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Page 68

by RJ Hunter

  "I bet you had a part in all of this, Craig?"

  "I only brought it to Derek's attention."

  "That was very commendable of you." Replied Nick, sarcastically.

  "I've always put the company first."

  "You mean, you've always put yourself first. I smell a rat, and I think it's you, Craig."

  "I turned a blind eye, that's all."

  "If this is true, and I know it isn't, where does she work from?"

  "Sandra's high class. She uses top hotels."

  "I still don't believe you, Craig. Why should I?"

  "Okay, I'll tell you the truth. I introduced her to most of the clients, she then took it upon herself to win the contracts. We had an unwritten agreement about fees, but Sandra became greedy. She thought I was ripping her off."

  "So you were her pimp? I knew it."

  "It was just a business arrangement, Nick that's all. But Sandra wanted more, and I couldn't give it. I wanted out."

  "You wanted out Craig before the shit hit the fan, right?"

  "Yes, I suppose so, but I had a lot at stake."

  Nick sat on the wall next to Craig and hung his head in his hands.

  "I don't want to believe you, but I know it's true. It all adds up now." He stood up, a heavy dark cloud had blighted his life. He would go back to the hotel, pack his things and go home, wherever that may be. "Just one more thing," he said, as Craig stood up next to him.

  "What's that?"

  "Didn't you say something about where she was last night?"

  "Yeah, I'm sorry, Nick."

  "Were you in our hotel room?"

  Craig nodded and looked down.

  Nick then punched Craig so hard, that he fell back against the wall, and toppled down the ten foot drop to the beach below.

  "What about the boat trip, Nick?" Shouted one of the others from the Sugar Shack.

  "Bugger the boat trip!" He replied angrily, before storming off.

  As He walked back to the hotel, Nick wondered how he could have been so easily taken in again by Sandra. He felt bitter and angry that all along he had only been the second choice, the back up if Craig turned her down again, or if things turned nasty. He thought about Laura and what she would be doing. He longed to be with her again and enjoy those wonderful, uncomplicated times they had shared together. Was there still a chance to win her back? He wasn't sure, but it was certainly worth trying.

  Nick thought it a little odd that the 'Do not disturb' sign was hanging from the door handle of the room. He had left Sandra earlier, just as she was putting on her make-up, ready to go shopping. At first, he thought she may have fallen ill again, and decided not to go after all. The thought of her being in Craig's arms last night suddenly flicked vividly across his mind's eye. He put the key in the lock, only to find it had been locked from the inside. He glanced along the corridor and saw a maid, busy at her work. He wondered perhaps if one of her colleague's was in the room cleaning it, but why would they lock the room?

  Nick tapped lightly at the door, unsure what he would find inside. There was no reply, so he summoned the maid over, and asked her to unlock the room. The door opened immediately with the maid's master key, and Nick was about to enter, when he heard his wife's voice.

  "Get out! We don't want to be disturbed!"

  "Sandra, it's okay, it's me. What's going on?"

  He noticed the room was in semi-darkness as he ventured inside, closing the door after him.

  However, it wasn't Sandra he saw first, but Derek Bridges, sitting naked on the edge of the bed. Sandra was lying down next to him, having just lit a cigarette.

  "Nick, I didn't expect you back so soon!" She exclaimed looking more than a little surprised."

  "Obviously not! So it's true, this is your new job is it, Sandra?"

  "Nick, look you don't understand!"

  "I think I do, Sandra. Now, where's my suitcase?"

  "Listen, I'm going to leave you folks. I'm sure you've got plenty to discuss!" Called out Derek, as he grabbed his clothes and made for the door.

  Nick turned angrily towards him, "That's right Derek, just get out!"

  "Listen Nick, this was the first time with Sandra, if that means anything to you?"

  "Get out, Derek!"

  In a fit of temper, Nick punched the wall hard. He then turned to Sandra, but she had already leapt out of bed and had locked herself in the bathroom.

  "Nick, please listen to me, I was just using Derek so I could blackmail him and get my job back!"

