them. I wiggle out of them, and they bunch up at my ankles. I slip off my shoes and step out of my pants. The instant I do, Ryker pushes me back onto the couch.

  His hungry eyes devour me as I lie back with my legs spread. He dives into my inner thigh, licking and sucking his way up to my core. I feel his hot breath hovering over me. Then his warm tongue s
lides onto my clit and I almost explode. He expertly flicks and sucks my nub until I’m on the brink. My body bucks and convulses.

  His velvety tongue parts my lips and fills my opening. I clench down hard and squeeze my thighs in orgasmic ecstasy. I have to cup my hand over my mouth to silence my cries of pleasure.

  Cole never did this to me.

  I can’t even think straight anymore. I fucked him all night last night. Dreamed about him as I slept. Burned for him all day long. And now I have him again, right where I want him. Right where he belongs. Between my thighs.

  I must be losing my mind. Parker could walk in on us at any minute. And for some reason, the thrill of getting caught excites me even more.



  Her pussy tastes so fucking good. I love to watch her react. She makes the most beautiful sounds. It’s like a symphony when she comes. She’s a classic work of art. Her creamy skin is heavenly.

  I’ve got to admit, I’m a hit it and quit it type of guy. But something about the chick has got me all worked up. I’m even more excited to be with her now than last night. That never happens for me. Two times, max. Three, I start getting bored. There usually isn’t a fourth hook up for me.

  I honestly didn’t think I’d ever see her again. I purposely didn’t get her number. I don’t need attachments. The last thing I need is some girl falling in love with me. I don’t want to be obligated to anyone. Most girls want to cling on to me. I’m not capable of getting attached myself. But hey, nothing wrong with going back for seconds. I’m just not going to make this a regular thing. But I’m stuck in this hotel room for God knows how long, might as well take advantage of the amenities.

  After she comes a few times, I slide my tongue from her clit and work my way up her stomach. I’m about to rip her shirt open and get at those perky tits, but she stops me.


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