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Never Letting You Go (Being Yours Novella Series Book 1)

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by Dawn Martens

  Every time I bring up Zach around Cameron, the room chills, like extremely chills. Something is changing in Cameron, and I wish I knew what it was. I was supposed to go out with Zach tonight, but he texted me, saying something came up.

  I shouldn’t be surprised, not really, since the date we went on last week was the most awkward one in history. Cameron showed up at the restaurant with a few of his staff and sat right next to Zach and me. Every time Zach and I would start talking, Cameron would interrupt to talk to me. After we left the restaurant, we decided to go see a movie, and Cameron was there again, this time alone, and insisted on sitting with us with me in the middle.

  Zach was stiff the whole time, and when I laid my head on Zach’s shoulder during the movie, Cameron pulled me away and threw his arm around me.

  To say that night was awkward would be an understatement. People around us probably thought we were in some three-way relationship.

  So that sucks. Now, I’m at my computer desk, typing out a romance novel. This is my second one. I have tried submitting my first book, ‘A Biker’s Love Story,’ to a few publishing houses, but it just kept getting sent back. Sucks, it’s heart breaking really, but I’m not letting it stop me.

  I recently discovered Indie Authors. My friend, Kristi, sent me a message on Facebook, telling me all about it. I one-clicked a book by author Glenna Maynard, and I was sold. It was so good. Right then and there, I knew I could do this on my own.

  I plan to release my very first book next Tuesday. Cameron has been supportive, helping me out with everything I need, and Connie acts as my beta reader. I discovered a whole indie community on social media, complete with editors and formatters. It’s so cool.

  As I’m typing up a steamy sex scene between my main characters in book two of my biker story, Cameron walks in with a smirk on his face.

  “What’s up?”

  “Zach canceled, huh?” he says as if he’s pleased.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Um, yes.”

  “Good, get changed. I wanna take you out.” Cameron walks around the desk, resting his chin on my shoulder. What the heck is going on?

  “His lips trail down my stomach, going to the wet space between my legs,” Cameron says in a husky tone. Suddenly, his lips meet my neck, and he bites my earlobe. “Do you write this stuff from firsthand knowledge, Ava? Or do you write it hoping it’s how it works?” he says quietly into my ear.

  I’m too frozen to speak. I know if I open my mouth right now, I will moan. I don’t know what the hell is going on.

  “You better still be a virgin, Ava. You’re my wife, and you told me you were a virgin before we got married. If I haven’t touched you, you should still be one, and if you aren’t, I swear to fuck I’ll kill the bastard who fucking touched you.”

  That snaps me out of my daze. “We’ve been married four years, Cameron. You haven’t been celibate, so why the hell would you think I was?” I snap at him.

  His face looks murderous. Uh oh. “The last year has been your fault!” he snaps back at me.

  I sit straight up and glare at him. “How the hell is anything my fault? You’ve been with Becky,” I tell him in disgust. “I loved you, and you broke my heart! Did you forget that part?”

  “I haven’t touched Becky since we married,” he replies to me.

  I burst out laughing. “Right,” I snort. “Even if you haven’t touched Becky, you have been with others,” I say with an eye roll.

  “Yes, I have, and you know that. But we didn’t have that kind of marriage before, and then I gave you signs I wanted you. Then last year, you start dating that fuckwad, Zach, not even giving me a second glance,” he says, stepping into my space. “I’m sick and tired of not getting what I want. And I want you,” he growls. With that, I’m pulled out of my chair and plastered to his body.

  Chapter 9



  I feel weird. Ever since I came back yesterday from visiting with Kristi, it’s almost as if someone is watching me. I sigh because, honestly, I know what it is. Cameron has found me. He’s done this before. When I’d go out on dates, or just shopping with Alana, I always spotted one of his guys following me. Looking around the yard, I try to find where the set of eyes could be coming from, but I see nothing. This is weird. His guys have never hidden before. And now, the sense of someone watching me is gone. Weird.

