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Page 41

by RJ Hunter

  "Tina! Tina! For heaven's sake stop shouting, you'll get us thrown out of here. What's the matter with you anyway?"

  Tina stopped shouting, but then aimed a blow at Nick;

  "He's married, the cheat is married! How could you do it, ask me out, knowing you're married?"

  Laura looked to Nick for an answer.

  "Is that true, have you got a wife, Nick?"

  He looked into her blue eyes and nodded, and Laura felt her heart sink. She turned sullenly to her friend and tried to help her up.

  "Come on Tina, my brother is on his way to collect us, we can wait in the foyer."

  Nick tried to help get Tina up, but Laura pushed him away.

  "She's had a lot to drink, are you sure you can manage, Laura?"

  "We'll be fine thank-you, and you can thank your friend Roberto for such an entertaining evening. He sure knows how to give a girl a good time." Replied Laura coldly, as she glanced over to Roberto, who was laying in a puddle of beer and cigarette ends, his small genitalia on full display.

  A few miles away, Frank clicked his fingers and Pierre came running.

  "We'll both have the Chateaubriande, and make sure it's nice and rare."

  "Does Sir not require a starter?" Replied Pierre, unable to resist a glimpse at Sally's cleavage as she studied her menu.

  "We'll both have the crab and avocado," retorted Frank, with a hint of irritation in his voice.

  "Wine Sir?"

  "Vintage Bordeaux." Glared Frank, before adding; "And Pierre, make sure the cork is still in the bottle. We don't want you swapping it for supermarket plonk!"

  Pierre chose to ignore Frank's last remark, and raised his eyebrows to Monique, before leaving the table with an abrupt turn.

  "He'll be one of the first to go." Sneered Frank, "He's so up his own arse, it makes me sick."

  Sally laughed, thinking Frank was joking.

  "I couldn't imagine you being nasty to your staff, Frank?"

  "No, you're perfectly right Sally. I'm very good to my staff, especially those I like!"

  Sally resigned herself to the fact that the Dover Sole wasn't going to happen, and not being a big meat-eater, she was going to choose the minestrone soup starter. But since Frank seemed to know exactly what he was doing, she decided just to go along with him and hope to get the opportunity to select her own dessert.

  The quartet began to play 'Petite Fleur' and Frank invited Sally up to dance. The feel of her in his arms brought memories flooding back into his mind. She still moved with a grace and elegance few women of her age could ever match. He smiled to himself as he recalled how he used to teach her to twist and jive at the Black Lion in Falcondale, all those years ago.

  Sally half closed her eyes and allowed Frank to lead her as they glided effortlessly across the floor, almost as one. She was quite surprised that for such a large and powerful man, he could move so well, and she too allowed herself to be whisked back in time, to days that had long since passed.

  The dancing had relaxed Sally somewhat, and for the moment she was able to put the drunken, staring woman out of her mind. The band played a few more tunes from the sixties and several more couples got up to join Sally and Frank on the dance floor.

  Eventually Monique came over to tell the happy couple that their starters were being served, and Frank, now perspiring heavily took the opportunity to go and freshen up in the washrooms.

  Despite the club only being about half full on that particular night, Sally began to sense her anxiety building up again, as she waited for Frank to return. She was aware that eyes were on her, and had been for much of the evening. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the loud, dark-haired woman from the other table stand and begin to walk over to her. She heard another voice calling out to the woman.

  "Claire! Claire! Please come back, he's not worth the trouble." But Claire didn't want to hear.

  Monique refreshed their glasses, and had just left the table when the woman struck. Sally had guessed she was extremely drunk, and now she was to be proved correct.

  "So you're his new whore are you?"

  At first Sally couldn't quite believe that this crazy woman was addressing her. Passing off the remark, Sally continued to stare straight ahead.

  "I'm speaking to you trollop, how dare you ignore me!"

  Sally felt the sickening feeling of fear well up in her stomach. For some reason it reminded her of the Pauline incident, when she attacked Frank at the Christmas dance. She swallowed hard, and knew she had to turn and face this person with so much anger in their heart.

