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Page 71

by RJ Hunter

  "I have an announcement as well." She added sheepishly.

  "So, that only leaves you Penny. I'm sure you must have something you want to say?" Asked Sally, a little peeved at being side tracked.

  "Only that I took Pepys for his check up at the vets, and they said he was fine and didn't need to go back anymore."

  "How wonderful!" Remarked Sally, as she called the border collie over to pet him. "Pepys is a great example in how to take all that life throws at you, and still have the courage to stand up and be counted."

  "Mum's doing her politician bit again!" Said Jonathan, laughing. "Here's to Pepys, the greatest dog in the world!" He cheered, pouring himself some more wine.

  "So Jonathan, you being the oldest son, what do you want to say that's so important?"

  He felt a little embarrassed as they all looked towards him. Then, clearing his throat, he turned his attention towards his mother.

  "I'm giving up university. I'm going to become a mental health nurse instead."

  Sitting back in her chair, Sally took a few moments to consider what Jonathan had just said.

  "I don't want to sound patronising Jonathan, but I take it you've given this a great deal of thought?"

  Jonathan nodded.

  "Yes, mother, I have. I've even spoken to Laura about it, and she thinks I'd make a good nurse."

  Sally looked across at Laura, but for some reason her daughter was avoiding eye contact with her.

  "I think you would make a good nurse too, Jonathan. Has this come about because of Tina?"

  "I suppose it has. But seeing how she suffered, I just feel that I have something to offer. I really want to help people like Tina, people who don't deserve to be hurt. Can you understand that Mum?"

  "Of course I can, Jonathan. I have no problem with you becoming a nurse, if that's really what you want to do."

  "It is Mum."

  "Well, that came as a surprise." Said Sally, turning her attention back to her oldest daughter.

  "You've been quiet, Laura, so what is it you want to say?"

  "It's nothing Mum, really." Replied Laura, thinking that Jonathan's surprise would pale into insignificance, when her mother heard her announcement.

  "Come on then, out with it, you're among family." Said Sally, watching Laura, and wondering why she was being so vague.

  "We're waiting, Laura," Smirked Jonathan, enjoying his sister's discomfort.

  Laura glanced back at her mother, and before she had time to think it through any further, she blurted out;

  "I'm pregnant Mum."

  Sally's face dropped.

  "You can't be," she gasped.

  "I am, Mum, I'm sorry. I had to tell you, as I didn't know what to do."

  Laura's disclosure had hit Sally for six. It was a cry for help from her daughter that she couldn't ignore. Obviously Laura still held her in high regard, despite her affair with Frank.

  "I'm glad you come to me. Have you checked your dates, and have your periods stopped?"

  "Yes, Mum. I haven't really had much morning sickness yet, but I've had cravings for odd things."

  "Well that'll certainly explain the parsnips with the chicken," added Sally dryly.

  "So does the father know?"

  "No, Mum he doesn't yet. I tried to tell him but he's gone away."

  "That's convenient. Have you decided what you want to do?"

  "Yes, I'm going to keep the baby."

  "But you'll have to give up your training?"

  Laura glanced across at Jonathan, before turning back to her mother.

  "I was hoping you might be able to help and look after it, Mum?"

  "That's quite a responsibility to lay at my door, Laura. Looking after a small child isn't easy, believe me, I know."

  "Yes, Mum, I know you do. That's why I wanted to ask for your help."

  Sally was aghast and tried to hide her emotions. How could she look after Laura's child when she might possibly have her own to look after.

  "Laura, you have to tell this Nick chap. He must take responsibility. Perhaps you can get help from his family? I can't do it, I really can't look after a child."

  Laura suddenly realised that her mother, and quite rightly so, had assumed that Nick was the father. Now for the hard part, how could she tell her shocked mother that Nick wasn't the father, it was a black doctor, who had since gone away and left no forwarding address, It all became too much for Laura to bear, and bursting into tears, she ran from the table, up to her bedroom.