  "It sounds to me like you don't need your job back Sandra, you seem to be doing rather well as a whore!"

  Nick didn't have much with him, and packed his case quickly. After calling the airport, he found there was a flight back to Heathrow later that evening.

  "Yes, book me a seat please. That's right, single ticket, one way only."

  Putting his suitcase by the door, Nick walked over to the bathroom. He was about to tell Sandra he was going, but judging by the sound of running water, guessed she was in the shower. He then glanced across at the table and saw a piece of paper sticking out from beneath an ashtray. He went and picked it up. It was a personal cheque for two hundred pounds, made payable to Sandra. Craig was right, she was big time. He tore the cheque into tiny pieces, and scattered it over the bed, before picking up his suitcase and letting himself out.


  It was the most strangest of things. Laura had only worked a half day, and now she was looking forward to a couple of days off. It would actually amount to three lie-in's if she included the afternoon shift on the day she was due to return to the ward. She would go back to her room, meet Jonathan and then they would both travel back home to Twickenham. There had been no change in Sally's condition, but Laura, as with her brother felt it their duty to be with their mother during her hour of need.

  But it was while she was on her way to the tube station that she felt the unusual, compelling urge. In fact, she became quite desperate and found she was forced to act upon her newly acquired whim. Laura simply had to buy a cucumber.

  Her mind constantly flashed back to the night of unbridled passion she had shared with Lincoln, and the day recently, when he had come to the school of nursing to give the girl's a talk. The mere thought of what she had done not only filled her with guilt, but made her tingle below and long to be taken by him again. But this sudden urge for a cucumber wasn't in the least bit sexual. It may have been the sight of someone walking past her, eating a sandwich of some kind which had put the thought into her head, but whatever it was, the compulsion was there, and she had to have a cucumber sandwich.

  Despite feeling a little sick earlier that morning, the feeling had gone away, and she now racked her brains wondering if she had any edible bread left in her room, and more importantly, was it the right type?

  Eating a cucumber sandwich was something she couldn't recall ever doing, neither could she remember a time when her mother had made them, but she had a vision of how her sandwich should be, and marched directly into a supermarket to buy what was required. The cucumber would have to be cut into wafer thin slices, and laid out on equally wafer thin, lightly buttered bread. There was already some salt and black pepper in her room, now all she would need to make the perfect sandwich was some vinegar - not too much, just a single drop on each slice of the cucumber.

  Laura's hard work had been worth waiting for. The sandwich lived up to all its expectations, it was magnificent, in fact it was so delicious, she had to go for a second round, now that she was eating for two.

  Laura needed to speak to Lincoln. She had worked out the dates and the child was definitely his. Part of her was saying she had to get it aborted. Potentially having a baby would finish her nursing career, and she daren't think what damage Lincoln would suffer professionally. However, the more she thought of the reasons not to keep the child, her natural extinct as a mother was beginning to cloud her judgement. She wanted Lincoln's child, she wanted the world to know that she was Lincoln's
woman. She even went along to the telephone and left a message for him to contact her.

  A little later, there was a gentle tap on the door, and Laura assumed it to be one of the other nurses, wanting to borrow some lecture notes, or just to catch up on gossip.

  However, her heart leapt as she saw the tall, muscular shape of Lincoln standing in the doorway. He looked both ways along the corridor, to ensure he hadn't been seen.

  "Laura, I got your message. So are you missing your Lincoln?" He smiled.

  "Yes, I do believe I am!" She replied in a sexy whisper, before leading the handsome registrar into her room. "I wasn't expecting you quite so soon though, I haven't even got changed out of my uniform yet."

  He gazed around at the posters and prints adorning the walls in her spacious room, before surveying the trinkets and curios that young girls had a penchant to collect. But his eyes were soon drawn back to the pretty, blonde student nurse standing in front of him.

  "I want you so much, Laura." He uttered in a low voice, as he moved forward to ravish her. "You look so unbelievably sexy in your nurse's dress. I want to rip it off!"

