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The Cracksman's Kiss

Page 10

by Killarney Sheffield

  Kassie started to giggle but before she knew what was happening the laughter turned to sobs.

  He frowned examining the undergarment. “I do not think it looks that bad.” She cried even harder as he crossed to the settee and knelt down in front of her. “I tried to find a wet nurse, but none would leave England.”

  Kassie shook her head. “It is not that.”

  “Then what is the cause of your distress?” Concern softened his gaze.

  She took a shaky breath. “You have been so kind to me when you do not have to be. And I am such a mess…”

  Cohen smiled and brushed a stray tendril of hair from her face with gentle fingers. “You are not a mess. You have just had a baby and been through a horrible experience, your tears are to be expected. Besides, it is my fault we are in this mess, and I can do no less than my best for my son.”

  She sniffed and wiped her eyes with the handkerchief he handed her.

  He took the baby from her when he was done nursing and put him to his shoulder to burp.

  “Go and have your bath before the water gets cold, I will see to Lucca.” He stood and picked up the packages from the table. He carried them and the baby to the bedchamber, closing the door behind.

  Kassie slipped off her dress and undergarments. She tested the water in the tub. It was still warm. With a grateful sigh she stepped in and sank in the waist deep water. Leaning back she rested her head and closed her eyes. The warm water soothed her muscles, cramped from sitting in the close confines of the coach. Kassie realized with a start she had not asked what Cohen was going to do about the earl. Does he have a plan? Will his family accept me, knowing I am a fallen woman? Perhaps the comté possesses the power to take Lucca away from me once we are on French soil. What will I do then? I do not even speak French. Have I made a huge mistake in trusting him? He did not mention anything about protecting me, only that he would do anything for his son. Is he only keeping me around to nourish the baby until he can find a wet nurse?

  “I brought you a towel.”

  Kassie sat up with a start and covered her breasts. Cohen stood beside the tub barefoot, holding out a towel. She had been so absorbed in her own thoughts she had not heard him enter the room and cross the carpet.

  He raised an eyebrow when she didn’t move. “I would not mind bathing before the water is ice cold.”

  She snatched the towel from him. “You could give me some privacy.”

  He shrugged and stripped off his shirt. “I do not see why, since I have already seen what you have to offer.”

  Kassie scrambled from the tub as he tossed the shirt to the floor and began to peel off his black breeches. His laughter rang in her ears as she bolted for the bedchamber before he became totally naked.

  She checked on the baby. He was sleeping in the middle of the big bed, his tiny lips curled up into a cupid’s bow. Careful not to wake him she stroked his soft cheek against which his long dark eyelashes rested. My son. He is so beautiful. Satisfied he would sleep for a while longer she changed into the new clothing. She decided to leave off her corset so she would not have to ask Cohen to lace it up for her and sat at the dressing table to brush her hair. She could not help but listen to the sounds as he splashed in the tub. The idea he was so comfortable shedding his clothes in front of her made her blush. What would his body look like? The earl always wore a nightshirt to bed so she did not even have him to physically compare the comté to. She tried to remember the feel of the man who made love to her in the dark, but failed. Her body had been too alive to make note of anything but what his touch did to her. Silence in the outer room told her the man was finished bathing. In order to occupy her fingers and restless mind she began to braid her hair.

  Cohen padded into the room, naked except for a towel wrapped around his waist. She peeked out of the corner of her eye as he crossed the room and opened the wardrobe. Smooth muscles rippled under his taunt sun bronzed flesh, with little or no hair to mar the beauty of him. He has the body of a god. He pulled out clean trousers, shirt, and a waistcoat. Before he had a chance to drop the towel from his waist, Kassie headed for the parlor.

  There was a tap on the door, and Cohen called out from the bedchamber, “Entrée.”

  The sailor she saw Cohen talking to earlier entered with a tray. He nodded and smiled at her, and then crossed to the table. He took the lid off the tray and set out a meal of sausage pastries, steaming soup, sliced beef, and baby potatoes. With another nod and smile he produced a bottle of wine from his sleeve which he set on the table before leaving.