  Getting up from my chair on the back deck, I go into the house to refill my cup with Sprite, when there is a knock on the front door. I set the cup down and walk down the steps, opening the door.

  “Mason?” I ask, surprised. “What are you doing here?” I’m grinning now.

  “Hey, babe. How you been?” Last time I saw Mason, he had just lost his wife, Hilary. I didn’t know her too well, since she and her friends were a few years older than me.

  “Good,” I say, smiling.

  “I heard you left your husband. Wanted to come check you, make sure you were okay,” he tells me.

  My smile falls. Great, everyone is now in the know about me leaving Cameron. “Yeah,” I say quietly.

  He frowns. “Did he hurt you?” he asks me.

  I shake my head. “I gave him my love,” is all I say.

  Mason looks confused. “So why would you leave him then?”

  “Because he loves someone else, and they are soon to be married. Well, the minute he finally signs the divorce papers. I wasn’t expecting it to take this long. Not quite sure what the holdup is.”

  Understanding seems to spread across his face. “You should come visit soon. Kristi is home for the week from school. You two could get together and terrorize Vinny again,” he says, chuckling, then gives me a small smile. “And you can meet my new wife.”

  My eyes bug out. “You got remarried?” I knew how much he loved Hilary. I saw it the day they got married, before I snuck out with Kristi and dressed up their car.

  “Yeah, about three months ago,” he tells me quietly.

  I put my hand on his arm. “That’s great, Mason. I’m happy for you,” I tell him. “I should come visit soon. You still live in the same house?”

  He shakes his head. “No, we got a new home a little while ago. Wanted something that was just Moira’s and mine, ya know? I ended up buying your parents’ home.”

  I smile. “That’s so cool. But, um, if you come across the loose floorboard in my old room, uh, that stuff ain’t mine.” By the time I realized my parents were selling, it was too late for me to clear out my hidden space. It’s where I hid everything—old porn movies, a vibrator I once stole from a sex shop, and a few baggies of weed.

  Mason chuckles. “Well, I just wanted to check in. Hope to see you again soon.” He gives me a kiss on the head and walks off.

  I shut the front door and stare at it, confused. That was so weird. I’ve never really been close to those guys, just enough to pull pranks on them, along with everyone else in town, so him showing up is weird.


  My phone rings, waking me up. I didn’t bother going back to Edmonton once I gave Mason and his guys all the information I could on my wife and her parents. It’s been a week, and I’m still waiting.

  “Hello?” I say, answering the phone.

  “Cameron. We found her. Parents moved to a small town just outside of Red Deer, town of Penhold. I went there myself and chatted her up for a few minutes. It’s definitely her,” Mason tells me.

  “Great, let me grab a pen and paper, and I’ll get the address from you.”

  I finish getting ready and check out of the hotel. I don’t plan to come back here because I plan to be home tonight, with my wife.

  I pull onto the street and park in front of the Lyle’s new house. Before I can knock on the door, Mrs. Lyle opens it and gives me a sad smile. “Hi, Cameron.”

  “Loretta. I need to see Ava,” I tell her.

  She shakes her head. “You just missed her by about twenty minutes. She went out to get her hair done, saying she needed a change. You know he
r appointments last a long time,” she tells me with a small smile, opening the door further and letting me in. “Why don’t you go sit in the living room. I’ll bring some drinks, and we can have a chat.”

  “Is, um, Jeff around?” I ask hesitantly. He never seemed to like me much, but he let it go once I proved to him that I really, truly loved his daughter. Now, I’m worried our relationship is ruined. God knows what Ava has said to him about me.

  “No, he went out hunting. Won’t be back until sometime tomorrow morning,” Loretta tells me. I sag in relief, and she notices it. “Mind telling me your side of things?”

