A Master For Michael

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A Master For Michael Page 7

by Morticia Knight

  “I’m doing very well, Master.” His heart still fluttered every time Javier called him his boy. “Did you sleep soundly?”

  Javier’s eyes danced as the hint of a smile tugged at his mouth. He indicated to his lips by tapping a finger against them, lifting his chin as he did. Michael happily granted him the kiss Javier had silently requested.

  “How could I not when I had the joy of sleeping with you in my arms?”

  Michael’s face flushed and he quickly straightened. He fluttered about the tray, adding the cream to Javier’s coffee just the way he liked it, trying not to spill a drop. “Oh, I uh…I’m glad and I feel the same about you, Master.”

  Javier shoved the covers aside then swung his legs off the mattress. Michael retrieved Javier’s slippers from their location at the end of the bed, right where he’d carefully placed them the night before when it had been time to go to sleep. He cupped the heel of Javier’s foot, then slipped the first slipper on before doing the same with the second.

  Javier stroked Michael’s head. “Get into position while I use the facilities.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  As Javier made his way to their en suite bathroom, Michael placed their side chair in front of the small table that held their breakfast, then knelt next to it with head bowed and hands folded in his lap.

  Javier padded back into the room. “That’s my good boy.” Javier sat then shook out his napkin, laying it across his lap. “Chin up.”

  Michael obeyed and Javier tucked another linen cloth in his shirt collar so that it covered the front of his uniform shirt. Michael would don the jacket once they’d completed their meal. On some days, Javier insisted that Michael remain naked in their bed so they could wake up together before their breakfast, but that was typically when they weren’t required to be on duty until later, or on the rare occasions when they had an entire day off.

  Javier took a bite of the eggs then nodded as he chewed. “Very nicely done, as always.” He used the side of his fork to slice off another bite. “Open up.” Javier held his hand under the piece of egg as he brought it to Michael’s mouth. “There you go.”

  Something about Javier feeding him always made him hard. He couldn’t decide whether it was due to it being an activity they’d only begun once the nature of their relationship had changed, or if it was from the intimacy of the act. Then again, almost everything he shared with Javier made him hard.

  “Are you ready for some juice?” Javier held up the small glass.

  “Yes, Master. Thank you.”

  Javier placed the lip of the glass to his mouth and slowly tipped it. Michael took a small swallow of the sharp, bitter drink. Javier had confessed to him that it wasn’t his favorite either, but they tried to have it at least a few times a week because of its health properties. Javier indicated that he should have some more, so Michael complied. They both finished their juice, then Javier picked up one of the rolls.

  He grinned at Michael. “Now that we have that over with, let’s enjoy these.”

  Javier tore the bread in half and took a moment to add some of Jean’s fresh marmalade to the piece he held. When he’d finished, he took a bite then offered the rest to Michael. Michael groaned at the flavor of the newly baked bread combined with the sweetly tart taste of the jam.

  Javier had slowly pushed his thumb and finger into Michael’s mouth as he fed him, and Michael sucked on the digits as he finished the treat. He licked them clean as Javier withdrew them, his Master’s eyes darkening as he gazed down at him.

  “God, look at you.” Javier’s throaty voice was barely above a whisper. “You’re mine, only mine.”

  Michael nodded. “Forever and ever.”

  Javier arched his eyebrows, his lips quirking in a smile. Michael’s face heated again. He hadn’t meant to burst out with such a strong declaration. It had been somewhat undignified.

  “Does this mean you’re still amenable to the official declaration of our commitment as Master and boy?”

  Tears burned in Michael’s eyes. “Please, Master. I want it more than anything.”

  Javier leaned down and grasped his chin. “I do too, but you’ll be permanently marked. That will never change.”

  “Neither will my love for you, Master.”

  Javier shook his head, still smiling. “Your trust is more beautiful than anything I’ve ever known.” He gave him a quick kiss. “Which says quite a lot given how stunning I think you are.”

  If he didn’t stop blushing, Michael thought he might faint. “May I ask a question?”

