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Page 51

by RJ Hunter

  Sally hesitated, and took a sip of her wine, unsure that you could simply just pass on mental health problems like you could a cold.

  "Yes, I suppose she did seem odd, but I just put that down to nerves. So what is your relationship with her now?"

  Frank was getting increasingly uncomfortable with Sally's questions.

  "I have to endure a lot with Pauline. I even married her when I found out she was pregnant with Tina." He replied warily, before realising that he could yet turn this to his advantage. However, he had to be careful not to say anything about being forced by his father to marry Pauline or be ostracized by his family and cut off financially.

  "That was an honourable thing to do, Frank." Remarked, Sally softening her stance.

  "It was the very least I could do. You see, it was never rape. Pauline and I made love, that's all. We were both drunk, but I wanted you, and you stood me up, Sally - remember?"

  "Please don't go there Frank." Begged Sally, feeling herself becoming emotional. "So do you both live as husband and wife?"

  "We share the same house, but I sleep in another room. You see, several years ago, Pauline had an affair, it was with another woman."

  "I don't believe you. Pauline said she loved you."

  "What Pauline says and does are two different things. She had an affair with the owner of the night club I took over. At the time, Claire was Pauline's boss. In fact, I believe you met her at Swann's, when we went out."

  "Oh my god," gasped Sally. "So Claire must have thought you were cheating on Pauline?"

  "Yes, I suppose so. I was very hurt at the time, but I forgave Pauline and stuck by her when Claire sold out and just dumped her."

  "I'm sorry, Frank, I didn't know."

  "Pauline is also an alcoholic, and I suspect she may be having an affair with one of my senior drivers."

  "Frank, that's terrible. But why have you never left her?"

  "I've tried in the past, but she threatens suicide. I stay purely for Tina and my son, Jamie."

  "I have something to ask you, Frank." Continued Sally, drawing in her breath. "It's something that's been playing on my mind."

  Frank was calm and relaxed now. He was in control and was successfully trashing Pauline and while making himself look like he was the victim.

  "Ask me anything, Sally. I've got no secrets, especially from you."

  Sally again hesitated, and finished her wine, before summoning up the courage to stare Frank fully in the eye.

  "I can never forget the night Tina was here. In fact it was the one of the worst of my life. I can't even bear to think about it."

  "Sally, don't torture yourself. You helped save my daughter's life. If it wasn't for you..."

  "Frank, please listen to what I have to say." Interrupted Sally, "Tina said she tried to kill herself because of what you did to her." Her words hit Frank like sharpened arrows. "She told Laura that you abused her, that you sexually assaulted your own daughter. Please tell me that's not true, you're her father."

  Frank bided his time, thinking over how he could give her an adequate answer. He glanced down, noticing a few specks of Albert's blood still on his shoes. Sally spoke again.

  "Frank, are you alright? Look at me, tell me the truth."

  Frank didn't quite know how he did it, but his eyes began to water just at the right time. He now looked up to face Sally.

  "Look, I know I've never been an angel, but I really have changed now. I would never hurt a fly. I'm just a family man who has suffered. Pauline has poisoned my own daughter against me. It's a cross I've had to bear for years now. I've done my very best for both of them, but they need help and just treat me with contempt."

  "So you didn't touch her?"

  "No Sally, of course I didn't," he lied.

  She went over and sat next to him on the sofa.

  "I'm sorry I doubted you Frank."

  "It's alright, thank-you for being a friend. It's so nice to have someone on

  my side rather than against me."

  "Oh my god!" Shrieked Sally, jumping to her feet. "I think I may have left the cooker on, something's burning!" As she rushed off into the kitchen, Frank calmly reached into his pocket, pulled out a cigar and sat back to light it up. He smiled contently as he rolled the smoke around in his mouth. Life was looking good.

  A few minutes later Sally served up the first course. She went into the lounge to find Frank going through her record collection. It annoyed her slightly, like the champagne in the freezer incident. All he need do was ask. Among the collection were several records she had enjoyed with William, and these held special memories for her.