  The woman was of equal size and proportion to Sally, but looked to be in her fifties. She looked very glamorous in in a shimmering gold dress and sun-tanned complexion. Her face, however was hard, and bore the ravages of many years of hard drinking.

  "Look, I don't know who you are, or what you want, but I do feel there's been some mistake." Replied Sally, surprised by the firmness in her tone.

  For a few moments their eyes met, it was Sally who averted her eyes first, and how she regretted it. For, as she turned, the woman grabbed the untouched crab and avocado cocktail and threw the contents over the front of Sally's dress.

  Sally was up in an instant, she had never known anger to possess her as it did now. In a move that still surprises her to this day, she brought her right hand up and slapped her aggressor as hard as she could across the side of the face. The woman crashed to the floor screaming loudly, as her companions and staff rushed to her aid.

  "Ladies! Ladies! Please, what is happening?" Shouted Pierre, his arms waving uncontrollably.

  "That tart, that whore who Frank Gant brought in, just attacked me!" Yelled Claire, clutching her face.

  Pierre went to her immediately and helped her to stand, before leading the distraught woman back to her table. He then went back to Sally, who was just standing there in her ruined dress, still in a state of shock.

  "Madam, please return to your seat, I think the excitement is over now."

  "But wait, that woman threw my starter over me for no apparent reason. I don't even know her. You must throw her out!" Demanded Sally, now close to tears.

  "Madam, you are talking about Claire Lake, one of our most valued guests. The matter must end here."

  "I'm not staying here another second. You're a disgrace!" She said angrily to Pierre, before storming out to the lobby." Tell Mr. Gant, I'll be waiting outside!"

  Retrieving her coat, Sally fled out into the night. Unable to control her tears, she hurried past a group of giggling girls, until she finally arrived back to where Frank's car was parked. She could hear some sort of commotion going on behind her, and wondered if it was Frank's voice she could hear shouting in the distance.

  "I'm so sorry, I think I've ruined your evening. Some crazy woman attacked me and I just had to get out of there." She said as Frank appeared.

  "Don't worry," replied Frank putting a protective arm around her. "We can go somewhere else. Besides I like women with a bit of spirit in them!"

  "Frank, I feel so awful about tonight. I shouldn't have over-reacted like that."

  Frank reached down and took Sally's hand.

  "Listen, I was only upset about not getting my steak. Shall we go to this little Chinese place I know?"

  "That's very nice of you to offer, but no thanks. I've somehow lost my appetite. Besides, look at the state of my dress, it's ruined."

  Frank smiled and opened the door for her, taking the opportunity to glance sidelong at her full bosom. He could remember every detail of her naked body, from the time he came to see her house, and had hidden in the walk-in wardrobe.

  "Don't worry about the dress. I'll take you shopping and we'll buy you a new one."

  "Thank-you Frank, but there's no need for you to do that. Would you mind taking me home please." Replied Sally, still a little jumpy from the incident.

  Frank had seen the commotion when he was coming out of the restrooms, and when he saw Claire, he thought it best not to get involved, e
specially in front of Sally. He realised Claire was drunk and wasn't sure what she would say. He didn't want all the hard work he'd put in with Sally going to pot, and certainly didn't want Sally knowing he was married to Pauline, and that she'd had a lesbian affair with Claire. It also intrigued Frank why Claire was there in the first place and he wondered if she too was planning to put in a bid for Swann's.

  "I'll take you home on one condition Sally - you invite me in for a coffee?"

  "I'm sure I can agree to that Frank. But there's one question I have." She asked, turning to face him. "Who on earth was that woman back at the club, and did you know her?"

  There was a long pause as Frank searched for a plausible answer.

  "She was just someone from the past with a grudge, that's all. Unfortunately it happens in my line of business."

