A Master For Michael

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A Master For Michael Page 8

by Morticia Knight

  Michael let out a long sigh. “Oh, yes. Yes, I have been. Hale is doing very well, sir. He knows all the protocol, and has learned the names of a few regulars, greeting them before ever seeing their membership cards.”

  “But he checks the cards anyway?”

  “He does. As a matter of fact, he already handled an ex-member who was banned after the last orgy. He remained calm and in control, and was able to notify me that Bruce and George were needed to extricate the man before things deteriorated any further.”

  “Excellent! Glad to hear it.” Saul’s features took on a more serious mien again. “My next question is of a more personal nature. I’ve cleared it with your Master, so you may answer me.”

  Michael immediately regarded Javier as if to verify and he thought he’d shout with joy. Michael’s natural instinct had been to turn to him, not to accept at face value what the man who was Javier’s boss had said to him. Javier gave him a small nod then Michael turned back to Saul.

  “All right, sir. What would you like to know?”

  “I’ve been able to arrange for you and your Master to take this Sunday and Monday off for your branding ceremony. I want to verify that you have agreed to this of your own free will, and haven’t been coerced or unduly convinced in any way.”

  Michael let out a small gasp. “Oh, no sir. I haven’t been pressured at all! I love Javier, I want to belong to him forever. It’s an honor that he would want to brand me with his initials.”

  Saul straightened in his chair, grinning. “Wonderful! That’s all I needed to hear. Shall we carry on with the rest of the meeting then?”

  As they went over the events for the week, and other issues relating to the way the club was run, Javier kept his hand at the small of Michael’s back. He was so proud of him that he could barely concentrate on their discussion.

  And by this time next week, I will have marked him as mine.

  * * * *

  Michael paced in the bedroom he shared with Javier. All he wore was a pair of trousers, not even suspenders, boxers or shoes. His chest was bare, and Javier had already shaved off the light dusting of hair after they’d showered earlier. It was mid-afternoon, and the branding ceremony would begin soon. It had been set to take place mid-afternoon to give them plenty of time to finish it, have the wound tended to then retire to their room before the club officially opened at six o’clock. Since Saul and Theodore were on duty that night—acting in place of Javier and Michael—they would witness the moment along with their boys, Kenneth and Francesco.

  Michael would get nervous and uncomfortable if he was the focus of attention when in a small group—such as when he’d been propositioned by the three men at the door—but he was glad to have witnesses, people who he knew cared about him and Javier, to be there with them for their special day. While Kenneth had a gold chain necklace with a lock that Saul had given him, Theodore’s boy, Francesco, had been branded. Michael enjoyed the antics of the young, feisty boy who only Theodore could handle. Even though Francesco seemed carefree and happy all the time, Michael sensed a subtle melancholy to him that he could empathize with. He’d heard talk of how difficult Francesco’s early life had been.

  The doorknob clicked and Michael started. I need to calm down. Javier entered the room, then opened his arms. Michael stepped into his embrace and they held each other in silence, Michael resting his head on Javier’s shoulder. With their hard chests pressed together, Michael could feel the thumping of Javier’s heart. It echoed his own.

  “Are you ready?” Javier pulled back enough to gaze into his eyes.

  “More than you’ll ever know, Master.”

  Javier chuckled and it was only then that Michael realized how much stress the upcoming branding might have placed him under. While Michael had been pacing, Javier had been getting final instructions from Saul and practicing with the actual iron that had been specially handcrafted for them.

  “Then let’s go, my sweet boy.”

  Javier placed a light kiss on his lips then laced their fingers together. It hadn’t been until recently that other staff members had caught on that they were Master and boy. Once the branding was completed, it would be common knowledge, and that alone made Michael want to cheer.