  Cohen strolled into the room dressed in clean black trousers, a white shirt open at the throat, and soft brown slippers. He rubbed his hair with a towel as he crossed to the table. “Ah, I see dinner has arrived. I am famished.” With an easy grin he ran a hand through his tousled hair and flipped the towel over the back of the nearest chair.

  Kassie held back the wistful sigh threatening to escape her lips. He is so handsome and at ease.

  He filled a plate with a little of each food and handed it to her. After loading up his own plate he took it, and the bottle of wine, to one of the chairs by the coal brazier. Kassie sat opposite him as he poured two glasses of wine, passing one to her. He lifted his in salute. “Here is to a most lucrative burglary.”

  Kassie raised an eyebrow. “Burglary?”

  He took a sip from his glass and then grinned at her over the rim. “Yes. In addition to stealing away you and my son, I also acquired the earl’s one of a kind Egyptian tablet.”

  “Oh.” Kassie set her wine glass on the table beside her chair and concentrated on her meal. He is too pleased with himself. Arrogant is the word for it….

  * * * *

  Kassie’s head drooped to her chest. With a jolt, she sat up straighter and then blinked at the clock. It was past ten.

  “Why do you not go to bed?” Cohen asked.

  Kassie shook her head and nudged the basket containing the sleeping baby with the toe of her slipper to set it rocking.

  Cohen sighed and set his book down. “Go to bed.”

  “Where will you sleep?”

  He stood. “I will sleep in my bed as usual.”

  Kassie crossed her arms and glared up at him. “I am not tired.”

  His eyes snapped with irritation. “For God’s sake Kassandra, you are falling asleep in your chair!”

  “It is not proper to share a bed.”

  “It is not like we have not shared a bed before.”

  Kassie’s face burned with embarrassment. “That was different. I did not know it was you in my bed, nor did I invite you in.”

  Cohen gave a snort of disbelief. “Like hell you did not, Kassie. Admit it, you knew I was not your soft pathetic husband the moment I touched you.”

  She shook her head in attempt to deny his claim but refused to meet his eyes, lest he see the truth.

  “Liar, your response to my touch was clear. You may lie with your lips, Kassie, but your sweet body will not deny the truth we both know.”

  “Must you torment me by throwing my disgraceful lack of morals in my face? Go away, and leave me be!” She turned her heat swamped face away and stared into the fire’s flames.

  “Come to bed.”

  “Not unless you find another bed to occupy for the night.”

  Anger sharpened his voice. “There is no other bed. Would you have me oust my captain from his bed instead?” He softened his tone. “Kassie, the bed is large enough for a dozen to fit. I promise I will be on my best behavior and stay on my side.”

  Kassie glared at him. “Do you expect me to take the word of a thief?” She was sorry she uttered the comment when hurt flashed across his face only to be replaced by stiff anger.

  “Suit yourself.” He turned and stalked through the open bedroom door. It closed behind him with a resounding bang.

  She sighed and got up. He was so kind to her and in return she hit him with an unfair blow. Would he accept her apology if she were to offer it? She crossed to th
e bedroom door and rested her hand on the cool knob. “Cohen?” she called. When she received no answer she started to turn away, jumping when the door was flung open.

  Cohen, shirtless, stood in the doorway, his eyes smoldering with anger. “What?”

  Her courage fleeing, she swallowed. “I just wanted….” She stilled as the baby started to fuss in his basket.

  “Well?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “I just wanted a blanket,” she finished. Retreating, she hurried to pick up the baby.

  Sitting in the chair closest to the brazier she unlaced her blouse and put Lucca to her breast, listening to Cohen’s footsteps as he crossed the room. Keeping her eyes on the baby she pretended not to hear his approach. He draped the blanket over her chair and dropped a pillow on the floor beside her. Without a word he stalked away, entered the bedchamber, and closed the door.