  "So you're a bit of an Elvis fan are you, Sally? I would never have guessed."

  "They belonged to my husband. I prefer listening to classical music personally. Would you like to listen to some while we eat?"

  To Sally's relief, Frank didn't pursue the matter regarding William, and they ate their avocado and prawns to the sound of Beethoven's Violin Sonatas. Sally knew he hated it, but she was determined to force just a smattering of culture into Frank's boorish life.

  Returning to the kitchen, she wasn't surprised to hear that Frank had changed Beethoven to the Rolling Stones. Educating him may take longer than she first anticipated, she surmised. But it didn't really matter, as she had no intention of seeing him again. She naively believed the story he had spun her, but she didn't want to get involved, she would just stick to the job in hand, which was getting Frank to buy the house.

  The garlic mushrooms were smelling divine, the French fries, petit pois and grilled tomatoes were practically done, and now there was only the fillet steak left to cook.

  The tender meat sizzled as soon as it hit the hot grill pan. Timing was crucial, as Frank insisted that his steaks were always rare. The mere sight of the blood was enough to put Sally off, and it made her wonder how anyone could ever eat their food so raw. She was concentrating so hard that she had no idea Frank was standing directly behind her as she went about her work. It was only when he placed his hands on her hips, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin that she became aware of his presence.

  "Hey, easy now, you're jumpy tonight!"

  Sally froze for a moment, before instinctively stepping to the side, and pushing away a lock of hair from her eyes. No man had ever touched her in that manner since her husband, William.

  "I'm sorry, Frank, you startled me. Were you getting lonely in the lounge all by yourself?"

  "Well, yes, that's right. In fact, I came out to get a re-fill. The Dom Perignon must be cold enough by now?"

  "Frank, please don't open your champagne on my account, I'm not much of a drinker, so it would be a waste. I still have plenty of wine already chilled."

  She wasn't sure if he simply didn't hear her, or whether he was just being bloody-minded, but whatever, he took the bottle from the freezer and proceeded to uncork it. He then casually walked over to the cabinet and took out two of Sally's best crystal glasses, and filled them to the top.

  "Here, let's have a toast!"

  "No, Frank, not for me, I've had enough." Was her cautious reply, as she quickly turned the peas off.

  Putting the glasses back down, he again placed his hands on Sally's hips, only this time facing her.

  "You look absolutely beautiful tonight Sally, I mean it. You are stunning, simply sensational."

  She gazed into his familiar light blue eyes and began to giggle.

  "You haven't changed from the Frank of old have you?"

  He laughed, and drew her closer towards him.

  "Look, I'm sorry about prying into your record collection, I didn't mean to upset you."

  She pulled away from him.

  "So you noticed I was upset then? It's okay, I forgive you."

  "I notice everything about you, Sally, your moods, your appearance, your smile, your laugh. I have never forgotten you, or got over you for that matter." He offered her the glass once more. "Here, have some, it's the best."

  "No, F
rank, I'd better not, otherwise you'll end having to do the cooking by yourself."

  "Well, if you don't want to celebrate me buying your house, then I'll have to celebrate alone."

  Sally looked amazed and gave him her full attention.

  "Really, Frank - do you mean it, you're actually going to buy this house?"

  "That's what I said, here take this." After successfully getting her to take the champagne, he calmly took a seat at the table, with Sally desperate to join him.

  "This is fantastic news, I was starting to wonder."

  "That's the trouble with you women, you're too impatient," he replied smugly. "I concluded a transaction a little earlier today. It was very much to my advantage, and I expect to reap the benefits in the very near future, so yes, buying your house is now a reality."

  "That's very impressive, Frank," she exclaimed, quite in awe of her guest's business prowess.

  "So, to the house then!" Laughed Frank, raising his glass to clink it with hers.

  He insisted she finish her drink, and subsequently re-filled both glasses. By this time he had noticed that Sally's eyes were distinctly starting to glaze over.