  They took the stairs to the ballroom on the second floor. The space was much larger than they needed, but the spotlights that had been installed for the staged demonstrations made it easier to see clearly. Michael’s breathing picked up in pace as they entered. Everyone was there already, Francesco waving excitedly at him from where he was perched on Theodore’s lap. But what drew his eye was a large iron cauldron that had been set up on tiles that Michael recognized from the garden. The handle of the branding iron peeked out from the top of the container, and the fact that it had been used already was evidenced by a thick piece of wood leaning against the far wall with multiple black stamps of Javier’s initials embedded in it.

  Michael swallowed hard.

  Javier led him to a thick, squared wooden post that was a permanent fixture on the low stage. It went from floor to ceiling at the far left, and was utilized primarily for whippings. For Michael, it would be where Javier would bind him so that he couldn’t move during the branding. Words were being spoken to him but all he could do was stare at the iron basin, then the ropes that would restrain him then the post he would be tied to.

  “Boy? Are you listening?”

  Michael jerked his head in Javier’s direction. “Yes, Master?”

  “It’s time. I need to bind you to the post.”

  Michael nodded shakily and allowed himself to be led onto the stage then to the pillar that would support and keep him still. He positioned himself with his back to the wooden column. Javier gathered up the rope, then approached him. He leaned in to whisper against his ear.

  “You can still stop this. Can ask for mercy. My love will remain as strong for you either way.”

  Michael couldn’t take in air, so instead, he frantically shook his head. He finally managed to croak out, “No. I want it. Please.”

  “Then clasp your hands together behind the post.”

  Michael obeyed Javier, his body trembling from the adrenaline rushing through him. Javier tied his wrists together, then proceeded to wrap the end around his torso, leaving a large gap between his shoulders and the middle of his ribcage. He then continued downward to his ankles until he’d secured him, preventing Michael from moving at all.

  Javier cupped his cheek, then gently took his mouth, tasting him, pouring his love into the kiss. Javier touched his forehead to Michael’s. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Master.”

  Javier gave him a soft smile then turned from him before making his way to the cauldron. As Javier tugged on a pair of leather gloves, his only clothing a white dress shirt with an open collar, as well as a pair of black trousers, he regarded their small audience.

  “Thank you for being here this afternoon, and for standing in for us at the club so that we could enjoy some time together as an official pair.” Javier regarded Saul. “And I carry special thanks in my heart for you, Saul. For taking a chance on an immigrant whose family had turned from him and who was barely able to survive. Your belief in me offered me the chance to make for myself a worthy life, and placed me in the position where I could meet my boy.” Javier angled toward Michael and locked his gaze on him. “My precious, Michael.”

  As Michael blinked, tears fell, but they were ones of joy. They had both been rescued from circumstances that could’ve doomed them to an existence filled with endless struggle, loneliness and sorrow.

  Javier grasped the looped handle of the iron, pressed down hard as if giving it extra heat, then lifted it out in one smooth move. Michael refused to close his eyes as Javier drew closer. Javier locked gazes with him.

  “My love, forever.”

  Michael shrieked, unable to keep from screwing his eyes shut at the searing pain in the flesh over his heart. A sickly smell and a quick hiss assailed his senses and
he wondered why Javier still held the brand so harshly to his chest. He inhaled a huge gulp of air, glancing down at the angry wound, startled to discover that Javier had already replaced the iron back in the cauldron. The phantom press of the implement still remained in his nerves, along with an unbelievable burning pain he hadn’t thought could possibly exist.

  He raised his eyes, no longer able to look at his raw skin. Dizziness danced at the edges of his brain, and he was grateful for the bindings holding him up. He let out a long, loud groan as Javier placed a thin cloth filled with ice to his burn. It soothed him so quickly, the next sound he made was a sigh.

  “Michael? Stay with me, boy. How are you doing?”

  “Did…did it come out good? Your initials are clear?”

  “Shh, it’s fine. I’m so proud of you, so strong and brave. But I need you to drink this headache powder that Saul has for you.”

