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Baker's Dozen

Page 17

by Wendy Smith

  “Hi, Ginny,” Mum says.

  “Hi, Mrs Campbell.”

  Mum smiles. “Please, call me Joanna.”

  Seeing them interact is wonderful. We haven’t spent a lot of time with both her and my father. Mum’s resting a lot these days.

  “Love you.” I mouth it, and Ginny leans in, resting her head on my shoulder.

  “Hey, you two.” We turn as Hayley walks out of the house behind us. I grin at the sight of her.

  “Here.” I stand, offering her my chair.

  She shakes her head. “I’m the size of a house. I doubt my fat arse would fit in that seat.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with your arse.” Drew stands in the doorway, two beers in hand. “Take the chair.”

  “Okay, Okay. I’ll just waddle over here.” Hayley winks as she makes her way past Ginny and sits beside Mum.

  “Want a beer?” I ask Ginny.

  She shakes her head. “Go and drink with your brother. I’ll catch up with Hayley.”

  Drew holds a bottle out to me as I approach.

  “How much longer?” I ask, nodding toward Hayley.

  “Hopefully about five weeks. Hayley would be glad if it was over tomorrow, but if we can get her to thirty-seven weeks, we should be clear of any trouble.”

  I smile. “I’m so happy for you guys. It’s what you always wanted.”

  “When you know, you know. I’m really proud of you still being with Ginny.”

  Nodding, I take a sip of my beer. “Like you said. When you know, you know.”

  Adam’s palm lands on my back. “It’s time to go outside.”

  “On our way.” Drew holds up his beer bottle, and I clink mine against it. “To family.”

  “To family.” I grin as he grips my shoulder. “Everything is so good right now.”

  “It sure is.”

  Mum’s not steady on her feet, so we gather around her on the deck to watch.

  “We had the land blessed this morning,” Adam announces. “So we’ll get this done pretty quickly and onto dinner.”

  Mum looks up at me when I rest my hand on her shoulder, and I smile.

  Ava runs to my side as the kids come out, and tugs on my other hand. I look down to see her with her arms up. Gathering her onto my hip, I lean my head against hers.

  The flax basket containing Rose’s placenta is carried out by Lily. With Adam by her side, they both walk to the hole in the ground and gently place it in.

  The tree’s planted over the top, and Adam, Lily, and Max kneel to push the dirt around the base of it. I laugh at the sight of Rose beside Max, patting down the earth and holding her dirty hands up in delight. For Adam and Lily, the symbolism is everything. This home was their new start, their chance to set aside the years apart and have their family the way they always planned.

  When I think about all the years they lost, it makes me all the more determined to get things right with Ginny the first time around.

  I shift my gaze to her, and she gives me a loving smile. I’d like to think that maybe one day this will be us. That one day we’ll need a bigger house for our family. I’ll give her the family she wants, one way or another. If we can’t have babies, maybe we can adopt. I don’t know.

  What I do know is that I want my future to be with her.

  After dinner, with Mum having gone home and everyone else inside, Ginny and I sit on Adam’s deck and watch the sun going down.

  Today’s been amazing for so many reasons. My family’s united in a way I thought would never happen again, and Ginny and Ava are a massive part of that.

  “Thank you for bringing me,” Ginny says. We’re on the edge of the deck, swinging our feet over the side. Ava’s watching a Disney princess movie inside with Hayley. I have no clue which one, but I guess at some point I need to work all that out.

  “You’re part of the family. I’m sorry James couldn’t make it. Exam time must be pretty hardcore.”

  “It is,” Ginny says.

  “You’ll get to meet him either when he’s here for the holidays, or we can take a trip to Auckland.”

  “Going to Auckland would be great once the babies are born. Drew and Hayley are going to need all the help they can get.”

  I run my fingers through her hair. “They will. I can’t imagine how crazy their life is about to become.”