  “Of course. You need to speak to me freely whenever we’re not in a scene, I’ve made that clear.”

  Michael lowered his eyes. “You have. It’s just that it’s still so…” He cleared his throat. “I’ll be better, I promise.” He chewed his lip, his hands twisting before he could stop them.

  Javier sighed as he stroked the morning stubble of Michael’s chin. “No matter what, Michael, you’ll never lose my love. Don’t fret whenever you believe you’ve disappointed me. We all can do better at times.” Javier encouraged him to lift his head until their eyes met. “Even me. Remember?”

  “Y-yes, yes Master. Thank you.”

  Javier let go of him then relaxed in his chair. “Now, what is it that you need to ask me?”

  Michael took a deep breath. “Well, you see, today will be Hale’s first day. I was wondering if you were going to be…”

  He swallowed past a lump in his throat, fear threatening to close off his air. It was silly to be so afraid. To be so tied up inside simply because he’d been given the responsibility of teaching someone else to do his job. I know what to do as a greeter. I’ve been told over and over that I’m excellent at the front door. Not only Javier, but Saul had praised him on many occasions. He frowned to himself. Why? Why had his family hated him so much? Treated him the same as a stray dog no one wanted?

  “Boy? What are you wondering?”

  “I… Never mind, Master. It’s fine.” He didn’t want Javier to lose faith in his ability. He’d done enough of that on his own.

  “Look at me. Now.”

  Michael whipped his head up, surprised by Javier’s sharp tone. It only occurred to him at that moment that Javier had been decidedly less strict since the nature of their relationship had changed. Javier had remained commanding, but it had been tempered with a measure of restraint. Something inside him calmed from the harshness in Javier’s voice. All his attention is on me. He hadn’t tried to anger Javier, not at all, but now that he had, he knew that even if he had to endure a difficult task, Javier wouldn’t let him fall.

  “Good.” Javier continued to stare at him as if anchoring them together as one person. “You will tell me right now what it is that’s upsetting you, is that clear?”

  “Yes, Master.” He sucked in another deep breath and his worries tumbled right out of him. “I’m afraid that I don’t have the skills to teach Hale my job, that something will go wrong and it will be my fault because I didn’t explain things well enough, or left out important details or, or…” Panic rose in his chest. “The club gets found out and something horrible happens to you or Saul.” His voice cracked. “And it would be because of a mistake I made. That’s why I think it would be best if you’re with me while I instruct him, or maybe you should do it instead of me. You taught me, so you know better anyway. I’m nothing but a—”

  “Stop right there!” Javier shoved his chair back from the table. “Strip. Now. Then lay yourself across my lap. No dawdling.”

  “Yes, Master, of course, right away.” Michael babbled as he rose on shaky legs, pulling loose the napkin then fumbling with the shirt buttons. Once he’d removed his clothing all the way, he draped his nude body over Javier’s lap the way he’d been ordered to.

  Michael let out a yelp from the unexpected strike on his ass. Javier had given him no warning, hadn’t stroked his naked flesh the way he normally would for morning discipline. As soon as the thought entered his head, he understoo
d that Javier was administering a punishment spanking. The rest of his thoughts remained jumbled as Javier rained one blow after the next on his exposed backside.

  Soon, his mind let go and he fell into the rhythm of the swats and the painful burn that gradually built with each one. His breathing became less frantic and evened out until he started to float somewhere above himself the way he always did when Michael whipped or paddled him.

  “That’s my good boy.”

  The smacks to his ass slowed down and lessened in intensity. Soon, Javier had stopped hitting him and was instead running his palms over Michael’s abused flesh, the ache and sting spreading evenly under his skin. Instead of the emotional, sobbing mess that an extreme beating would often trigger in him, he experienced an odd peace as if Javier had released the valve from a steam engine within him.

  “Boy?” Javier didn’t stop the motion of his hands and his voice remained soft. “How are you feeling?”

  Michael only realized then that he was clinging to Javier’s calves, his fingers curled in the silk of Javier’s pajamas. “Much better, thank you Master.”

