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SEAL My Love: A SEAL Brotherhood Novel

Page 17

by Sharon Hamilton

  “I know what you’re saying. But she was happy, so, what are you going to do?”

  “That’s right. And just before Angie was born, he started being a little sloppy with his habits. Between you and me, I think he’d always been a player. But he had been good at hiding it.”

  Trace fisted his hand at the thought of Gretchen’s husband treating her with such disrespect.

  “You probably didn’t want to interfere, I’m guessing.”

  “Got that right. Her mother would hear nothing about it. Insisted they’d work it out, and, well, as they say, the rest is history. She showed up one weekend with little baby Angie cuddled in a blanket and the other two girls with their teddy bears and suitcases. She had a black eye that her makeup didn’t cover. We’d already seen the TV tabloid videos. She came home and spent about a month with us during that summer, and they were able to work out an amicable divorce.”

  “I heard.”

  “You know she hasn’t taken a dime of his money?”

  “She told me.”

  “What does that say about a person?”

  “It means that she values her family and her relationships more than anything else in the world. You gave her that, sir.”

  “Well, I wish I could take the credit. But Gretchen landed on her feet and did just fine with those girls. Not that it wasn’t a struggle. After all those years, now she has to deal with this.”

  “I hope the attorney is a good one.”

  “Me, too.”

  They pulled up into the driveway. The girls ran around the side of their grandfather’s car to give Trace a hug, each competing for the chance to give him a kiss. He got down on his knees and hugged them all.

  “What am I, chopped liver?” Joe Morgan shouted.

  “No, sir, you’re the man that made all this possible,” Trace said with a smile. He walked into the house, Clover carrying his bag while the other two girls held his hands, one on each side.

  Gretchen was in the kitchen. When she turned around, the sight of her glowing face took his breath away. Her warm smile revealed a bit of shyness, and she raised her right shoulder, lowering her chin.

  He cleared the space between them in three long steps. “Come on, Gretchen. You can’t really be that shy, now.” He hugged her and felt the luxury of her softness melting against his strength. He whispered in her ear, “After all the things we’ve done, you couldn’t possibly be shy.” He held her head in his palms, and she giggled. He slowly placed a proper kiss on her lips, and she wrapped her arms around him with complete abandon.

  “Thanks for coming, Trace. I feel so much safer now.”

  He was introduced to Louise Morgan, Gretchen’s mom. The two looked like sisters.

  “Forgive the dumb question, but weren’t you supposed to be in court this morning?”

  “No, it was just for the attorneys. I don’t have to appear until later on, if things progress that far. We’re hoping he’ll just give up, if he sees we’re fighting him.”

  Trace scratched his chin, not sure of the logic of her statement. He chanced a look to Joe, and he was not smiling. Joe knew. Ask a desperate man to be reasonable or give up, and what does he do? He gets worse. Trace had seen it over and over again.

  Gretchen’s phone rang.


  “Delmar Bernstein here.”

  “Wait a minute. I want to put you on speaker phone. The family is all around. Is that okay?” She did so without getting his agreement.

  The speaker distorted his chuckle. “I guess so, if you don’t mind. Everything’s PG at the moment.”

  “So what’s the news?”

  “Well, we got a restraining order for sixty days. But they’re demanding you submit to questions and an interview by the court. I agreed, with your permission.”

  The gathering in the kitchen cheered, especially the girls.

  Delmar continued. “I wouldn’t celebrate yet. I’ve got a list of things they’re demanding to see. You’re going to have to submit bank statements and the girls’ shot records and physicals. They want an accounting of what you’ve spent over the years raising them. It’s all intended to be intimidating. We’ll help you prepare all this.”

  “Okay. But this is good news, right?”

  Bernstein paused. “Gretchen, the opposing counsel told me she would be surprised if we were able to agree to terms in less than twelve months. Think you can hold out that long?”

  She looked at her family, landing on Trace’s face last. “I can do anything, if it means we’ll win. I’m in it for the long haul.”

  “That’s my girl. I have to read the judge’s orders when it comes back to me tomorrow or the next day. We’ll get together and strategize the next step. Now you keep your cool, and don’t intimidate him. But if he does come by, you call the police and give them my number, day or night, understood?”

  “Absolutely. Thank you Mr. Bernstein.”

  “You’re very welcome, my dear. Bye, family.”

  The crowd echoed “Good-bye, Mr. Bernstein” back to him.

  Gretchen hung up and threw herself into Trace’s arms. He was delighted for her, and it made him feel wonderful seeing her so happy. But he knew that they’d just beaten the bees nest down out of the tree, and the coming horde would be arriving soon. He hugged her tight.

  “That’s wonderful, sweetheart.” He and Joe shared a look over Gretchen’s shoulder. He was glad he had a good, wise-thinking man as his second. He might need it.