  The light is fading, but I don’t miss her reaction. I’ve put my foot in it, and I know why, thanks to her mother. I don’t want to confront her with something she hasn’t confided in me, but the last thing I want to do is to hurt her.

  Pulling her closer, I wrap my arms around her. “Our life is crazy enough now that we have Ava.”

  I close my eyes as she rests her head on my shoulder. I’m not sure what her reaction to that is, but I’ll do whatever it takes to protect her.

  “Ava’s amazing,” she whispers. “So are you.”

  “Must run in the family.” I chuckle, letting her go so I can look her in the face.

  “Must do.” The corners of her mouth turn up. If I didn’t know what I do, I wouldn’t think she was fazed by what I’d said.

  “Move in with us.”

  She shakes her head.

  “Why not?”

  “I’ll tell you when it’s time.”

  I sigh. “Ava and I are doing really well. We’ve got our routine sorted. Now all we need is you.”

  She raises her hand, running her fingers down my temple. “Soon. You’re nearly there.”

  “Nearly where?”

  “You’ll see.”



  At thirty-five weeks pregnant, Hayley’s over it.

  I can’t blame her. Pregnancy is tiring enough. With twins, she’s tired and bloated and just wants it to be over. But our babies need a bit longer. Chances are they won’t go the distance to forty weeks, but if we can get to thirty-seven we’ll be fine.

  Now, more than ever, my wife gets whatever she wants, and what she wanted this weekend was to see her mother.

  Once Sonya realised that she couldn’t control her daughter’s life, and we were married, she’s been a lot easier to get along with. Hayley’s closer to her than ever, which is going to come in real handy once the babies are born.

  My mother’s declining health makes it unlikely she’ll be involved much.

  We arrived last night, spending the night at Hayley’s parents’. Today, we’ll catch up with James, and Hayley’s looking forward to spending more time with her mum before we go home tomorrow.

  I wake to her curled around me. As much as she can, anyway, with the bulk of our two babies in front of her. When she’s this close, I can feel them move inside her. It’s not like I haven’t felt babies move before, but the thought that they’re half mine fills me with wonder.

  “Morning,” she murmurs.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  She laughs. “Bloated, more like.”

  “Still beautiful. Always beautiful.” I kiss her softly. “Want some breakfast?”

  “Yes, but I don’t want to get out of bed.”

  Laughing, I stroke her cheek. “You don’t have to. I’ll bring some up for you.”

  When I reach the kitchen, David and Sonya are up and eating.

  “Where’s Hayley?” Sonya asks.

  “She’s having a lie-in. I was going to grab something and take it to her.”

  Sonya nods. “I’ll sort her out some juice and toast.”

  “Sounds good. She’s been a bit miserable lately. The pregnancy’s been really hard on her. I’ll be glad when our babies are here, and I can help give her a break.”

  I sit at the table while Sonya disappears to make something for Hayley.

  “What are your plans for the day?” David asks.

  “We thought we might go and visit James. We haven’t caught up with him for ages, and then we’ll come back and hang out here. Hayley really just wanted to be home for a bit.”

  He smiles. “I’m glad she and Sonya have repaired
their relationship.”

  “Me too.”

  “How’s your mother?”

  I shrug. “Up and down. The cancer’s back, and invasive. It’s hard to say how long she’s got left, but she’s determined to live out whatever time she has at home.”

  “No treatment?”

  “It’s so much worse this time. I’ve just been hoping she lives long enough to see my children.”

  David nods. “Please pass on our regards next time you see her.”

  “Of course. She enjoyed the time you all spent together during the wedding. I think it was a good distraction.”

  Sonya places a tray on the table in front of me. “There’s enough for both of you.”

  I look up to my smiling mother-in-law. Our relationship is a far cry from what it was when we started, and I’m so thankful that Sonya’s now so supportive of us.

  “If you need anything else, Drew, let me know.” Sonya pats me on the shoulder.

  “I will. Thanks.”