  "I think I may have been a bit hard on her?" Said Sally, as Jonathan and Penny looked on speechless.

  "Hormones Mum. We learnt about them at school." Added Penny trying to be helpful.

  "Thank-you, Penny, but I think I had better go up and speak her."

  Sally found her daughter lying on the bed sobbing into a pillow. She sat down next to her and placed a hand on Laura's shoulder.

  "Laura, please listen to me. I'm sorry I came across as unhelpful. It was just the shock of it, that's all. You are my flesh and blood, and I'll stick by you, and support you through thick and thin."

  Laura stopped sobbing and sat up, to face her mother.

  "Mum, I know you've been so ill recently. I had no right presuming you could just drop everything and look after the baby."

  Sally thought hard about what she was about to say, and stood up.

  "Laura, there's another reason why I can't look after your child. Do you remember earlier when I said I had an announcement to make?"

  "Yes, but what's happened?"

  "I'm in the same predicament as you Laura. I'm pregnant too."

  Now it was Laura's turn to gasp in surprise.

  "Oh my god, you mean Frank?"

  Sally nodded and sat down next to her.

  Yes, I'm afraid so, and like you Laura, I need someone to talk to."

  "Mum, I'll help you all I can. We can get through this together."

  "Thank-you, sweetheart, but I think in view of who the father is, I had better have a termination."

  "That's a really big decision to make. I was thinking the same, but I just can't do it."

  "Our circumstances are very different. I couldn't love Frank's child after knowing what he's done. It's best this way."

  "Oh Mum, we've been so stupid." Said Laura, reaching out to cuddle her mother.

  "Perhaps in a few weeks I might be in a different situation and could possibly help you. We all make mistakes in life, it's just a pity some of them are so costly."

  Laura gazed lovingly at her mother.

  "Is this a secret between us?"

  "Yes it is, Laura, woman to woman."

  "I love you Mum." Sniffed Laura, wiping her eyes with a tissue.

  "And I love you too Laura, more than you could ever know. Now, we'd better go back downstairs."

  "Is everything okay?" Asked Jonathan, rolling a cigarette on the dining room table.

  "For the moment. So, where's this trifle we're supposed to be having?" Asked Sally, taking her seat back at the table.

  Laura and Jonathan came through into the dining room carrying bowls, spoons and the huge strawberry trifle that Laura had made earlier. It looked delicious, topped with custard and double cream. It was just unfortunate, that both Sally and Laura couldn't face any of it.

  "So what was it that you wanted to tell us, Mum?" Asked Penny, clearing her bowl.

  "It was nothing really," replied Sally feeling distinctly uncomfortable.

  "It must have been something, Mum. You said it was important?"

  Sally felt she was being nudged into a corner, and glanced over at Laura.

  "I'm thinking of going back to help Lizzie at the boutique, that's all it was."

  It was mid morning, the following day and Lizzie had come over for a coffee. Both Sally and Laura had been up for some time, while Jonathan and Penny were content to catch up on their sleep.

  "So how did it go?" Asked Lizzie, taking a seat at the kitchen table.

  "Not that great, and certainl
y not as expected." Replied Sally, filling the percolator with boiling water.

  "I only told Laura I was pregnant, and that was only after she had told me she was pregnant too."

  "Gosh, you Peddlescoombe women certainly know how to put it around!" Remarked Lizzie dryly.

  "So how is Laura coping?"

  "Fine, she's having a bath right now, but unlike me, she wants to keep the child. Replied Sally, joining Lizzie at the table.

  "So I take it the father's this young student chap she was seeing?"

  "Yes, I would imagine so, his name's Nick, but apparently he's gone back to his wife!"


  "Laura has suggested that I look after the child when it's born, so that she can continue with her nursing."

  "That's a big ask, Sally. It would put an end to you coming back into the business."

  "Yes, that's what I tried to explain to her."

  Just then Pepys began barking and alerted them to a van pulling up in the drive.

  "Are you expecting a delivery, Sally?"