  He went on to tell her he had been in contact with his solicitors and had given them instructions to begin the purchase process. Sally certainly hadn't been expecting this news so soon, but deep down she felt her heart sinking.

  The first course was absolutely delicious. Laura, had of course eaten Chinese food on countless occasions before. But this, she discovered was a totally different experience altogether.

  "I believe they specialise in the 'Peking' style of cuisine, it's much nicer than Cantonese." Said Nick, as he helped himself to another crispy wan-ton.

  In all, there were seven courses, but even by the third, the crispy aromatic duck, Laura was feeling quite full. She had loved the evening so far, and didn't want it to end. Nick was excellent company and she soon found herself growing rather fond of him.

  As the waiter came over, Laura was laughing and trying unsuccessfully to feed Nick with chopsticks. They quickly re-gained their composure and Nick ordered another bottle of rose wine, along with their desserts.

  Nick found it quite arousing to see Laura tipsy and losing her inhibitions. He was now seeing another side to her, a side that was liberated, carefree and perhaps, a little wild.

  Laura wasn't enjoying her lychees, so Nick asked her if she wanted to share his dessert instead. Now, it was his turn to feed her. There was a definite stirring in his loins as he reached over with a spoonful of vanilla ice-cream, only to drop some down the front of her shirt. She let out a sexy squeal, and undid one of her buttons as she picked up a serviette and dabbed the sticky mess from the top of her bra.

  Nick was immediately apologising and offering his help, but he couldn't help glancing down at her pert breasts and shapely thighs. Laura looked up, and for a moment their eyes locked together and seemed to speak their own language.

  The waiter returned to clear the table and inquired if they wanted coffee. Again, Nick and Laura's eyes met, searching for signs, meanings, a signal to go a stage further. It was Laura who spoke first.

  "You can always come back to the nurse's home for a coffee?"

  Nick gulped, and seemed a little taken aback.

  "Yes, I'd like that," he replied. "Are you sure it's okay, what about the home warden?"

  "She finishes at five o'clock." Smiled Laura, finishing her wine. "It's just the porters to get past!"

  It was the telephone ringing that finally interrupted Frank's drawn-out tirade about all the magical things he was going to do to improve Sally's home once he'd brought it. The telephone was situated in the hallway, and Frank could just about make out what the conversation was about. He knew Sally had a daughter who was a nurse, and then there was the layabout son, but judging by the tone of Sally's voice, and what she was saying, he presumed she must have been talking to her youngest daughter. This was later confirmed when he heard Penny's name being mentioned. Frank, again topped up the glasses, as he listened to Sally telling her daughter to be careful, and not to be too late coming back the next morning. He smiled as he heard Sally telling Penny how nice he was and what a wonderful evening she was having. But more importantly, he was relieved to hear Sally saying that he was entirely innocent of assaulting Tina. So obviously, the whole family must be aware of Tina's disclosure, he assumed. However, nothing was said of the proposed purchase of the house.

  As Frank craned his neck by the doorway, the distinct smell of burning again wafted in from the kitchen. It wasn't long before Sally noticed it too and quickly had to end her conversation with Penny. He grinned as he heard Sally rush into the kitchen and mutter some unexpected expletives after discovering she had burnt the steak to a cinder. She sighed deeply as she turned off both the oven and the grill pan, and sat down on a stool clutching her head in her hands.

  "Look, Sally, it's really not a problem. That's why I always have my steak in a restaurant, they usually get it perfect. Cooking steak at home doesn't normally work."

  "Oh, Frank, but your last steak was ruined when we went to Swann's. That was my fault too."

  "Don't worry. Honestly, I'm having a wonderful time, just being here with you is enough."

  "Frank, you're so understanding. I'm really sorry about tonight."

  "Hey, stop being so silly. We could always get a takeaway?"

  Sally studied the Indian menu she found in the kitchen drawer and finally made her selection.

  "But, Frank, it shouldn't come to this. I feel like an absolute failure. First I get drunk, now I've ruined your supper. I just feel so awful."

