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Page 60

by RJ Hunter

  Claire had still retained her lithe, dancer's figure, even though she was now in her mid fifties. Her dark bob was flecked with grey and noticeable crows feet had appeared around her eyes. However, she still possessed an air of confidence and strolled into her former office with athletic ease.

  "I see you're lady of the manor!"

  "What an unexpected surprise, Claire. It's nice to see you again after so long." Said Pauline getting up from the desk to greet her old lover. "I must say though, you're taking quite a risk. What if Frank's here?"

  Claire gave a wry smile, as she sat down at the other side of the desk.

  "I made it my business to make sure he wasn't here." She replied, glancing around at the office. "I see nothing's really changed, and you've still got the leather sofa!"

  Pauline felt herself blush as her mind flashed back to when Claire and Yvette had enjoyed her on the sofa, back in the early days.

  "Frank decided to keep it as it was, especially the secret office." Purred Pauline, feeling her senses coming to life.

  "Ah, yes, my secret office! Well, at least he's got taste in one area." Replied Claire, with a smirk.

  Pauline felt embarrassed about how she looked. She had been putting on weight recently, and knew the effects of the alcohol would be evident on her face.

  "So what brings you here today, Claire?"

  "Frank. That's what brings me here." Was her cold reply, as she edged closer towards Pauline." I recently had a bid accepted to buy a nightclub. It's called Swann's."

  "I'm glad to hear things are on the up again." Said Pauline, standing up to go across to the bar.

  "Well, things were, until I got gazumped. The sellers suddenly decided to take another offer."

  "That's terrible, but what has Frank to do with it?"

  Claire went over to join Pauline at the bar.

  "I heard a rumour from a good source that it had been Frank who had put in the offer."

  "Well, that's news to me. He hasn't mentioned anything about buying another club. Besides, he hasn't got the funds. The repairs here have been very costly."

  "Is there anyway you could find out, Pauline?"

  "Pauline took a large gulp from her vodka and tonic, and passed one to her visitor.

  "You know what he's like. I daren't ask him."

  "You don't have to, just call your bank."

  "The business account is in Frank's name. They wont give me any information."

  "What about your personal account, is it in both your names?"

  "Yes, it's a joint account, but why?" Asked Pauline, looking anxious.

  "Please, Pauline, just ring them and check your balance."

  Pauline searched through her bag for her address book.

  "I don't think this will help Claire, there certainly wouldn't be enough cash in our account for Frank to buy a nightclub."

  "Perhaps not, but a deposit maybe?"

  "Oh my god." Pauline's face suddenly dropped as she reached for the telephone.

  "What is it, Pauline - you look so worried?"

  Pauline slumped back in her chair, unable to take in what may have happened.

  "My grandfather passed away recently. The inheritance money was paid in a couple of days ago."

  "That's not good." Replied Claire, mirroring Pauline's concerned look.

  Pauline was on the telephone to the bank for less than a minute.

  "It's all gone Claire. Frank has taken every last penny of Albert's money."

  "I'm sorry, Pauline. But I'm not surprised."

  Pauline began to get tearful, and Claire went to comfort her.

  "He's gone too far this time. He's stolen my money, caused the death of my daughter and he's seeing a blonde tart, called Sally, who I went to university with."

  "I know, I've seen her. I even threw a prawn cocktail over her!"

  "I don't know how much more I can take, Claire? He's slowly killing me, like he killed those other poor souls."

  "What do you mean, Pauline?"

  "He told my son, Jamie that he'd murdered an old Jewish man for his money. That's how he started up the cab business, but I already knew that."

  "Oh my word, Pauline. That was Mr. Bloom, wasn't it? I remember the police coming here and questioning you. So you've protected him ever since?"

  "There's more. Apparently he also murdered Sally's husband, William. He cut the brake pipes on his car. He's probably killed more people that I don't even know about."

  Claire put her arms around Pauline and soothed her as she wept her heart out. It was unusual for Pauline to cry like this.

  "There, there, my darling, we'll get him."

  Pauline glanced up at Claire, and held her tightly.