  “What are you thanking me for? Do you know?”

  “I think so. I was getting myself wound up by allowing the awful things my family did or said to me to make me think badly of myself. And…and I was losing control, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think.”

  Michael was startled by the press of Javier’s lips and the scrape of his thin moustache against the heated, tender flesh of his ass.

  “That’s correct. You are kind, smart and gifted with the ability to interact socially with others in a way that makes them feel welcome and can also smooth over ruffled feathers without even trying. I didn’t teach you that, it’s simply who you are. Give Hale the basics, then lead by example. You’ll be able to show him how to handle the club members better than I ever could. Now, up you go. I need to hold you.”

  Michael hissed through gritted teeth as he lifted the upper half of his body with Javier’s help, then curled on his lap. Tears formed in his eyes from the pain. It had been a while since Javier had thrashed him so well, and he hadn’t realized how much he’d missed it. The morning discipline was good for average days, but his day ahead would be anything but average.

  Javier’s embrace was a balm to his spirit. The one thing that had changed since they’d become lovers was the touch after Javier would beat or spank him. It always brought him closer to his Master, something he didn’t think possible due to how deeply he felt about Javier anyway.

  Javier pressed a kiss to his temple as he rubbed his back and arm. “I’d like us to shower together this morning, then I’ll rub some arnica cream into your ass. When we meet for midday meal, come to our room so I can reapply some more. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master. I do.” Michael nuzzled Javier’s neck, he couldn’t help it. His Master took such good care of him and his scent alone could bring him to a state of calm.

  Javier chuckled. “I’ll also be tying up your cock and balls before you get back in your uniform. No coming for a couple more days.” Javier angled his head to gaze down at Michael. “You won’t have to worry about me not being there with you when you teach Hale. The ache in your ass and the snug leather ties imprisoning your genitals will remind you that I have you safe in my care.”

  Michael blinked, and the tears he’d been fighting back fell down his cheeks. Javier kissed them away then captured his lips, lazily exploring his mouth until Michael was breathless again. Only this time, it was the love that overflowed from his heart that stole his breath.

  Chapter Eight

  “Well, Javier. It appears as if Michael is doing quite well in his new position. Wouldn’t you agree?” Saul winked at him.

  Javier couldn’t stop the grin that formed as a result of Saul’s words. “Yes, I would.”

  Saul had sent Michael downstairs to request something special from Jean for his lunch just as they’d been about to begin their Monday morning meeting, but Javier suspected it was actually because he’d hoped to have a moment to speak with him alone. Saul appeared relaxed as he leaned back in the burgundy velvet wing chair at the center of his study, crossing one leg over the other.

  “Excellent. So, tell me. Is Hale ready to man the door on his own now?”

  “If you don’t mind, sir, I’d like for Michael to give you that information. I’ve allowed him exclusive domain over Hale’s training, and I believe it would be good for his confidence if he’s the one who reports on Hale’s status.”

  Javier cleared his throat. He didn’t typically question anything Saul asked of him—although Michael had been the cause of more than one incident where he hadn’t deferred to Saul. Which is how it should be. As much as Javier owed Saul for helping him, and regardless of his respect for the kindhearted man, Michael would always come first.

  Saul’s brow was furrowed as he seemed to consider what Javier had said. “Hmm. Yes, that sounds wise. And is it your impression that he’s been thriving since you began to implement the morning tasks and spankings?”

  “Yes, sir. He’s responded very well to them. We’ve also added about thirty minutes of daily exercise into our routine, and a walk in the park on our days off.” The park where we met.

  Saul nodded. “I’m contemplating whether I should add a morning spanking to Kenneth’s daily ritual. I first heard about the practice from Master Aaron, and I understand he shared it with you and how he’d found it helped with Sam’s nerves?”

  “That’s correct, sir. It sounded as though it would be a perfect addition for us. Michael has always responded so well to whippings or floggings. Adding into that the fact that I’m now touching him, it made sense to me that the spanking would help to further settle him.”