  It appeared he would be angry with her for a while. Perhaps it was better this way. If he remained angry it was unlikely he would make any advances toward her. On the other hand, he might take his anger out on her by taking her son away when they reached France. Kassie stroked the baby’s soft cheek. I will not let him or anyone take you from me as long as I breathe.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kassie shifted on the settee, the seagulls squawking outside disturbing her rest. Stretching, she opened her eyes, blinking at the sunlight filtering in through the window. Lucca would need feeding soon. She glanced down at the basket. It was empty. Scrambling to her feet she hurried to the open bedchamber door and looked around the room. The bed was rumpled but unoccupied.

  Panic rose in her, wild and consuming. Where are Cohen and Lucca? Had Cohen taken the baby and snuck away? Terror engulfed her. How could I be so blind and trusting? He waited until I was a sleep then stole Lucca out from under my very nose! She ran to the closet, stripped off her nightdress and pulled out a clean set of clothes. Yanking them on, she hurried to the door and flung it open. She darted into the empty corridor, fastening the laces on her blouse at the same time. In a blind panic she ran down the passageway, up the stairs, and onto the deck. A sailor gave her a smile as she crossed to the steerage area.

  She turned on the man. “Where is Comté Ashton?”

  The man smiled and shook his head.

  “The comté!” Kassie screeched, her fear threatening to undo the careful stitching of her mind.

  “Kassie? What is the matter?”

  She spun around at the sound of Cohen’s voice. “How dare you!”

  Cohen patted Lucca’s back as he held the baby against his shoulder. His brows arched. “How dare I what?”

  “You cannot take Lucca! I will not let you take him from me!” Kassie flung herself at him, ready to rip him to shreds in order to retrieve her son.

  He held up a hand. “What are you talking about? I simply took the child out with me so you could get some extra sleep.”

  Kassie’s anger deflated as she stood there on the deck amid the crew’s curious stares. “You took him for a walk?”

  He nodded.

  She sobbed, gulping for air as relief washed over her.

  Cohen wrapped his free arm around her shoulders. “Kassie, did you think I took Lucca from you?”

  Kassie nodded through her tears. Of course, she had; but she was wrong about Cohen, again.

  He gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze. “Cass, I would never try to take our son from you. I am not a monster like Everton.” He looked over his shoulder at the sailor who stood mouth agape watching them. “Come on, we better go back down to my cabin. You must be freezing without any shoes or cloak.”

  She looked wordlessly down at her bare feet which were already turning red with cold.

  Cohen steered her to the corridor and down the passageway. Once inside, he set Lucca down in his basket and drew Kassie into his arms. She leaned into the warmth of his chest and breathed in his spicy scent, needing his comfort.

  “I am sorry. I did not mean to frighten you.” He lifted her chin to look her in the eye, his gaze searching hers. The hurt in his expression disarmed her. “Please believe me when I say I would never seek to take Lucca from you. I may be a thief, but I am not heartless.”

  Kassie nodded, his earnest gaze convincing her of his sincerity. “I am sorry.”

  The baby began to fuss. “Sit down and feed our son while I go find us something to eat.” He released her and propelled her into the chair nearest the warm brazier. Before leaving, he placed the baby in her arms and covered them with the blanket.

  Wiping her eyes on her sleeve she set Lucca to her breast. She was wrong for misjudging Cohen. It was clear she hurt his feelings when she called him a thief, and her accusation he would steal Lucca from her only rubbed salt in the wound. The reality of the situation was she had to trust this man she hardly knew with her life and her son’s. His son’s.

  Cohen entered the room with a large covered tray. He balanced it on one arm as he shut the door, giving her a roguish grin. “I raided the galley, my lady.”

  She could not help but smile back at him as he crossed the room and set the tray on the table. “Do you not have a cook?”

  He took the lid off the tray and poured a cup of steaming brown liquid. “I do, however he is staying somewhere in town. I do not require most of the crew to stay aboard during the winter months. You will become bored with my simple fare before long, so I hope for both of our sakes you can cook.”