  "No, I'm not. I'll go and see who it is."

  Sally opened the front door, with Lizzie standing right behind her, and was surprised to see Mark and Jamie heading towards them.

  "Hello, Mrs. Peddlescoombe," called out Mark with a cheery smile. "I hope I haven't called at a bad moment?"

  "No, not at all. What can I do for you?" Asked Sally, a little puzzled by the visit.

  "I've come to repair your garden. There's a truckload of turf due to arrive at any minute."

  "But Mark, you don't have to do that. The damage to the garden wasn't any of your doing."

  "Most of the damage was done by Jamie on his motor bike, and since he's my son, it's the least I can do."

  "That's very British of you!" Called out Lizzie, admiring the huge man in his jeans and polo shirt. Mark looked embarrassed and turned away.

  "Look, do you want to come in for a coffee, we're just about to have one?" Asked Sally, catching Mark's eye.

  Both Mark and Jamie followed the women through to the kitchen, with the latter feeling more than a little ashamed of himself.

  "I know you've been putting in some plants yourself, but I've got more coming. Jamie and I will plant them." Said Mark, taking a seat.

  "That's very nice of you, but it's going to cost a fortune to re-turf the entire lawn, Mark."

  "Please Mrs. Peddlescoombe, I want to do it. Besides, I've taken over the general running of Frank's business affairs while his wife is recovering. That's where the funding will come from."

  "But what about Pauline?" Asked Sally, feeling chilled to the bone at the mere mention of the other woman's name.

  "It was Pauline who suggested that the money comes from Frank's estate. I told her about the damage to the garden I hope you don't mind?""

  Sally didn't quite know how to react. Part of her was delighted that the garden was going to be restored to its former glory but she shivered at the thought of Pauline being involved and having to feel indebted to her. However, the repairs to the garden was an enormous job, and one which Sally couldn't even think about to at the moment, so she reluctantly agreed.

  "Thank-you Mark, I really appreciate you helping me."

  "You're more than welcome, Sally," replied Mark, feeling uncomfortable using her first name. He finished his coffee and motioned to Jamie to follow him back out to the van. "Oh, by the way, Jamie has something to say to you."

  The young boy, looking just as uncomfortable as his father, turned to Sally, before running over to her and giving her a big hug.

  "Thank-you, for being like a second Mum to me." He said in his unbroken, shrill voice. "I'm sorry for ruining your garden, and for being nasty to you and Penny."

  Sally felt a little overcome and bent down to kiss him on the cheek.

  "Thank-you, Jamie - that means a lot to me."

  "Can I go and say sorry to Penny?" He asked excitedly. "Where is she?"

  "She's still in bed, Jamie like a typical teenager." Replied Sally, a little concerned. "No, it's probably not a good idea you going up to her room. I'll tell her for you."

  Sally and Lizzie watched with great interest as Mark and Jamie unloaded their tools from the back of the van.

  "I see you've taken quite a fancy to Mark." Said Lizzie, out of the blue.

  "Lizzie, whatever gave you that idea?"

  "I saw the way you were looking at him, and the way he was looking back at you."

  Sally couldn't help but turn crimson.

  "Yes, he's a very handsome man, but that's absurd Lizzie. Besides, he has a thing going with Pauline, and I certainly wouldn't make that mistake again."

  "Sometimes you have to take your opportunities when they come along Sally, before someone else beats you to it."

  "Lizzie, I don't need a man in my life right now, and certainly not another of Pauline's, so just forget it." Remarked Sally getting a little irate. "I just want to live a boring existence without any mega emotional upheavals."

  "Well, I think you're wrong Sally, you do need a man in your life."

  "Well, it's not going to be, Mark."

  "If I didn't have Jeremy, I would probably give Mark a try myself!"

  "Lizzie, you're incorrigible!"

  Lizzie laughed, and beckoned her friend back into the kitchen.

  "I have something for you, Sally." She then began to rummage through her sizable handbag before producing what looked like a pamphlet.