  "I keep thinking about poor Tina, and my grandfather. Did Frank really murder him too?"

  "Pauline, you've got to leave him, we must call the police. Frank has got to be stopped." Said Claire, as she wiped a tear from Pauline's cheek. "I'm here, I'll help you. Together, we can beat him."

  Pauline managed to get a measure of composure and stood up to pace the office.

  "I'll do it, Claire, I'll do it for all the people whose lives he's so cruelly taken away, the lives he's crushed and walked over, and destroyed. I'll do it for Albert, for Mr. Bloom, and for William Peddlescoombe, but ultimately, I'll do it for Tina. I owe her that. She was my daughter. I should have been a better mother to her. I should have protected her. I should have been there for her."

  "And what about the blonde tart, Sally?"

  "Don't worry about Sally, I've got some special plans for her."

  Pauline hurried into the bathroom. Although she had just broken down in front of Claire, she hated showing signs of weakness, and cursed herself for letting it happen.

  While Pauline was away, Claire finished her drink and decided what she would do. She couldn't trust Pauline to destroy Frank. No, she would have to do it herself. Once she was free from Pauline, she would inform the police that Frank Gant had murdered Abraham Bloom and William Peddlescoombe. That should stop him in his tracks for a while.

  Penny was delighted so that so many of her friends could make the party. It meant a lot to Sally's youngest daughter, and she was determined to make sure it was a success. The only down side was the fact that Sally had removed the alcohol Frank had brought and had locked it all away. But, all was not lost. Penny had been secretly hiding a supply of cider in her room for some time, and some of the guests had brought alcoholic drinks with them.

  Sally and Penny had only just finished setting up by the time the first partygoers started to arrive. The spread looked spectacular and Sally beamed with pleasure to see Penny so excited. She wasn't quite so pleased however, when she saw what her daughter had got changed into.

  "I don't care if it's the latest fashion, I still think it looks absolutely ridiculous!"

  "Mum, all of my friends will be wearing rah-rah skirts, I think they look pretty cool!"

  "Well, it's your birthday Penny. But, I'm telling you, one day you'll look back at photo's of this and cringe. I know, I've been there!"

  Their conversation was soon interrupted as more equally outrageous guests arrived, some of whom were sporting haircuts similar to the Flock Of Seagulls band.

  "Hi Penny, happy birthday!" Said one friend as she handed Penny a gift-wrapped box and kissed her on the cheek.

  "Gosh, what a lot of food, I've never seen anything like it!" Exclaimed Deborah, another friend, who seemed a little unsteady on her legs.

  Sally smiled at Penny proudly.

  "I'd better get a move on, I don't want to embarrass you in my jeans and T-shirt," she smiled, giving Penny a quick hug.

  "Don't rush back, Mum!"

  "And don't you push your luck young lady!"

  Penny wasn't quite so sure about Jamie being there. He wasn't a particularly pleasant boy, and for the early part of the evening he just wandered around staring at the girls.

  "Jamie, listen - I really need your help." Asked Penny, having just latched o
nto an idea.

  "Do you want me to beat someone up?" He replied excitedly.

  "No, not exactly. Can you be our DJ. We've got no-one to play the music. All the tapes and records are next to my new stereo."

  "Wow! yeah!" He grunted, "Can I have some cider too?"

  Penny brought him over a glass of the weakest cider she could find, before disappearing back into the crowd to mingle.

  "Brilliant idea Penny. Jamie was really giving me a hard time." Said Deborah, beginning to slur her words.

  "I'm not surprised Deborah, with you wearing that dress. It doesn't leave much to the imagination does it?"

  "You're just jealous Penny, because I've got an eleven-year old boy after me!"

  "Come on, let's get everyone dancing, if you can manage to walk that is!" Joked Penny as she sashayed out into the middle of the floor.

  There was a dark-haired boy at the party called Kyle, who Penny rather liked. He went to a grammar school not far from Penny's. Although he had been looking over at Penny for much of the evening, he was very shy and hadn't yet spoken to her.

  Jamie turned the music up loud and the whole house shook as most of the girls and a mere handful of boys began to dance. But after several more songs, Penny was disappointed there had still been no movement from Kyle.