  Hayley eats slowly, and I can see from her tired eyes how exhausted she is. When she’s finished, I move the tray to the bedside cabinet.

  “You didn’t sleep well,” I say.

  “I never sleep well these days.” She lets out a half-hearted laugh.

  “Not long to go now, princess.”

  Hayley sighs. “I know, but it’s not going fast enough.”

  “I’m going to go and see James. Are you coming with me?”

  She pouts. “I really want to, but I’m so tired.”

  I lean over and plant a kiss on her forehead. “It’s okay. I’ll give James your love.”

  “Thank you.”

  For a moment, I watch as she closes her eyes. It makes me a little uneasy to leave her here, but I’m no use if she needs the rest.

  “I won’t be long,” I whisper.

  She murmurs something, and I smile. Hayley can fall asleep in thirty seconds sometimes, and today looks like one of those days.

  Sonya’s in the living room when I go downstairs. She looks up at me and smiles.

  “Hayley’s tired, so she’s having a nap.”

  She nods. “I know it’s not that far to Hamilton, but the trip would have worn her out.”

  “All we need to do is get two more weeks to be safe.”

  Sonya smiles. “Let’s hope the time passes quickly for you both. I’ll check up on her while you’re out.”

  “Thanks, Sonya.”

  It’s another hour to drive from their rural property into the city. James is living in student accommodation near the university. I tried calling him on the way and got his voicemail. Maybe I should have phoned him last night, but this was a spur-of-the-moment trip, and right now, I’d do anything to keep Hayley happy.

  It hurts to see her exhausted, and I’d take some of the load off if I could.

  Seeing the students hanging around in the foyer brings back memories. I started off here before moving to Hamilton when I began work at the hospital. It seems like so long ago, but it really wasn’t.

  I know something’s wrong the minute James opens the door.

  His dark hair is a greasy mess, like he hasn’t washed it in at least a week. He’s got food stains on his T-shirt, and his hangdog expression tells a story all of its own.


  “James. Up for a visitor?”


  He leads me into his apartment. It’s a mess. This was the kid who had the tidiest room out of all of us. Something’s really wrong.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Ashley left.”

  I sigh. That makes sense. James had a thing for Ashley long before they hooked up. It explains why he seems to have fallen off the rails. “I’m so sorry, mate. What happened?”

  “She found someone else.”

  Shit. What the hell do I say to make this better? “I wish Hayley was here. She’s so much better at this stuff than I am. But I’m telling you now, this isn’t you, and you’re worth more than this.”

  He blinks slowly. “Where’s Hayley?”

  “Heavily pregnant and tired. She’s having a lie-in, and she’s really sorry not to come.”

  James looks around the room. “Maybe it’s just as well. She’d kill me for the way this place looks.”

  I chuckle. Since Hayley’s been living in Hamilton with me, it’s a much shorter trip to Auckland. We usually catch up with James when we visit, and they’ve gotten to know each other well. She’s a bit of a mother hen when it comes to him. “She would. So sort your shit out so we can visit.”

  He straightens up. “I know I should, but—”

  “Dude. This kind of thing is part of life. It sucks, but trust me, one relationship breakup can lead to something so much better. It did with Hayley and me, and when you’re ready, it will for you. Clearly, Ashley wasn’t the right one for you.” I grip his shoulder. “Believe me. One day you’ll look back on this, and it’ll be a blip on your radar.”

  James nods. “I guess you’re right.”

  “Bro, I’m always right.”

  He laughs. “You sound like Max.”

  “He’s usually right too.”

  It’s after one by the time I get back to Hayley’s parents’ place.

  “Something smells good.”

  Sonya smiles. “Roast lamb for lunch. I know it’s your favourite.”

  “Sounds amazing. How’s Hayley been?”

  “She’s still upstairs. I’ve been in a couple of times to check on her, but she told me she was fine, just tired.”