  “Mmm.” Saul smiled. “Touch is imperative for Michael, isn’t it?”

  Javier shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He wasn’t sure he’d ever stop being ashamed of how long he’d kept Michael at arm’s length. “Yes, sir. Very much so.”

  Saul laughed. “There, there. It’s over and done with now, isn’t it? If your boy were to make a mistake, and then he apologized, would you not tell him the same? It’s no different for a Master. I’m willing to wager that Michael still believes you hung the moon and stars, so I wouldn’t waste any more time on regrets.”

  Javier allowed his shoulders to relax. “Thank you for that, sir.”

  “Good man.” Saul leaned forward then patted him on the knee before sitting back again. Javier wondered how much of the formal nature of their relationship, prior to being shown the error of his ways by Saul, had been his own fault. Perhaps he’d been so intent on proving to Saul how professional he was, that he had inadvertently closed himself off from letting anyone in—not just Michael.

  No regrets. Listen to Saul. He’d learned so much from him.

  “Well then.” Saul clapped his hands together as he picked up the conversation again. “That brings me to your plans to brand Michael as your permanent boy. With your permission, I’d like to ask him directly if he’s amenable to the proceedings?”

  “Since we are carrying out the branding in your club, then I feel that’s quite appropriate. Would we still be able to have this Sunday and Monday off? We’re both anxious to share this bond together soon.”

  Saul’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled. “Understandable. That’s actually the reason I want to hear about how Hale’s doing. I’ll be on duty with Theodore as manager Sunday, then Aaron and Ned will take over for us on Monday. That way, both you and Michael’s presence won’t be required at all.” Saul inclined his head. “Had you thought about spending the night away, perhaps?”

  “We did, sir. But I would like to make sure we’re nearby in case there is any sign of an infection and Michael needs the club doctor.”

  Saul nodded sagely. “Yes. Well thought out. Not something you could take care of at a hospital. Then, perhaps for an anniversary instead?”

  Javier smiled to himself. Someday, he would take Micha
el somewhere exciting, such as a cruise across the ocean or somewhere with magnificent scenery. “Yes, sir.”

  The door to the study opened, and Michael entered, his posture excellent and his carriage superb. He made his way to the love seat where he sat next to Javier.

  “I spoke with Jean at length, Master Saul, and he insists that he can’t recall any time when you’ve had liverwurst for lunch before. He wasn’t sure what you meant by making sure the dish had ‘all the proper traditional accompaniments’, or else you wouldn’t be interested.”

  Javier pressed his lips together to keep from laughing while Saul let out an exaggerated sigh. “Oh, dear. I suppose I’ll just have to make do without it.”

  “Don’t worry, sir. It was one of my uncle’s favorite lunches. I explained to Jean that all it required was some slices of rye, red onion and brown mustard. But I needed to ask you one thing—do you prefer gherkins or dill pickle slices? My uncle would only eat the gherkins.”

  Saul pinched the bridge of his nose and Javier had to work extra hard to hold in a snort. Saul rolled his eyes up to the ceiling then fixed his gaze on Michael with an amiable expression. “That was very thorough of you, Michael. I believe we can hold off on my pickle preferences until after our meeting, but thank you for your efforts.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad I was able to help out.”

  Javier glanced from Michael to Saul, who narrowed his eyes at him. Saul then leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees with his hands clasped in front of him in what Javier had come to regard as his serious pose.

  “Before we begin our regular meeting, I need to speak directly to you, Michael, about a couple of things.”

  Javier noted the way Michael tensed. Someday he won’t automatically assume he’s done something wrong.

  “Y-yes, sir.”

  Michael’s eyes had rounded and he appeared terrified. Javier couldn’t stand it, so he rubbed his back in a soothing gesture. Saul gave him a reassuring smile.

  “There now, don’t fret Michael. Everything’s fine. But I’d like to hear your opinions on how our new door greeter is handling his duties. I understand you’ve been placed in charge of his training?”


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