  "Jamie, here, put this one on. It's time for a slow one!" She called out to the chubby DJ. This time Penny would take matters into her own hands.

  "Hi, your name's Kyle isn't it?"

  "Yes, yes it is." He replied, a little shocked at Penny's boldness.

  "Will you dance with me, Kyle, it's a slow one?"

  She took her young man by the hand and led him out as Jamie played Spandau Ballet's 'True', which was Penny's favourite song at the time. As they danced together, the other guests couldn't help but notice how wonderful they looked entwined in each other's arms.

  Jamie took a leaf out of Penny's book and made straight for the hapless Deborah, who was giggling hysterically at something and looked ready to pass out.

  It was about this time that Frank arrived.

  For once he wasn't wearing his trade-mark suit, but trainers, jeans and a leather bomber jacket. Even though it was late evening, he kept his sunglasses on, and passed through the crowd drawing quite a bit of attention to himself. He laughed as he saw Jamie mauling the much-taller, teenage temptress as they swayed unsteadily to the music. Once the record had ended, Frank called for silence and took up position in the front room, like some dignitary about to make a speech.

  "Hello everyone, I hope you're all enjoying the party?"

  This was answered by loud cheering and whistling.

  "Good, that's what I wanted to hear. Now, I want you all to join me in singing, 'Happy Birthday' to the most beautiful girl here tonight, which is Penny of course!"

  This was followed by more cheering and hooting.

  "When we've done that," continued Frank, "We're all going to have some champagne! Now, come on, let's hear it for Penny!"

  The house was in uproar, and Penny didn't know whether to laugh or cry with embarrassment, as Frank hoisted her up onto his shoulders.

  As the melee died down, Frank put Penny back on her feet and led her into the kitchen, saying he had a surprise for her. He sat her down on his lap, and poured her a glass of champagne.

  "Here, this is for you!" He then placed a small, beautifully wrapped parcel down on the table in front of her.

  "But what is it? Gosh, it's so exciting, I love presents!" Giggled Penny, trying to control her hiccups.

  "Open and see!" replied Frank, running his hand along the sixteen-year olds thigh.

  Penny's face lit up, as she peeled away the wrapping and opened the box.

  "Oh wow! Thank-you, Frank, it's a necklace!"

  Frank laughed at her exuberance.

  "What, just a necklace?"

  "It's real gold isn't it?" Gasped Penny.

  "Certainly is!" He grinned.

  "But there's a stone attached to it, it's very pretty."

  "What, just a stone?" He laughed again.

  "No, it can't be. Is it really a diamond Frank - for me?"

  "Just for you Penny. A pretty diamond for an even prettier girl!"

  She put her arms around him and hugged him tightly, before giving him a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

  "You'll have to do better than that!" He laughed, putting his hand on her waist.

  "Thanks Frank!" She replied, between hiccups. "Oops! I think I'm a bit tipsy! Can I wear it now?"

  "Of course, here let me help you."

  "I can't wait to show it off, I've never had a diamond necklace before."

  As Frank went around behind her to put the necklace on, Deborah staggered into the kitchen, with Jamie hot on her heels. She slumped down at the table, uttered something incomprehensible and began to fall asleep.

  "She's in no fit state to go home." Said Frank, removing a cigarette from between the drunk girl's fingers.

  "She can stay in Laura's old room. Mum wont mind. I'd better ring her parents." Added Penny.

  "Jamie, and Penny, come and give me a hand to get her upstairs." Ordered Frank.

  The three of them then bundled Deborah upstairs and laid her out on Laura's bed. As they went to go back downstairs, Frank stopped Penny on the landing.

  "Penny, wait - let's go into your room for a moment, I've got another surprise for you." Frank then produced a pre-rolled joint from his jacket pocket and proceeded to light it.

  "So that's the funny smell I've noticed recently. Does Mum know you smoke those?" She asked.

  Frank shrugged his shoulders.

  "I don't really care! Does she know you smoke it, Penny?"

  "But I don't!"