  Michael blinked in confusion. Saul? Of course, Saul. He’d been there for the celebration. A glass was pressed to his lips and he swallowed the bitter liquid until it was all gone. The ice was taken away and the deep, aching pain built back up immediately. He didn’t want to cry, and he’d handled a lot of pain before, but this was so different from what he’d experienced.

  You’re Javier’s. You belong to him now.

  He took deep breaths in and out, reminding himself why he’d agreed to the agony he was enduring. He twitched in his bindings at the touch of something on his wound. Javier spoke to him with soothing words, in a soft tone as he continued to dab and lightly rub some sort of clear goo on his injured flesh.

  “I’ll continue adding more every hour for the rest of the day and throughout the night.”

  “But you won’t get any sleep, Master. I’ll be all right.”

  “Don’t argue. I can’t spank you right now, so it’s not fair play.”

  Michael barked out a laugh, then immediately regretted it. He hissed through his teeth again. Javier tsked him and added more of the sticky substance that had already begun to calm the angry wound. Amazing.

  “What is that you’re using, Master? It feels much better.”

  “Thank God.” Javier let out a long sigh and as Michael’s awareness returned, he realized how tense Javier had been. “Aloe Vera. I have a lot of it growing in the backyard. My mother used it quite a bit on all of us when I was growing up.”

  Michael didn’t know all the details of Javier’s upbringing, only that he’d been rejected by his large family and that they’d all endured great poverty. It explained why Javier had become so angry when Michael would put himself down by not claiming he was good enough for Javier. But they had found family in each other, and that was all that mattered anymore.

  “I’m going to undo the ties now, then you’re going to let me carry you upstairs.”

  Michael’s eyes widened and he had to press his lips together to keep from protesting. Javier kept his frame close to Michael’s as he undid the bindings, supporting him while he loosened the rope from around his body and limbs.

  “Now put your right arm around my shoulders and I’ll lift you. Hang on.”


  “Nuh-uh. No arguing.”

  I’ll find a way to do something extra special for him. As Javier held him in his arms, cradling him close while still being mindful of his injury, Michael couldn’t deny how nice it was to be carried after all. He could’ve made it up the stairs, but he was quite worn out from the branding. He’s taking care of me, the way he promised he always would.

  After they reached their bedroom and went inside, Javier laid him down on the bed that Michael had been instructed to leave unmade in anticipation of their return. He hadn’t been able to keep from straightening up the sheets and blankets a bit, however. It somehow didn’t seem right to return from such an important moment between them to a messy room.

  As Javier let go of him to rise, Michael panicked and he grabbed hold of Javier’s arms. “Don’t leave!”

  “What?” Javier smiled down at him as he gently extricated himself, encouraging Michael to lay his hands at his side. “I wouldn’t dream of it. I’m pouring you a glass of iced water from the pitcher that was brought up, then I’ll be undressing us both so that we can lie naked together.”

  Oh. “I’m sorry I’m being so needy. I didn’t mean to imply that you don’t know what you’re doing, or anything such as that.”

  Javier sat on the edge of the mattress, placing a hand behind Michael’s head as he encouraged him to drink. “I never thought that for a second.” He set the empty receptacle down on the bedside table as he rested Michael’s head back on the pillow. “You have the kindest heart of anyone I’ve ever met, and I cherish you, Michael.” Javier held his gaze. “I’ll always be here for you.”

  Michael grasped Javier’s hand. “I’ll be here for you too, Master.”

  They stared into each other’s eyes for several moments, the luxury of having the next two days to do nothing more than that if they chose, being such a wonderful gift from Saul.

  Eventually, Javier did what he’d promised and removed their clothing before climbing into bed, taking care to lie on Michael’s right side. They snuggled together, adding affectionate touches and caresses that weren’t meant to arouse as they talked into the evening. They shared more of themselves than they ever had, and as Javier fed him in bed using only his fingers, the reality of Michael’s new life slammed into him.