  "What's that?" Asked Sally, glancing across.

  "It's details about a clinic in the West end. You're only in for one night. Then your problem will be solved."

  Sally took the pamphlet from her friend. Although she knew it was inevitable, she simply couldn't bear the thought of taking such drastic action. It was such a huge decision to have to make, and one that was so desperate, and so final in its outcome.

  "I just don't know, Lizzie. Laura wants to keep hers."

  "Listen Sally, if you keep this child it will be a constant reminder of the man who killed your husband. Plus, what if the child turns out to be just like Frank, a monster? You have your own children to consider, remember."

  "I know you're right, Lizzie. But I just wish it didn't have to come to this."

  "I'll come to the clinic with you, and bring you back. If the circumstances had been different then you would have kept the child. You have to go ahead with it Sally, there's no other way."

  Sally was rather glad to finally see her friend go. Although she meant well, Lizzie could often come across as over-bearing, or even bullying. But deep down Sally knew the woman she had met at university all those years ago, only wanted what was best for her, and the rest of the family. As Sally read through the pamphlet, she decided to call the clinic after the weekend, that would at least give her a bit more precious time to think about what she had to do.

  After making up some orange juice, Sally added ice cubes, before placing the jug on a tray, along with a couple of glasses, she then carried it out to where Mark and Jamie were working in the garden. Jamie was content to pot plants around the border, while Mark, with his shirt off was carrying the heavy turfs and putting them into place on the lawn.

  His eyes once again met Sally's, and for a brief moment there was a surge of electricity in their lingering glances. She couldn't help but admire his rippling muscles, as he thanked her for the drink, and downed it in one.

  "You're doing a fantastic job out here, and it's so hot." She smiled.

  "Thank-you, but I think I'll have to come back again tomorrow and finish it. Jamie's not much help, but at least I can keep an eye on him, since his mother can't do an awful lot at the moment."

  "You've come along a way with Jamie, he's a totally different person."

  "I've just added a bit of structure and discipline to his life that's all."

  "Well, I think you've done wonders, Mark. So how is Pauline? The news was so dreadful about the shooting."

  He looked up to the sky and shrugged his shoulders.
br />   "Pauline discharged herself against medical advice. She's back at home now, but she's in a lot of pain."

  "I'm sorry to hear that," added Sally, none too convincingly.

  Mark put his glass down and mopped his brow.

  "Look Sally, I wont beat about the bush, Pauline has agreed to marry me. I know there's a lot of bad feeling between you both, but I would really like you to come to the wedding."

  "Gosh, things have moved fast for you both." Replied Sally realising the bond between him and Pauline was stronger than she had first imagined. "That would be nice. So yourself and Pauline would carry on running the businesses as normal?"

  "Yes, that's correct. It's far too much for Pauline to do, and we have a number of employees who we want to remain loyal to."

  "I see," said Sally, a little disheartened. "I'm glad you've found your soul mate in Pauline. Some of us search our whole lives to find the right person, and when we finally do, we lose them."

  Mark moved to console her, but as he did so, he found that she had already gone, and was heading back into the house.

  33. WALES

  Sally was a little nervous. Although she had modelled the boutique's ranges in the past, she always felt jittery when the time actually came to walk the catwalk. It wasn't like an international fashion show in front of thousands of people, but more like walking out onto a length of carpet in front of about a dozen buyers, but still she was on show and it made her anxious. This particular show was for a leading airline and Sally would be modelling different styles of hostess uniforms. Lizzie was very excited, as a good response could get them into the profitable world airline business, and lead to many more exciting contracts. The outfits had to be glamorous, practical, and crease-resistant, and Lizzie had seen to it that they ticked all the boxes.

  She had also arranged for her partner, Jeremy to do the driving and bring the rails and samples up to the modelling area, where she would conduct the sales presentation.

  Once they arrived at the plush offices near Regent Street, the two woman headed off towards the changing rooms, but Lizzie had an inkling something was wrong.


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