  When she nodded he smiled, crossing the room to hand her the cup. Kassie took a sip of the hot coffee and sputtered. It was bitter, burnt, and horrible.

  He gave her a remorseful look. “Is it that bad?”

  She giggled and nodded.

  He shrugged. “See? I told you I was not much of a cook.”

  “I prefer chocolate in the morning anyway,” Kassie reassured him.

  Taking a drink from his own cup he made a face. “It is pretty bad.” He chuckled, setting the cup down. “Well, I suppose after my meager breakfast offering is choked down I shall take you on a tour of the galley. You can decide for yourself what supplies are needed and I will have them purchased right away so we do not starve before the ice flows melt.”

  Kassie smiled and looked down at the plate of blackened toast he offered her. “Perhaps we should tour the galley now.” She laughed at his sheepish expression.

  “Perhaps you are right.” With a flick of his wrist he flipped the toast into the brazier and set the plate back on the table.

  When Kassie finished feeding Lucca, Cohen took the baby and burped him. Then he offered her his free arm. “Come on, the galley is this way.”

  They walked down the corridor in the opposite direction from the exit. At the end of the passageway he led her down a short flight of stairs and into an enormous kitchen.

  “Oh my!” Kassie giggled. “I had no idea a ship’s galley was so big!”

  Cohen shot her an amused look. “It takes a crew of twenty-five to sail this ship so it has to be big in order to prepare three full meals each day and seat everyone.”

  Kassie glanced at him and frowned.


  “Nothing, really, I was just wondering why you took a ship to Bath instead of a coach, when sailing makes you seasick.”

  Cohen grinned at her with a twinkle in his eye. “I booked passage on the ship to see you again, of course.”

  She looked away, both embarrassed and pleased at his candid admission.

  “From the moment I saw you I was smitten.”

  The baby fussed, and Kassie returned her gaze to him.

  He lowered the baby from his shoulder, cradling him in his arms. “Yes, I did,” he crooned. “Your mother was so beautiful in that pretty pink dress I could not resist kissing her.” He smiled when the baby cooed and sucked his fist.

  Kassie blushed, remembering his kisses in the dark room. A small shiver of excitement slid down her spine. He noticed her dress and felt desire for her when her husband did not. He was young, handsome, funny, and pati
ent, where the earl was old, crippled, sour, and uninterested. Why could I not have married the man who makes my heart beat with exhilaration, rather than the one who makes it slow with defeat and repudiation?


  She blinked, refocusing her gaze. Cohen regarded her with knowing green orbs, the same ones gracing the face of their son. Forcing the thoughts from her mind she blinked again. “Yes?”

  He tipped his chin toward the far wall. “The supplies are kept in the cupboards over there.”

  “Yes, of course.” Kassie ducked her head and hurried to inspect the cupboards.

  Twenty minutes later she sent Cohen on his way, armed with a list of obtainable items. She took Lucca back to the master cabin and settled into a chair by the brazier where she gazed at the sleeping baby, trying to put her feelings and emotions to rights. Perhaps my loneliness makes me gravitate to the comté. Maybe I am suffering from some kind of post pregnancy melancholy. Am I only attracted to him because I failed to gain my husband’s approval? He is so gentle and commanding with me and Lucca… She gasped. Could I be falling in love with him?

  The baby’s lips pursed for a second, the corner of his cupid bows twitching. What did the future hold for her and Lucca?

  Loud male voices carried from the upper deck. Kassie set Lucca in his basket and moved to the door. She opened it a crack and peered out into the corridor. The guard was gone.

  The voices carried down the passageway.

  A voice with a strange foreign burr to it that she could place rose above the rest. “Where is Ashton?”

  Someone replied in French.

  “Ashton, ye scoundrel, where the devil are ye?”

  Kassie froze. Did the earl’s men find us already? What am I going to do? Will Rennie and his men keep my presence hidden?


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