  Frank laughed and sat down on the bed next to her. After taking a couple of good pulls from the joint, he then passed it to Penny.

  "No, I don't think I should. I've already had too much to drink."

  "Come on, you're sixteen now, you're all grown up. I expect all of your friends smoke dope."

  Penny reluctantly scrutinised the joint before putting it to her lips. The more pulls she took, the more she began to recline on her bed. After a short while she lapsed into semi-consciousness. Frank lifted her legs and swept them up onto the bed, so that she was now laying on her back.

  "Go and check on Deborah, Jamie, then wait outside the room and warn me if anyone comes. I wont be long."

  Jamie did as he was told, but left Penny's door slightly ajar. He thought his father might notice, but Frank was too busy removing Penny's clothes.

  Frank was only in Penny's room for about ten minutes, before he was disturbed by a girl shouting from the top of the landing.

  "Penny! Penny! Where are you? There's two boys fighting. What shall we do?"

  "Fuck it!" Swore Frank, pulling up his zip, as he heard the sound of breaking glass.

  Jamie stood back as his father charged out of the room and headed off downstairs. He peeped through the crack in the door and saw that Penny was naked. He feasted his eyes hungrily on the teenager's slim body.

  "Penny, are you okay, it's Jamie - can I come in?"

  There was no reply, so Jamie crept into the room and closed the door quietly after him. As he sat on the edge of the bed, Penny opened her eyes and immediately began to pull the bed covers over herself.

  "Go away, don't touch me." She pleaded.

  "Please, let me stay with you for a while." Begged Jamie.

  "Where's Frank?"

  "He's downstairs sorting out some trouble. Are you Dad's girlfriend now?"

  "I want my mother, can you ring her, she's at Lizzie's?"

  "But you were letting him touch you?"

  "I thought I was dreaming. It was all a bit of a blur. I think it was that stuff I smoked."

  "I knew you shouldn't have smoked it." Smirked Jamie, laying down next to her.

  "It must have been a dream. Your father wouldn't touch me like that would he?"

  "I don't know, perhaps."
r />   "But he said he was my friend. He told me all about the time when he was a little boy and his brother put chicken guts inside his teddy bear - isn't that gross?"

  "My Dad told you that?"

  "Yes, I felt really sorry for him."

  Jamie started giggling.

  "I think he was having you on, Penny. That's what he did to my sister, Tina."

  "What? He put chicken guts in her teddy - his own daughter. I don't believe you!"

  "Suit yourself. She told some lies about him years ago, so he did that to Treacle to punish her."

  Penny froze and felt physically sick.

  "But Jamie, you don't seem upset that she's dead?"

  "Don't be stupid," he replied, angrily. "My sister's not dead, she's in hospital.

  Penny felt herself go cold, as she realised nobody had told him of Tina's suicide. It was then that she became aware of his arm moving across her body. Before she realised what was happening, the boy had reached under the covers and was cupping her breast.

  "Stop it, Jamie, take your hand away!" She protested, reaching up to remove his hand.

  "But you let my Dad do it?" Was his reply, as he moved his hand between her legs.

  "Jamie, please stop. What if someone comes in?"

  "If you don't let me, Penny, I'll tell your Mum about you smoking dope and about what you and Dad were doing in here." He replied with a chilling menace in his shrill, unbroken voice.

  Penny cringed as she endured Jamie's slobbering mouth at her breasts, and his fat, stubby fingers exploring her below. She thought of poor Tina, then of her poor mother.

  Fortunately, no serious damage had been done. A few glasses had been smashed and there was a nasty crack in the back door window pane. Frank was just in the process of clearing up the mess, when Sally appeared.

  "What on earth's been happening?"

  "We had a bit of trouble with some young thugs, but it's sorted now." Replied Frank.

  "Yes, I just passed one with a bloody nose. Did you do that Frank?"

  "They were going to wreck the house Sally, I had to do something."

  "Where's Penny?"

  "She's upstairs, had a bit too much to drink. Leave her, she'll be fine."

  "That's it, no more parties."

  "Come on Sally, don't be too hard on her, she's a lovely girl, and you don't turn sixteen every day."


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