  Chapter 27

  Joe and Louise offered to take the girls grocery shopping, but Gretchen volunteered to go with Trace.

  “I just need to get some air. I’ve been holding everything inside. Worried about everything for days now. I haven’t been able to sleep. I just want to get out and breathe something outside.”

  “So we’ll go shopping, and then you’re going to lie down and take a nap,” Trace commanded.

  Gretchen gave him a flirty smile.

  “No, I’m hands off. You need to take a nap and catch up. Time for partying later, my dear.” He gave her a warm hug. It felt so good to have him back in her home, with her family. The world seemed a much more friendly place with Trace at her side.

  He drove Gretchen’s car to the organic food store. He pushed the cart. He picked up things she pointed to. She was having fun ordering him around like her personal servant, and he was playing along with it, a wry smile on his face. Everywhere they walked, women turned to get a better look at his enormous shoulders and slim waist. He seemed to be completely oblivious to it.

  After the checkout, he offered to buy her an espresso at the coffee house next door. They stored the groceries in the car and then walked hand-in-hand to the coffee shop.

  While Trace paid for the drinks, she waited at a table by the front window. She’d picked up the front page of the Oregonian and saw something about an upcoming trade for Tony. The article on the inside went into detail on his job performance, his problems at home, and an accusation from his fiancée of some roughness. This was good news. Gretchen folded the paper up and slipped it in her pocket. She studied Trace’s handsome physique as he paid for the coffees and didn’t notice the shadow covering the front doorway.

  Tony grabbed her arms, yanking her to her feet so fast she was stunned and tried to scream, but his other hand clasped over her mouth. Gretchen tried to kick his ankles, his knees, scratch his arms, and pull back his fingers, but he was taller and stronger than she was, and he overpowered her.

  “You think you can just send me packing? What, you trading me in on a new model?”

  He dragged her toward the parking lot.

  She tried to get someone’s attention, and several noticed the altercation but turned their heads and pretended not to see. Her muffled screams and panicked look did nothing to draw anyone to her defense. They were close to Tony’s pickup.

  His hand slipped slightly. He adjusted his grip to lift her up and throw her into the cab when she let out a full-throated scream.


  Through the glass windows of the shop, she could see him drop the coffees and run straight for them. A car driving by nearly hit him, but he didn’t slow down, and as he reached the two of them, he lunged straight for Tony’s neck.

  “Where are you balls, man? Only sissies pick on women,” Trace screamed at him while he tried to pull Tony’s arms up and around his back. The left arm made a loud cracking sound, followed by Tony’s scream of pain. The right arm, his dominant arm, took a swing at Trace and came amazingly close to his face. Tony’s left arm hung limply by his side, but he was backing up, anticipating Trace’s attack.

  “You fuckin’ Boy Scout. You trying to inch your way into my life, take over my girls, and fuck my wife?”

  “You’re just the sperm donor, asshole. It takes guts to be a father. You don’t know the first thing about it.”

  “The girls are mine. Gretchen’s mine. She always will be.”

  “You dumped her, man.”

  “I dumped that worthless piece of—”

  Tony was caught off guard by the impact of Gretchen’s rather large purse hitting the side of his head and sending him to the ground.

  Trace grinned, which made her mad. “Whoa, there. Take it easy. Let’s slow this down a bit,” he said catching his breath.

  “I don’t want to.” She began to kick Tony in the arm that was misshapen, the arm he fell down against. His eyes were wild with rage, but finally, the pain got to be too much, and he collapsed onto the asphalt, unconscious.

  Trace pulled out his cell and called 9-1-1. Tucking it back into his rear pocket, he watched Gretchen rebutton her blouse that had completely gone undone and straighten her hair. She noticed he was laughing at her, hands on his hips.

  “Trace, this isn’t funny. I. Did. Not Have Fun.”

  He crossed his arms and began to laugh full out. “No, sweetheart. But I did.”

  After the police came, Tony was taken away by paramedics. They were assured he’d be held at the hospital and arrested upon discharge. Several witnesses showed up to give their information, verifying the account Trace and Gretchen gave.

  On the way back to the house, Gretchen called her attorney, who was concerned but thrilled that Tony had completely bungled his own case.

  She sighed, leaned back against the seat, and closed her eyes. She saw the men wrestling with each other, heard the loud crack as Trace broke Tony’s arm, and then felt the satisfying thud as her purse hit the side of Tony’s face. Her lips made a smile, and then she couldn’t hold it in any longer. She began to laugh, and then she began to cry.

  “Come here, you.”

  She leaned against him.

  “Some day, when you’re eighty and some punk tries to steal your groceries, you’ll remember that purse action and you’ll knock his head off. Won’t that kid be surprised?” He grinned as her insides melted. “You’re lethal.”

  “I have my moments.”