  I rub my face and sit back on the couch. “I didn’t know at first. I came home from work, and she was gone. My maid reamed me out. My mom called later and cussed me out, using words I’ve never heard her say before. I found Ava’s note saying she was gone, but I couldn’t figure it out. Then, a few days later, Alana came to my office, throwing a newspaper at me, and I realized why Ava left.” I let out a deep breath and continue. “It’s not what she thinks. Yes, I had a coffee with Becky, but not because we are or have been together. She just needed someone to talk to. That’s it, nothing more.”

  “So her child isn’t yours?” Loretta asks me.

  “Of course not,” I reply, getting angry.

  “Good. Now, you’re not going to like what I’m about to say, but you need to go home.”

  “What? No. I’m not leaving without Ava.”

  “Son, you need to give this some time. Ava is hurt, and right now, she won’t listen to reason. You go on home. I’ll call and update you as she starts to calm down. When that happens, you get your ass back here for her.” I think about this and decide she’s right.

  “Promise you’ll call me for anything?”

  “I promise, Cameron. You’re a good kid. You’ll do the right thing once she’s not so angry.”

  I nod and get up to walk out the door. “Cameron, do you love Ava?” she asks me.

  I turn to her, looking right in her eyes. “Yes, I do. I love Ava with all my heart.”

  She chuckles softly. “That was cheesy, but I believe you. When the time is right, you’ll get her back.”

  I give her a kiss on the cheek and leave. I head back to Edmonton, calling my lawyer on the way home, trying to think of the next play we need to make to have the divorce delayed.

  Chapter 10

  5 years of marriage


  I wake up, my head on Cameron’s chest. Boy has this year been weird. When we had sex the first time, it was because, according to him, I was taking too damn long to get with the program. I got a phone call from Zach about three days later, and Cameron took the phone from me and told him not to contact his wife again.

  I was in shock. I didn’t understand it. All Cameron said was, now that I was finally in his bed, since I was already his wife, he wasn’t letting me be with anyone else. He was also relieved to find out I was still a virgin. He thought for sure I had given it up to Zach.

  The past year has just been amazing. I have hope that maybe, just maybe, Cameron finally feels the same way I do. He takes me out on dates all the time, usually to cheesy chick flick movies I want to see or the odd horror movie that actually looks good.

  When I host his work functions, I don’t order that gross finger food crap that is like over a hundred dollars a plate. No, I do homemade goodness. Connie and I take care of it. If I’m feeling ultra-lazy and don’t want Connie doing all of the work, I order pizza—lots and lots of pizza. I’ve been the talk of the town, known as the hostess who has the best food, and not some uppity snotty thing.

  “Morning,” he says in a deep husky voice, making me startle.

  “Morning,” I greet back.

  “You seemed deep in thought. What were you thinking?”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “How long were you awake?”

  He grins. “Long enough.”

  “Nothing, just daydreaming, I guess,” I say to him.

  “Mhm.” He leans up to me, kissing me softly, and then lays back down. “Mom is coming over this afternoon, says I have to stop keeping you all to myself.”

  I giggle. “Well, that’s true. You have to let me breathe sometimes.”

  His gaze turns hungry. “Oh, I’ll make you breathe, mainly while screaming out my name.”

  I whimper slightly as his hand reaches down and cups me between my legs.

  “God, yes.”

  “Cameron,” I breathe out. “Stop. We have to get up.”

  He tugs my panties to the side, tracing my slit. “We’ll get up later.”

  How can I argue when his fingers are teasing me? He continues to trace my lips, rubbing over my clit while kissing down my neck. “Mmmm,” I moan in response.

  “You like that?” he asks, stopping to pull my shirt off and remove my panties. “Need you naked.” He smiles as he pulls me down on the bed and settles between my legs, placing kisses along my thighs, alternating between the two, teasing me with his tongue.

  My fingers grasp his short hair, tugging as his mouth closes over my sensitive skin, kissing, teasing, and tasting me, while his fingers continue to work me over. His five o’clock shadow scrapes against my skin as he continues to drive me wild.

  “Best breakfast ever,” he compliments.

  “Hush, you.” I smack at his head playfully and shove his boxers down with my feet, ready for him to get naked, too.