  I nod. “Apparently carrying twins is exhausting.”

  “One baby was hard enough” She pats me on the arm. Lunch will be ready in about twenty minutes.”

  “Thanks, Sonya.”

  I mount the stairs, two by two. As much as I loved seeing James, being with Hayley is more important to me right now. I’ve tried really hard to act like a husband and father-to-be than a doctor. She hates when I hover, and I understand that, but the reality is that multiple pregnancies are tough, and I want to make sure she doesn’t want for anything.

  “Hey.” She’s still in bed, right where I left her.

  She gives me a lazy smile. “How was James? I thought you’d be back earlier.”

  “James is a mess. Ashley left him. I sat him down and told him to get his shit together.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear they broke up. I wish I’d seen him.”

  I smile. “Well, we’re here for a couple more days. Maybe we can check in on him before we go.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Leaning over, I give her a tender kiss, waggling my eyebrows. “Your mum said lunch will be ready in about twenty minutes. How tired are you?”

  She chuckles. “Never too tired for what I think you’re suggesting.”

  Sex has been difficult the past few weeks with the added bulk of two babies. But it’s not impossible.

  I lie by her side and kiss her softly. She murmurs her approval, and I run my hand over her belly and lift her skirt, slipping into her panties and finding her clit with my fingers.

  “You’re already wet.” There is a benefit to pregnancy hormones.

  A husky laugh passes her lips. “I need you.”

  “I need you too.” My hand slides farther down, and I pause. Something’s not right.

  “Babe, are you sure your waters haven’t broken?”

  “I think I might have noticed.”

  Sliding my hand out, my fingertips are coated in fresh blood.


  “Hayley? Are you just tired? Or are you having contractions too?”

  She shakes her head. “No contractions. I’m not comfortable, but that’s nothing new.”

  “I think I need to take a look at you.”

  “What’s wrong?” Her words are a little slurred now, and she frowns.

  Pulling her skirt and the blanket out of the way, I don’t need to look much further. She’s lying in a circle of her own blood, and it’s so much mor
e than I’d like to see.

  I slide her panties down and examine her. It’s not good.

  Wiping my hand on the blanket to remove the blood, I take a look at her face. Her eyes are closed, and her skin’s so pale. How did I not see it before?


  Her eyelashes flutter as she opens her eyes, and she gives me a small, sad smile.

  Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I dial emergency services. “Ambulance, please.”

  The woman’s talking at me, and I struggle to focus, but I have to. For Hayley.

  “My name’s Doctor Drew Campbell, and my wife has a suspected placental abruption. We need an ambulance as soon as possible.”

  I place the phone on speaker and put it on the bed. Hayley hiccups as a tear runs down her cheek. Of all the things for it to be, it had to be the thing that caused her patient’s death five years ago. The thing that nearly ruined her career.

  The irony isn’t lost on me that she suffered so much for another woman’s abruption, and here we are.


  “Back in a second, princess.”

  I open the door to find Sonya on the other side.

  “Lunch is ready a little earlier than I thought,” she says with a smile.

  “Sorry, Sonya. Hayley’s going to hospital. The ambulance is on its way.”

  “What?” Her eyes fill with worry.

  I nod, holding my hand out to try and convey that I’m keeping calm for Hayley. Thankfully, she seems to pick up on it.

  “What do you need me to do?”

  “Just let them in when they get here. It’ll be faster than me driving her, and they can monitor her the whole way.”

  “Is it serious?” she whispers.

  I nod. The last thing I want is to frighten anyone. Hayley will be scared enough without anyone else panicking. But Sonya’s strong. This woman once tried to set my girlfriend up with another guy right in front of me. She’s got balls.

  “I’ll tell David and wait by the door.”

  Turning back to the bed, I lie beside Hayley and stroke her face. “Drew.” Tears continue to fall, but she’s remaining calm. At least on the outside.

  “We’ll get through this, princess. I promise.”


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