  He put his arms around her and held her tightly. Her yielding, feminine body felt good, as he gently ran his hands down along her waist and over the contours of her hips. Either, she didn't notice, or didn't mind when his hands then slid further and began to caress her buttocks.

  Frank was gone about twenty minutes collecting the takeaway, which gave Sally the chance to feed the steak to Pepys, and touch up her make-up a little. While in the bathroom she thought about him, and although she hated to admit it, she had rather enjoyed the sheer closeness of his masculine body pushing up hard against her own.

  Frank's vindaloo made Sally's vegetable biriani seem quite tame in comparison, and she had to keep taking sips of champagne to cool her mouth after being foolish enough to try some. Although she did enjoy curry, it wasn't something she would eat on a regular basis, probably due to the high calorie content. Tonight's meal however, was exceptional, and soon her mood began to lift.

  Frank's humour was extremely blue, as he told her of some of his mini-cab driving exploits, before going on to share with her, a few of his vast repertoire of dirty jokes. On a couple of occasions, Sally found herself laughing quite uncontrollably, which was very odd for her.

  "I'm sorry, Frank, I don't know what's got into me. I don't usually make a fool of myself like this?"

  He grinned, and poured out even more champagne, knowing full well it was the cannabis resin he had managed to sprinkle over her food that had got into her.

  "I'm pleased to see you're enjoying yourself, Sally. It's just what you needed. I think it's what we both needed."

  They continued sitting at the table being absolutely silly for a little longer, until Sally felt she was about to pass out. Frank immediately went to her assistance, scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to the sofa. She was limp to hold, and the thought of having such a helpless, submissive woman at his mercy made him grow excited. His plan had worked perfectly, as it usually did. He knew she might be sick, many were who weren't used to cannabis and drink combined. But, he was determined to have her that night, whatever the consequences.

  Nick felt distinctly uncomfortable being smuggled into the nurse's home by Laura, even though he was by no means the only unauthorised guest that night.

  Although Laura had made her room look as nice as she probably could, it was still very basic. The walls were painted a uniform ma
gnolia, but most of this was covered by Laura's extensive collection of photo's, prints and posters. Over to one side, and pushed up against the wall was her single bed. At the end of this, stood a small sink with a couple of shelves either side. These were completely full of Laura's wide array of shampoo's, moisturisers and perfumes. Opposite this was a desk-come dressing table with a portable black and white television and hi-fi taking up practically all of the space on top. An armchair draped with a nurse's uniform sat in the corner of the room, next to a plain and uninspiring wardrobe.

  Nick gazed out over Vincent Square, illuminated by streetlights, while Laura put on a Roxy Music album. Like most of the other residents in the building, she had a tiny refrigerator next to her bed, which doubled up as a handy bedside table. From this, Laura produced an already-open bottle of white wine and poured them both a drink.

  Thinking it inappropriate, Nick chose not to sit on the bed, but instead perched on the edge of the armchair. She apologised and removed her nurse's dress from the chair, dropping a bra down onto Nick's lap by mistake. Giggling with embarrassment, she then threw the garments into the wardrobe, before sitting on the bed opposite him, holding her drink.

  As Sally lay motionless on the sofa, Frank put on a Diana Ross album. He recalled Sally playing this when he was there before - the time he was so rudely interrupted by his daughter's hysterical antics.

  "Sally, come on now, you're not being a very good hostess are you, falling asleep in front of your guest like this."

  "Frank, I can't move, my head is spinning. I feel really weird," gasped Sally, trying to force her eyes open.

  "Well, if you're in no fit state to entertain me, then I'll have to do it myself." He replied with a hint of menace in his voice.

  Sally tried to stir, but her limbs failed her and she just rolled over onto her side.

  "I'm sorry, Frank," she murmured incoherently. "I just want to sleep."

  "You've been a very naughty girl, Sally. You've misbehaved, and for that, you'll have to go to bed early."


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