  There was something in the tone of his voice that told Sally not ask any more questions, and like the outward journey, a silence developed between them. Sally just assumed he was brooding about what had happened back at Swann's. Frank however was more concerned about his loss of control. He had probably broken Pierre's nose after hitting the waiter while leaving the club. The last thing Frank wanted at the moment was the police calling around to see him again, so soon after their unexpected visit a few days ago, regarding his suspected sexual abuse of his daughter, Tina.

  Only the porch and landing lights were on when they arrived back, and Sally assumed that Jonathan and Penny were already in bed. Frank, as before insisted on opening the car door for Sally, and as she stepped out, she asked him in for a cup of coffee.

  19. TINA

  It had taken Jonathan the best part of an hour to finally reach Conchita's. By then, Nick had already left. His presence only seemed to aggravate Tina, who still felt totally humiliated by the situation. She just couldn't bear to think that it had been Roberto who had asked her out, and not Nick, as she had originally thought, and to rub salt into the wound, Roberto had sounded really nice on the telephone.

  "Well you're a welcome sight, what kept you?" Called out Laura as her brother walked into the club's foyer.

  "Come on, it's not like Earl's Court is just up the road - the traffic was horrendous. Why couldn't you just get a taxi back home?"

  "Stop your moaning Jonathan, you know the pittance I earn. In fact, I don't even think I could afford the bus fare back home!" Replied Laura, sounding a little fed up. "You can give me a hand with Tina, she's had a bit too much to drink!"

  "What again?" Asked Jonathan surprised. "Your friend certainly knows how to enjoy herself."

  Together, they woke Tina and bundled her into the back of Sally's Volvo estate. Laura, however was very concerned about the girl's safety, and decided to take Tina back to Twickenham with them.

  "We can't just dump her back in the nurse's home Jonathan, it's dangerous if someone is drifting in and out of consciousness. Do you think mum would mind if we let Tina sleep in the spare room?"

  Jonathan shook his head, "No, mum's very liberal about things like that. Anyway, she might not be back from her date with this Frank bloke yet?"

  "I know you're still not very happy about mum seeing other men, but please don't make it so obvious in front of her." Said Laura as they sped Westward along the Cromwell Road.

  "I just can't help it. I don't want to see mum hurt, that's all." Replied Jonathan, turning down the radio.

  "So, what's this Frank like?" Inquired Laura.

  "Very big, and quite scary looking. Not what I would really call mum's type. I didn't take to him, but then, no-one listens to me anyway. Apparently he and mum went to university together years ago."

  "Really? That's interesting. That's where she met dad."

  "So how did your date go?" Asked Jonathan, changing the subject. "Love at first sight was it?"

  "If I told you what my date was like, Jonathan - you wouldn't believe it, not in a million years!"

  While Tina seemed quite content to remain asleep in the back, Laura between giggles, proceeded to tell her brother about the strange evening she'd had in the company of a certain character of Colombian extraction.

  "Sounds nice, this Colombian Bob!" Joked Jonathan, pulling into the drive. "So, has he got a sister for me!"

  Laura laughed, but as she wound up her window, she noticed a huge, white Mercedes parked directly in front of them, and where Sally would normally park her car. Jonathan squeezed in beside it and glanced around to Laura.

  "As you can see, he's a bit on the flash side!"

  Tina appeared sufficiently sober enough to bear some of her own weight, and being supported either side by Jonathan and Laura, was led around the back of the house and in through the kitchen. After pouring a cup of black coffee into the inebriated girl, they managed to get her up to the spare room with the minimum of fuss, and without waking Penny. With her brother's help, Laura removed Tina's coat and together they lifted her onto the bed.

  "Jonathan, I'm starving. Why don't you go down and make us some cheese on toast, while I try and get Tina undressed?"

  He nodded, and left the room diplomatically as Laura began to pull Tina's pixie boots off. However, on the way to the kitchen, Jonathan couldn't resist having a listen outside the lounge door, where inside, his mother was entertaining Frank. He smirked as he tried to make out what the hushed voices were saying, above the laughing and the old Diana Ross album playing in the background.