  He kicks his plaid off and onto the floor, pushing himself up over me, covering my body with his. A year ago, I would have never thought it would be like this—Cam and me, lying here skin to skin, making love.

  “You’re amazing.” He bites my neck as he slides between my thighs. I arch up, meeting him mid-thrust. He pushes forward, our bodies joining in ecstasy, and it feels so good.

  Connie calls up the stairs, “Yoo-hoo, love birds, breakfast is served.”

  Cameron groans at the interruption, and I laugh. “Better make it quick, lover. Can’t have breakfast getting cold.”

  “It can rot. I’m taking my time.” He shoves my knees down, opening me wider, and pushes deeper inside me.

  “Oh, yes, Cam!” I cry out as he moves inside me, his hips grinding against mine. Perfection.

  Chapter 11



  I can’t keep anything down. At all. There’s only one reason this would happen. As I’m sitting in my bathroom, on the toilet, waiting for the test to give me an answer, I panic. What am I going to do? Will this hurt the divorce proceedings? Do I even have to tell Cameron?

  Well, the last one is a no brainer. Of course I do, because if not, I know my mom; she’ll drive to him herself and tell him. A knock on the bathroom door snaps me out of my panic.

  “Well, what does it say?” Mom asks through the door.

  “One more minute,” I shout back.

  The door creaks open. “You know, you don’t have to wait. Usually, if you’re pregnant, it shows up pretty fast. Trust me. I took a test with you, and the second the pee flooded the little window, the positive showed.” She snatches the stick up and looks. “I was right.” She hands it to me, and I stare at it.


  I start sobbing. “What am I going to do?”

  Mom takes the stick from my hand and puts it back on the counter, then pulls me to her, hugging me tightly. “It will be okay, baby. I promise you,” she says, rubbing my back. “He’s still calling. I think you two need to chat.”

  Only reason he’s probably calling me is to verify I want nothing. He has no other reason to call. I know he’d probably just show up to talk to me, but since my parents moved, he doesn’t know the new address. For now, I’m fine with that. I should just get it over with and talk to him. We were friends once, before we messed it up by blurring the lines.

  “I’ll talk to him soon,” I tell Mom, pulling away from her.

  I go up to my room and sit on the bed. I play with the cellphone in my hand, debating on if I should call him or
at least text him, but decide against it.

  I lie on my bed and fall asleep.


  I’m in the middle of a meeting when Lana comes into the boardroom and quietly gives me a note. I look it over and stand up. “Sorry, gentlemen, I have to be somewhere. We will continue this another time.” I quickly leave the room and go to my office.

  Two weeks ago, after I left the Lyle’s new home, I felt defeated. Loretta told me I just needed to give her some time and space, but she was sure Ava would come back to me. So far, she hasn’t.

  I dial the number, and Loretta answers. “About time.”

  “What’s going on? My assistant told me I needed to call you urgently.”

  “You need to get your head out of your ass and woo her, and woo her now. We can’t wait any longer!” Loretta demands.

  “What’s going on?!” I demand.

  “She’s pregnant,” Loretta whispers. “She told me she’d tell you, but I know my daughter. She lied to me.”

  I grip the phone in my hand, shock going through me. Ava is pregnant. She’s pregnant with my child, and she wasn’t going to tell me. I know now, I’m never letting her go, and once I let the lawyers know about the pregnancy, the divorce hearing will be put off for a long ass time. By the time it is brought back up, this whole idea of divorce will be long gone because Ava isn’t leaving me.

  “I’ll be down within the week. Don’t let her know,” I inform her and hang up the phone after she tells me I can stay in her guest room.

  I press the intercom button on my phone and have Lana cancel all of my appointments for the next nine months, or hand them all over to Gregor, my second in command. Of course, that was met with a gasp and then outrage over my unplanned vacation.

  But I’m not leaving Ava’s side, not once while she’s pregnant, and not once until I can convince her she’s it for me.

  Chapter 12

  5 ½ years of marriage



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