  "I think you need to improve your bedside manner, Dr. Greene!" She giggled, teasingly.

  "I hope you have some spare dresses?" He asked mockingly.

  "About half a dozen. Why, do you want to borrow one?"

  "Young nurses who are cheeky to doctors get their bottoms spanked!"

  "You wouldn't dare!" Exclaimed Laura, with a wicked grin on her face.

  Without another word, Lincoln reached up and gripped the front of Laura's dress. He then ripped it open to the waist, exposing her firm, ripe breasts. She gasped as he bent down, licking and biting at each nipple until they grew hard and sensitive under his touch.

  Lincoln then reached into the pocket of his long white doctor's coat and pulled out a pair of silver handcuffs. He then instructed her to climb onto to the bed, and get on all-fours, before taking each of her wrists, and handcuffing them to the headboard.

  Next, he slowly eased her shoes off, before yanking what remained of her uniform up around her hips.

  "Mmm, stockings and suspenders, how deliciously erotic!" He moaned, admiring her shapely rear, before taking off his own clothes in one rapid movement.

  Lincoln then took hold of Laura's skimpy black knickers and tore them apart with his strong hands, before tossing them by the side of the bed. He then marvelled at her bare buttocks, giving them a hard slap, which made her wince. He followed this up with more equally hard slaps, causing her pale, flawless skin to redden in blotches.

  After a few minutes of this, he started to massage her tingling bottom, it was in direct contrast to the rigorous spanking he had just given her. Laura gasped, as he then plunged his fingers deeply inside her, and was more than delighted to find she was wet and ready for him. Despite her hands being cuffed, she was still able to shift her knees slightly, in order to give him greater access to whatever part of her, he wanted.

  Just down below, at the entrance to the nurse's home, Jonathan buzzed constantly at the intercom system. Either Laura wasn't back yet, or she couldn't hear the buzzer. He was early, and now began to think perhaps he should go and grab a coffee somewhere and come back later. It was then that he noticed Amanda, a colleague of Laura's, walking towards him.

  "Hello Jonathan, what's up, wont she let you in?"

  Jonathan smiled and greeted her warmly.

  "She's either not back yet or she's got her walkman on and listening to Spandau Ballet knowing her!"

  "Or maybe she's got a secret man in her room!" Joked Amanda, letting him in with her key.

  "I doubt it, she's still a bit upset about Nick." Replied Jonathan, ignoring the lift and choosing to take the stairs instead.

  "Poor Laura, she doesn't deserve a rat like that." Said Amanda, trying to keep pace with him going up the stairs. She lived on the same floor as Laura, and Jonathan knew they were quite close friends.

  "I just need to go to the bathroom first," said Jonathan.

  "Okay, I'll let Laura know you're here." Replied Amanda, helpfully.

  When she arrived at her friend's room, she noticed the door was slightly ajar, and assumed Laura had just gone out for a moment. As she was about to knock, she heard what she thought was heavy groaning coming from within. This was accompanied by a banging noise and the sound of springs squeaking. It was as if someone was inside, practicing the trampoline. The moaning was becoming louder and more intense as Amanda gently pushed open the door and poked her head around to see what was happening. To her surprise, she saw Laura kneeling on all-fours with her wrists handcuffed to the headboard being taken roughly from behind, by a well-built black man she recognised as, Lincoln Greene.

  Amanda was not only shocked to see Laura in such a compromising position, but to her surprise, found herself becoming extremely aroused. Her mouth went dry and she couldn't swallow as she watched Lincoln ramming his huge black manhood in and out of her pretty colleague. The sound of Laura whimpering and gasping with each powerful thrust was driving Amanda crazy. She knew she shouldn't be looking and would surely be caught, but she couldn't stop herself, and this in itself was adding to her excitement.

  As Lincoln withdrew and re-positioned himself, ready to thrust into Laura once again, Amanda felt herself getting all tingly below, and knew that she would explode at any moment. This time, he started more gently and eased himself into her with short bursts. These grew in magnitude until he began to pound her with an intense determination.