  As the four slices of hot toast popped up, Jonathan decided to scoff a couple of them there and then. He spread the butter thickly, and searched in the larder for a suitable topping. At first he reached straight for the cinnamon, but then realised he was at home now, and didn't have to resort to such poverty-stricken measures like at university.

  The toasted cheese tasted good, and the aroma soon woke Pepys, bringing the little dog trotting into the kitchen, in the hope of a morsel.

  No sooner had Jonathan taken a bite out of the second slice, when he was shocked out of his senses by a loud, ear-piercing scream. Thinking it was his mother in some kind of trouble, he rushed out of the kitchen and headed straight for the lounge. However, on hearing the scream again, he soon realised it was coming from upstairs.

  "What on earth is happening?" Called out Sally, as she sped out of the lounge with Frank right behind her.

  "I think it might be Laura's friend, Tina - she's drunk." Shouted back Jonathan as he took the stairs two-at-a-time, with Sally right on his heels.

  Frank stayed discreetly downstairs upon hearing Tina's name being mentioned. Sally had spoke earlier about her daughter going out on a double date with a friend, but he was sure Sally said they would be staying back at the nurse's home in London. He recognised his own daughter's screams and wondered what she might have said. Frank was now certain it had been Tina who had gone to the police about him sexually abusing her. Pauline wouldn't be stupid or brave enough to do anything like that, unless of course Tina had put her up to it. He dismissed any thought of betrayal by his wife, and had questioned Mark earlier, but had discounted him almost immediately. As the commotion was still continuing upstairs, Frank crept back into the lounge to collect his jacket.

  Jonathan and Sally burst into the spare room, to find a distraught Laura trying unsuccessfully to calm Tina down.

  "What is it, what's wrong with her?" Called out Sally, going to her daughter's aid.

  "I don't know, I was taking some of Tina's clothes off, to put her to bed, when she just started screaming. It was awful, like she thought I was trying to hurt her."

  Sally, Laura and Jonathan all stared helplessly, as Tina, clad only in her underwear writhed to the top of the bed in a disturbing state of torment. She curled herself into a ball, fearful in case they move any closer. There were countless lines of scar tissue on Tina's body. They were from several years of self-harming, and were far too abundant for the girl to hide. It was a painful sight, and Laura, her face a mask of shock, gradually inched closer, calling Tina's name, desperately trying to bring her new friend safely back f
rom whatever hell she was trapped in.

  "Jonathan, you try!" Said Laura in desperation, after failing to get any response. "Tina seemed to like you."

  Jonathan sat next to his sister on the edge of the bed, and at first, just softly called Tina's name.

  "It's Jonathan. Please come back to us, Tina. No-one is going to hurt you, I promise."

  After a few moments had lapsed, Tina's hysteria seemed to abate, and Jonathan was able to reach out and touch her hand.

  "It's like she's in some sort of trance," he whispered. "Like she's re-living something terrible that had happened to her."

  "Keep talking to her, Jonathan," said Sally. "I'll go and fetch some cold water and a flannel, the poor girl looks very hot."

  The water treatment seemed to work wonders, and they managed to get Tina to lay down, before covering her modesty with a light blanket. Not wanting her to feel embarrassed by his presence, Jonathan urged Laura to take over, and he quietly left the room. He noticed Penny was awake and waiting out in the hallway, curious to see what had been going on.

  Recognising Laura's voice, Tina dared open her eyes. She was still trembling and looked about her, like a frightened deer.

  "Laura, please don't let him hurt me again. Don't let him do those things to me. Please promise me." Gasped Tina, struggling to catch her breath.

  "You're safe here, Tina. You're at my home in Twickenham. Jonathan and I brought you back, remember?" Replied Laura in a re-assuring manner, mopping Tina's face with the cold flannel.

  Sally looked anxiously across at her daughter.

  "Are you sure, it's only drink she's had. She's not on any medication is she?"

  "Yes, I'm sure it was just the drink. I was there with her." Said Laura with a puzzled expression.

  "Well, if that's the case, I think your friend needs urgent help." Remarked Sally, solemnly.


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