  “Moments? You call those moments? I think you have a future in mud wrestling. You ever see how those women throw themselves?”

  She pulled back and stared at the profile of his face. “I’m guessing those pictures would be in some of your valuable magazines you talk so much about.”

  Trace held his hands out, splaying his fingers. “All gone, Gretchen. I donated them to the prepubescent population of the Capris Arms Apartments.”

  “Well, we could stop by Powell’s on our way home.”

  Trace pulled the car over to the curb. “Now why would I do that when I got the real thing?” He kissed her tenderly.


  “Oh, I don’t need any help with ideas. Trust me. I’ve been thinking about nothing else ever since I left.”

  “I’ve been the same way, Trace.”

  “So where does that leave us?”

  He waited for her to answer, which she appreciated. She reached for his hand and held it between hers.

  “Well, let’s see. We’ve survived one kidnapping and an ex-husband gone berserk.” She watched his eyes water. He didn’t try to stop them, but let her see the emotions brimming inside him. “The chemistry was there that first day we met at the airport. It’s here now, stronger than ever. I always said I’d only take one more chance if the right guy came along. Are you that guy?”

  He grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the sides of her face. Into her hair, he whispered, “You better believe it, baby. There’s one little wrinkle of a problem, though.”

  She untangled from his embrace, worried.

  He shrugged and made a mock wince. “We have to live in beautiful San Diego. I’m a SEAL, and I’m staying in. I accept you and your three daughters, and I’ll treat them as my own, if they’ll let me. But you gotta accept me as a SEAL.”

  Her heart warmed. There were lots of good memories in Portland. But her time there was done, truly done. “I think I’m ready for a new adventure.”

  “Yes, ma’am. One last thing?” He met her eyes, slowly grinning. “Promise me you’ll never hit me with that purse.”

  “I promise.”

  Thank you for reading SEAL My Love, Trace and Gretchen’s story. If you want to read the book that launched Gretchen’s character and learn about the love story between Kate and Tyler, when Kate was flying to Portland to visit her sister and fell in love at first glance, then you need to read

  SEAL Of My Heart

  It’s Book 7 in the original SEAL Brotherhood Series.

  But if you know you gotta read all the previous books by Sharon Hamilton, go check out:

  The Ultimate SEAL Collection, Vol. 1 (first four novels in the series with two bonus novellas)


  The Ultimate SEAL Collection, Vol 2 (Books 5-7 in the SEAL Brotherhood Series.

  About the Author

  Sharon Hamilton

  NYT and USA Today best-selling author Sharon Hamilton’s award-winning Navy SEAL Brotherhood series have been a fan favorite from the day the first one was released. They’ve earned her the coveted Amazon author ranking of #1 in Romantic Suspense, Military Romance and Contemporary Romance categories, as well as in Gothic Romance for her Vampires of Tuscany and Guardian Angels. Her characters follow a sometimes rocky road to redemption through passion and true love.

  Her Golden Vampires of Tuscany are not like any vamps you’ve read about before, since they don’t go to ground and can walk around in the full light of the sun.

  Her Guardian Angels struggle with the human charges they are sent to save, often escaping their vanilla world of Heaven for the brief human one. You won’t find any of these beings in any Sunday school class.

  She lives in Sonoma County, California with her husband and two Dobermans. A lifelong organic gardener, when she’s not writing, she’s getting verra verra dirty in the mud or wandering Farmers Markets looking for new Heirloom varieties of vegetables and flowers.

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  Life is one fool thing after another.

  Love is two fool things after each other.

  Series Overview


  SEAL Encounter (Prequel Novella)

  Accidental SEAL (Book #1)

  SEAL Endeavor (Novella)

  Fallen SEAL Legacy (Book #2)

  SEAL Under Covers (Book #3)

  SEAL The Deal (Book #4)

  Cruisin’ For A SEAL (Book #5)

  SEAL My Destiny (Book #6)

  SEAL Of My Heart (Book #7)

  SEAL My Love (Book #9)


  SEAL’s Promise (Book #1)

  SEAL My Home (Book #2)

  SEAL’s Code (Book #3)


  Lucas (Book #1)

  Alex (Book #2)

  Jake (Book #3)

  Jake 2 (Book #4)

  Band of Bachelors Bundle (Books 1-4)


  True Navy Blue (prequel to Zak)

  Zak (Includes novella above)


  Nashville SEAL (Book #1)

  Nashville SEAL: Jameson (Books 1 2 combined)


  Fredo’s Secret (Book #1)

  Fredo’s Dream (Books 1 2 combined)


  Paradise: In Search of Love (Book #1)


  Bachelor SEAL (Book #1)


  New Years SEAL Dream


  Honeymoon Bite (Book #1)

  Mortal Bite (Book #2)


  Heavenly Lover (Book #1)


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