  This man. This moment. This is where I’m meant to be. And wherever the future took him, as long as Javier was by his side that would be all he would ever need.

  Coming Soon from Pride Publishing:

  Hampton Road Club: Finding Sanctuary

  Morticia Knight

  Released 12th September 2017



  Theodore glanced around the large property nestled in the foothills of Altadena that Saul and Kenneth had been building on for many months. The day was comfortably warm with a light breeze that would occasionally blow strong enough to lift his carefully styled hair or make the leaves of the many eucalyptus trees dance wildly. The pungent smell of the tall, willowy trees would be more evident as the worst of the summer heat arrived. Fortunately, Saul had planned their gathering in May when nature would provide them with a more pleasant outdoor atmosphere.

  Their closest friends from Hampton Road had been invited to a luncheon to celebrate the completion of the Craftsman-style main residence that Master Saul and his boy Kenneth would occupy. A large guesthouse with multiple sleeping areas and the workshop that Kenneth would be using for antique furniture restoration had already been built much earlier. His friend had insisted that those two structures be given priority. But now that their private residence was ready, they had moved in and handed over the keys of their Hancock home to Colin and Roddy, who had purchased it many months before.

  Theo sighed, but it was from the contentment of bearing witness to how everything had turned out so well for the Hampton Road Club owner and his boy. After all that Saul and Kenneth had endured together, it was good to see them living out their dreams—coupled with Saul’s goal of providing safe housing for young, submissive men who had nowhere else to stay.

  Theo bowed his head, a tug in his heart erasing the joyful thoughts of only seconds before. He wondered how many young men had been lost to the streets or other horrors because they hadn’t belonged anywhere.

  “There you are, old sport!”

  Saul approached him with two tall glasses of tea in his hands, the only garnish in them being a sprig of mint leaf. Lemons were avoided in their household, as they were an upsetting reminder of when Saul had almost lost his beloved Kenneth. Kenneth had developed a strong aversion to them after the incident that had nearly cost him his life. Saul offered one of the drinks to Theo, which he accepted.

  “Thank you.” Theo raised his glass at the same time as Saul, then they each paused to take a sip. The cool liquid went down nicely, and his melancholy lifted.
br />   “Well?” Saul made a sweeping gesture with one hand. “What is your final verdict?”

  Theo chuckled. Saul had been trying to get everyone together from the club who was well acquainted in one place at the same time for the past few weeks, but Theo’s work schedule had interfered. Several studio contracts had needed to be amended or reviewed, and his legal practice was overflowing with more business as of late. The talkies had arrived, and many moving picture stars were on the verge of becoming unemployable due to a decided lack of vocal prowess.

  Theo offered Saul a sincere smile. “I applaud you both. I know this has been a labor of love, and it shows.”

  Saul deserved to have a wonderful home with his lover, surrounded by hills and tucked away so that they could enjoy plenty of privacy. And he had been touched by Saul’s insistence that good, clean housing be provided for the young men at the club who had nowhere else to go. Like so many other changes Saul had made within their private sadomasochistic community, he’d helped make Hampton Road and what went on between the Dominants and submissives safe and modern. As the twenties progressed and jazz babies had taken the spotlight in America, Theo had been hopeful that it would eventually lead to an open acceptance of homosexuals. But nineteen-twenty-six was almost half over and he was still waiting.

  Saul considered him as he took another swallow of his tea. Theo cocked his head. “Is something on your mind?”

  Saul glanced to where several of the submissives lolled on the grass in the shade, spread out on the blankets and enjoying the day. Theo noted that his boy, Francesco, was in the process of taunting Aaron’s submissive, Sam, by throwing sprigs of mint at him when he wasn’t looking, then pretending he had no idea what Sam was crabbing about when he yelled at Francesco to stop. Colin, Evan and Linus laughed loudly at the show, while Kenneth seemed more concerned with checking that the food was covered so that the flies couldn’t get at it.


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