  Lincoln had placed his arm over Laura's hips, so that he could continue touching between her legs, as his large weapon totally filled her. Within minutes, she let out a yelp of both pain and pleasure, before climaxing noisily, straining at the handcuffs that held her. Lincoln, feeling the intensity of her orgasm, groaned and arched his back. Unable to contain himself any longer, he thrust deeper inside her, and filled her with his seed, as he came at the same time.

  The sight must have had a similar effect on Amanda, for she was now squirming trying to contain herself, and desperately needed to get back to her own room. It was the tapping at her shoulder that brought her back to earth. She turned and was shocked to see Jonathan standing directly behind her.

  "What's going on ?" He asked innocently, as he peered into Laura's room.

  "Laura's got Lincoln Greene in there!" Grinned Amanda.

  Jonathan couldn't speak, he was far too overcome with embarrassment. He fled back down to the bathroom to regain his composure. Amanda was just about to quietly close the door, when Lincoln saw her.

  "It's you Amanda, I thought I heard a noise." He laughed. "Care to join us?"

  "Maybe next time Lincoln!" She giggled. "I think everyone in the building must have heard that!"

  "Oh my god!" She heard Laura scream. "Was it that loud?"

  It took Jonathan a good ten minutes to recover. He felt thoroughly embarrassed, but knew he would have to face his sister at some stage. In the end, he decided to sneak back downstairs, go out of the front door and press the buzzer again as if he had just arrived.

  It was sods law that it was Lincoln who let him in just as he was departing, with his pager bleeping erratically. Jonathan watched as the tall, broad-shouldered doctor rushed back to the accident and emergency unit having just satisfied his lust with his sister.

  Laura was in a state of panic when Jonathan appeared. It was difficult to work out who felt the most uncomfortable, but they both acted as if nothing had happened.

  "Hi Jonathan. I wasn't expecting you quite so early." Said Laura, now wearing her robe. "I was just about to take a bath."

  "Yes, sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you. Shall I go and have a coffee while you get ready?" He replied awkwardly.

  "No, of course not, come in and wait in my room. I wont be long."

  Jonathan couldn't help staring straight at the bed as he walked in. The covers were all in disarray, a bottle of baby oil lay on its side, and a pair of handcuffs were dangling from the bedpost. />
  "So have you just finished work?" He asked stupidly, noticing her torn uniform on the floor.

  "Yes, I finished late," she replied, following his gaze. "Silly me, I somehow managed to rip my dress."

  He frowned and sat on the edge of her bed, deep in thought.

  "Look, I think I'd better go."

  "No, Jonathan, I want you to stay. Are you still upset about Tina?"

  "I'm beginning to accept it now," he replied, reaching for a bottle of wine he had noticed. "I know she would have done something else if I hadn't given her the tape."

  "I'm glad you realise that Jonathan. Tina was very ill and very desperate."

  "I just don't understand why. She was such a wonderful person. I could have made her happy, Laura. I really could have."

  "Some things are never meant to be. You loved her didn't you?"

  "Yes, I suppose I did." He replied in a faltering voice. "But I'm not going to let it destroy me. In fact Tina's death has made me come to a decision."

  It hurt Laura to see her brother in so much pain.

  "You wont forget her, Jonathan. Time will help heal your wounds, and you'll meet someone else who you'll love. I promise."

  "Meeting someone else who'll cause me pain is the last thing I feel like at the moment, Laura."

  "Yes, I understand where you're coming from Jonathan. So what's this decision you've come to?"

  "I'm quitting university!"

  "You're what?"

  "I've decided I'm going to take up nursing."

  "Nursing? You must be mad."

  "Not general nursing, like what you're doing."

  "Don't tell me, psychiatric nursing?"

  "Spot on! It was the whole Tina thing, and seeing her there in that secure unit, I just wanted to help her. But I realise now that I was going the wrong way about it."

  "Nothing you did was wrong Jonathan."


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